He Thought Wearing the Mexican Flag at His Graduation Was a Good Idea

You will never get them all. Just as any effort to round up all the guns would fail.
Very few conservatives want to get every single illegal alien and deport them

Its been more or less conceded that some will get amnesty in the form of permanent residency

Libs will insist on it as part of any compromise

But even then only after the migration has ceased entirely
The law of this land is plain. Anyone born here is a citizen. The term is Natural Born Citizen.
A natural born citizen UNDER THE JURISDICTION OF...

Jurisdiction has not been fully tested in the supreme court
You will never get them all. Just as any effort to round up all the guns would fail.
Very few conservatives want to get every single illegal alien and deport them

Its been more or less conceded that some will get amnesty in the form of permanent residency

Libs will insist on it as part of any compromise

But even then only after the migration has ceased entirely
You can’t cease the migration. Much less entirely.

Look. Let’s be honest. POW’s escaped from prison camps with guards watching them constantly. Far more guards than we can really put on our border. North Korea tunnels and sneaks across and around the DMZ regularly with land mines, and tens of thousands of soldiers and advanced sensing equipment in use.

And North Korea is hardly a high tech adversary.

So even if we created another DMZ. A mile wide minefield covered by machine guns and millions of troops, troops we don’t have, we couldn’t stop them.

Every day planes and boats bring drugs in. That is while we use radar, satellites, drones, and high tech sensors. We have never stopped them all. And again that is with active duty military participating.

We find drug tunnels. We find make shift bridges across walls. We find vehicles that have broken down with the drugs still in them.

As a lad in the 1980’s I lived in California. We would go down to Tijuana. As you passed across the border there were literally hundreds waiting and watching. The Border patrol was right there. In force.

We watched them. Someone would give a signal and literally several hundred would jump the wall and start running.

They knew the Border Patrol couldn’t catch them all. Oh a handful would be caught. But perhaps five percent would be caught. Maybe. Probably less.

Now that was the bum rush method. The same method sports fans use to get on the field. Past all the security and cops. Oh and before you say open fire. Think about this. There are more of them than you have ammo. Are you expecting the ICE agents to die in a futile effort to stop the tide?

On a really great day the ICE folks may catch one in five. More than likely they manage to catch one in ten.

Getting Tough hasn’t worked. Let me repeat. There is an answer that worked historically. We won’t do it. It worked for my Great Grandparents. But it can’t work now.
You can’t cease the migration. Much less entirely.
We can reduce it by 99% is liberals stop being obstructionists

And then (or concurrently) work to end visa overstays which account for at least 40% of the illegals in America
Well according to the Government there are an estimated 11 million illegal aliens from all origin nations.
Thats a number that was bullshit when it was first used 20 years ago

I cant know for sure

But neither can the incompetent pinheads in government who refuse to even put the citizenship question on the census

So we are going to debate the issue based upon the numbers. “I don’t know.”

OK. Well let’s try this. Basic math. If your silly number of 30 million plus is right then roughly ten percent of the American Population are illegal immigrants.

Realistically speaking. We’ve lost. There are roughly 1.3 million cops in the country. That is badge wearing gun toting with the power of arrest including city, county, state, and Federal Authorities. That means they outnumber the cops twenty to one.

If you include the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, and Coast Guard. I am talking Active Duty, Reserves, and National Guard. We are including supply clerks and Chaplains Assistants. We are talking everyone in uniform. You can come up with another 1.3 million.

That includes bakers on Carriers and Sonarmen on Subs. We are counting all of them.

We are still outnumbered by a ratio of at least ten to one.

Now. It is absolutely true that it is impossible to round up all the guns in this country. There are just too many.

How do you propose we round up all the illegals? We could put everyone. I mean every military and cop at double arm interval on one side of the country and spend a decade walking forward checking the immigration status as they moved. By day what? Five? There wouldn’t be anyone left alive to keep walking.

