He is PROUD to shut down the Government!

Over border security....he should be proud...he is the only president that has the guts to defend America....to make things safe and fair for us!...dummy.....
Defend America from what?

We already know that most of the things he talks about aren't true.

This is a made-up "crisis" that inky exists in the collective conservative imagination.

If it's a fake "made-up crisis" then how about you removing all the doors and walls from your humble little domicile, so I can help myself to what I want?

You don't need all that shit anyway, I deserve it more than you do.

You sound like a very dumb human being...

Far more intelligent that yourself. I was once living under a rock too, but I had enough intelligence and insight to figure out that the Democrats have nothing to offer me or this country. Therefore I became a Republican.

Maybe you should pull your head out of your ass and follow suit.
You aren't a republican, you're a bleeding tRumpkin. Your kind doesn't just live under rocks they stack more on top.

Awww, what's the matter, sweetheart? Got yer pretty pink panties in a bunch 'cause the SC upheld the President's transgender in the military ban?

You can always join the British Navy. :laughing0301:
Rump: "I don't call it a shutdown".

I agree. I call it a "shakedown".

$5.8 billion for the wall. You will be protected, whether you like it or not.

LOOK....He ain't gonna get it....He is Losing....He knows it.....Go away....

Then enjoy the shutdown of your beloved "government."

President Trump has a case of dynamite, all the guns and ammo he needs, and several cases of beer. He can hold out as long as he wants to.

Longer than you.


Trump may have dynamite and guns, but a million+ federal workers and family members will be in deep shit if they miss another paycheck.
Too bad the Galts in this world are so fucking stupid.

No skin off my ass. Keep it shut down the rest of the year, for all I care.
Defend America from what?

We already know that most of the things he talks about aren't true.

This is a made-up "crisis" that inky exists in the collective conservative imagination.

If it's a fake "made-up crisis" then how about you removing all the doors and walls from your humble little domicile, so I can help myself to what I want?

You don't need all that shit anyway, I deserve it more than you do.

You sound like a very dumb human being...

Far more intelligent that yourself. I was once living under a rock too, but I had enough intelligence and insight to figure out that the Democrats have nothing to offer me or this country. Therefore I became a Republican.

Maybe you should pull your head out of your ass and follow suit.
You aren't a republican, you're a bleeding tRumpkin. Your kind doesn't just live under rocks they stack more on top.

Awww, what's the matter, sweetheart? Got yer pretty pink panties in a bunch 'cause the SC upheld the President's transgender in the military ban?

You can always join the British Navy. :laughing0301:

Lol, this is capitulation on your part. You know I'm right so you change the subject.


You lose.

Dumb F_ _K.......you are torturing people in order to satisfy Limpballs and Culter.....

Ppelosi is proud not to negotiate, proud not to compromise, proud to issue hostage demands she insists the Senate and President comply with or she will keep the govt closed, proud to shut the country down just to hurt President Trump's 2020 re-election chances, she is proud to sneak out of the country (or try to) in the middle of her shutdown, proud to lie her ass of about DHS and the SS in an attempt to hijack the SotU address...

...and you are proud to support and defend her.

'Nuff said.
He said "I will take the heat"...that is ownership. He is the reason the US IS IN A SHUTDOWN.....AND

PUTIN LAUGHS....He helped elect a Giant Orange Asshole!
59% trump and GOP shutdown
31% Dem shutdown...

trump is proving he is am incomowtent, tantrum throwing fool....
Hate to tell you dude, but the illegal drugs from the cartels aren't coming across on the backs of migrants seeking asylum. They are coming via regular ports of entry, hidden in trucks or cars that are driven by paid drug mules. A wall won't stop the drugs from coming in via the ports of entry, or via the tunnels.

But better tech and more border Patrol combined with a barrier, is a great start to putting a significant dent in it.
Guess you missed Trumps initial proposal.

I didn't miss Trump's initial proposal. He promised a year before he was elected that he would deport 12 million illegal aliens in his first 2 years. The majority of Americans knew that he was lying, but he convinced you!

