He is PROUD to shut down the Government!

Absolutely, they were angry the Brits wouldn't let them break treaties with Indian tribes.
I disagree. Americans wanting to settle lands claimed for Great Britain by the Royal Proclamation of 1763 had nothing to do with Indian treaties.

Dumb F_ _K.......you are torturing people in order to satisfy Limpballs and Culter.....

What keeps striking me about this hapless video:

--- is that Schumer and Pelosi are talking like adults while Rump is talking like the troll-child he is. "Waah I want this, waaah I want that and I'll hold my breath 'til I turn orange".

They're going to have to hire a child to take on that mentality level.

Dumb F_ _K.......you are torturing people in order to satisfy Limpballs and Culter.....

Rump: "I don't call it a shutdown".

I agree. I call it a "shakedown".

$5.8 billion for the wall. You will be protected, whether you like it or not.

LOOK....He ain't gonna get it....He is Losing....He knows it.....Go away....

Then enjoy the shutdown of your beloved "government."

President Trump has a case of dynamite, all the guns and ammo he needs, and several cases of beer. He can hold out as long as he wants to.

Longer than you.

Just keep that FedZilla shut down until enough people realize how motherfucking useless it is.

We don't need a Department of Education. There's one that can immediately go bu-bye.

Let the list build.

Dumb F_ _K.......you are torturing people in order to satisfy Limpballs and Culter.....

Rump: "I don't call it a shutdown".

I agree. I call it a "shakedown".

$5.8 billion for the wall. You will be protected, whether you like it or not.

LOOK....He ain't gonna get it....He is Losing....He knows it.....Go away....

Then enjoy the shutdown of your beloved "government."

President Trump has a case of dynamite, all the guns and ammo he needs, and several cases of beer. He can hold out as long as he wants to.

Longer than you.


Trump may have dynamite and guns, but a million+ federal workers and family members will be in deep shit if they miss another paycheck.
Too bad the Galts in this world are so fucking stupid.

Just keep that FedZilla shut down until enough people realize how motherfucking useless it is.

We don't need a Department of Education. There's one that can immediately go bu-bye.

Let the list build.

If Doonie's poll numbers keep diving...he will be in minus territory....that is okay with me...
The Dems are still trying to figure out how to deal with some one they cannot intimidate Trump is not a politician and he does not play those games and that is one reason he got elected
If Doonie's poll numbers keep diving...he will be in minus territory....that is okay with me..

We agree then. Keep that Fed Gov shut down for a long time.

The government of the United States is not a bargaining chip. A president cannot close the government when he doesn’t get his way, and then offer to open it as a concession when he does. That would not be a democracy; it would be a dictatorship.

-Robert Reich
The government of the United States is not a bargaining chip. A president cannot close the government when he doesn’t get his way, and then offer to open it as a concession when he does. That would not be a democracy; it would be a dictatorship.
How many times have the democrats done it?

Are they dictators?

If Democrats don't like a taste of their own medicine, they have other recourse.

I hope it never re-opens and this pathetic "union" dissolves into nothing.

The government of the United States is not a bargaining chip. A president cannot close the government when he doesn’t get his way, and then offer to open it as a concession when he does. That would not be a democracy; it would be a dictatorship.
How many times have the democrats done it?

Are they dictators?

If Democrats don't like a taste of their own medicine, they have other recourse.

I hope it never re-opens and this pathetic "union" dissolves into nothing.

The moron has set the record for gov't closing Some one should close him
Over border security....he should be proud...he is the only president that has the guts to defend America....to make things safe and fair for us!...dummy.....
Defend America from what?

We already know that most of the things he talks about aren't true.

This is a made-up "crisis" that inky exists in the collective conservative imagination.

If it's a fake "made-up crisis" then how about you removing all the doors and walls from your humble little domicile, so I can help myself to what I want?

You don't need all that shit anyway, I deserve it more than you do.
Posting silly straw man arguments doesn't help.