But let’s pretend we could do it. Let’s pretend we could do that right now. We could round up your imaginary 30 million plus. If it cost $100 to ship then home, and it cost way more than that, that would be $3 Trillion. Or about half the federal budget. If it cost $500 to send each of them back that would be $15 trillion. Or about three years worth of the Federal Budget.

That doesn’t include salaries for cops and military. That is just plane tickets home for the illegals. That doesn’t include food, housing, anything for the people doing the checking.

Starting to see the problem yet?

And while you are marching across the nation more illegals will be appearing behind you. If you start on the East Coast then Asian, African, and European, illegals will be emerging from containers and integrating into society behind you.

Do I need to continue?

Stop giving them benefits and stop giving their kids citizenship and start deporting them.

In time, the problem will decline.

BUILD THE FUCKING WALL, to stop new ones from entering.

Oh FFS. First. The law of this land is plain. Anyone born here is a citizen. The term is Natural Born Citizen. One of the requirements for being President is to be a Natural Born Citizen.

Second. A wall is viable. But useless without guards. And we don’t have a tenth of the Border Patrol Officers we would need to guard the wall. Otherwise building it is a jobs program for political favorites. In simpler terms. A waste of time and money.

Third. As I have explained rounding them up is an exercise in futility. As far as benefits go, the other Conservative idiocy of Abortion would outstrip the money spent on the illegals kids by a factor of three. Or more.

The answer is obvious and historically speaking has already worked. But some just won’t see it.

The law is an abuse of the law. Your complaints about the wall is silly. Deportations would totally work, and could be done at a reasonable cost.
You can’t cease the migration. Much less entirely.
We can reduce it by 99% is liberals stop being obstructionists

And then (or concurrently) work to end visa overstays which account for at least 40% of the illegals in America

Ok. Let’s pretend we can stop 99%. How much are you willing to pay in taxes? Seriously. Doubling them? Triple? We would need to reinstate the draft. We would need a million troops on the Southern Border. If you assume we are going to pay these troops. House them, feed them, and give them medical care. You need to figure on about $5billion per year.

That is pay, medical, housing, and food. That doesn’t include transportation or schools. It doesn’t include any equipment or construction of anything. That is just the cost of the troops.

Walls work. But we have to have guards. See the DMZ.

So realistically we have to have a Trillion dollars just for the land border. That doesn’t cover one inch of water. Gulf of Mexico alone will need planes and all that. More cash. Fuel for planes cost about four bucks a gallon. Well hell. Let’s just pretend we can do it for another trillion dollars a year.

And this takes time. If you started right now you might be ready to go in five years. Five years of two trillion dollars a year before we start to close the border. Ten trillion dollars.

How much more are you willing to pay to get this fantasy started? Especially when inflation is skyrocketing. And it will be.

The produce is picked by illegals. To get Americans with Minimum wage to do it you will have to pay more at the grocery store. That will put fruits and vegetables out of reach of poor kids. So we will have to raise the poverty line and give more American Families Welfare to feed the kids.

I am not joking when I say the least we can expect to spend is half again our annual budget. So your taxes will need to increase by fifty percent.

So the advantages of your plan is taxes increased by fifty percent, rampant inflation and a destroyed economy, and eventual National bankruptcy.

Nice plan. Hey why not save the pain and detonate our Nukes over our own territory. It would be faster and less painful.
Well according to the Government there are an estimated 11 million illegal aliens from all origin nations.
Thats a number that was bullshit when it was first used 20 years ago

I cant know for sure

But neither can the incompetent pinheads in government who refuse to even put the citizenship question on the census

So we are going to debate the issue based upon the numbers. “I don’t know.”

OK. Well let’s try this. Basic math. If your silly number of 30 million plus is right then roughly ten percent of the American Population are illegal immigrants.

