He is PROUD to shut down the Government!

You are as heartless as your ORANGE KING!

And you're not I suppose; as Americans unnecessarily die at the hands of illegals who can be prevented from being here along with 100 billion in illegal drugs that can be significantly cut down on, killing many, many more!
So continue to ride your fake moral high road, doofus.
The wall will not do these things. More security at crossing points and airports along with Visa enforcement will.

Quit being an idiot. You know damned well that sex and weapons traffickers, terrorists, human smugglers, and the majority of illegals aren't going to come through the choke points. They're going to sneak through where the border isn't guarded.
We already know that they do mostly come through the regular border crossing. You saying differently doesn't change the facts.

Phony-E-Baloney---------->you are talking about 2 sperate problems, trying to use 1 of them to talk against the other.

1. Illegal border crossings=wall!

2. Drug trafficking = better security at legal points of entry!

As far as being heartless; show me the bill Democrats put forward for Angel, AMERICAN, families! After all, they are supposed to protect AMERICANS, not non citizens.

ALSO, how much have YOU personally contributed out of your pocket to illegal alien relief? If zero, why are YOU demanding that the rest of us contribute through taxes for their well being?

Put your money where your mouth is, or should I really say------------>put up some money from mommies basement, where you obviously toil away trying to affect peoples emotions, while eating Fritos in your "jammies!"
But we know for a fact that most illegals come in though legal entry points and overstay their visas. You stating differently does not change that fact. Of the ones that don't just overstay visas the majority are smuggled through legal entry points. Very few are crossing in the middle of a desert.

Your stupid wall is a useless boondoggle, just like your stupid *president*.
I wonder how much this shutdown will cost??

I'd bet it will be more than the wall will cost.

Pelousy doesn't want to negotiate and she and Schmucker own this shutdown.

Oh and don't worry. They sure don't "feel" for the furloughed 800 thousand Fed workers. If they did Pelousy would okay the money for the wall and she wouldn't have jetted off for a vacation in the Ukraine, Italy and a trip to Afghanistan.

Wonder if she will have to dodge a sniper in the Stan??

She really "feels" for the furloughed. LOL
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LOOK....He ain't gonna get it....He is Losing....He knows it.....Go away....

Then enjoy the shutdown of your beloved "government."

President Trump has a case of dynamite, all the guns and ammo he needs, and several cases of beer. He can hold out as long as he wants to.

Longer than you.


Trump may have dynamite and guns, but a million+ federal workers and family members will be in deep shit if they miss another paycheck.
Too bad the Galts in this world are so fucking stupid.

Then maybe Nancy and the Dems shouldn't be on the beach in Puerto Rico AND Hawaii during the shutdown and trying to secretly escape D.C. for a 7 day world smooze trip in the middle of it --- huh???

Because those Fed workers don't CARE who's "accepting responsibility" if ONE PARTY isn't even around for negotiations...

Responsibility is a responsibility every day this continues.. And not negotiating and holding her breath til she turns blue is NOT responsible..

Elections have consequences --- amirite?


So, the Dems are responsible because they won't negotiate? That's sloppy logic at best.

The only reason there's a need to negotiate in the first place is because Trump created a shutdown.
/----/Are you ill-informed or just lying? Money for the wall was approved by the House in 2018.
House approves spending bill with $5.7B for border wall
The House of Representatives Thursday approved a bill that would fund most of the federal government through early February -- and provides $5.7 billion for President Trump's long-promised border wall, increasing the chances of a partial government shutdown later this week.

Eight Republicans joined all 177 voting Democrats to oppose the measure, which passed 217-185. The bill now goes to the Senate, where it is certain to fall short of the 60 votes needed for passage since the chamber's 49 Democrats are against funding the wall. That, in turn, makes it more likely that parts of the federal government, including nine of 15 Cabinet-level departments and dozens of agencies, will cease operations at midnight Friday.

