CDZ Have you Read Cicero?


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
Apparently he was very influential with the Enlightenment era writers, Locke, Kirk, Adams and all theose white dudes, which in turn made them popular among the Founding Fathers.

Here are a few quotations from that dead white guy:

“Never injure a friend, even in jest.”

“Friendship improves happiness and abates misery, by the doubling of our joy and the dividing of our grief.”

“The life of the dead is placed in the memory of the living.”

“Do not blame Caesar, blame the people of Rome who have so enthusiastically acclaimed and adored him and rejoiced in their loss of freedom and danced in his path and gave him triumphal processions. Blame the people who hail him when he speaks in the Forum of the 'new, wonderful good society' which shall now be Rome, interpreted to mean 'more money, more ease, more security, more living fatly at the expense of the industrious.'”

“If we are not ashamed to think it, we should not be ashamed to say it.”

“Six mistakes mankind keeps making century after century:
Believing that personal gain is made by crushing others;
Worrying about things that cannot be changed or corrected;
Insisting that a thing is impossible because we cannot accomplish it;
Refusing to set aside trivial preferences;
Neglecting development and refinement of the mind;
Attempting to compel others to believe and live as we do.”

“Nobody can give you wiser advice than yourself.”

“The pursuit, even of the best things, ought to be calm and tranquil.”

“Read at every wait; read at all hours; read within leisure; read in times of labor; read as one goes in; read as one goes out. The task of the educated mind is simply put: read to lead.”

“It is not by muscle, speed, or physical dexterity that great things are achieved, but by reflection, force of character, and judgment.”

“Gratitude is not only the greatest of virtues, but the parent of all the others.”

“Knowledge which is divorced from justice, may be called cunning rather than wisdom.”

“Freedom suppressed and again regained bites with keener fangs than freedom never endangered.”

“It is the peculiar quality of a fool to perceive the faults of others and to forget his own.”

“The study and knowledge of the universe would somehow be lame and defective were no practical results to follow.”

“Extreme justice is extreme injustice.”
From Ranker:

The budget should be balanced, the treasury should be refilled, public debt should be reduced, the arrogance of officialdom should be tempered and controlled, assistance to foreign lands should be curtailed lest Rome become bankrupt, the mobs should be forced to work and not depend on government for subsistence.

The wise are instructed by reason, average minds by experience, the stupid by necessity and the brute by instinct.

A room without books is like a body without a soul.

While there's life, there's hope.

They condemn what they do not understand.

Virtue is its own reward.

As you have sown so shall you reap.

Orators are most vehement when their cause is weak.

Friends are proved by adversity.

The good of the people is the greatest law.

I never admire another's fortune so much that I became dissatisfied with my own.

Let reason govern desire.

The causes of events are ever more interesting than the events themselves.

To live is to think.

There is nothing so absurd that some philosopher has not already said it.

The foundation of justice is good faith.

We think a happy life consists in tranquility of mind.

Like associates with like.

I prefer the most unfair peace to the most righteous war.

True law is right reason in agreement with nature; it is of universal application, unchanging and everlasting; it summons to duty by its commands, and averts from wrong-doing by its prohibitions.
And it does not lay its commands or prohibitions upon good men in vain, though neither have any effect on the wicked.
It is a sin to try to alter this law, nor is it allowable to attempt to repeal any part of it, and it is impossible to abolish it entirely.
We cannot be freed from its obligations by senate or people, and we need not look outside ourselves for an expounder or interpreter of it.
And there will not be different laws at Rome and at Athens, or different laws now and in the future, but one eternal and unchangeable law will be valid for all nations and all times, and there will be one master and ruler, that is, God, over us all, for he is the author of this law, its promulgator, and its enforcing judge.
Whoever is disobedient is fleeing from himself and denying his human nature, and by reason of this very fact he will suffer the worst penalties, even if he escapes what is commonly considered punishment.

I add this, that rational ability without education has oftener raised man to glory and virtue, than education without natural ability.

What an ugly beast the ape, and how like us.

Peace is liberty in tranquillity.

Nothing so cements and holds together all the parts of a society as faith or credit, which can never be kept up unless men are under some force or necessity of honestly paying what they owe to one another.
this guy is a treasure trove of wisdom and clarity.

A few more quotes:

A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself.

Politicians are not born; they are excreted.

When a government becomes powerful it is destructive, extravagant and violent; it is an usurer which takes bread from innocent mouths and deprives honorable men of their substance, for votes with which to perpetuate itself.

