He Thought Wearing the Mexican Flag at His Graduation Was a Good Idea

Truly disgrceful. Its Un American to cling on to your roots.
If clinging to your roots means disrespecting the nation that educated you, then its unamerican. Only a complete fucking douche bag would do that, let alone agree with it.
You characters are miserable old bastards. If he does his job and pays his taxes its got fuck all to do with you what is in his heart. You just hate minorities.
None of your petty insults address the actual topic. Its a real douchebag move to wear the flag of the shit nation you fled, when youre graduating in the nation that educated you and gave you a better life. Patriotic immigrants are fucking awesome, but these unamerican losers can go fuck themselves. Anyone who has a Mexican flag is a fucking loser.
So you're a douchebag if you indicate pride in your heritage? Interesting.
Only if you are of European ancestry.
person showing pride in their culture isn’t an indication that they are here illegally.
It is to me

He singled himself out for questions about his immigration status

Do you question their immigration status?
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(Italian Heritage festival - every year here, awesome food....)

The Italians and the Germans were not just walking across the border against the law and did not have an historical claim to much of our territory.

That doesn't make any difference. They did and can immigrate illegally just like anyone else. And many Mexicans immigrate here legally.

"Historical claim" is not the reason they immmigrate.
AND, their periods of immigration were several generations ago. IF there were tens of millions of Italians or Germans living in our country I would hope that ICE would be infiltrating the shit out of those celebrations to find and deport illegals.
Maybe they should, just in case, after all they're displaying foreign reglalia and flags right? They aren't "real" Americans right?

1. How does it not make a difference?

2. Sure, and I was clear if there were tens of millions of illegal Italians or Germans living here, a celebration like that would be worth checking out for illegals.

3. No, I think Italians and Germans have been well assimilated into our society. Mexicans? Not so much.
Truly disgrceful. Its Un American to cling on to your roots.
If clinging to your roots means disrespecting the nation that educated you, then its unamerican. Only a complete fucking douche bag would do that, let alone agree with it.
You characters are miserable old bastards. If he does his job and pays his taxes its got fuck all to do with you what is in his heart. You just hate minorities.
None of your petty insults address the actual topic. Its a real douchebag move to wear the flag of the shit nation you fled, when youre graduating in the nation that educated you and gave you a better life. Patriotic immigrants are fucking awesome, but these unamerican losers can go fuck themselves. Anyone who has a Mexican flag is a fucking loser.
So you're a douchebag if you indicate pride in your heritage? Interesting.
Only if you are of European ancestry.

I live in an era with many ethnic nationalities. We have festivals celebrating Italian, Polish, Serbian, Celtic heritage among others. I've never heard a single one of them denigrated as douchebags for being proud of their heritage. So what the hell are you talking about?
Truly disgrceful. Its Un American to cling on to your roots.
If clinging to your roots means disrespecting the nation that educated you, then its unamerican. Only a complete fucking douche bag would do that, let alone agree with it.
You characters are miserable old bastards. If he does his job and pays his taxes its got fuck all to do with you what is in his heart. You just hate minorities.
None of your petty insults address the actual topic. Its a real douchebag move to wear the flag of the shit nation you fled, when youre graduating in the nation that educated you and gave you a better life. Patriotic immigrants are fucking awesome, but these unamerican losers can go fuck themselves. Anyone who has a Mexican flag is a fucking loser.
So you're a douchebag if you indicate pride in your heritage? Interesting.
Only if you are of European ancestry.

I live in an era with many ethnic nationalities. We have festivals celebrating Italian, Polish, Serbian, Celtic heritage among others. I've never heard a single one of them denigrated as douchebags for being proud of their heritage. So what the hell are you talking about?
Mexicans have been like any of those other immigrant groups. First generation, often doesn't speak good English, the children pick it up quick and often act as translaters and intermediaries for their families. They all had their foreign language newspapers and clubs/societies for their fellow immigrants. A significant portion of our country spoke Spanish before it was English so no surprise there is a strong flavor of the Mexican culture there. Yet we continue to have Chinatown and other ethnic enclaves who's heritage isn't mocked and who aren't accused of "not assimilating" (though they were historically accused of that).
The school handled it badly. They have no right to deprive him of a diploma he earned and at any point prior to walking on stage, they could have taken him aside, and explained the policy issue in stead of waiting until he is up there to humiliate him. That's just wrong.

DECADES ago, when I graduated, the schools were already really cracking down on graduation antics. We were all warned that any theatrics would likely get our diploma withheld.

Considering the increased SJW shit AND the lure of posting videos for internet likes, I can only imagine the difficulty that schools face trying to keep control during these events.

This guy choose to make a political statement.

Maybe we just need to admit that due to increased diversity and polarization, we are no longer a society that can have nice things, like graduation ceremonies.
Fair points, but again - the school could have handled it better imo (and, knowing highschool students, I know it can be difficult) - I don't think withholding the diploma is reasonable, it was earned. They could stopped him prior to going on stage couldn't they?

A check for attire at the stage would have just given the students the way around it, ie hiding anything they wanted to flash under their robes and then making a scene.

This student could have hidden a flag under his robe, got the diploma, whipped out the flag, waved it shouting some Mexican Pride shit, and danced off the stage.

AND since the other students would know that that were the rules, he would likely NOT be the only one making such a display.

And what if you have competing partisan politics? What is the next student whips out a MAGA hat, and shouts something about deporting all the DREAMERS?