The vote came hours after Trump told House GOP leaders that he would not enact a Senate-passed package that does not provide money for the barrier.
Then enjoy the shutdown of your beloved "government."

President Trump has a case of dynamite, all the guns and ammo he needs, and several cases of beer. He can hold out as long as he wants to.

Longer than you.


Trump may have dynamite and guns, but a million+ federal workers and family members will be in deep shit if they miss another paycheck.
Too bad the Galts in this world are so fucking stupid.

Then maybe Nancy and the Dems shouldn't be on the beach in Puerto Rico AND Hawaii during the shutdown and trying to secretly escape D.C. for a 7 day world smooze trip in the middle of it --- huh???

Because those Fed workers don't CARE who's "accepting responsibility" if ONE PARTY isn't even around for negotiations...

Responsibility is a responsibility every day this continues.. And not negotiating and holding her breath til she turns blue is NOT responsible..

Elections have consequences --- amirite?


So, the Dems are responsible because they won't negotiate? That's sloppy logic at best.

The only reason there's a need to negotiate in the first place is because Trump created a shutdown.
/----/Are you ill-informed or just lying? Money for the wall was approved by the House in 2018.
House approves spending bill with $5.7B for border wall
The House of Representatives Thursday approved a bill that would fund most of the federal government through early February -- and provides $5.7 billion for President Trump's long-promised border wall, increasing the chances of a partial government shutdown later this week.

Eight Republicans joined all 177 voting Democrats to oppose the measure, which passed 217-185. The bill now goes to the Senate, where it is certain to fall short of the 60 votes needed for passage since the chamber's 49 Democrats are against funding the wall. That, in turn, makes it more likely that parts of the federal government, including nine of 15 Cabinet-level departments and dozens of agencies, will cease operations at midnight Friday.

The vote came hours after Trump told House GOP leaders that he would not enact a Senate-passed package that does not provide money for the barrier.

Which came just hours after this.

"But then right-wing media threw a fit. A backdrop here is that numerous right-wing infotainers build their audience by promoting irrational confrontational tactics. Figures like Rush Limbaugh, Ann Coulter, and the cast of Fox & Friends don’t have serious, substantive policy disagreements with Republican leaders, but they do like to goad them into hopeless confrontations by pretending they will create leverage that does not exist."

Why Fox News Made Trump Shut Down the Government
Then enjoy the shutdown of your beloved "government."

President Trump has a case of dynamite, all the guns and ammo he needs, and several cases of beer. He can hold out as long as he wants to.

Longer than you.


Trump may have dynamite and guns, but a million+ federal workers and family members will be in deep shit if they miss another paycheck.
Too bad the Galts in this world are so fucking stupid.

Then maybe Nancy and the Dems shouldn't be on the beach in Puerto Rico AND Hawaii during the shutdown and trying to secretly escape D.C. for a 7 day world smooze trip in the middle of it --- huh???

Because those Fed workers don't CARE who's "accepting responsibility" if ONE PARTY isn't even around for negotiations...

Responsibility is a responsibility every day this continues.. And not negotiating and holding her breath til she turns blue is NOT responsible..

Elections have consequences --- amirite?


So, the Dems are responsible because they won't negotiate? That's sloppy logic at best.

The only reason there's a need to negotiate in the first place is because Trump created a shutdown.
/----/Are you ill-informed or just lying? Money for the wall was approved by the House in 2018.
House approves spending bill with $5.7B for border wall
The House of Representatives Thursday approved a bill that would fund most of the federal government through early February -- and provides $5.7 billion for President Trump's long-promised border wall, increasing the chances of a partial government shutdown later this week.

Eight Republicans joined all 177 voting Democrats to oppose the measure, which passed 217-185. The bill now goes to the Senate, where it is certain to fall short of the 60 votes needed for passage since the chamber's 49 Democrats are against funding the wall. That, in turn, makes it more likely that parts of the federal government, including nine of 15 Cabinet-level departments and dozens of agencies, will cease operations at midnight Friday.