Realistically speaking. We’ve lost. There are roughly 1.3 million cops in the country. That is badge wearing gun toting with the power of arrest including city, county, state, and Federal Authorities. That means they outnumber the cops twenty to one.

If you include the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, and Coast Guard. I am talking Active Duty, Reserves, and National Guard. We are including supply clerks and Chaplains Assistants. We are talking everyone in uniform. You can come up with another 1.3 million.

That includes bakers on Carriers and Sonarmen on Subs. We are counting all of them.

We are still outnumbered by a ratio of at least ten to one.

Now. It is absolutely true that it is impossible to round up all the guns in this country. There are just too many.

How do you propose we round up all the illegals? We could put everyone. I mean every military and cop at double arm interval on one side of the country and spend a decade walking forward checking the immigration status as they moved. By day what? Five? There wouldn’t be anyone left alive to keep walking.

But let’s pretend we could do it. Let’s pretend we could do that right now. We could round up your imaginary 30 million plus. If it cost $100 to ship then home, and it cost way more than that, that would be $3 Trillion. Or about half the federal budget. If it cost $500 to send each of them back that would be $15 trillion. Or about three years worth of the Federal Budget.

That doesn’t include salaries for cops and military. That is just plane tickets home for the illegals. That doesn’t include food, housing, anything for the people doing the checking.

Starting to see the problem yet?

And while you are marching across the nation more illegals will be appearing behind you. If you start on the East Coast then Asian, African, and European, illegals will be emerging from containers and integrating into society behind you.

Do I need to continue?

Stop giving them benefits and stop giving their kids citizenship and start deporting them.

In time, the problem will decline.

BUILD THE FUCKING WALL, to stop new ones from entering.

Oh FFS. First. The law of this land is plain. Anyone born here is a citizen. The term is Natural Born Citizen. One of the requirements for being President is to be a Natural Born Citizen.

Second. A wall is viable. But useless without guards. And we don’t have a tenth of the Border Patrol Officers we would need to guard the wall. Otherwise building it is a jobs program for political favorites. In simpler terms. A waste of time and money.

Third. As I have explained rounding them up is an exercise in futility. As far as benefits go, the other Conservative idiocy of Abortion would outstrip the money spent on the illegals kids by a factor of three. Or more.

The answer is obvious and historically speaking has already worked. But some just won’t see it.

The law is an abuse of the law. Your complaints about the wall is silly. Deportations would totally work, and could be done at a reasonable cost.

Ok. How can deportations be done in a cost effective manner.
Let’s pretend we can stop 99%. How much are you willing to pay in taxes? Seriously. Doubling them? Triple? We would need to reinstate the draft. We would need a million troops on the Southern Border.
Now you are clearly grasping at straws

And you forgot to mention the $10 tomatoes

Taxes will not triple because what wr spend on enforcement we will save in reduced cost for hospitals, schools, welfare and prisons
Well according to the Government there are an estimated 11 million illegal aliens from all origin nations.
Thats a number that was bullshit when it was first used 20 years ago

I cant know for sure

But neither can the incompetent pinheads in government who refuse to even put the citizenship question on the census

So we are going to debate the issue based upon the numbers. “I don’t know.”

OK. Well let’s try this. Basic math. If your silly number of 30 million plus is right then roughly ten percent of the American Population are illegal immigrants.

Realistically speaking. We’ve lost. There are roughly 1.3 million cops in the country. That is badge wearing gun toting with the power of arrest including city, county, state, and Federal Authorities. That means they outnumber the cops twenty to one.

If you include the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, and Coast Guard. I am talking Active Duty, Reserves, and National Guard. We are including supply clerks and Chaplains Assistants. We are talking everyone in uniform. You can come up with another 1.3 million.

That includes bakers on Carriers and Sonarmen on Subs. We are counting all of them.

We are still outnumbered by a ratio of at least ten to one.

Now. It is absolutely true that it is impossible to round up all the guns in this country. There are just too many.

