Hawking says physics proves there is no time for "Gawd".

Hawking has bat shit for brains. No time for God, put plenty of time for the Big Bang when there was no time?

i'm sure he'll be very distressed that someone with a double digit IQ like you thinks a genius like Hawkings is brainless.

the irony is lovely.

I think hawking is bitter and blames God for his condition when he should just blame poor genetics.
Hawking has bat shit for brains. No time for God, put plenty of time for the Big Bang when there was no time?

i'm sure he'll be very distressed that someone with a double digit IQ like you thinks a genius like Hawkings is brainless.

the irony is lovely.

I think hawking is bitter and blames God for his condition when he should just blame poor genetics.
Funny how these Creationists dabble in occult mind-reading!
But wasn't genetics created by your God???
Why yes, yes it was, so your God is still at fault but not honest enough to take responsibility for his failures!
i'm sure he'll be very distressed that someone with a double digit IQ like you thinks a genius like Hawkings is brainless.

the irony is lovely.

I think hawking is bitter and blames God for his condition when he should just blame poor genetics.
Funny how these Creationists dabble in occult mind-reading!
But wasn't genetics created by your God???
Why yes, yes it was, so your God is still at fault but not honest enough to take responsibility for his failures!

I have stated before I believe mutations are the mechanism God chose to assure sinful beings pay the price for sin and that is death. I believe they effect over time to point that they cause the body to slowly decay over time. Some people such as hawking still have a life but has been affected by bad genes.
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I think hawking is bitter and blames God for his condition when he should just blame poor genetics.
Funny how these Creationists dabble in occult mind-reading!
But wasn't genetics created by your God???
Why yes, yes it was, so your God is still at fault but not honest enough to take responsibility for his failures!

I have stated before I believe mutations are the mechanism God chose to assure sinful beings pay the price for sin and that is death. I believe they effect over time to point that they cause the body to slowly decay over time. Some people such as hawking still have a life but has been affected by bad genes.
The old, "it's not a bug....it's a feature" rationalization for failure.
Thank you.
Funny how these Creationists dabble in occult mind-reading!
But wasn't genetics created by your God???
Why yes, yes it was, so your God is still at fault but not honest enough to take responsibility for his failures!

I have stated before I believe mutations are the mechanism God chose to assure sinful beings pay the price for sin and that is death. I believe they effect over time to point that they cause the body to slowly decay over time. Some people such as hawking still have a life but has been affected by bad genes.
The old, "it's not a bug....it's a feature" rationalization for failure.
Thank you.

Think, if you were God what would you do to bring death to those that sin which is everyone ? but still let them have a taste of life and how precious life is. But he is also showing mans system of life that lacks perfection verses a perfect world that he offered to adam and eve with no death or disease and where the animal kindom would be at peace with each other.

What we are deciding each and everyone of is do we want man's system of things or what God offers to us all.
I have stated before I believe mutations are the mechanism God chose to assure sinful beings pay the price for sin and that is death. I believe they effect over time to point that they cause the body to slowly decay over time. Some people such as hawking still have a life but has been affected by bad genes.
The old, "it's not a bug....it's a feature" rationalization for failure.
Thank you.

Think, if you were God what would you do to bring death to those that sin which is everyone ? but still let them have a taste of life and how precious life is. But he is also showing mans system of life that lacks perfection verses a perfect world that he offered to adam and eve with no death or disease and where the animal kindom would be at peace with each other.

What we are deciding each and everyone of is do we want man's system of things or what God offers to us all.
A "perfect" world with the most deceitful creature the mind of God could conjure up lurking around to prey on the innocent defenseless creatures who were deliberately denied the KNOWLEDGE needed to cope with your God's devil.
That "PERFECT" world???
It really doesn't matter what I consider to be abiogenesis, or you either, it is an actual field of scientific study that is distinct from evolution. Abiogeneisis is how life began, evolution is how life changed. Even if it changed before it began, like you want to believe, that is still separate from evolution.

Yeah right, its a "distinct" field in much the same way that the study of white dwarfs and supernovae are "distinct" fields.

Where do you come up with this crap?

Abiogenesis is biochemistry, evolution is biology. If you don't understand the difference I suggest you pick up some books.