AND, you have people in the audience cheering, and sitting next to people that they suddenly realize are on the other side of some very bitter divides...
Truly disgrceful. Its Un American to cling on to your roots.
If clinging to your roots means disrespecting the nation that educated you, then its unamerican. Only a complete fucking douche bag would do that, let alone agree with it.
You characters are miserable old bastards. If he does his job and pays his taxes its got fuck all to do with you what is in his heart. You just hate minorities.
None of your petty insults address the actual topic. Its a real douchebag move to wear the flag of the shit nation you fled, when youre graduating in the nation that educated you and gave you a better life. Patriotic immigrants are fucking awesome, but these unamerican losers can go fuck themselves. Anyone who has a Mexican flag is a fucking loser.
So you're a douchebag if you indicate pride in your heritage? Interesting.
Only if you are of European ancestry.

I live in an era with many ethnic nationalities. We have festivals celebrating Italian, Polish, Serbian, Celtic heritage among others. I've never heard a single one of them denigrated as douchebags for being proud of their heritage. So what the hell are you talking about?
Leftists won't come after Italianfest, Oktoberfest, St. Patrick's Day, etc., in any real measure as it generally represents a singular country. Try doing a Western Civilization Fest though.
How about we just fast-forward to the part where you admit you base that on ABSOLUTELY NOTHING and I call you an idiot?
Fuck off asshole

The kid made a public spectacle of his love for mexico

He wanted us to know and he raised the question of his nationality himself

No one is demanding to see his papers simply because he has a spanish sir name
Do you question their immigration status?
No I dont

Apply some common sense and know that illegal aliens from itally are not flooding our southern border

Go to the internment camps for unaccompanied minors and see how many of them are italian

The answer is probably none
That's just wrong.
Mexicans abusing the hospitality and good will of America and sucking off the taxpayers for free healthcare and free education is more wrong

Show us his green card and then he can have his diploma
Truly disgrceful. Its Un American to cling on to your roots.
If clinging to your roots means disrespecting the nation that educated you, then its unamerican. Only a complete fucking douche bag would do that, let alone agree with it.
You characters are miserable old bastards. If he does his job and pays his taxes its got fuck all to do with you what is in his heart. You just hate minorities.
None of your petty insults address the actual topic. Its a real douchebag move to wear the flag of the shit nation you fled, when youre graduating in the nation that educated you and gave you a better life. Patriotic immigrants are fucking awesome, but these unamerican losers can go fuck themselves. Anyone who has a Mexican flag is a fucking loser.
So you're a douchebag if you indicate pride in your heritage? Interesting.
Only if you are of European ancestry.

I live in an era with many ethnic nationalities. We have festivals celebrating Italian, Polish, Serbian, Celtic heritage among others. I've never heard a single one of them denigrated as douchebags for being proud of their heritage. So what the hell are you talking about?

Try celebrating Columbus Day.
Truly disgrceful. Its Un American to cling on to your roots.
If clinging to your roots means disrespecting the nation that educated you, then its unamerican. Only a complete fucking douche bag would do that, let alone agree with it.
You characters are miserable old bastards. If he does his job and pays his taxes its got fuck all to do with you what is in his heart. You just hate minorities.
None of your petty insults address the actual topic. Its a real douchebag move to wear the flag of the shit nation you fled, when youre graduating in the nation that educated you and gave you a better life. Patriotic immigrants are fucking awesome, but these unamerican losers can go fuck themselves. Anyone who has a Mexican flag is a fucking loser.
So you're a douchebag if you indicate pride in your heritage? Interesting.
You're a douchebag if you wear ANYTHING outside of a dress code at a graduation.
Truly disgrceful. Its Un American to cling on to your roots.
If clinging to your roots means disrespecting the nation that educated you, then its unamerican. Only a complete fucking douche bag would do that, let alone agree with it.
You characters are miserable old bastards. If he does his job and pays his taxes its got fuck all to do with you what is in his heart. You just hate minorities.
None of your petty insults address the actual topic. Its a real douchebag move to wear the flag of the shit nation you fled, when youre graduating in the nation that educated you and gave you a better life. Patriotic immigrants are fucking awesome, but these unamerican losers can go fuck themselves. Anyone who has a Mexican flag is a fucking loser.
So you're a douchebag if you indicate pride in your heritage? Interesting.
Only if you are of European ancestry.

I live in an era with many ethnic nationalities. We have festivals celebrating Italian, Polish, Serbian, Celtic heritage among others. I've never heard a single one of them denigrated as douchebags for being proud of their heritage. So what the hell are you talking about?
Leftists won't come after Italianfest, Oktoberfest, St. Patrick's Day, etc., in any real measure as it generally represents a singular country. Try doing a Western Civilization Fest though.

Truly disgrceful. Its Un American to cling on to your roots.
If clinging to your roots means disrespecting the nation that educated you, then its unamerican. Only a complete fucking douche bag would do that, let alone agree with it.
You characters are miserable old bastards. If he does his job and pays his taxes its got fuck all to do with you what is in his heart. You just hate minorities.
None of your petty insults address the actual topic. Its a real douchebag move to wear the flag of the shit nation you fled, when youre graduating in the nation that educated you and gave you a better life. Patriotic immigrants are fucking awesome, but these unamerican losers can go fuck themselves. Anyone who has a Mexican flag is a fucking loser.
So you're a douchebag if you indicate pride in your heritage? Interesting.
You're a douchebag if you wear ANYTHING outside of a dress code at a graduation.
If YOU ever graduate from anything, you can keep that in mind.

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