How do you propose we round up all the illegals? We could put everyone. I mean every military and cop at double arm interval on one side of the country and spend a decade walking forward checking the immigration status as they moved. By day what? Five? There wouldn’t be anyone left alive to keep walking.

But let’s pretend we could do it. Let’s pretend we could do that right now. We could round up your imaginary 30 million plus. If it cost $100 to ship then home, and it cost way more than that, that would be $3 Trillion. Or about half the federal budget. If it cost $500 to send each of them back that would be $15 trillion. Or about three years worth of the Federal Budget.

That doesn’t include salaries for cops and military. That is just plane tickets home for the illegals. That doesn’t include food, housing, anything for the people doing the checking.

Starting to see the problem yet?

And while you are marching across the nation more illegals will be appearing behind you. If you start on the East Coast then Asian, African, and European, illegals will be emerging from containers and integrating into society behind you.

Do I need to continue?

Stop giving them benefits and stop giving their kids citizenship and start deporting them.

In time, the problem will decline.

BUILD THE FUCKING WALL, to stop new ones from entering.

Oh FFS. First. The law of this land is plain. Anyone born here is a citizen. The term is Natural Born Citizen. One of the requirements for being President is to be a Natural Born Citizen.

Second. A wall is viable. But useless without guards. And we don’t have a tenth of the Border Patrol Officers we would need to guard the wall. Otherwise building it is a jobs program for political favorites. In simpler terms. A waste of time and money.

Third. As I have explained rounding them up is an exercise in futility. As far as benefits go, the other Conservative idiocy of Abortion would outstrip the money spent on the illegals kids by a factor of three. Or more.

The answer is obvious and historically speaking has already worked. But some just won’t see it.

The law is an abuse of the law. Your complaints about the wall is silly. Deportations would totally work, and could be done at a reasonable cost.

Ok. How can deportations be done in a cost effective manner.

1. Focus on the ones that law enforcement come in contact with, first. That is easy peasy. And gets criminals out of here.

2. Focus on the ones that easy to catch second. Check the rooster of political action groups in favor of illegal aliens, or face book posts, shit like that.

3. Targeted operations in high density areas, where the numbers caught would be high and easy.

4. Warn them if they come back. all their assets will be seized the next time.

DO that, in combo with sealing the border and the problem will start to improve.
Let’s pretend we can stop 99%. How much are you willing to pay in taxes? Seriously. Doubling them? Triple? We would need to reinstate the draft. We would need a million troops on the Southern Border.
Now you are clearly grasping at straws

And you forgot to mention the $10 tomatoes

Taxes will not triple because what wr spend on enforcement we will save in reduced cost for hospitals, schools, welfare and prisons

Nonsense. The costs will increase. Not decrease.
Well according to the Government there are an estimated 11 million illegal aliens from all origin nations.
Thats a number that was bullshit when it was first used 20 years ago

I cant know for sure

But neither can the incompetent pinheads in government who refuse to even put the citizenship question on the census

So we are going to debate the issue based upon the numbers. “I don’t know.”

OK. Well let’s try this. Basic math. If your silly number of 30 million plus is right then roughly ten percent of the American Population are illegal immigrants.

Realistically speaking. We’ve lost. There are roughly 1.3 million cops in the country. That is badge wearing gun toting with the power of arrest including city, county, state, and Federal Authorities. That means they outnumber the cops twenty to one.

If you include the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, and Coast Guard. I am talking Active Duty, Reserves, and National Guard. We are including supply clerks and Chaplains Assistants. We are talking everyone in uniform. You can come up with another 1.3 million.

That includes bakers on Carriers and Sonarmen on Subs. We are counting all of them.

We are still outnumbered by a ratio of at least ten to one.

Now. It is absolutely true that it is impossible to round up all the guns in this country. There are just too many.

