Hawaii Officials Drop Plan To Name Park After Obama

What if Barry was adopted by Mr. Soereto (Sp) and legally never changed his name back to Obama. Think of all those treaties and EO's he signed with an illegal name. Tsk Tsk. That could jam up the courts for a long, long time.
All US presidents get something named after them, Obama is going to be no different when he leaves office. Guess they want to start now.
What if Barry was adopted by Mr. Soereto (Sp) and legally never changed his name back to Obama. Think of all those treaties and EO's he signed with an illegal name. Tsk Tsk. That could jam up the courts for a long, long time.

It only matters if the US recognizes the name change. And the US doesn't.
What if Barry was adopted by Mr. Soereto (Sp) and legally never changed his name back to Obama. Think of all those treaties and EO's he signed with an illegal name. Tsk Tsk. That could jam up the courts for a long, long time.

It only matters if the US recognizes the name change. And the US doesn't.
But he was legally Soereto in Hawaii, but used "Obama" for the sake of the Kenyan name and international grants illegally. He was legally Soereto in the US.
What if Barry was adopted by Mr. Soereto (Sp) and legally never changed his name back to Obama. Think of all those treaties and EO's he signed with an illegal name. Tsk Tsk. That could jam up the courts for a long, long time.

It only matters if the US recognizes the name change. And the US doesn't.
But he was legally Soereto in Hawaii, but used "Obama" for the sake of the Kenyan name and international grants illegally. He was legally Soereto in the US.

And who says he was legally Soereto in Hawaii? Certainly not Hawaii. Who then are you quoting?
She affirms he was born in Hawaii based on fraudulent records entered in their system.

Says who? Hayes never says this. Even Sheriff Joe doesn't make this claim. None of them claim that the original records were forged, as they don't have access to the original records.

Who then are you quoting?
And you do realize that you just increased the ridiculous level of pointless complexity and needless elaboration of your silly conspiracy by orders of magnitude, right?
Apparently you missed a few interviews with lead investigator Mike Zullo. Hawaii is covering for Obama.

By all means, quote your source. And of course, recognize that Mike Zullo has no forensic document verification experience. And you have no document specialist that claims that the original vital documents were forged.

The verification from Hawaii was no verification. It did not even verify Obama's birth date. The AZ AG had asked them to verify the pdf file posted on the white house website. What he received instead was a lawyered up statement confirming that information in the HDOH records supported the "information" on the birth certificate posted on the white house website which the AZ AG had attached to his request. Why not just say the purported scan posted on the white house website is exactly what we gave President Obama's attorneys? "Yep, that's a scan of exactly what we gave them." That will never happen. Do you know why? Let me save you some time. It's because a lot of that "information" supporting the white house pdf file wasn't in the file back in 1961. The holes in Obama's LFBC weren't filled in until late 2006/early 2007.

Fukino's statements were every bit as lawyered up as Onaka's. She saw the vital statistics record in accordance with the state laws of Hawaii. Good Lord was she serious? Given the fact that when Obama was born there were four ways to get your birth recorded and only one of them actually required you to be born in Hawaii, her statement was completely meaningless let alone a verification of anything. But give her credit, she dodged a bullet or should I say death via airplane. No one can accuse her of not being a team player.

Everything coming out of Hawaii on this issue has been passed through attorneys who think incorrectly that they have found a way (to borrow a line from Bill Clinton) to give answers that are legally accurate but intentionally misleading.

Hayes called the pdf file the post troubled document he has ever seen in his entire career. What is your position, that the pdf is fake, but the original in the files is legit? Smoke some more crack and then go to bed OBOT.
Hawaii has never held two press conferences verifying Obama was born in Hawaii.

So you say. Chiyome Fukino, then acting as the Director of Health for the State of Hawaii explicitly contradicts you:

In an attempt to quash persistent rumors that President Obama was not born in Honolulu on Aug. 4, 1961, Hawaii's health director reiterated this afternoon that she has personally seen Obama's birth certificate in the Health Department's archives.

"I, Dr. Chiyome Fukino, director of the Hawaii State Department of Health, have seen the original vital records maintained on file by the Hawai'i State Department of Health verifying Barrack Hussein Obama was born in Hawaii and is a natural-born American citizen. I have nothing further to add to this statement or my original statement issued in October 2008 over eight months ago...."

Hawaii Obama Birth Certificate is Real - ABC News

She couldn't be clearer. You've ignored Fukino for no particular reason. Despite the fact that she specifically and explicitly destroys your entire narrative. Your willful ignorance doesn't change Obama's eligibility to be president.

The two written responses to the Sec of States did not contain Obama's date of birth and that the released birth certificate was a 'True and Accurate Copy'. They were stalled for two weeks before being demanded by Hawaii Dept of Health to rephrase their questions.

Both written responses from Hawaii to the Secretaries of State of Mississippi and Arizona said that the information on Obama's birth certificate were accurate. The response to Mississippi, Alvin Tanaka the Registrar of Hawaii stated that the birth certificate for Obama posted on the white house website matches the records of Hawaii. Hawaii's response even cited the url where the birth certificate was posted when they verified its accuracy.