Never was a government that was not composed of liars, malefactors and thieves.

Times are bad. Children no longer obey their parents, and everyone is writing a book.

Though liberty is established by law, we must be vigilant, for liberty to enslave us is always present under that very liberty. Our Constitution speaks of the "general welfare of the people." Under that phrase all sorts of excesses can be employed by lusting tyrants to make us bondsmen.

A bureaucrat is the most despicable of men, though he is needed as vultures are needed, but one hardly admires vultures whom bureaucrats so strangely resemble. I have yet to meet a bureaucrat who was not petty, dull, almost witless, crafty or stupid, an oppressor or a thief, a holder of little authority in which he delights, as a boy delights in possessing a vicious dog. Who can trust such creatures?

Poor is the nation that has no heroes, but poorer still is the nation that having heroes, fails to remember and honor them.

We learn nothing from history except that we learn nothing from history.

To be content with what we possess is the greatest and most secure of riches.
"The Jews belong to a dark and repulsive force. One knows how numerous this clique is, how they stick together and what power they exercise through their unions. They are a nation of rascals and deceivers."

"Softly! Softly! I want none but the judges to hear me. The Jews have already gotten me into a fine mess, as they have many other gentleman. I have no desire to furnish further grist for their mills."
"The Jews belong to a dark and repulsive force. One knows how numerous this clique is, how they stick together and what power they exercise through their unions. They are a nation of rascals and deceivers."

"Softly! Softly! I want none but the judges to hear me. The Jews have already gotten me into a fine mess, as they have many other gentleman. I have no desire to furnish further grist for their mills."
Good to know Naziis are still with us and the The Daily Stormer is carrying on the work of Joseph Goebbels:

The first of the quotes is said to come from the Roman orator Cicero, who is pictured in the article’s image. It’s a quote that appears on a large number of anti-Semitic sites and message boards: “The Jews belong to a dark and repulsive force. One knows how numerous this clique is, how they stick together and what power they exercise through their unions. They are a nation of rascals and deceivers.” However, as the Classics professor David Levene has pointed out, Cicero never said most of what this quote attributes to him: “the Jews belong to a dark and repulsive force” and “they are a nation of rascals and deceivers” appear nowhere in Cicero’s works.

Cicero did say something like “one knows how numerous this clique is, how they stick together and what power they exercise through their unions” in his oration defending Lucius Valerius Flaccus against charges of extortion. One aspect of the charge was that Flaccus, as governor of the Roman province of Asia, had blocked the export of gold to be sent to Jerusalem. Cicero points out that Flaccus was merely enforcing a ban on exporting gold that the Roman Senate had established not just for Jewish people but for all provinces, but he praises Flaccus for doing so even though there were “a multitude of Jewish people” in his province who were “sometimes violent in political assemblies.” Thus whoever first appropriated this line distorted Cicero’s meaning into “what power they exercise in their unions” to conform to the common anti-Semitic accusation that Jewish people exercise disproportionate and harmful influence in politics.​
Apparently he was very influential with the Enlightenment era writers, Locke, Kirk, Adams and all theose white dudes, which in turn made them popular among the Founding Fathers.

Here are a few quotations from that dead white guy:

“Never injure a friend, even in jest.”

“Friendship improves happiness and abates misery, by the doubling of our joy and the dividing of our grief.”

“The life of the dead is placed in the memory of the living.”

“Do not blame Caesar, blame the people of Rome who have so enthusiastically acclaimed and adored him and rejoiced in their loss of freedom and danced in his path and gave him triumphal processions. Blame the people who hail him when he speaks in the Forum of the 'new, wonderful good society' which shall now be Rome, interpreted to mean 'more money, more ease, more security, more living fatly at the expense of the industrious.'”

“If we are not ashamed to think it, we should not be ashamed to say it.”

“Six mistakes mankind keeps making century after century:
Believing that personal gain is made by crushing others;
Worrying about things that cannot be changed or corrected;
Insisting that a thing is impossible because we cannot accomplish it;
Refusing to set aside trivial preferences;
Neglecting development and refinement of the mind;
Attempting to compel others to believe and live as we do.”

“Nobody can give you wiser advice than yourself.”

“The pursuit, even of the best things, ought to be calm and tranquil.”

“Read at every wait; read at all hours; read within leisure; read in times of labor; read as one goes in; read as one goes out. The task of the educated mind is simply put: read to lead.”