The vote came hours after Trump told House GOP leaders that he would not enact a Senate-passed package that does not provide money for the barrier.
Are you ill-informed or just lying?

The vote came hours after Trump told House GOP leaders that he would not enact a Senate-passed package that does not provide money for the barrier.

You just showed us all that it was Trump's decision. The Senate never voted either.
President Trump is proud to be fulfilling a campaign promise to secure the border and protect Americans.

Trump/Pence 2020!!!

Most presidents make campaign promises, but they don't hold the government hostage when they can't get their way like this p.o.s in the white house does.
Unreal discussion. What costs a pound of information about the USA from any official who is not payed? Not only your government tries to destroy the western world including the USA. Why?

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$5.8 billion for the wall. You will be protected, whether you like it or not.

LOOK....He ain't gonna get it....He is Losing....He knows it.....Go away....

Then enjoy the shutdown of your beloved "government."

President Trump has a case of dynamite, all the guns and ammo he needs, and several cases of beer. He can hold out as long as he wants to.

Longer than you.


Trump may have dynamite and guns, but a million+ federal workers and family members will be in deep shit if they miss another paycheck.
Too bad the Galts in this world are so fucking stupid.

Then maybe Nancy and the Dems shouldn't be on the beach in Puerto Rico AND Hawaii during the shutdown and trying to secretly escape D.C. for a 7 day world smooze trip in the middle of it --- huh???

Because those Fed workers don't CARE who's "accepting responsibility" if ONE PARTY isn't even around for negotiations...

Responsibility is a responsibility every day this continues.. And not negotiating and holding her breath til she turns blue is NOT responsible..

Elections have consequences --- amirite?

"Nancy" isn't the one holding her breath here. "Nancy" isn't the one demanding "gimme dat or I'll hold my government until I turn orange". That's entirely on Rump, always was, and it's the way he wanted it. Said so himself.

The idea that some other party who is already on record as NEVER ONCE being in favor of a "wall" must now "quit holding her breath" over it, is delusionist bullshit. It's the equivalent of me entering a contract to buy a house and telling the real estate agent that you will pay for it. You of course, never agreed to do that, nor should you. Yet suddenly I'm going to demand you quit "holding your breath" and capitulate to a deal you literally never wanted in the first place?

There's a word for that, and the word is "extortion".

Elections do have consequences; they're presumably executed to serve specific agendas. And the House elections picked delegates who DO NOT favor a "wall". Why then would these freshly-elected Reps counter their constituents' wishes as their first order of business? One might add here that, unlike Rump, those elected to Congress actually won their ballot totals.
"Nancy" isn't the one holding her breath here. "Nancy" isn't the one demanding "gimme dat or I'll hold my government until I turn orange". That's entirely on Rump, always was, and it's the way he wanted it. Said so himself.

You definitely missed the obvious definition of the problem here. Tossing a hissy fit over NOTHING and turning orange would be reprehensible.. Tossing a fit over solid principle would be conviction and principles...

And the problem here is that NANCY has no good explanation for not negotiating. Since all her points about the immorality and uselessness of border barriers is ABSOLUTELY refuted by the PAST COMMENTS AND ACTIONS OF HER OWN PARTY...

So in this stand-off --- the party acting irresponsibility is the one that acting SOLELY on the POLITICAL POWER aspects of the proposition and NOT on the interests of the nation or security... This is all about pursuit of power to the Dems.. To deny the Prez a key promise in his campaign.. Having utterly failed to make the opposition on anything other than failed excuses easily refuted --- it's blatant political warfare.. And that doesn't get rewarded by ANY rational people...
Trump is sending a message. If he wants the legislative branch to abandon to him their authority to appropriate money, they should do so, or he will punish the American people.
Trump is sending a message. If he wants the legislative branch to abandon to him their authority to appropriate money, they should do so, or he will punish the American people.

