Hawking says physics proves there is no time for "Gawd".

:blahblah: :talk2hand: Your a dumbass whos obviously taking things out of context, why don't you place the areas where the New Testament refutes most of the claims your making?:stupid:

I at least know the difference between you're and your.

I've read the bible and most people who claim to be Christians can't quote ten verses of it. I'll be waiting with bated breath until you show me something besides grammatical errors.

Invaild argument, memory can be faulty if you don't have a photographic memory (which most people don't) so what you say you remember from the bible could actually be wrong, thats why its all there in black and white for you to read as many times you like.


I can read that in bold black. It means you either can't find anything to counter the numerous verses I've posted or you certainly don't know anything. Show me something. C'mon....just a few verses.
I at least know the difference between you're and your.

I've read the bible and most people who claim to be Christians can't quote ten verses of it. I'll be waiting with bated breath until you show me something besides grammatical errors.

Invaild argument, memory can be faulty if you don't have a photographic memory (which most people don't) so what you say you remember from the bible could actually be wrong, thats why its all there in black and white for you to read as many times you like.


I can read that in bold black. It means you either can't find anything to counter the numerous verses I've posted or you certainly don't know anything. Show me something. C'mon....just a few verses.

Or he just doesnt have time to waste on your sorry ass.

You are a pretentious ignoramus, who mostly cuts and pastes shit from athiest cluster-fucks online.

Not impressed.
Invaild argument, memory can be faulty if you don't have a photographic memory (which most people don't) so what you say you remember from the bible could actually be wrong, thats why its all there in black and white for you to read as many times you like.


I can read that in bold black. It means you either can't find anything to counter the numerous verses I've posted or you certainly don't know anything. Show me something. C'mon....just a few verses.

Or he just doesnt have time to waste on your sorry ass.

You are a pretentious ignoramus, who mostly cuts and pastes shit from athiest cluster-fucks online.

Not impressed.

I'm 77 years old. Played piano and keyboards in about ten part time bands or combos over a 30 year period, bedded over 300 women...most of them attractive and well built. Retired with a good pension after working for the same company for 41 years. Why in the world would I give a damn about impressing you.

How do you account for the hundreds of direct contradictions in the bible. How do you account for the fact that there are more than 44,000 denominations, conventions, sects, cults, subcults etc. of the Christian faith

Some people can't speak or show up without revealing their total naivity.
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I can read that in bold black. It means you either can't find anything to counter the numerous verses I've posted or you certainly don't know anything. Show me something. C'mon....just a few verses.

Or he just doesnt have time to waste on your sorry ass.

You are a pretentious ignoramus, who mostly cuts and pastes shit from athiest cluster-fucks online.

Not impressed.

I'm 77 years old. Played piano and keyboards in about ten part time bands or combos over a 30 year period, bedded over 300 women...most of them attractive and well built. Retired with a good pension after working for the same company for 41 years. Why in the world would I give a damn about impressing you.

How do you account for the hundreds of direct contradictions in the bible. How do you account for the fact that there are more than 44,000 denominations, conventions, sects, cults, subcults etc. of the Christian faith

Some people can't speak or show up without revealing their total naivity.

:eusa_hand: If you weren't trying to impress anyone you wouldn't have said the bolded also im a non-demoninational christian.


I can read that in bold black. It means you either can't find anything to counter the numerous verses I've posted or you certainly don't know anything. Show me something. C'mon....just a few verses.

Or he just doesnt have time to waste on your sorry ass.

You are a pretentious ignoramus, who mostly cuts and pastes shit from athiest cluster-fucks online.

Not impressed.

I'm 77 years old. Played piano and keyboards in about ten part time bands or combos over a 30 year period, bedded over 300 women...most of them attractive and well built. Retired with a good pension after working for the same company for 41 years. Why in the world would I give a damn about impressing you.

How do you account for the hundreds of direct contradictions in the bible. How do you account for the fact that there are more than 44,000 denominations, conventions, sects, cults, subcults etc. of the Christian faith

Some people can't speak or show up without revealing their total naivity.

I'm 77 years old. Played piano and keyboards in about ten part time bands or combos over a 30 year period, bedded over 300 women...most of them attractive and well built. Retired with a good pension after working for the same company for 41 years. Why in the world would I give a damn about impressing you.


