He is PROUD to shut down the Government!

I'm proud it's shut down. Anti-American Dems need to finally be taken to the mat over our porous southern border and outdated immigration laws.
I love how tiny donnie is making more Democrats as we speak.

Keep believing that. We like you Democrats being ignorant, oblivious, uninformed, and out of touch with reality.

That way you lose again.
I'm proud it's shut down. Anti-American Dems need to finally be taken to the mat over our porous southern border and outdated immigration laws.
I love how tiny donnie is making more Democrats as we speak.

What you love is more American misery and spilled American blood to increase the unhinged lefts voter base.
I'm proud it's shut down. Anti-American Dems need to finally be taken to the mat over our porous southern border and outdated immigration laws.

You are as heartless as your ORANGE KING!

And you're not I suppose; as Americans unnecessarily die at the hands of illegals who can be prevented from being here along with 100 billion in illegal drugs that can be significantly cut down on, killing many, many more!
So continue to ride your fake moral high road, doofus.

Hate to tell you dude, but the illegal drugs from the cartels aren't coming across on the backs of migrants seeking asylum. They are coming via regular ports of entry, hidden in trucks or cars that are driven by paid drug mules. A wall won't stop the drugs from coming in via the ports of entry, or via the tunnels.

But better tech and more border Patrol combined with a barrier, is a great start to putting a significant dent in it.
Guess you missed Trumps initial proposal.

I'll agree that we need better tech. I've been advocating for an electronic fence and better monitoring devices at the ports of entry for a long time.

But, a solid wall will do nothing to stop the flow of illegal drugs. They will just use tunnels, or drug mules crossing at the ports of entry like they currently do.

Stopping the flow of illegals, criminals, rapists, welfare leeches, sex workers, and terrorists sneaking across the border isn't enough for you?

I thought you people like drugs?
.he is the only president that has the guts to defend America

I am not saying you are wrong, but NOW fighting in Vietnam is defending America?

What did Trumpybear say about John McCain?
Over border security....he should be proud...he is the only president that has the guts to defend America....to make things safe and fair for us!...dummy.....
Defend America from what?

We already know that most of the things he talks about aren't true.

This is a made-up "crisis" that inky exists in the collective conservative imagination.
I'm proud it's shut down. Anti-American Dems need to finally be taken to the mat over our porous southern border and outdated immigration laws.

You are as heartless as your ORANGE KING!

And you're not I suppose; as Americans unnecessarily die at the hands of illegals who can be prevented from being here along with 100 billion in illegal drugs that can be significantly cut down on, killing many, many more!
So continue to ride your fake moral high road, doofus.
The wall will not do these things. More security at crossing points and airports along with Visa enforcement will.
Over border security....he should be proud...he is the only president that has the guts to defend America....to make things safe and fair for us!...dummy.....
Defend America from what?

We already know that most of the things he talks about aren't true.

This is a made-up "crisis" that inky exists in the collective conservative imagination.

If it's a fake "made-up crisis" then how about you removing all the doors and walls from your humble little domicile, so I can help myself to what I want?

You don't need all that shit anyway, I deserve it more than you do.
Over border security....he should be proud...he is the only president that has the guts to defend America....to make things safe and fair for us!...dummy.....
Defend America from what?

We already know that most of the things he talks about aren't true.

This is a made-up "crisis" that inky exists in the collective conservative imagination.

If it's a fake "made-up crisis" then how about you removing all the doors and walls from your humble little domicile, so I can help myself to what I want?

You don't need all that shit anyway, I deserve it more than you do.
Posting silly straw man arguments doesn't help.
I'm proud it's shut down. Anti-American Dems need to finally be taken to the mat over our porous southern border and outdated immigration laws.

You are as heartless as your ORANGE KING!

And you're not I suppose; as Americans unnecessarily die at the hands of illegals who can be prevented from being here along with 100 billion in illegal drugs that can be significantly cut down on, killing many, many more!
So continue to ride your fake moral high road, doofus.
The wall will not do these things. More security at crossing points and airports along with Visa enforcement will.

Quit being an idiot. You know damned well that sex and weapons traffickers, terrorists, human smugglers, and the majority of illegals aren't going to come through the choke points. They're going to sneak through where the border isn't guarded.
I'm proud it's shut down. Anti-American Dems need to finally be taken to the mat over our porous southern border and outdated immigration laws.

You are as heartless as your ORANGE KING!

And you're not I suppose; as Americans unnecessarily die at the hands of illegals who can be prevented from being here along with 100 billion in illegal drugs that can be significantly cut down on, killing many, many more!
So continue to ride your fake moral high road, doofus.
The wall will not do these things. More security at crossing points and airports along with Visa enforcement will.