Wrong initial proposal wombat. His initial proposal SINCE the shutdown....duhh.

Oh! Sorry! You mean the proposal that Mexico was going to pay for it.

In the medical and welfare monies taxpayers will save related to illegals, we will be effectively rewarded.

Maybe you are talking about when he said that the Army Corps of Engineers is going to build it.
Rump: "I don't call it a shutdown".

I agree. I call it a "shakedown".

$5.8 billion for the wall. You will be protected, whether you like it or not.

LOOK....He ain't gonna get it....He is Losing....He knows it.....Go away....

Then enjoy the shutdown of your beloved "government."

President Trump has a case of dynamite, all the guns and ammo he needs, and several cases of beer. He can hold out as long as he wants to.

Longer than you.


Trump may have dynamite and guns, but a million+ federal workers and family members will be in deep shit if they miss another paycheck.
Too bad the Galts in this world are so fucking stupid.

Then maybe Nancy and the Dems shouldn't be on the beach in Puerto Rico AND Hawaii during the shutdown and trying to secretly escape D.C. for a 7 day world smooze trip in the middle of it --- huh???

Because those Fed workers don't CARE who's "accepting responsibility" if ONE PARTY isn't even around for negotiations...

Responsibility is a responsibility every day this continues.. And not negotiating and holding her breath til she turns blue is NOT responsible..

Elections have consequences --- amirite?
Stay strong, Mr. President. Nancy is going to cave. The laid off workers are pressing her to give in. Won't be much longer.
If Doonie's poll numbers keep diving...he will be in minus territory....that is okay with me..

We agree then. Keep that Fed Gov shut down for a long time.

The government of the United States is not a bargaining chip. A president cannot close the government when he doesn’t get his way, and then offer to open it as a concession when he does. That would not be a democracy; it would be a dictatorship.

-Robert Reich
Reich wants to kill old people. Its a dictatorship.
It is really very simple. Everyone knows that if the democrats cave on the wall, Trump will shut down the government every time he does not get what he wants. Trump has the mentality of a child, who is constantly pushing the envelope to see what he can get away with. Accordingly, he must be dealt with by Congress like a parent should, with a child like that.
I don't know what this is what you call "government" in the moment - but what your foreign minister Pompeo said in a message to Davos makes clear that the Führer (=leaders) of your country are Ver-führer (=deluders). It's unbelievable that the American people are so patient with this "government" - better to say with this anti-government, which likes to weaken the western world and the democracies of the world including the USA.

By the way: Your superrich companies pay less taxes meanwhile - often they use this money for buying back the own shares. So the prices of this shares grow without any real substance. Seems to me your "great again only USA" becomes a kind of "Scheinriese". A Scheinriese (Schein=semblance; Riese=giant) is a semblance of a giant only in a far distance - if you go nearer to this giant then he shrinks and shrinks and shrinks until your are able to see that he's only a kind of dwarf.

I'm proud it's shut down. Anti-American Dems need to finally be taken to the mat over our porous southern border and outdated immigration laws.

You are as heartless as your ORANGE KING!

And you're not I suppose; as Americans unnecessarily die at the hands of illegals who can be prevented from being here along with 100 billion in illegal drugs that can be significantly cut down on, killing many, many more!
So continue to ride your fake moral high road, doofus.

Hate to tell you dude, but the illegal drugs from the cartels aren't coming across on the backs of migrants seeking asylum. They are coming via regular ports of entry, hidden in trucks or cars that are driven by paid drug mules. A wall won't stop the drugs from coming in via the ports of entry, or via the tunnels.

But better tech and more border Patrol combined with a barrier, is a great start to putting a significant dent in it.
Guess you missed Trumps initial proposal.

Which is what the Democrats have said all along. So now it's Trump's idea?
I'm proud it's shut down. Anti-American Dems need to finally be taken to the mat over our porous southern border and outdated immigration laws.

You are as heartless as your ORANGE KING!

