Have You Visited Stormfront?

Do You Visit Stormfront?

  • Yes

    Votes: 6 20.7%
  • No

    Votes: 23 79.3%
  • I'd rather not say

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
I went once.

Bunch of knuckle draggers telling each other they are right.

all I needed
On account of the fact that the aforementioned website's often used to stigmatise opponents or dismiss an uncomfortable argument out of hand, it stands to reason that a lot of people on here and beyond must have browsed Stormfront at one point or another. I drop in now and again for news that isn't carried by the mainstream media, and to gauge opinions that aren't normally permitted on mainstream outlets' replies. Though I'm yet to use Stormfront as a means of dismissing anything I've commented on on USMB.

My guess is that a lot of users on here are more than familiar with Stormfront, but are discouraged from admitting their occasional or sustained interest on what's reported, hypothosised and commented on over there for fear of alienating anyone they correspond with on USMB, or elsewhere. I'm told that Stormfront is one of the busiest forums online, and attracts a lot of (mostly negative) media attention along with curious internet users opening accounts every day. I'm also told that this traffic is elicited and sustained by the fact it's among a minority of online forums where whites can vent their spleen without fear of being condemned for doing so. I don't think I'm alone in assuming that the reason mainstream sites denounce what the website hosts and the material posted to appease or avoid condemnation the likes of the SPLC and ADL, who make it their business to monitor or flag websites that are concerned with caucasian interests.

Apart from whites, any other racial group that lives in a racially heterogeneous nation enjoys racial advocacy directly concerned with their respective interests i.e. Blacks, Hispanics, Jews, Asians, etc. They also have the luxury of browsing and commenting on websites concerned with their specific racial interests that don't find themselves on the receiving end of media vitriol. No such organisations exist for Whites, yet that bluntly conflicts with the multicultural mantra. If we're truly embracing multiculturalism, then surely that means all races, including whites (despite their circumstantial majority), should enjoy racial advocacy and lobbyists. Personally speaking I'm not really interested in having a caucasian interest group lobbying on my behalf, but I am curious as to why other racial groups enjoy universal mainstream support, yet websites and forums concerned with white interests evoke the complete opposite.

PS. I've made the poll anonymous in case readers are anxious that their vote will draw overtly negative attention. Though I'd encourage voters to declare their position on the poll by posting a comment that reflects what they voted.

No. I see no reason why I should.
On account of the fact that the aforementioned website's often used to stigmatise opponents or dismiss an uncomfortable argument out of hand, it stands to reason that a lot of people on here and beyond must have browsed Stormfront at one point or another. I drop in now and again for news that isn't carried by the mainstream media, and to gauge opinions that aren't normally permitted on mainstream outlets' replies. Though I'm yet to use Stormfront as a means of dismissing anything I've commented on on USMB.

My guess is that a lot of users on here are more than familiar with Stormfront, but are discouraged from admitting their occasional or sustained interest on what's reported, hypothosised and commented on over there for fear of alienating anyone they correspond with on USMB, or elsewhere. I'm told that Stormfront is one of the busiest forums online, and attracts a lot of (mostly negative) media attention along with curious internet users opening accounts every day. I'm also told that this traffic is elicited and sustained by the fact it's among a minority of online forums where whites can vent their spleen without fear of being condemned for doing so. I don't think I'm alone in assuming that the reason mainstream sites denounce what the website hosts and the material posted to appease or avoid condemnation the likes of the SPLC and ADL, who make it their business to monitor or flag websites that are concerned with caucasian interests.

Apart from whites, any other racial group that lives in a racially heterogeneous nation enjoys racial advocacy directly concerned with their respective interests i.e. Blacks, Hispanics, Jews, Asians, etc. They also have the luxury of browsing and commenting on websites concerned with their specific racial interests that don't find themselves on the receiving end of media vitriol. No such organisations exist for Whites, yet that bluntly conflicts with the multicultural mantra. If we're truly embracing multiculturalism, then surely that means all races, including whites (despite their circumstantial majority), should enjoy racial advocacy and lobbyists. Personally speaking I'm not really interested in having a caucasian interest group lobbying on my behalf, but I am curious as to why other racial groups enjoy universal mainstream support, yet websites and forums concerned with white interests evoke the complete opposite.

PS. I've made the poll anonymous in case readers are anxious that their vote will draw overtly negative attention. Though I'd encourage voters to declare their position on the poll by posting a comment that reflects what they voted.

No. I see no reason why I should.

That's down to you, but you should at least check it out before dismissing it out of hand. It's more or less identical to USMB in terms of hosting racial prejudice, bigotry and religious intolerance. Except you're forbidden from swearing or using the n-word on Stormfront.
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On account of the fact that the aforementioned website's often used to stigmatise opponents or dismiss an uncomfortable argument out of hand, it stands to reason that a lot of people on here and beyond must have browsed Stormfront at one point or another. I drop in now and again for news that isn't carried by the mainstream media, and to gauge opinions that aren't normally permitted on mainstream outlets' replies. Though I'm yet to use Stormfront as a means of dismissing anything I've commented on on USMB.

My guess is that a lot of users on here are more than familiar with Stormfront, but are discouraged from admitting their occasional or sustained interest on what's reported, hypothosised and commented on over there for fear of alienating anyone they correspond with on USMB, or elsewhere. I'm told that Stormfront is one of the busiest forums online, and attracts a lot of (mostly negative) media attention along with curious internet users opening accounts every day. I'm also told that this traffic is elicited and sustained by the fact it's among a minority of online forums where whites can vent their spleen without fear of being condemned for doing so. I don't think I'm alone in assuming that the reason mainstream sites denounce what the website hosts and the material posted to appease or avoid condemnation the likes of the SPLC and ADL, who make it their business to monitor or flag websites that are concerned with caucasian interests.