Quit being an idiot. You know damned well that sex and weapons traffickers, terrorists, human smugglers, and the majority of illegals aren't going to come through the choke points. They're going to sneak through where the border isn't guarded.
We already know that they do mostly come through the regular border crossing. You saying differently doesn't change the facts.
I'm proud it's shut down. Anti-American Dems need to finally be taken to the mat over our porous southern border and outdated immigration laws.

You are as heartless as your ORANGE KING!

And you're not I suppose; as Americans unnecessarily die at the hands of illegals who can be prevented from being here along with 100 billion in illegal drugs that can be significantly cut down on, killing many, many more!
So continue to ride your fake moral high road, doofus.

Hate to tell you dude, but the illegal drugs from the cartels aren't coming across on the backs of migrants seeking asylum. They are coming via regular ports of entry, hidden in trucks or cars that are driven by paid drug mules. A wall won't stop the drugs from coming in via the ports of entry, or via the tunnels.

But better tech and more border Patrol combined with a barrier, is a great start to putting a significant dent in it.
Guess you missed Trumps initial proposal.

I didn't miss Trump's initial proposal. He promised a year before he was elected that he would deport 12 million illegal aliens in his first 2 years. The majority of Americans knew that he was lying, but he convinced you!
Over border security....he should be proud...he is the only president that has the guts to defend America....to make things safe and fair for us!...dummy.....
Defend America from what?

We already know that most of the things he talks about aren't true.

This is a made-up "crisis" that inky exists in the collective conservative imagination.

If it's a fake "made-up crisis" then how about you removing all the doors and walls from your humble little domicile, so I can help myself to what I want?

You don't need all that shit anyway, I deserve it more than you do.
Posting silly straw man arguments doesn't help.

To hell with your "straw man" argument. How would you like it if I just came along and took your shit because you had no way to keep me out?

Probably as little as I like you Democrats wanting more illegals in this country, so you can nullify not only mine, but the votes of millions of other American citizens. GFY dude.
MAGA and still pissing/triggering/etc the Dems off
Trump is proud to claim responsibility for things.

At least................as long as they look good. When they start to turn to crap, he looks for someone to shift the blame to, other than himself.
So, he's a good politician?


No, he's a crappy politician, because everyone can see through his attempts to shift blame rather easily. All they have to do is check the video from a week or two back to see how much he flip flops.

Ah! But his mindless Cult Members will gobble up any lie that he makes!
I'm proud it's shut down. Anti-American Dems need to finally be taken to the mat over our porous southern border and outdated immigration laws.

You are as heartless as your ORANGE KING!

And you're not I suppose; as Americans unnecessarily die at the hands of illegals who can be prevented from being here along with 100 billion in illegal drugs that can be significantly cut down on, killing many, many more!
So continue to ride your fake moral high road, doofus.
The wall will not do these things. More security at crossing points and airports along with Visa enforcement will.

Quit being an idiot. You know damned well that sex and weapons traffickers, terrorists, human smugglers, and the majority of illegals aren't going to come through the choke points. They're going to sneak through where the border isn't guarded.
We already know that they do mostly come through the regular border crossing. You saying differently doesn't change the facts.

"We already know"? You don't know shit, except for what your lying media is whispering in your ear. Did they at least give you a reach-around while they were doing that?

You have no right to make up your own "facts", nor do you any longer control the narrative here.

Do you understand that?

We have had just about enough out of you people. Either you get onboard with this President's plan to protect this country, or GTFO of here.
I'm proud it's shut down. Anti-American Dems need to finally be taken to the mat over our porous southern border and outdated immigration laws.

You are as heartless as your ORANGE KING!

And you're not I suppose; as Americans unnecessarily die at the hands of illegals who can be prevented from being here along with 100 billion in illegal drugs that can be significantly cut down on, killing many, many more!
So continue to ride your fake moral high road, doofus.

Hate to tell you dude, but the illegal drugs from the cartels aren't coming across on the backs of migrants seeking asylum. They are coming via regular ports of entry, hidden in trucks or cars that are driven by paid drug mules. A wall won't stop the drugs from coming in via the ports of entry, or via the tunnels.

But better tech and more border Patrol combined with a barrier, is a great start to putting a significant dent in it.
Guess you missed Trumps initial proposal.

I didn't miss Trump's initial proposal. He promised a year before he was elected that he would deport 12 million illegal aliens in his first 2 years. The majority of Americans knew that he was lying, but he convinced you!

Wrong initial proposal wombat. His initial proposal SINCE the shutdown....duhh.
I'm proud it's shut down. Anti-American Dems need to finally be taken to the mat over our porous southern border and outdated immigration laws.

You are as heartless as your ORANGE KING!

And you're not I suppose; as Americans unnecessarily die at the hands of illegals who can be prevented from being here along with 100 billion in illegal drugs that can be significantly cut down on, killing many, many more!
So continue to ride your fake moral high road, doofus.

Many MANY more Americans are and have been killed by angry white men. Do something about Angry White Men!

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