And you're not I suppose; as Americans unnecessarily die at the hands of illegals who can be prevented from being here along with 100 billion in illegal drugs that can be significantly cut down on, killing many, many more!
So continue to ride your fake moral high road, doofus.

Hate to tell you dude, but the illegal drugs from the cartels aren't coming across on the backs of migrants seeking asylum. They are coming via regular ports of entry, hidden in trucks or cars that are driven by paid drug mules. A wall won't stop the drugs from coming in via the ports of entry, or via the tunnels.

But better tech and more border Patrol combined with a barrier, is a great start to putting a significant dent in it.
Guess you missed Trumps initial proposal.

Which is what the Democrats have said all along. So now it's Trump's idea?

As far as I can see it was the idea of your one and only leader Donald Trump to let Mexico pay a wall between Southamerica and Northamerica. I guess this is in conflict with the Monroe doctrine "America to the Americans".

And what for heavens sake has anyone to do with this idiocy, who works for the government of the USA? What can this people do to get their money? Is your government bancrupt?

Last edited:
President Trump is proud to be fulfilling a campaign promise to secure the border and protect Americans.

Trump/Pence 2020!!!

He’s doing it in order to slow down the investigations.

Enjoy the trolling at others expense for now. There will be hell to pay in the not so distant future.

Dumb F_ _K.......you are torturing people in order to satisfy Limpballs and Culter.....

/—-/ I’m proud he shut it down too. I’m proud it annoys you. I’ll be even prouder when we get the wall.
$5.8 billion for the wall. You will be protected, whether you like it or not.

LOOK....He ain't gonna get it....He is Losing....He knows it.....Go away....

Then enjoy the shutdown of your beloved "government."

President Trump has a case of dynamite, all the guns and ammo he needs, and several cases of beer. He can hold out as long as he wants to.

Longer than you.


Trump may have dynamite and guns, but a million+ federal workers and family members will be in deep shit if they miss another paycheck.
Too bad the Galts in this world are so fucking stupid.

Then maybe Nancy and the Dems shouldn't be on the beach in Puerto Rico AND Hawaii during the shutdown and trying to secretly escape D.C. for a 7 day world smooze trip in the middle of it --- huh???

Because those Fed workers don't CARE who's "accepting responsibility" if ONE PARTY isn't even around for negotiations...

Responsibility is a responsibility every day this continues.. And not negotiating and holding her breath til she turns blue is NOT responsible..

Elections have consequences --- amirite?


So, the Dems are responsible because they won't negotiate? That's sloppy logic at best.

The only reason there's a need to negotiate in the first place is because Trump created a shutdown.
I'm proud it's shut down. Anti-American Dems need to finally be taken to the mat over our porous southern border and outdated immigration laws.

You are as heartless as your ORANGE KING!

And you're not I suppose; as Americans unnecessarily die at the hands of illegals who can be prevented from being here along with 100 billion in illegal drugs that can be significantly cut down on, killing many, many more!
So continue to ride your fake moral high road, doofus.
The wall will not do these things. More security at crossing points and airports along with Visa enforcement will.

Quit being an idiot. You know damned well that sex and weapons traffickers, terrorists, human smugglers, and the majority of illegals aren't going to come through the choke points. They're going to sneak through where the border isn't guarded.
We already know that they do mostly come through the regular border crossing. You saying differently doesn't change the facts.

Phony-E-Baloney---------->you are talking about 2 sperate problems, trying to use 1 of them to talk against the other.

1. Illegal border crossings=wall!

2. Drug trafficking = better security at legal points of entry!

As far as being heartless; show me the bill Democrats put forward for Angel, AMERICAN, families! After all, they are supposed to protect AMERICANS, not non citizens.

ALSO, how much have YOU personally contributed out of your pocket to illegal alien relief? If zero, why are YOU demanding that the rest of us contribute through taxes for their well being?

Put your money where your mouth is, or should I really say------------>put up some money from mommies basement, where you obviously toil away trying to affect peoples emotions, while eating Fritos in your "jammies!"

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