And when Alexander saw the breadth of his domain he wept, for there were no more worlds to conquer.

Stay thirsty my friends.
Until you can verify and prove that The universe was created in six days about 6000 years ago.

It's easier to prove that Earth is 6000 years old than to prove the Big Bang.

If the Earth is the center of the universe, as it appears to be, then gravitational time dilation would account for the red-shifted starlight and for how the light from distant stars got to Earth in only thousands of years in the Earth time frame.

But, you don't want to be believe my eyes. You want me to believe your mythology that the universe has no center and that I'm only seeing an illusion.


You don't know the differece between a scientific theory and pure, ancient, foolish mythology. Don't feel bad....I've been around for 77 years and Christians are the most naive or brainwashed people I've ever met.

Until you can verify and prove that The universe was created in six days about 6000 years ago. Two naked teens and a snake in garden determined the fate of the whole human race. There was a flood in which the water level reached a height of 29.000 ft and evaporated in a few weeks. Big fish puked up live men. Walls came tumbling at the sound of a trumpet. A virgin gave birth to the god of the universe wno was also himself and a holy ghost. A man was able to walk on water. People were healed of leprosy by laying hands on them. Water was turned into fine wine. 5000 hungry men plus women and children who also ate were fed with two fish and five loaves then 12 baskets of leftovers were collected. A man was hung on a cross and bled like a hog only to show up two days later fit as a fiddle. etc. etc. go suck an orange.

How's bout that trilogy bullshit. That's like Wall St. folks trying to explain derivitives. They don't have a clue about those foot long algorhythms and won't admit it but they just hedge their selections......no pun intended.

You say this like it is fact,there are many educated that are Christians . Fact is many hold degrees in science. You have a problem with miracles but it would take more miracles for this universe to start from a natural process not to mention the diversity of life.
Why would anyone even try to prove that the Earth was created in 6 days by a super being? It's a matter of faith isn't it? If you have it, then why bother to try and prove it? If you don't then no amount of "proof" will make a difference.

What if it was,wouldn't science need to know this ? How bout if a day was much longer to God then our day's ?


I can read that in bold black. It means you either can't find anything to counter the numerous verses I've posted or you certainly don't know anything. Show me something. C'mon....just a few verses.

Or he just doesnt have time to waste on your sorry ass.

You are a pretentious ignoramus, who mostly cuts and pastes shit from athiest cluster-fucks online.

Not impressed.

I'm 77 years old. Played piano and keyboards in about ten part time bands or combos over a 30 year period, bedded over 300 women...most of them attractive and well built. Retired with a good pension after working for the same company for 41 years. Why in the world would I give a damn about impressing you.

How do you account for the hundreds of direct contradictions in the bible. How do you account for the fact that there are more than 44,000 denominations, conventions, sects, cults, subcults etc. of the Christian faith

Some people can't speak or show up without revealing their total naivity.

And did way too many drugs.
Why would anyone even try to prove that the Earth was created in 6 days by a super being? It's a matter of faith isn't it? If you have it, then why bother to try and prove it? If you don't then no amount of "proof" will make a difference.

What if it was,wouldn't science need to know this ? How bout if a day was much longer to God then our day's ?
Gen 1: 5 And the evening and the morning were the first day.
Or he just doesnt have time to waste on your sorry ass.

You are a pretentious ignoramus, who mostly cuts and pastes shit from athiest cluster-fucks online.

Not impressed.

I'm 77 years old. Played piano and keyboards in about ten part time bands or combos over a 30 year period, bedded over 300 women...most of them attractive and well built. Retired with a good pension after working for the same company for 41 years. Why in the world would I give a damn about impressing you.

How do you account for the hundreds of direct contradictions in the bible. How do you account for the fact that there are more than 44,000 denominations, conventions, sects, cults, subcults etc. of the Christian faith

Some people can't speak or show up without revealing their total naivity.

:eusa_hand: If you weren't trying to impress anyone you wouldn't have said the bolded also im a non-demoninational christian.

OK...the count just went up to 44,001
Why would anyone even try to prove that the Earth was created in 6 days by a super being? It's a matter of faith isn't it? If you have it, then why bother to try and prove it? If you don't then no amount of "proof" will make a difference.