Their ability to fund money is legendary.. This is NOTHING about the budget. It's about 4 more years of Trump..

And by turning down a deal that includes DACA, re-opening the government, providing humanitarian relief to the 1000s that flood the southern border daily -- YOUR tribe is crapping on

750,000 DACA candidates who have been in limbo for over 4 years now..

800,000 Fed workers looking to miss their 2nd paychecks.

Women and children in cages at the border.

The 900,000 thousand cases backlogged in the amnesty courts.

And the safety and security of every other American in this country. Especially those Fed agents that serve at the border and all those afflicted by drugs, crime, disease, and paying for NYC welfare to illegals and Cali jails crowded with illegals..

Great job.. Keep it up... It's crystal clear that POLITICAL POWER is more important than any of those people.. EVERY reasonable person knows now, this stand-off IS NO LONGER ABOUT $5.7Bill for border barriers...
Trump is sending a message. If he wants the legislative branch to abandon to him their authority to appropriate money, they should do so, or he will punish the American people.

Their ability to fund money is legendary.. This is NOTHING about the budget. It's about 4 more years of Trump..

And by turning down a deal that includes DACA, re-opening the government, providing humanitarian relief to the 1000s that flood the southern border daily -- YOUR tribe is crapping on

750,000 DACA candidates who have been in limbo for over 4 years now..

800,000 Fed workers looking to miss their 2nd paychecks.

Women and children in cages at the border.

The 900,000 thousand cases backlogged in the amnesty courts.

And the safety and security of every other American in this country. Especially those Fed agents that serve at the border and all those afflicted by drugs, crime, disease, and paying for NYC welfare to illegals and Cali jails crowded with illegals..

Great job.. Keep it up... It's crystal clear that POLITICAL POWER is more important than any of those people.. EVERY reasonable person knows now, this stand-off IS NO LONGER ABOUT $5.7Bill for border barriers...

Keep it up? We intend to.
Trump is sending a message. If he wants the legislative branch to abandon to him their authority to appropriate money, they should do so, or he will punish the American people.

Their ability to fund money is legendary.. This is NOTHING about the budget. It's about 4 more years of Trump..

And by turning down a deal that includes DACA, re-opening the government, providing humanitarian relief to the 1000s that flood the southern border daily -- YOUR tribe is crapping on

750,000 DACA candidates who have been in limbo for over 4 years now..

800,000 Fed workers looking to miss their 2nd paychecks.

Women and children in cages at the border.

The 900,000 thousand cases backlogged in the amnesty courts.

And the safety and security of every other American in this country. Especially those Fed agents that serve at the border and all those afflicted by drugs, crime, disease, and paying for NYC welfare to illegals and Cali jails crowded with illegals..

Great job.. Keep it up... It's crystal clear that POLITICAL POWER is more important than any of those people.. EVERY reasonable person knows now, this stand-off IS NO LONGER ABOUT $5.7Bill for border barriers...

Keep it up? We intend to.

That's all you got is desire for political dominance and power. You and the tribe are BEYOND the responsibilities of governing this nation.. PLEASE make that more obvious for the dull and hard of hearing...

When the LEGAL Hispanic support for Trump hits 50% and your support from govt workers subsides by 20% --- let me know how your plan is working --- 'Kay? :113::113::113:

Dumb F_ _K.......you are torturing people in order to satisfy Limpballs and Culter.....
You and the Dems see the wall as a political game piece.

Americans see the wall as a life or death necessity.

Sent from my LG-M154 using Tapatalk
I'm proud it's shut down. Anti-American Dems need to finally be taken to the mat over our porous southern border and outdated immigration laws.

You are as heartless as your ORANGE KING!
You cry crocodile tears.

Cry for the Angel Moms and Dads whose children were killed by illegal immigrants who should have been stopped.

Sent from my LG-M154 using Tapatalk

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