Apart from whites, any other racial group that lives in a racially heterogeneous nation enjoys racial advocacy directly concerned with their respective interests i.e. Blacks, Hispanics, Jews, Asians, etc. They also have the luxury of browsing and commenting on websites concerned with their specific racial interests that don't find themselves on the receiving end of media vitriol. No such organisations exist for Whites, yet that bluntly conflicts with the multicultural mantra. If we're truly embracing multiculturalism, then surely that means all races, including whites (despite their circumstantial majority), should enjoy racial advocacy and lobbyists. Personally speaking I'm not really interested in having a caucasian interest group lobbying on my behalf, but I am curious as to why other racial groups enjoy universal mainstream support, yet websites and forums concerned with white interests evoke the complete opposite.

PS. I've made the poll anonymous in case readers are anxious that their vote will draw overtly negative attention. Though I'd encourage voters to declare their position on the poll by posting a comment that reflects what they voted.

Not a problem for me -- I joined around 2001 but haven't posted in a while. I awkwardly attempted to post in the French section after taking a beginner's French class at the local community college -- they were mercifully tolerant of my fumbling. I am pretty sure most middle-aged whites DO NOT learn French this way, but hey.

SF is a great outlet and you'll see a wider, ahem, diversity of views there than you might expect. Founder Don Black has some undeniably outlaw credentials, but in person is a very calm, very bright man.

Personally, I think white advocacy on the Internet has gone about as far as it can go. It's time to shift that advocacy to the legal and political arenas, though doing so is very hard. The taboo on group white identity is powerful, and a great many whites have a very real risk of job loss if they exercised that identity. Including yours truly.
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Congratulations, Swagger, on bringing up an interesting topic for discussion.

However, the wording of your poll implies that you've either never seen "Stromfront.com" or, you frequent it. Not "have you ever visited it to see what all the fuss is about?"

My experience on message boards is such that people like to make vague innuendoes about Stormfront, but I've never- as in NOT EVER- seen anyone quote anything *specific* that they criticize- even when asked. Repeatedly.

So, for those of you who agree with AOL's policy of not even allowing anyone to go to Stormfront.com, please tell me why, *SPECIFICALLY*, with links.

PS- What in the heck is "DU"?
Congratulations, Swagger, on bringing up an interesting topic for discussion.

However, the wording of your poll implies that you've either never seen "Stromfront.com" or, you frequent it. Not "have you ever visited it to see what all the fuss is about?"

My experience on message boards is such that people like to make vague innuendoes about Stormfront, but I've never- as in NOT EVER- seen anyone quote anything *specific* that they criticize- even when asked. Repeatedly.

So, for those of you who agree with AOL's policy of not even allowing anyone to go to Stormfront.com, please tell me why, *SPECIFICALLY*, with links.

PS- What in the heck is "DU"?

depleted uranium.

don't eat it.
I now of stormfront. Having been on other message sites i am familiar with a type of troll called a stormfront troll. This is a person who despite repeated bannings will post hateful racist bullshit and spam. Stormfront is a racism advocate on the internet. many people are familiar with the home of the new clan, and a place where reality takes a long vacation and is banned.

Probably about the most interesting thing i have seen about stormfront is they declared a summit for racists in one of the local restaurants, and a bunch of white people who were disgusted by their racism came in and beat the fuck out everyone there. The assailants were arrested, and of course were wrong in assaulting the stormfront assholes who were only eating, but it is a good example of what happens when you dedicate your life to stirring up a race war and are a bunch of pussies.
Congratulations, Swagger, on bringing up an interesting topic for discussion.

However, the wording of your poll implies that you've either never seen "Stromfront.com" or, you frequent it. Not "have you ever visited it to see what all the fuss is about?"

My experience on message boards is such that people like to make vague innuendoes about Stormfront, but I've never- as in NOT EVER- seen anyone quote anything *specific* that they criticize- even when asked. Repeatedly.

So, for those of you who agree with AOL's policy of not even allowing anyone to go to Stormfront.com, please tell me why, *SPECIFICALLY*, with links.

PS- What in the heck is "DU"?

There is a reason to ban users from going to stormfront by an ISP. Stormfront actively promotes spamming sites with racist and hateful comments that are often banned by the code of contact for those sites. having worked for AOL/Time warner they have had problems with ending up on blacklists due to their allowance of Spam attacks on the internet. I do not now if it is specifically stormfront, and i do believe it was actually due to other spamming activity, but it does make sense given the attempts by blacklists to block spammers which will often include the blocking of entire ISPs until they clean up their acts. In this case, and many others, spammers don't just screw things up for themselves, but also for the legitimate customers of a site so i can see where a company would block participation in a site known for promoting spam attacks as it could result in it's users not being able to access sites that use blacklists to filter their ISP because of the actions of a couple of people.

I cannot speak for AOL itself, but this tends to be a problem for legitimate ISPs. I just happen to know it made for a real hassel when TWC NYC users, who would be customers of a subsidiary of AOL, were blocked from working at home for IBM, who employed a large number of people in the area, due to their inclusion on a blacklist for spam.

In the end if this is a problem for you, just use a proxy.
That's down to you, but you should at least check it out before dismissing it out of hand. It's more or less identical to USMB in terms of hosting racial prejudice, bigotry and religious intolerance. Except you're forbidden from swearing or using the n-word on Stormfront.

I went there to see what the homepage looks like because, as you indicated, its one of the highest-trafficked message boards on the web from what I heard. I also heard, as you indicated, its moderated and breaking the rules is not tolerated. Never registered as I like general discussion boards as opposed to single-issue boards.

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