How do you propose we round up all the illegals? We could put everyone. I mean every military and cop at double arm interval on one side of the country and spend a decade walking forward checking the immigration status as they moved. By day what? Five? There wouldn’t be anyone left alive to keep walking.

But let’s pretend we could do it. Let’s pretend we could do that right now. We could round up your imaginary 30 million plus. If it cost $100 to ship then home, and it cost way more than that, that would be $3 Trillion. Or about half the federal budget. If it cost $500 to send each of them back that would be $15 trillion. Or about three years worth of the Federal Budget.

That doesn’t include salaries for cops and military. That is just plane tickets home for the illegals. That doesn’t include food, housing, anything for the people doing the checking.

Starting to see the problem yet?

And while you are marching across the nation more illegals will be appearing behind you. If you start on the East Coast then Asian, African, and European, illegals will be emerging from containers and integrating into society behind you.

Do I need to continue?

Stop giving them benefits and stop giving their kids citizenship and start deporting them.

In time, the problem will decline.

BUILD THE FUCKING WALL, to stop new ones from entering.

Oh FFS. First. The law of this land is plain. Anyone born here is a citizen. The term is Natural Born Citizen. One of the requirements for being President is to be a Natural Born Citizen.

Second. A wall is viable. But useless without guards. And we don’t have a tenth of the Border Patrol Officers we would need to guard the wall. Otherwise building it is a jobs program for political favorites. In simpler terms. A waste of time and money.

Third. As I have explained rounding them up is an exercise in futility. As far as benefits go, the other Conservative idiocy of Abortion would outstrip the money spent on the illegals kids by a factor of three. Or more.

The answer is obvious and historically speaking has already worked. But some just won’t see it.

The law is an abuse of the law. Your complaints about the wall is silly. Deportations would totally work, and could be done at a reasonable cost.

Ok. How can deportations be done in a cost effective manner.

1. Focus on the ones that law enforcement come in contact with, first. That is easy peasy. And gets criminals out of here.

2. Focus on the ones that easy to catch second. Check the rooster of political action groups in favor of illegal aliens, or face book posts, shit like that.

3. Targeted operations in high density areas, where the numbers caught would be high and easy.

4. Warn them if they come back. all their assets will be seized the next time.

DO that, in combo with sealing the border and the problem will start to improve.

You still haven’t explained how deportations can be done in a cost effective manner.
What's the issue here? The school had a dress code policy and the student chose to ignore it. The school enforced the policy. My school had a dress code policy as well and everyone chose to abide by it.
Well according to the Government there are an estimated 11 million illegal aliens from all origin nations.
Thats a number that was bullshit when it was first used 20 years ago

I cant know for sure

But neither can the incompetent pinheads in government who refuse to even put the citizenship question on the census

So we are going to debate the issue based upon the numbers. “I don’t know.”

OK. Well let’s try this. Basic math. If your silly number of 30 million plus is right then roughly ten percent of the American Population are illegal immigrants.

Realistically speaking. We’ve lost. There are roughly 1.3 million cops in the country. That is badge wearing gun toting with the power of arrest including city, county, state, and Federal Authorities. That means they outnumber the cops twenty to one.

If you include the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, and Coast Guard. I am talking Active Duty, Reserves, and National Guard. We are including supply clerks and Chaplains Assistants. We are talking everyone in uniform. You can come up with another 1.3 million.

That includes bakers on Carriers and Sonarmen on Subs. We are counting all of them.

We are still outnumbered by a ratio of at least ten to one.

Now. It is absolutely true that it is impossible to round up all the guns in this country. There are just too many.

How do you propose we round up all the illegals? We could put everyone. I mean every military and cop at double arm interval on one side of the country and spend a decade walking forward checking the immigration status as they moved. By day what? Five? There wouldn’t be anyone left alive to keep walking.

But let’s pretend we could do it. Let’s pretend we could do that right now. We could round up your imaginary 30 million plus. If it cost $100 to ship then home, and it cost way more than that, that would be $3 Trillion. Or about half the federal budget. If it cost $500 to send each of them back that would be $15 trillion. Or about three years worth of the Federal Budget.