“It is not by muscle, speed, or physical dexterity that great things are achieved, but by reflection, force of character, and judgment.”

“Gratitude is not only the greatest of virtues, but the parent of all the others.”

“Knowledge which is divorced from justice, may be called cunning rather than wisdom.”

“Freedom suppressed and again regained bites with keener fangs than freedom never endangered.”

“It is the peculiar quality of a fool to perceive the faults of others and to forget his own.”

“The study and knowledge of the universe would somehow be lame and defective were no practical results to follow.”

“Extreme justice is extreme injustice.”

Yes, Cicero is one of my favorite philosophers. And the anti semitic crap attributed to him is false.

In his time Jews were just another religious group on the distant border of the Empire.
"The Jews belong to a dark and repulsive force. One knows how numerous this clique is, how they stick together and what power they exercise through their unions. They are a nation of rascals and deceivers."

"Softly! Softly! I want none but the judges to hear me. The Jews have already gotten me into a fine mess, as they have many other gentleman. I have no desire to furnish further grist for their mills."
Good to know Naziis are still with us and the The Daily Stormer is carrying on the work of Joseph Goebbels:

The first of the quotes is said to come from the Roman orator Cicero, who is pictured in the article’s image. It’s a quote that appears on a large number of anti-Semitic sites and message boards: “The Jews belong to a dark and repulsive force. One knows how numerous this clique is, how they stick together and what power they exercise through their unions. They are a nation of rascals and deceivers.” However, as the Classics professor David Levene has pointed out, Cicero never said most of what this quote attributes to him: “the Jews belong to a dark and repulsive force” and “they are a nation of rascals and deceivers” appear nowhere in Cicero’s works.

Cicero did say something like “one knows how numerous this clique is, how they stick together and what power they exercise through their unions” in his oration defending Lucius Valerius Flaccus against charges of extortion. One aspect of the charge was that Flaccus, as governor of the Roman province of Asia, had blocked the export of gold to be sent to Jerusalem. Cicero points out that Flaccus was merely enforcing a ban on exporting gold that the Roman Senate had established not just for Jewish people but for all provinces, but he praises Flaccus for doing so even though there were “a multitude of Jewish people” in his province who were “sometimes violent in political assemblies.” Thus whoever first appropriated this line distorted Cicero’s meaning into “what power they exercise in their unions” to conform to the common anti-Semitic accusation that Jewish people exercise disproportionate and harmful influence in politics.​

Nice job at historical revisionism
"The Jews belong to a dark and repulsive force. One knows how numerous this clique is, how they stick together and what power they exercise through their unions. They are a nation of rascals and deceivers."

"Softly! Softly! I want none but the judges to hear me. The Jews have already gotten me into a fine mess, as they have many other gentleman. I have no desire to furnish further grist for their mills."
Good to know Naziis are still with us and the The Daily Stormer is carrying on the work of Joseph Goebbels:

The first of the quotes is said to come from the Roman orator Cicero, who is pictured in the article’s image. It’s a quote that appears on a large number of anti-Semitic sites and message boards: “The Jews belong to a dark and repulsive force. One knows how numerous this clique is, how they stick together and what power they exercise through their unions. They are a nation of rascals and deceivers.” However, as the Classics professor David Levene has pointed out, Cicero never said most of what this quote attributes to him: “the Jews belong to a dark and repulsive force” and “they are a nation of rascals and deceivers” appear nowhere in Cicero’s works.

Cicero did say something like “one knows how numerous this clique is, how they stick together and what power they exercise through their unions” in his oration defending Lucius Valerius Flaccus against charges of extortion. One aspect of the charge was that Flaccus, as governor of the Roman province of Asia, had blocked the export of gold to be sent to Jerusalem. Cicero points out that Flaccus was merely enforcing a ban on exporting gold that the Roman Senate had established not just for Jewish people but for all provinces, but he praises Flaccus for doing so even though there were “a multitude of Jewish people” in his province who were “sometimes violent in political assemblies.” Thus whoever first appropriated this line distorted Cicero’s meaning into “what power they exercise in their unions” to conform to the common anti-Semitic accusation that Jewish people exercise disproportionate and harmful influence in politics.​

Nice job at historical revisionism

It's you who are revising. Jews were nothing during the time of Cicero.
"The Jews belong to a dark and repulsive force. One knows how numerous this clique is, how they stick together and what power they exercise through their unions. They are a nation of rascals and deceivers."