And that birth certificate most definitely has date of birth on it. And the location of his birth: Hawaii. The information on the birth certificate was verified as accurate by the Registrar of Hawaii. Twice.

You're literally ignoring Hawaii on its the validity of its own records: 4 times. No rational person ever would.

He probably also believes the world is flat.
The verification from Hawaii was no verification. It did not even verify Obama's birth date.

The verification to Mississippi indicated that the Birth Certificate for Obama posted on the White House website (they even typed out the URL) matched the original vital records held by Hawaii.

And that Birth Certificate absolutely included a date. And a place of birth: Hawaii.

What he received instead was a lawyered up statement confirming that information in the HDOH records supported the "information" on the birth certificate posted on the white house website which the AZ AG had attached to his request.

The verifications was pretty clear:

“Additionally, I verify that the information in the copy of the Certificate of Live Birth for Mr. Obama that you attached with your request matches the original record in our files.”

How is that 'lawyered up'? Its as clear as a bell.

Fukino's statements were every bit as lawyered up as Onaka's.

Um, no it wasn't.

"I, Dr. Chiyome Fukino, director of the Hawaii State Department of Health, have seen the original vital records maintained on file by the Hawai'i State Department of Health verifying Barrack Hussein Obama was born in Hawaii and is a natural-born American citizen. I have nothing further to add to this statement or my original statement issued in October 2008 over eight months ago...."

Hawaii Obama Birth Certificate is Real - ABC News

It was a grand total of two sentences. She couldn't be clearer. Why would any rational person ignore either Onaka or Fukino?
Here's a link to the actual doc. Its stupidly simple and ridiculously clear.


Here's a link to a similar letter to Kansas that is a bit lawyery in its beginning. But gets cartoon simple when Mr. Onaka verifies that the Birth Certificate on the White House website matches the original records.

2012-09-14 - KS - SoS Kobach Letter to Onaka and Response

And finally the document sent to folks in Mississippi covering the same information. Much simpler, and confirming the same thing as the other two: the Birth Certificate on the White House matches the original records.


So that's 3 written verifications by the Registrar of Hawaii that the information in the LFBC presented to the public by Obama matches the original documents in Hawaii. Yet the birthers ignore it all.
Oh, by any rational standard, the issue was resolved in 2007 with the COLB. Its prima facie evidence in any court of law. And would end any legal challenge in a millisecond.

But birtherism doesn't have much to do with rational.
Here's a link to the actual doc. Its stupidly simple and ridiculously clear.


It's only a verification if one is too stupid to read the fine print. This is an all lawyered up statement that gives the HDOH a way out.. The information matches the original information in the file. They didn't say it was an exact scan of the original document. They didn't say it was exactly what they provided Obama's attorneys. Are you too stupid to even ask yourself why they worded it this way? It's because the original could have had late filing stamped on it or some of the information could have been added in an addendum. Even if they left that off, the information they actually did include on the pdf would be verified by the information in the file. as for the matter ending in 2007, you must be smoking crack. The certificate of live birth wasn't even good enough for certain legal matters in Hawaii and you expect us to accept that as proof Mr. Obama was eligible to serve as POTUS. I think not.

As for Skyler, Fukino, who I have spoken with at length via telephone, is not qualified to say who is and who is not a natural born citizen. She can state if someone is a native born citizen but not a natural born citizen.
Here's a link to the actual doc. Its stupidly simple and ridiculously clear.


Here's a link to a similar letter to Kansas that is a bit lawyery in its beginning. But gets cartoon simple when Mr. Onaka verifies that the Birth Certificate on the White House website matches the original records.

2012-09-14 - KS - SoS Kobach Letter to Onaka and Response

And finally the document sent to folks in Mississippi covering the same information. Much simpler, and confirming the same thing as the other two: the Birth Certificate on the White House matches the original records.


So that's 3 written verifications by the Registrar of Hawaii that the information in the LFBC presented to the public by Obama matches the original documents in Hawaii. Yet the birthers ignore it all.

When Mike Zullo pointed out to the "folks" in Mississippi how the exact wording in the verification prevented it from being an actual verification, they responded that they hadn't even caught it but that Zullo was correct.
Oh, by any rational standard, the issue was resolved in 2007 with the COLB. Its prima facie evidence in any court of law. And would end any legal challenge in a millisecond.

But birtherism doesn't have much to do with rational.

Blindly supporting a president who was never vetted isn't rational in my opinion.
The problem with both of you is that you don't know how to read the fine print. You are unaware that there were many ways to get an LFBC back in 1961 without having been born there. A peek at the original files would resolve this but Mr. Transparency won't let anyone do that. I'm sure you can give me a good reason why.

There is nothing clear about the verifications. In fact, they avoid making the clearest statement of all. That the pdf is a scan of exactly what we gave them. Had they made a simple clear statement like this, many of them would be going to jail after Arpaio's next press conference. They took the safe route. Their answers are legally accurate but intentionally misleading to quote Clinton when he lied about Monica. I don't blame them. CYA is a big part of having a career in government.
They probably realize he is a embarrassment and that he is not a true native son.