That doesn’t include salaries for cops and military. That is just plane tickets home for the illegals. That doesn’t include food, housing, anything for the people doing the checking.

Starting to see the problem yet?

And while you are marching across the nation more illegals will be appearing behind you. If you start on the East Coast then Asian, African, and European, illegals will be emerging from containers and integrating into society behind you.

Do I need to continue?

Stop giving them benefits and stop giving their kids citizenship and start deporting them.

In time, the problem will decline.

BUILD THE FUCKING WALL, to stop new ones from entering.

Oh FFS. First. The law of this land is plain. Anyone born here is a citizen. The term is Natural Born Citizen. One of the requirements for being President is to be a Natural Born Citizen.

Second. A wall is viable. But useless without guards. And we don’t have a tenth of the Border Patrol Officers we would need to guard the wall. Otherwise building it is a jobs program for political favorites. In simpler terms. A waste of time and money.

Third. As I have explained rounding them up is an exercise in futility. As far as benefits go, the other Conservative idiocy of Abortion would outstrip the money spent on the illegals kids by a factor of three. Or more.

The answer is obvious and historically speaking has already worked. But some just won’t see it.

The law is an abuse of the law. Your complaints about the wall is silly. Deportations would totally work, and could be done at a reasonable cost.

Ok. How can deportations be done in a cost effective manner.

1. Focus on the ones that law enforcement come in contact with, first. That is easy peasy. And gets criminals out of here.

2. Focus on the ones that easy to catch second. Check the rooster of political action groups in favor of illegal aliens, or face book posts, shit like that.

3. Targeted operations in high density areas, where the numbers caught would be high and easy.

4. Warn them if they come back. all their assets will be seized the next time.

DO that, in combo with sealing the border and the problem will start to improve.

You still haven’t explained how deportations can be done in a cost effective manner.

Sure I did.
Well according to the Government there are an estimated 11 million illegal aliens from all origin nations.
Thats a number that was bullshit when it was first used 20 years ago

I cant know for sure

But neither can the incompetent pinheads in government who refuse to even put the citizenship question on the census

So we are going to debate the issue based upon the numbers. “I don’t know.”

OK. Well let’s try this. Basic math. If your silly number of 30 million plus is right then roughly ten percent of the American Population are illegal immigrants.

Realistically speaking. We’ve lost. There are roughly 1.3 million cops in the country. That is badge wearing gun toting with the power of arrest including city, county, state, and Federal Authorities. That means they outnumber the cops twenty to one.

If you include the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, and Coast Guard. I am talking Active Duty, Reserves, and National Guard. We are including supply clerks and Chaplains Assistants. We are talking everyone in uniform. You can come up with another 1.3 million.

That includes bakers on Carriers and Sonarmen on Subs. We are counting all of them.

We are still outnumbered by a ratio of at least ten to one.

Now. It is absolutely true that it is impossible to round up all the guns in this country. There are just too many.

How do you propose we round up all the illegals? We could put everyone. I mean every military and cop at double arm interval on one side of the country and spend a decade walking forward checking the immigration status as they moved. By day what? Five? There wouldn’t be anyone left alive to keep walking.

But let’s pretend we could do it. Let’s pretend we could do that right now. We could round up your imaginary 30 million plus. If it cost $100 to ship then home, and it cost way more than that, that would be $3 Trillion. Or about half the federal budget. If it cost $500 to send each of them back that would be $15 trillion. Or about three years worth of the Federal Budget.

That doesn’t include salaries for cops and military. That is just plane tickets home for the illegals. That doesn’t include food, housing, anything for the people doing the checking.

Starting to see the problem yet?

And while you are marching across the nation more illegals will be appearing behind you. If you start on the East Coast then Asian, African, and European, illegals will be emerging from containers and integrating into society behind you.