"Softly! Softly! I want none but the judges to hear me. The Jews have already gotten me into a fine mess, as they have many other gentleman. I have no desire to furnish further grist for their mills."
Good to know Naziis are still with us and the The Daily Stormer is carrying on the work of Joseph Goebbels:

The first of the quotes is said to come from the Roman orator Cicero, who is pictured in the article’s image. It’s a quote that appears on a large number of anti-Semitic sites and message boards: “The Jews belong to a dark and repulsive force. One knows how numerous this clique is, how they stick together and what power they exercise through their unions. They are a nation of rascals and deceivers.” However, as the Classics professor David Levene has pointed out, Cicero never said most of what this quote attributes to him: “the Jews belong to a dark and repulsive force” and “they are a nation of rascals and deceivers” appear nowhere in Cicero’s works.

Cicero did say something like “one knows how numerous this clique is, how they stick together and what power they exercise through their unions” in his oration defending Lucius Valerius Flaccus against charges of extortion. One aspect of the charge was that Flaccus, as governor of the Roman province of Asia, had blocked the export of gold to be sent to Jerusalem. Cicero points out that Flaccus was merely enforcing a ban on exporting gold that the Roman Senate had established not just for Jewish people but for all provinces, but he praises Flaccus for doing so even though there were “a multitude of Jewish people” in his province who were “sometimes violent in political assemblies.” Thus whoever first appropriated this line distorted Cicero’s meaning into “what power they exercise in their unions” to conform to the common anti-Semitic accusation that Jewish people exercise disproportionate and harmful influence in politics.​

Nice job at historical revisionism

It's you who are revising. Jews were nothing during the time of Cicero.

Apparently they were up to their old tricks even in his day.
"The Jews belong to a dark and repulsive force. One knows how numerous this clique is, how they stick together and what power they exercise through their unions. They are a nation of rascals and deceivers."

"Softly! Softly! I want none but the judges to hear me. The Jews have already gotten me into a fine mess, as they have many other gentleman. I have no desire to furnish further grist for their mills."
Good to know Naziis are still with us and the The Daily Stormer is carrying on the work of Joseph Goebbels:

The first of the quotes is said to come from the Roman orator Cicero, who is pictured in the article’s image. It’s a quote that appears on a large number of anti-Semitic sites and message boards: “The Jews belong to a dark and repulsive force. One knows how numerous this clique is, how they stick together and what power they exercise through their unions. They are a nation of rascals and deceivers.” However, as the Classics professor David Levene has pointed out, Cicero never said most of what this quote attributes to him: “the Jews belong to a dark and repulsive force” and “they are a nation of rascals and deceivers” appear nowhere in Cicero’s works.

Cicero did say something like “one knows how numerous this clique is, how they stick together and what power they exercise through their unions” in his oration defending Lucius Valerius Flaccus against charges of extortion. One aspect of the charge was that Flaccus, as governor of the Roman province of Asia, had blocked the export of gold to be sent to Jerusalem. Cicero points out that Flaccus was merely enforcing a ban on exporting gold that the Roman Senate had established not just for Jewish people but for all provinces, but he praises Flaccus for doing so even though there were “a multitude of Jewish people” in his province who were “sometimes violent in political assemblies.” Thus whoever first appropriated this line distorted Cicero’s meaning into “what power they exercise in their unions” to conform to the common anti-Semitic accusation that Jewish people exercise disproportionate and harmful influence in politics.​

Nice job at historical revisionism

It's you who are revising. Jews were nothing during the time of Cicero.

Apparently they were up to their old tricks even in his day.

No, they weren't. They were a minor sect at the edge of the Empire. Anti semitism doesn't rear its ugly head till the 2nd or 3rd century A.D. depending on who you reference.
"The Jews belong to a dark and repulsive force. One knows how numerous this clique is, how they stick together and what power they exercise through their unions. They are a nation of rascals and deceivers."

"Softly! Softly! I want none but the judges to hear me. The Jews have already gotten me into a fine mess, as they have many other gentleman. I have no desire to furnish further grist for their mills."
Good to know Naziis are still with us and the The Daily Stormer is carrying on the work of Joseph Goebbels:

The first of the quotes is said to come from the Roman orator Cicero, who is pictured in the article’s image. It’s a quote that appears on a large number of anti-Semitic sites and message boards: “The Jews belong to a dark and repulsive force. One knows how numerous this clique is, how they stick together and what power they exercise through their unions. They are a nation of rascals and deceivers.” However, as the Classics professor David Levene has pointed out, Cicero never said most of what this quote attributes to him: “the Jews belong to a dark and repulsive force” and “they are a nation of rascals and deceivers” appear nowhere in Cicero’s works.