What if it was,wouldn't science need to know this ? How bout if a day was much longer to God then our day's ?


You guys will say just about anything won't you?
Looking at it from Stephen Hawking's point of view, if God existed He put that kind of mind into that kind of body. It might be easier and kinder, to think that it was a cosmic accident and there is no God.
Why would anyone even try to prove that the Earth was created in 6 days by a super being? It's a matter of faith isn't it? If you have it, then why bother to try and prove it? If you don't then no amount of "proof" will make a difference.

What if it was,wouldn't science need to know this ? How bout if a day was much longer to God then our day's ?

So what if it was? There's no way that anyone can prove scientifically how many days there are in God's week, or whether a "God" week is a billion years Earth time, so trying to convince the scientific community of that would be sowing seed on barren ground.

Like I said, it's a matter of faith. Why does the one feel the need to persuade / inform / attack the other?

If you have faith in the teachings of the Bible, then surely it doesn't matter what the science says. You'll be able to stand in front of St Pete knowing that your beliefs never wavered.

If you think the scientists are wrong, then pray for their "enlightenment".

If you think they are deliberately attacking your beliefs, then forgive them.
Why would anyone even try to prove that the Earth was created in 6 days by a super being? It's a matter of faith isn't it? If you have it, then why bother to try and prove it? If you don't then no amount of "proof" will make a difference.

What if it was,wouldn't science need to know this ? How bout if a day was much longer to God then our day's ?
Gen 1: 5 And the evening and the morning were the first day.

2Pe 3:8 Dear friends, don't forget that for the Lord one day is the same as a thousand years, and a thousand years is the same as one day.
Why would anyone even try to prove that the Earth was created in 6 days by a super being? It's a matter of faith isn't it? If you have it, then why bother to try and prove it? If you don't then no amount of "proof" will make a difference.

What if it was,wouldn't science need to know this ? How bout if a day was much longer to God then our day's ?


You guys will say just about anything won't you?

No man has all the answers does he ?


I can read that in bold black. It means you either can't find anything to counter the numerous verses I've posted or you certainly don't know anything. Show me something. C'mon....just a few verses.

Or he just doesnt have time to waste on your sorry ass.

You are a pretentious ignoramus, who mostly cuts and pastes shit from athiest cluster-fucks online.

Not impressed.

I'm 77 years old. Played piano and keyboards in about ten part time bands or combos over a 30 year period, bedded over 300 women...most of them attractive and well built. Retired with a good pension after working for the same company for 41 years. Why in the world would I give a damn about impressing you.

How do you account for the hundreds of direct contradictions in the bible. How do you account for the fact that there are more than 44,000 denominations, conventions, sects, cults, subcults etc. of the Christian faith

Some people can't speak or show up without revealing their total naivity.



I can read that in bold black. It means you either can't find anything to counter the numerous verses I've posted or you certainly don't know anything. Show me something. C'mon....just a few verses.

Or he just doesnt have time to waste on your sorry ass.

You are a pretentious ignoramus, who mostly cuts and pastes shit from athiest cluster-fucks online.

Not impressed.

I'm 77 years old. Played piano and keyboards in about ten part time bands or combos over a 30 year period, bedded over 300 women...most of them attractive and well built. Retired with a good pension after working for the same company for 41 years. Why in the world would I give a damn about impressing you.

How do you account for the hundreds of direct contradictions in the bible. How do you account for the fact that there are more than 44,000 denominations, conventions, sects, cults, subcults etc. of the Christian faith

Some people can't speak or show up without revealing their total naivity.
How do you account for your stupidity? Idiot.

A scientist proved, again, that they don't believe in god and proved it too himself!!

I'm just fucking stunned.


You know what....there are three kinds of to, too two.
First thing you know folks will believe you're no smarter than the ignorant primitives who wrote the bible. Or I should say dreamed it up because only a few could even write.
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A scientist proved, again, that they don't believe in god and proved it too himself!!

I'm just fucking stunned.


You know what....there are three kinds of to, too two.
First thing you know folks will believe you're no smarter than the ignorant primitives who wrote the bible. Or I should say dreamed it up because only a few could even write.

It amuses me that a guy who cannot spell naivety is pointing out the mistakes of others. I bet you like to throw around that quote about having a beam in your eye when people point out your sins, don't you?

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