He Thought Wearing the Mexican Flag at His Graduation Was a Good Idea

Now, can you admit that your earlier talk of the wall getting rid of people already here, was just you talking shit?

Or are you going to continue to be afraid of my questions, when I have no problem answering yours?

Partially me talking shit, sure. Sometimes I include some shit-talking when I make a point because I usually respond in kind. Looks to me like we were both talking shit.

How's that? Satisfied?
Now, can you admit that your earlier talk of the wall getting rid of people already here, was just you talking shit?

Or are you going to continue to be afraid of my questions, when I have no problem answering yours?

Partially me talking shit, sure. Sometimes I include some shit-talking when I make a point because I usually respond in kind. Looks to me like we were both talking shit.

How's that? Satisfied?

Except I was not talking shit.

We have tens of millions of illegals living here. That is a real problem. Trump was teh first in a long time to even try to seriously address the issue, and he only made minor headway.

The rest of them, are all far worse on this issue, republicans and democrats alike.

THis huge issue and the only reasonable person to support on the issue, is Trump.

It is worth noting that his small but significant steps, were having some pretty good results on wages. I find myself wondering if there was any drop in crime, that might have been masked by you people rioting a lot.
The Corrupt Democrat Party panders to Racist Latino Nationalist who want to change America into a Latino country.
Except I was not talking shit.

"YOu are the one who is not smart."

This quote of yours is what I consider talking shit. Doesn't matter if we disagree or not.
I made a real point. That you were unable to address.

So in your mind, calling someone not smart is not talking shit?

Please clarify.

You made a point that showing pride in your heritage is not a sign of being illegal. Someone else disagreed.

You dismissed their point, by calling them stupid.

I pointed out that the problem is huge, so you were the one being "not smart".

That is not talking shit. THat is making a valid point that we need to address the problem.

You sidetracking the conversation into personal attacks, that is something libs do, when they know they are losing.
Except I was not talking shit.

"YOu are the one who is not smart."

This quote of yours is what I consider talking shit. Doesn't matter if we disagree or not.

Wow. You are easily distracted.

Are you going to continue to be afraid of my questions, when I have no problem answering yours?

YOur desire to sidetrack the thread away from the topic and into personal attacks, and discussion of personal attacks, is noted. I've spent more than enough time coddling you already. Time to drop your silly troll games and resume actual disccussion.

Would you like to stop fucking around and tell us why you want policy to encourage illegal immigration or perhaps why you think America does not deserve to have the right to control it's immigration policy?
Would you like to stop fucking around and tell us why you want policy to encourage illegal immigration or perhaps why you think America does not deserve to have the right to control it's immigration policy?

Can you quote me saying any of that? Or are you just going to ignore that question too?

You're not very smart.
I pointed out that the problem is huge, so you were the one being "not smart".

That is not talking shit.

So in your mind, telling someone they're not smart is not talking shit. LoL

I guess you're not very smart then.

No, pointing out how serious the issue is, and that thus, it is not the other person who is "not smart" but you, is not "talking shit" but making a real point.

That you are so quick to assume that a switch is flipped and discussion of the topic stops and we just start throwing shit like monkeys, is a reflection on you, but not how I roll.

Are we done with this portion of the debate, or you do have some more burning questions about school yard insults?
Would you like to stop fucking around and tell us why you want policy to encourage illegal immigration or perhaps why you think America does not deserve to have the right to control it's immigration policy?

Can you quote me saying any of that? Or are you just going to ignore that question too?

You're not very smart.

I didn't say you SAID it, I'm going out on a limb, based on what I have observed of you.

You have ridiculed the idea of building a Wall. You have attacked the idea of checking the immigration status of a Mexican student, and you are generally coming across as a standard out of the box lefty.

YEah, I'd be willing to bet large sums of money that you support high levels of illegal third world immigration and probably don't think that America has the right to stop Mexicans from entering if they want, for some wacky reason.
I pointed out that the problem is huge, so you were the one being "not smart".

That is not talking shit.

So in your mind, telling someone they're not smart is not talking shit. LoL

I guess you're not very smart then.

No, pointing out how serious the issue is, and that thus, it is not the other person who is "not smart" but you, is not "talking shit" but making a real point.

That you are so quick to assume that a switch is flipped and discussion of the topic stops and we just start throwing shit like monkeys, is a reflection on you, but not how I roll.

Are we done with this portion of the debate, or you do have some more burning questions about school yard insults?

It's not my fault you're twisting yourself into a pretzel because you don't want to admit something so obvious.

Calling someone dumb is talking shit. It's not that complicated, but too complicated for you apparently.

Maybe you should just admit it so we can move on. But apparently you'd rather make this ridiculous argument and then try to have me forget all about it. Sorry idiot, it doesn't work that way.

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