Cicero did say something like “one knows how numerous this clique is, how they stick together and what power they exercise through their unions” in his oration defending Lucius Valerius Flaccus against charges of extortion. One aspect of the charge was that Flaccus, as governor of the Roman province of Asia, had blocked the export of gold to be sent to Jerusalem. Cicero points out that Flaccus was merely enforcing a ban on exporting gold that the Roman Senate had established not just for Jewish people but for all provinces, but he praises Flaccus for doing so even though there were “a multitude of Jewish people” in his province who were “sometimes violent in political assemblies.” Thus whoever first appropriated this line distorted Cicero’s meaning into “what power they exercise in their unions” to conform to the common anti-Semitic accusation that Jewish people exercise disproportionate and harmful influence in politics.​

Nice job at historical revisionism

It's you who are revising. Jews were nothing during the time of Cicero.

Apparently they were up to their old tricks even in his day.

No, they weren't. They were a minor sect at the edge of the Empire. Anti semitism doesn't rear its ugly head till the 2nd or 3rd century A.D. depending on who you reference.

Where did the stereotypes about jews come from anyway if theres absolutely no basis for it in reality?
"The Jews belong to a dark and repulsive force. One knows how numerous this clique is, how they stick together and what power they exercise through their unions. They are a nation of rascals and deceivers."

"Softly! Softly! I want none but the judges to hear me. The Jews have already gotten me into a fine mess, as they have many other gentleman. I have no desire to furnish further grist for their mills."
Good to know Naziis are still with us and the The Daily Stormer is carrying on the work of Joseph Goebbels:

The first of the quotes is said to come from the Roman orator Cicero, who is pictured in the article’s image. It’s a quote that appears on a large number of anti-Semitic sites and message boards: “The Jews belong to a dark and repulsive force. One knows how numerous this clique is, how they stick together and what power they exercise through their unions. They are a nation of rascals and deceivers.” However, as the Classics professor David Levene has pointed out, Cicero never said most of what this quote attributes to him: “the Jews belong to a dark and repulsive force” and “they are a nation of rascals and deceivers” appear nowhere in Cicero’s works.

Cicero did say something like “one knows how numerous this clique is, how they stick together and what power they exercise through their unions” in his oration defending Lucius Valerius Flaccus against charges of extortion. One aspect of the charge was that Flaccus, as governor of the Roman province of Asia, had blocked the export of gold to be sent to Jerusalem. Cicero points out that Flaccus was merely enforcing a ban on exporting gold that the Roman Senate had established not just for Jewish people but for all provinces, but he praises Flaccus for doing so even though there were “a multitude of Jewish people” in his province who were “sometimes violent in political assemblies.” Thus whoever first appropriated this line distorted Cicero’s meaning into “what power they exercise in their unions” to conform to the common anti-Semitic accusation that Jewish people exercise disproportionate and harmful influence in politics.​
Nice job at historical revisionism
Not really, I find you Naziis rather crude.
Good to know Naziis are still with us and the The Daily Stormer is carrying on the work of Joseph Goebbels:

The first of the quotes is said to come from the Roman orator Cicero, who is pictured in the article’s image. It’s a quote that appears on a large number of anti-Semitic sites and message boards: “The Jews belong to a dark and repulsive force. One knows how numerous this clique is, how they stick together and what power they exercise through their unions. They are a nation of rascals and deceivers.” However, as the Classics professor David Levene has pointed out, Cicero never said most of what this quote attributes to him: “the Jews belong to a dark and repulsive force” and “they are a nation of rascals and deceivers” appear nowhere in Cicero’s works.

Cicero did say something like “one knows how numerous this clique is, how they stick together and what power they exercise through their unions” in his oration defending Lucius Valerius Flaccus against charges of extortion. One aspect of the charge was that Flaccus, as governor of the Roman province of Asia, had blocked the export of gold to be sent to Jerusalem. Cicero points out that Flaccus was merely enforcing a ban on exporting gold that the Roman Senate had established not just for Jewish people but for all provinces, but he praises Flaccus for doing so even though there were “a multitude of Jewish people” in his province who were “sometimes violent in political assemblies.” Thus whoever first appropriated this line distorted Cicero’s meaning into “what power they exercise in their unions” to conform to the common anti-Semitic accusation that Jewish people exercise disproportionate and harmful influence in politics.​

Nice job at historical revisionism

It's you who are revising. Jews were nothing during the time of Cicero.