To hell with your "straw man" argument. How would you like it if I just came along and took your shit because you had no way to keep me out?

Probably as little as I like you Democrats wanting more illegals in this country, so you can nullify not only mine, but the votes of millions of other American citizens. GFY dude.
Same straw man.

It's getting kinda old and raggedy.

Maybe you should construct a new one?
You are as heartless as your ORANGE KING!

And you're not I suppose; as Americans unnecessarily die at the hands of illegals who can be prevented from being here along with 100 billion in illegal drugs that can be significantly cut down on, killing many, many more!
So continue to ride your fake moral high road, doofus.
The wall will not do these things. More security at crossing points and airports along with Visa enforcement will.

Quit being an idiot. You know damned well that sex and weapons traffickers, terrorists, human smugglers, and the majority of illegals aren't going to come through the choke points. They're going to sneak through where the border isn't guarded.
We already know that they do mostly come through the regular border crossing. You saying differently doesn't change the facts.

"We already know"? You don't know shit, except for what your lying media is whispering in your ear. Did they at least give you a reach-around while they were doing that?

You have no right to make up your own "facts", nor do you any longer control the narrative here.

Do you understand that?

We have had just about enough out of you people. Either you get onboard with this President's plan to protect this country, or GTFO of here.
Those are not made up facts, they are real statistics.

Alternative facts are your team's thing.
Over border security....he should be proud...he is the only president that has the guts to defend America....to make things safe and fair for us!...dummy.....
Defend America from what?

We already know that most of the things he talks about aren't true.

This is a made-up "crisis" that inky exists in the collective conservative imagination.

If it's a fake "made-up crisis" then how about you removing all the doors and walls from your humble little domicile, so I can help myself to what I want?

You don't need all that shit anyway, I deserve it more than you do.

You sound like a very dumb human being...
He is.
Over border security....he should be proud...he is the only president that has the guts to defend America....to make things safe and fair for us!...dummy.....
Defend America from what?

We already know that most of the things he talks about aren't true.

This is a made-up "crisis" that inky exists in the collective conservative imagination.

If it's a fake "made-up crisis" then how about you removing all the doors and walls from your humble little domicile, so I can help myself to what I want?

You don't need all that shit anyway, I deserve it more than you do.

You sound like a very dumb human being...

Far more intelligent that yourself. I was once living under a rock too, but I had enough intelligence and insight to figure out that the Democrats have nothing to offer me or this country. Therefore I became a Republican.

Maybe you should pull your head out of your ass and follow suit.
You aren't a republican, you're a bleeding tRumpkin. Your kind doesn't just live under rocks they stack more on top.
I'm proud it's shut down. Anti-American Dems need to finally be taken to the mat over our porous southern border and outdated immigration laws.

"Taken to the mat" ?


Trump has no leverage with a shutdown everyone blames him for. :laugh2:

You're losing and don't even realize it.
I'm proud it's shut down. Anti-American Dems need to finally be taken to the mat over our porous southern border and outdated immigration laws.
I love how tiny donnie is making more Democrats as we speak.

What you love is more American misery and spilled American blood to increase the unhinged lefts voter base.

What you love is more American misery and spilled American blood to increase the unhinged lefts voter base.

^ This narrative is just dumb as shit.
Actually, I think Trump SHOULD be proud to stand up to the Democrats and the effing media and tell them no more bullshit, fund the effing wall or you don't get jack shit that you want to accomplish. It's about effing time the Democrats learned that they don't get to control what happens in DC when they don't have the WH or the Senate and they need to deal in good faith and that means they gotta give a little to get a little. No more of this shit where we get what we want and you get nothin'. They remind me of a 2-year old, holding their breath until they get what they want. C'mon guys, $5 bil is peanuts and you damn well know it. Especially since you hypocritical assholes voted for a barrier yourselves about 12 years back.

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