Have you ever been rude to a fast food worker? This current experience highlights a cultural failing....

I have found myself losing patience with window workers at McD's and other similar places. Sometimes over language barriers, sometimes over wrong orders or missing items.....but I usually restrain myself. What kind of person takes fast food so seriously that they would actually threaten a minimum wage paid foodservice worker? Can we stereotype this behavior?

What does it say about us as a culture?

Why on earth would you go to McDonald's?
I have excellent impulse control. I don't always say what I'm thinking.

You owe me an apology.
I put a smiley face on there which is as good as starting a sentence with “with all due respect”.


I have found myself losing patience with window workers at McD's and other similar places. Sometimes over language barriers, sometimes over wrong orders or missing items.....but I usually restrain myself. What kind of person takes fast food so seriously that they would actually threaten a minimum wage paid foodservice worker? Can we stereotype this behavior?

What does it say about us as a culture?

Not really. He who is rude to the fast food worker gets the loogie burger.
The horror.....the horror....

Not horrific by any stretch of the imagination but a small example of rudeness by a service employee.

The clerk could have simply explained that the next time be sure to present the coupon first. Instead she decided to be an asshole.
Not horrific by any stretch of the imagination but a small example of rudeness by a service employee.

The clerk could have simply explained that the next time be sure to present the coupon first. Instead she decided to be an asshole.

7 out of 10 people are assholes.

True story.
Like everything else in life, you get what you pay for. If you want your food fast and cheap and shitty, then don’t expect too much help from the help.
7 out of 10 people are assholes.

True story.
I agree as a general statement of all of humanity but around where I live most of the service people are friendly and helpful.

This little bitch being an asshole was an exception.
About a month ago when the kids were up I went through the KFC drive through and got a 12-pc family meal and a 8-piece order of tenders on the side.

I got home and they had left the tenders out....With tax that was around a $8.00 omission. I went back and got them and the low-rent tatted-up assbags acted like I was trying to cheat them....And I was even nice!

FF to a couple of days ago....8-piece family meal with a side order of baked beans....They left the baked beans out but at least I caught it before I left.

It's a damn shame when you have to sit there and tear the fuckin' order apart to make sure they did not leave anything out.

It's about like that damn near everywhere you go now.....I guess half of them can't count to cat anymore.
My wife got her ass chewed by a window clerk at a fast food place last week because she did not tell them about a discount coupon she had at the time she ordered the food. She presented it when she paid for the food. Evidently that is a big no-no that she didn't know about mainly because we don't get fast food very often and almost never use coupons.

The clerk was quite rude to her.
kinda foolish of the clerk since almost all of these places video-record the window transactions.
Everyone takes shit from someone else at every job.

Statistically if you run into enough people eventually someone is going to give you shit. The more people you meet the higher your chances of meeting a dick are and working fast food means you're going to be seeing a lot of people every day.

True they probably didn't deserve to be treated that way. But how many people do they deal with that don't treat them poorly? I'm going out on a limb very few people treat them badly.

If someone says something and you're hurt then that's your fault. You let those people's words hurt you. Words can't hurt you. I grew up on a farm and I'm in my 40s and have always been a blue collar guy, getting shit talked to you has been a part of my whole life and I learned to just ignore it.

Today our world is all about protecting everyones feelings, everyone's feelings are always valid and always important, people's feelings are reality, feelings make you special, feelings, feelings, feelings. No one has thick skin anymore and unable to just brush off comments. People actually say "your words are violence". We're a society of soft, weak willed pussies raising soft weak willed pussies.

I have found myself losing patience with window workers at McD's and other similar places. Sometimes over language barriers, sometimes over wrong orders or missing items.....but I usually restrain myself. What kind of person takes fast food so seriously that they would actually threaten a minimum wage paid foodservice worker? Can we stereotype this behavior?

What does it say about us as a culture?


My wife is often ready to strangle them. I tend to keep calm and drive on through. What gets my goat is when they want us to pull over into a parking spot to wait for our food. I drive a big truck. It's often next to impossible to squeeze it into those small parking spots and then back out into the drive through lane again. Ah well, we get through it.

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