Apparently they were up to their old tricks even in his day.

No, they weren't. They were a minor sect at the edge of the Empire. Anti semitism doesn't rear its ugly head till the 2nd or 3rd century A.D. depending on who you reference.

Where did the stereotypes about jews come from anyway if theres absolutely no basis for it in reality?

You need to read real history. Not stormfront dreck.
Nice job at historical revisionism

It's you who are revising. Jews were nothing during the time of Cicero.

Apparently they were up to their old tricks even in his day.

No, they weren't. They were a minor sect at the edge of the Empire. Anti semitism doesn't rear its ugly head till the 2nd or 3rd century A.D. depending on who you reference.

Where did the stereotypes about jews come from anyway if theres absolutely no basis for it in reality?

You need to read real history. Not stormfront dreck.

Which history? The sanitized, woke, PC version or the real one?
Where did the stereotypes about jews come from anyway if theres absolutely no basis for it in reality?
Excellent question. You can thank Christians for them.

In the Middle Ages, Jews were forbidden from owning property or engaging in most professions and Guilds. They were generally forced to live together in specific areas of cities, ghettos. You were only considered to be a real Jew if you were able to read and write scripture so most Jewish men were literate. Jews were not at war with Islam so they could trade with Muslim nations.

Christians on the other hand were forbidden from lending money or charging interest. They were generally illiterate and, having fought wars with the Muslims were unable to trade with them.

It is easy to see how Jews became the bankers, lawyers, and traders for Christians.
Where did the stereotypes about jews come from anyway if theres absolutely no basis for it in reality?
Excellent question. You can thank Christians for them.

In the Middle Ages, Jews were forbidden from owning property or engaging in most professions and Guilds. They were generally forced to live together in specific areas of cities, ghettos. You were only considered to be a real Jew if you were able to read and write scripture so most Jewish men were literate. Jews were not at war with Islam so they could trade with Muslim nations.

Christians on the other hand were forbidden from lending money or charging interest. They were generally illiterate and, having fought wars with the Muslims were unable to trade with them.

It is easy to see how Jews became the bankers, lawyers, and traders for Christians.

If they were so persecuted by medieval Christians why did the Jews not just assimilate into the dominant culture and save themselves some trouble?
Where did the stereotypes about jews come from anyway if theres absolutely no basis for it in reality?
Excellent question. You can thank Christians for them.

In the Middle Ages, Jews were forbidden from owning property or engaging in most professions and Guilds. They were generally forced to live together in specific areas of cities, ghettos. You were only considered to be a real Jew if you were able to read and write scripture so most Jewish men were literate. Jews were not at war with Islam so they could trade with Muslim nations.

Christians on the other hand were forbidden from lending money or charging interest. They were generally illiterate and, having fought wars with the Muslims were unable to trade with them.

It is easy to see how Jews became the bankers, lawyers, and traders for Christians.

The knights Templar were allowed to charge interest on loans to support their efforts in the Crusades, but it did not end with European involvement in the Crusades, so they became very wealthy later and in the early 14th Century the french king seized their lands and castles (along with their gold, etc). The king justified it with accusations of heresy and worshiping the Devil, etc and the Pope backed him up with an edict against the Knights Templar. I believe that the Creator punished Europe for this with the Black Plague 30 years later.

The Freemasons apparently took a bunch of them into hiding in England during this time and the influence is seen in many of the names and rites in Freemasonry.

The Jews have received similar treatment for much the same reasons from time to time across Europe. Kings in deep debt to them would fake up charges against them and seize their goods, and drive them out.
It's you who are revising. Jews were nothing during the time of Cicero.

Apparently they were up to their old tricks even in his day.

No, they weren't. They were a minor sect at the edge of the Empire. Anti semitism doesn't rear its ugly head till the 2nd or 3rd century A.D. depending on who you reference.

Where did the stereotypes about jews come from anyway if theres absolutely no basis for it in reality?

You need to read real history. Not stormfront dreck.

Which history? The sanitized, woke, PC version or the real one?

The real one. I would suggest you read Cicero in his original Latin, but I doubt you have that ability. There are good translations though. Read those.

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