Do I need to continue?

Stop giving them benefits and stop giving their kids citizenship and start deporting them.

In time, the problem will decline.

BUILD THE FUCKING WALL, to stop new ones from entering.

Oh FFS. First. The law of this land is plain. Anyone born here is a citizen. The term is Natural Born Citizen. One of the requirements for being President is to be a Natural Born Citizen.

Second. A wall is viable. But useless without guards. And we don’t have a tenth of the Border Patrol Officers we would need to guard the wall. Otherwise building it is a jobs program for political favorites. In simpler terms. A waste of time and money.

Third. As I have explained rounding them up is an exercise in futility. As far as benefits go, the other Conservative idiocy of Abortion would outstrip the money spent on the illegals kids by a factor of three. Or more.

The answer is obvious and historically speaking has already worked. But some just won’t see it.

The law is an abuse of the law. Your complaints about the wall is silly. Deportations would totally work, and could be done at a reasonable cost.

Ok. How can deportations be done in a cost effective manner.

1. Focus on the ones that law enforcement come in contact with, first. That is easy peasy. And gets criminals out of here.

2. Focus on the ones that easy to catch second. Check the rooster of political action groups in favor of illegal aliens, or face book posts, shit like that.

3. Targeted operations in high density areas, where the numbers caught would be high and easy.

4. Warn them if they come back. all their assets will be seized the next time.

DO that, in combo with sealing the border and the problem will start to improve.

You still haven’t explained how deportations can be done in a cost effective manner.

Sure I did.

Ok. Let’s be honest. A pleasant change.

45% of illegal immigrants are from places other than Mexico. Let’s say Honduras for a family of five.

The cheapest flight I’ve found is about $200 per seat. So a thousand dollars.

And those from China would cost about $900 per person.

We can’t just bus those people to Mexico and send them across the border can we? Mexico won’t take them.

But wait. There is more. Care and feeding while in custody. Even if we ignore the immigration court process which takes years, we are still going to need to feed and house them aren’t we?

But let’s be honest. The Immigration Court is going to be involved. A couple years minimum while lawyers paid for by the taxpayers argue both sides of the case. So now care and feeding takes even more costs doesn’t it?

Now there have been cases where the home country refused to take the person. What then? Execute them? Or expect someone else to take them.

If you are honest, which I doubt, you should admit that everything is much more complex than you imagine it to be. You can waive all that nonsense if you want to shut on the Constitution. But why would that bother you?

And what about Babies born here? They are Americans by law. And that law was established a hundred and fifty years ago.

Shit on the Constitution. Damned thing keeps preventing you from doing what you want. Silly rights anyway.
Well according to the Government there are an estimated 11 million illegal aliens from all origin nations.
Thats a number that was bullshit when it was first used 20 years ago

I cant know for sure

But neither can the incompetent pinheads in government who refuse to even put the citizenship question on the census

So we are going to debate the issue based upon the numbers. “I don’t know.”

OK. Well let’s try this. Basic math. If your silly number of 30 million plus is right then roughly ten percent of the American Population are illegal immigrants.

Realistically speaking. We’ve lost. There are roughly 1.3 million cops in the country. That is badge wearing gun toting with the power of arrest including city, county, state, and Federal Authorities. That means they outnumber the cops twenty to one.

If you include the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, and Coast Guard. I am talking Active Duty, Reserves, and National Guard. We are including supply clerks and Chaplains Assistants. We are talking everyone in uniform. You can come up with another 1.3 million.

That includes bakers on Carriers and Sonarmen on Subs. We are counting all of them.

We are still outnumbered by a ratio of at least ten to one.

Now. It is absolutely true that it is impossible to round up all the guns in this country. There are just too many.

How do you propose we round up all the illegals? We could put everyone. I mean every military and cop at double arm interval on one side of the country and spend a decade walking forward checking the immigration status as they moved. By day what? Five? There wouldn’t be anyone left alive to keep walking.

