Hawaii residents shout insults at Biden

Democrats didn't clean the forrest

Democrats didn't turn off the power

Democrats controlled the water

Democrats blocked the roads

Democrats made the fires as bad as possible for Americans while protecting the property owned by NWO types.

Democrats in Maui are following the orders of their NWO, WEF masters.
again, I think they miscalculated the human powder remains that are now there thanks to the accelerant they used. Oops.
bdtex gives out disagree symbols but never gives an opinion why.
More Republican blame the victim as they deny aid to those suffering a disaster

Lets see how Republicans vote for aid to Maui
Why don't Democrats take responsibility for their land management?

Why don't Democrats get mad at black Rock for leaving the power on?

Why don't Democrats get mad at the democrats running the water?

Why did Democrats block the roads?
Gee, that was a huge waste of money--- Joe hardly needed to fly to Hawaii just to be insulted!
He can easily get that here.
I hope Joe got a lot of rest on the flight there and back though.
Wonder if he stopped at East Palestine on his way back home?

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You can bet that useless bastard didn't waste any time getting back out on Rehoboth beach though.
There's more than likely facial recognition working to ID those that insulted dear leader and in time there will be retribution. After all, "nobody fucks with a Biden".
There's more than likely facial recognition working to ID those that insulted dear leader and in time there will be retribution. After all, "nobody fucks with a Biden".
let's go Brandon
Then the senile drooler compounds the problem by telling another lie about how he “escaped a house fire”. Which was a small kitchen blaze that didn’t spread. Talk about tone deaf and non-caring. But his big Dem donors suffered no damage to their mansions and now can buy that land they wanted for cheap to build condominiums.
Briben should get a medal for this. Yeah, he can't remember the name of the island "it's not the big island, it's the one that's on fire, the one you see on tv"..... and yeah, he fucked off on 2 vacations while Maui was suffering unspeakable devastation.... and yeah, "no comment" is not the best reply to "how bad is the suffering?"..... and yeah he fell asleep during the discussion with the victims.... and yeah, the entire state was chanting "fuck joe biden".... and yeah he compared this horrific tragedy to his kitchen fire and told people that lost their children that he almost lost his Corvette...

But all-in-all, we are talking about a drooling shut-in with a 1000-yard fucktard stare.... grading on that curve, he did pretty good.

The residents of Hawaii are so thrilled with the support they are getting from our President that they will overwhelmingly support him in 2024
Isn't this a testament to the objectivity of the media in the US? You can't find a story with anything but praise for Biden from the msm. You have to go to a news outlet from India to get news with an opposing view. Journalism is dead in the US.

Turn on cnn or abc or MSNBC or whatever and they only show just enough to make things look good.

But go on even Twitter and you see real life videos that show everything the msm left out and see what people really say. No context added either, just a straight video. And it isn't just one person showing one video, it's a lot of people showing their own videos.

But then again the msm all take their orders from politicians that give orders to the actual people that own those news outlets, and get orders from the big players like George soros, bill gates, Claus Schwab and so on.

Like this example news stations of different brands all over the country keep saying the same things at the same time on the same issues.


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