Haven't we been through this before? The state of Hawaii officially verified Obama's birth in Hawaii.

Four times. Twice in press conferences, twice in written responses to the Secretaries of State of Mississippi and Arizona respectively.

Obama's eligibility to be president has been confirmed more thoroughly than any president in our nation's history.

"Obama's eligibility to be president..."

The events of the last six years have certainly refuted that claim.
Hawaii officials drop plan to name park for Obama
Posted: 10/07/2014 4:01 PM
HONOLULU (AP) - Two Honolulu city councilmen have dropped plans to rename a popular beach for President Barack Obama.
The Honolulu Star-Advertiser reports Councilman Stanley Chang and Council Chairman Ernie Martin decided to withdraw the proposal after hearing from the public.
The councilmen last week introduced a resolution to change the name of Sandy Beach Park to President Barack Obama Sandy Beach Park.
The beach is a popular for bodysurfing on Oahu's east side. It was a favorite for the president as he grew up. He bodysurfed there while on vacation during his 2008 campaign.
Martin says in a statement that he heard historic and cultural sensitivity concerns from the community about the name change.
He says there may be other public facilities more appropriate to honor the president.
Copyright 2014 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

I wonder what those "concerns" were?

too many people peeing on it. lol
Oh, by any rational standard, the issue was resolved in 2007 with the COLB. Its prima facie evidence in any court of law. And would end any legal challenge in a millisecond.

But birtherism doesn't have much to do with rational.

Blindly supporting a president who was never vetted isn't rational in my opinion.
They can't properly "vet" a former CIA agent. Former president George HW Bush was in charge of the CIA, he was a spook and never properly vetted, but folks voted for him. So what's the difference? Trust me, Obama was born in the USA. Chances are, his dad was also born in America, probably Chicago. Americans just aren't allowed to know the truth, because if they did, they wouldn't have voted for him, anymore than they would have voted for Bush senior had they know the truth about that spook.

The CIA Manchurian Candidate Groomed by Communists to Destroy America
The CIA Manchurian Candidate Groomed by Communists to Destroy America The Liberty Beacon

Phase I of Obama’s Grooming for Treason: The Obama Family’s CIA Background
The following paragraph represents quoted excerpts from Wayne Madsen’s exceptional investigation into the Obama family CIA background:

“President Obama’s own work in 1983 for Business International Corporation, a CIA front that conducted seminars with the world’s most powerful leaders and used journalists as agents abroad, dovetails with CIA espionage activities conducted by his mother, Stanley Ann Dunham in 1960′s post-coup Indonesia on behalf of a number of CIA front operations, including the East-West Center at the University of Hawaii, the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), and the Ford Foundation. Dunham met and married Lolo Soetoro, Obama’s stepfather, at the East-West Center in 1965. Soetoro was recalled to Indonesia in 1965 to serve as a senior army officer and assist General Suharto and the CIA in the bloody overthrow of President Sukarno…. Soetoro worked for the elitist Ford Foundation, World Bank, Asian Development Bank, Bank Rakyat (the majority government-owned People’s Bank of Indonesia), and the CIA-linked USAID while she lived in Indonesia and later, Pakistan….. Barack Obama, on the other hand, cleverly masked his own CIA connections as well as those of his mother, father, step-father, and grandmother (there is very little known about Obama’s grandfather, Stanley Armour Dunham.“

Madsen painstakingly and conclusively demonstrated that virtually all of Obama’s relatives were CIA operatives. Madsen has found even more CIA connections to Obama’s first employer. Madsen further went on to describe how Obama’s family was clearly exposed and was intimately connected to MKULTRA’s mind control program at the University of Hawaii. Info Wars also carried Madsen’s expose and it is available here.

It’s a Small World, After All
President Obama’s family and former Ex-Goldman Sachs executive, Ex-Treasury Secretary and World Bank leader,Tim Geithner and his family have been joined together at the hip for decades. Tim Geithner’s father worked for the CIA in the Rockefeller funded Ford Foundation in Asia. Geitner’s father was in charge of micro-finance for the Ford Foundation for all of Asia. From Wayne Madsen’s work, we know that President Obama’s mother was in charge of micro-finance in Indonesia. The Hollywood producers could not make this plot up. Geithner’s father was Obama’s mother’s boss. It is likely that Geithner’s father tagged Obama as a potential presidential CIA Ford Foundation, well-groomed Manchurian candidate.

Additional information comes from the discovery that the two universities that Obama attended, Harvard and Columbia, were prime CIA recruiting grounds. The Ford and Rockefeller Foundations continued to fund Columbia’s Soviet studies programs through the early 1980s, where Obama was a student. And would anyone care to guess what Obama was studying?
I have a birth certificate from Hawaii and it's doesn't look anything like that one
Naming anything after Obama can only go one direction. His name will be associated with names like Hiendenburg, Titanic, etc.

Back after Obama was elected, the Aloha swap meet had Obama Naka Oi shirts at every seller. You can't even find one to wipe you ass one these days

I think a memorial for Odummy would be more appropriate in Germany



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