Oh no, no! You misunderstand! I agree 100%. BIOchemisty and BIOlogy are two completely unrelated and distinct fields. Evolutionary biologists rarely interact with biochemists, I'm sure. They probably don't even know each other's names. You're right.
You don't list a source twice in the references just because its cited twice in the text, that's idiotic. You've got very poor writing skills.

You do if it is different pages.

The first reference doesn't list a page number numbnuts, and the reason it doesn't is because you've never once in your life seen the inside of that book. You're not fooling anyone.

I read the first book you dismissed because you think you know what it says. Feel free to go through it and prove me wrong, I actually provided you with a link to the book on Google Books.

No you didn't, and you're a liar.
Lets see it then. Show me the math.

I can't follow all of Hawking's math
Then how do you know what it says?
what makes you think you can?
If I can't my degree isn't worth the paper its printed on.
Or do you think that when he says that the gravity in a black hole makes time impossible he is making a wild guess, the way you handle all that science stuff?
I would just love to see the math.
Sure. Tell that to Alexander Friedmann or Georges Lemaître.

The Big Bang is a theory about how the universe began, relativity is a theory that describes the relationship between energy and matter, and it shows that space is curved. Believe it or not, every physicist currently alive understands the difference. As a matter of fact, Einstein created the cosmological constant because he assumed that the steady state universe was the correct theory. How does that fit in with the big bang being implied in relativity?

You answered your own question. General relativity implies an expanding (or contracting) universe unless you rig it with a fudge parameter called the "Cosmological constant" that magically has the exact value needed to cause gravity to be balanced in the universe, resulting in a steady state. Any deviation above or below the exact value required will result in an expanding or contracting Universe.
Oh poopy please look up all the threads....
I require you actually put forth some effort at proving your point before I put forth effort at disproving it.
I am tired of repeating everything I have in other threads.

Then post links to them fart brain.

Just go read previous debates many here can verify I have participated in many debates here and I brought forth many arguments.

Just remember when you step in it ,I'll be there.

You go read previous debates and get back to me about where I can find them.
The old, "it's not a bug....it's a feature" rationalization for failure.
Thank you.

Think, if you were God what would you do to bring death to those that sin which is everyone ? but still let them have a taste of life and how precious life is. But he is also showing mans system of life that lacks perfection verses a perfect world that he offered to adam and eve with no death or disease and where the animal kindom would be at peace with each other.

What we are deciding each and everyone of is do we want man's system of things or what God offers to us all.
A "perfect" world with the most deceitful creature the mind of God could conjure up lurking around to prey on the innocent defenseless creatures who were deliberately denied the KNOWLEDGE needed to cope with your God's devil.
That "PERFECT" world???

Your true colors are showing.

No he is allowing each and everyone of us to choose the road for ourselves.
I require you actually put forth some effort at proving your point before I put forth effort at disproving it.

Then post links to them fart brain.

Just go read previous debates many here can verify I have participated in many debates here and I brought forth many arguments.

Just remember when you step in it ,I'll be there.

You go read previous debates and get back to me about where I can find them.





There were others but I cannot find them.
Just go read previous debates many here can verify I have participated in many debates here and I brought forth many arguments.

Just remember when you step in it ,I'll be there.

You go read previous debates and get back to me about where I can find them.





There were others but I cannot find them.

None of those threads present arguments articulated by you.

You are incapable of doing so.
I require you actually put forth some effort at proving your point before I put forth effort at disproving it.

Then post links to them fart brain.

Just go read previous debates many here can verify I have participated in many debates here and I brought forth many arguments.

Just remember when you step in it ,I'll be there.

You go read previous debates and get back to me about where I can find them.

Here are some more that I really liked.



We debated this but can't find the thread concerning the the genetic code.


:badgrin: You did not read the threads then. If you look through the threads and find something you want to discuss I'm here and waiting.

How bout this,I know there is a lot of reading in those threads,so I can make it eaier on you and we can choose a topic to discuss.

Here are some topics you choose the topic and let's discuss it.

Genetics,mutations, mutation count,origins of life,DNA is a language,DNA similarity,the fossil record,Abiogenesis,what do mutations do,Neo darwinism, and the miller urey experiment.

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