Health Care Is A Right Not a Privilege!

I just commented in another thread that I hate when the debate is framed as "Right v privelige," but let me play devils advocate here.

When Bill shatters his leg and doesn't have insurance and will die without care... Let him die?

If he wants to pay the costs using insurance or whatever, that's fine.

But people who want to manage charity hospitals or spiritual healing programs
outside of govt should not be penalized for exercising other natural choices of health care
besides buying insurance. That should remain in the free market and not mandated by govt which methods or choices people use.

Insurance is not the only way, nor the best way to cover more people and costs.
Look at the taxes wasted on prisons and costs of crime.
If you are going to go after people being irresponsible and dumping costs on others,
why not go after CRIMINALS proven to have committed a crime and incurred costs.

Why go after LAW ABIDING citizens who haven't committed crimes and are happy to pay for health care on their own terms and free will,
and DEPRIVE THEM of their liberties -- because of the costs or crimes of other people?

Why not hold people responsible for their own costs, and then if they want to use insurance to cover those costs, that is their choice! You can still regulate insurance without forcing people to buy it. If all the people who BELIEVE in singlepayer or govt health care paid into the plans THEY BELIEVE in, that is plenty to negotiate group rates. there is no need to force it on more people who don't believe in paying for health care through govt.
Obamas plan for health care is "You keep the insurance companies in riches and pay your own doctor bill.

You can keep your plan....until we take it away.

And lets never forget that if we had capitalist health care the cost would be about 20% of what it is now. Under capitalism people shop carefully with their own money and suppliers compete on basis of price and quality. Very probably life expectancy would be 100 today under capitalism.
Obamas plan for health care is "You keep the insurance companies in riches and pay your own doctor bill.

You can keep your plan....until we take it away.

And lets never forget that if we had capitalist health care the cost would be about 20% of what it is now. Under capitalism people shop carefully with their own money and suppliers compete on basis of price and quality. Very probably life expectancy would be 100 today under capitalism.

Some of my favorite phone calls at work are from people who are just now discovering, after YEARS of wasting health resources because someone else was paying the bill, what their health care actually costs. "When did that start costing so much?" is not an uncommon question. I am forbidden by my job to respond, "What did you THINK it was costing?"
You can keep your plan....until we take it away.

And lets never forget that if we had capitalist health care the cost would be about 20% of what it is now. Under capitalism people shop carefully with their own money and suppliers compete on basis of price and quality. Very probably life expectancy would be 100 today under capitalism.

Some of my favorite phone calls at work are from people who are just now discovering, after YEARS of wasting health resources because someone else was paying the bill, what their health care actually costs. "When did that start costing so much?" is not an uncommon question. I am forbidden by my job to respond, "What did you THINK it was costing?"

yes and still it does not occur to liberals that socialism destroys all the incentives to lower price and raise quality.
It is only a right in the sense that one can not be denied treatment it is NOT a right that the Federal Government can force us to buy insurance.
But for you, retired seargent, it is a right. Your HC is free. Want to give it up, please??

It is a privilege he earned.

So taxpayers are forced to buy insurance under obamacare and this is wrong, but they're forced to pay for retired military guys insurance and it's ok?
But for you, retired seargent, it is a right. Your HC is free. Want to give it up, please??

It is a privilege he earned.

So taxpayers are forced to buy insurance under obamacare and this is wrong, but they're forced to pay for retired military guys insurance and it's ok?

If they don't consent to be taxed, the govt is not representing their consent and interests.

If people don't want to pay for military insurance,
then why not let Republicans and Libertarians pay for military and VA benefits,
and let Democrats play for this ACA mandated insurance they don't agree with either.

Why NOT let each person pay for the plans through their party that represents them.
Sounds better than this mess of neither party agreeing to pay for the other plans;
Why not let them pay for their own.

Like Catholic church members pay for their own priests and policies,
and Hindus and Muslims pay for their own mosques and community programs.

Why not separate and let people represent their own policies
since this health care issue is a personal matter of choice, beliefs and values,
that should NOT be dictated, denied or discriminated against,
much less penalized by government based on creed.
But for you, retired seargent, it is a right. Your HC is free. Want to give it up, please??

It is a privilege he earned.

So taxpayers are forced to buy insurance under obamacare and this is wrong, but they're forced to pay for retired military guys insurance and it's ok?

If you don't like it feel free to deduct it from your taxes.

Paying taxes and being forced to buy something are two different things. Not surprised you don't understand that though.
But for you, retired seargent, it is a right. Your HC is free. Want to give it up, please??

It is a privilege he earned.

So taxpayers are forced to buy insurance under obamacare and this is wrong, but they're forced to pay for retired military guys insurance and it's ok?

Health insurance for members of the military are part of their pay package. They agree to defend us and we agree to pay them. It's kind of how things WORK!

Forcing taxpayers off plans that they liked and onto other plans or face ever increasing fines just so you can support the health care of those that don't pay Federal taxes at all is about as "wrong" as you can get! In case you haven't been paying attention...a government run health care system for veterans is proving to be a total cluster fuck. So tell me again why I should be enthusiastic about moving towards that system for everyone?
Or would you like me to trust you that the government folks running THAT are going to have their shit together as opposed to the clowns that are now running the IRS and the VA?
Yeah, health care is a "right".
Seniors have a "right" to have a hobby called going to the doctor anytime they want to and parents with group health insurance have a "right" fill up the waiting rooms of pediatrician offices with Johnny and Suzie that have nothing wrong with them other than the common cold.
As long as someone ELSE is paying for it they are for making health care a "right".
Yeah, health care is a "right".
Seniors have a "right" to have a hobby called going to the doctor anytime they want to and parents with group health insurance have a "right" fill up the waiting rooms of pediatrician offices with Johnny and Suzie that have nothing wrong with them other than the common cold.
As long as someone ELSE is paying for it they are for making health care a "right".

yes, to liberals health care is a right to make other people pay for their health care. So then why not more important things like food clothing and shelter?
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Most Republicans are wannahbe conservatives.

Most of them are just like the liberals on the health care issue.
They expect and DEMAND someone else other than themselves provide and pay for their health care be it from employer paid for group health insurance or their support of the train wreck blank check Medicare train wreck fraud.
Heath care is neither a right nor a privilege; it's a need.

Rational and responsible people take care of their own needs.
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