But let’s pretend we could do it. Let’s pretend we could do that right now. We could round up your imaginary 30 million plus. If it cost $100 to ship then home, and it cost way more than that, that would be $3 Trillion. Or about half the federal budget. If it cost $500 to send each of them back that would be $15 trillion. Or about three years worth of the Federal Budget.

That doesn’t include salaries for cops and military. That is just plane tickets home for the illegals. That doesn’t include food, housing, anything for the people doing the checking.

Starting to see the problem yet?

And while you are marching across the nation more illegals will be appearing behind you. If you start on the East Coast then Asian, African, and European, illegals will be emerging from containers and integrating into society behind you.

Do I need to continue?

Stop giving them benefits and stop giving their kids citizenship and start deporting them.

In time, the problem will decline.

BUILD THE FUCKING WALL, to stop new ones from entering.

Oh FFS. First. The law of this land is plain. Anyone born here is a citizen. The term is Natural Born Citizen. One of the requirements for being President is to be a Natural Born Citizen.

Second. A wall is viable. But useless without guards. And we don’t have a tenth of the Border Patrol Officers we would need to guard the wall. Otherwise building it is a jobs program for political favorites. In simpler terms. A waste of time and money.

Third. As I have explained rounding them up is an exercise in futility. As far as benefits go, the other Conservative idiocy of Abortion would outstrip the money spent on the illegals kids by a factor of three. Or more.

The answer is obvious and historically speaking has already worked. But some just won’t see it.

The law is an abuse of the law. Your complaints about the wall is silly. Deportations would totally work, and could be done at a reasonable cost.

Ok. How can deportations be done in a cost effective manner.

1. Focus on the ones that law enforcement come in contact with, first. That is easy peasy. And gets criminals out of here.

2. Focus on the ones that easy to catch second. Check the rooster of political action groups in favor of illegal aliens, or face book posts, shit like that.

3. Targeted operations in high density areas, where the numbers caught would be high and easy.

4. Warn them if they come back. all their assets will be seized the next time.

DO that, in combo with sealing the border and the problem will start to improve.

You still haven’t explained how deportations can be done in a cost effective manner.

Sure I did.

Ok. Let’s be honest. A pleasant change.

45% of illegal immigrants are from places other than Mexico. Let’s say Honduras for a family of five.

The cheapest flight I’ve found is about $200 per seat. So a thousand dollars.

And those from China would cost about $900 per person.

We can’t just bus those people to Mexico and send them across the border can we? Mexico won’t take them.

But wait. There is more. Care and feeding while in custody. Even if we ignore the immigration court process which takes years, we are still going to need to feed and house them aren’t we?

But let’s be honest. The Immigration Court is going to be involved. A couple years minimum while lawyers paid for by the taxpayers argue both sides of the case. So now care and feeding takes even more costs doesn’t it?

Now there have been cases where the home country refused to take the person. What then? Execute them? Or expect someone else to take them.

If you are honest, which I doubt, you should admit that everything is much more complex than you imagine it to be. You can waive all that nonsense if you want to shut on the Constitution. But why would that bother you?

And what about Babies born here? They are Americans by law. And that law was established a hundred and fifty years ago.

Shit on the Constitution. Damned thing keeps preventing you from doing what you want. Silly rights anyway.

1. That interpretation of the law is a stupid interpretation and can be fixed.

2. YOu said cost effective. Getting rid of an whole person for a few hundred bucks, is pretty cost effective in my opinion.

3.The courts are an issue. Especially with the high number not good faith actors in the mix. These are problems that could be addressed.
Proud of Mexico, but doesn't want to live there
I might be proud of my northern European heritage, but that doesn't mean I want to live there either.

Those of my ancestors who are Hispanic more likely than not immigrated to northern Europe from Spain or possibly Portugal hundreds of years ago.

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