Health Nazis and Outdoor Smoking Ban

This is getting a bit too personal for me... my dad died on June 12th of last year, of lung cancer. He was a life long smoker well since he was a young teen anyway. In fact, both my parents have smoked all my life.

Yet, I still get angry when liberals decide it is perfectly acceptable to take the rights of smokers away from them. Just one more governmental intrusion into our lives. Today it is smokers... tomorrow it will be people who eat fast food (we're getting a little too close to me now) and the day after it will be Ice Cream!!! Now just stop right there you hit where it hurts.


Sorry to hear about your dad. Like I said before, I would not take the rights of smokers away from them. However, you can't call it governmental intrusion in certain situations.

I feel you should have a right to smoke as long as you're not endangering others by doing so. I definitely feel that private businesses should have the right to let their customers smoke and that you should be able to smoke in the privacy of your own home.

I'm making the same argument here that I would about people who drink and drive. People who drink, that's fine. People who drive, that's fine. However, when anyone gets behind the wheel of a vehicle that is enough to be over the legal limit, you are not only now endangering yourself but the other drivers on the road and anyone in your way.

Which is why the Libertarian argument would be things like DUI should stay illegal. Some may say, "well, it's government intrusion that the government is trying to dictate how I drive." When in reality, the government has a responsibility to to make such laws in order to protect others. May it be local, state, or federal.

Yes, I can. What situations? Gasoline or natural gas? Yeah. Whiny non-smokers waddling their 350 lb fat asses us to the mic to bitch about smokers? No.:eusa_eh:
Really? I find your fat ass offensive. It hurts my eyes and is aesthetically unappealing. You need to be legislated out of existence.:eusa_eh:


Wait, when did I become fat? :lol:

And what's got you so angry Gunny? I don't care if you or anyone else eats as much as your heart's desire.

Want to try again, strwamanbert?

:lol: Do tell me how I'm a Progressive Gunny, and which positions of mine make me specifically a progressive. :popcorn:

Is it my pro-death penalty views? Or is my pro-gun views? Or maybe my Pro Net Neutrality views? Or maybe my Anti War on Drugs views?

Or maybe my Pro Nuclear Power Plants view? No? Maybe it's my idea to take the government out of the equation of marriage completely and make all current legal civil unions to be exactly that? Maybe it's my Anti-Patriot Act and FISA views? My Pro-Marijuana views? Or maybe my views about there needing to be a discussion on Global Warming and what can be done about it without costing trillions of dollars and millions of jobs?

Is it my Pro education vouchers and charter school views?

I mean, maybe I'm just too confused due to my age. Show me the light Gunny!

When you get done trying to deflect, it's your pro-leftwingnut views. Who do you think you are REALLY fooling? It sure a fuck ain't me, termite.
So that means that when I go to a California State Park, I just have to suck it up and deal with wheezing, shortness of breath, and itchy eyes because I am surrounded by smokers?

Wah. Stay home.

If you happened to be smoking near me and I asked if you'd mind extinguishing your cigarette because of my allergies, what would you say?

Fuck off and go somewhere else?
Definitive proof or shut the Hell up, bitchboy. You're such the fucking sheep.

The evidence is now "indisputable" that secondhand smoke is an "alarming" public health hazard, responsible for tens of thousands of premature deaths among nonsmokers each year, Surgeon General Richard H. Carmona said yesterday.

He did not call for a federal ban on smoking in workplaces, bars or restaurants, a step that has been taken by a growing number of cities and states over the objections of business owners and of groups skeptical about the dangers of secondhand smoke. He said he saw his role as providing the public and Congress with definitive information on the subject.

"I am here to say the debate is over: the science is clear," Dr. Carmona said at a televised news conference, where he released a report updating the original surgeon general's study of secondhand smoke in 1986. Since then, hundreds of studies have indicated that the harm caused by secondhand smoke is far greater than earlier believed, he said. The report includes these findings:

Studies conducted by the Centers for Disease Control show that great progress has been made in reducing exposure, Dr. Carmona said. The amount of cotinine — the form nicotine takes after being metabolized — in blood samples fell by 75 percent among adults, according to specimens taken from 1999 to 2002 that were compared with samples taken a decade earlier.

Secondhand Smoke | Effects of Secondhand Smoke

References used in this article?

Mayo Clinic, EPA, NCI, American Heart Association.

Secondhand Smoke Kills 19-Year-Old

A 19-year-old Michigan woman died of an asthma attack at the bar where she worked, and an autopsy concluded that the fatal incident was triggered by secondhand smoke, the Detroit Free Press reported Feb. 9.

The case is believed to be the first showing that acute secondhand-smoke exposure can led to the death of an adult. "This is a very dramatic case," said Ken Rosenman of the Michigan State University College of Medicine, who reported on the incident in the American Journal of Industrial Medicine. "The other associations have been with chronic exposure. This is the first time someone dropped dead right there."

But let me guess, all apart of the massive conspiracy right? I guess all those dead people related to secondhand smoke are in on it too. :cuckoo:
Because you're stupid and I felt like rubbing it in? Idiot.

Not quite. You still haven't given any evidence I'm a Progressive.

I'm thinking I said something that hit a nerve. Was it the internet tough guy comment? :eusa_think:
Really? I find your fat ass offensive. It hurts my eyes and is aesthetically unappealing. You need to be legislated out of existence.:eusa_eh:


Wait, when did I become fat? :lol:

And what's got you so angry Gunny? I don't care if you or anyone else eats as much as your heart's desire.

Angry? You mean because you leftwing fagfuckers keep stealing our rights? Oh, I would NEVER be ....:rolleyes:
Angry? You mean because you leftwing fagfuckers keep stealing our rights? Oh, I would NEVER be ....:rolleyes:

:lol: Wut?

I think I know what you're doing. :eusa_think:

You feel so disconnected from the government that you're lashing out at those that you see as Pro-Government.
Definitive proof or shut the Hell up, bitchboy. You're such the fucking sheep.

The evidence is now "indisputable" that secondhand smoke is an "alarming" public health hazard, responsible for tens of thousands of premature deaths among nonsmokers each year, Surgeon General Richard H. Carmona said yesterday.

Studies conducted by the Centers for Disease Control show that great progress has been made in reducing exposure, Dr. Carmona said. The amount of cotinine — the form nicotine takes after being metabolized — in blood samples fell by 75 percent among adults, according to specimens taken from 1999 to 2002 that were compared with samples taken a decade earlier.

Secondhand Smoke | Effects of Secondhand Smoke

References used in this article?

Mayo Clinic, EPA, NCI, American Heart Association.

Secondhand Smoke Kills 19-Year-Old

A 19-year-old Michigan woman died of an asthma attack at the bar where she worked, and an autopsy concluded that the fatal incident was triggered by secondhand smoke, the Detroit Free Press reported Feb. 9.

The case is believed to be the first showing that acute secondhand-smoke exposure can led to the death of an adult. "This is a very dramatic case," said Ken Rosenman of the Michigan State University College of Medicine, who reported on the incident in the American Journal of Industrial Medicine. "The other associations have been with chronic exposure. This is the first time someone dropped dead right there."

But let me guess, all apart of the massive conspiracy right? I guess all those dead people related to secondhand smoke are in on it too. :cuckoo:

Excellent. A lie. Want to try again, Goebbels? There's no proof of shit there. A bus emits more smoke at a bust stop than a 3 packa day smoker does all day. If you weren't such a useless fuck and actually ran instead of riding the aforementioned means of mass transit so your fat ass didn't have to work, you'd know that.


*yawn* shut up, punk.:eusa_eh:
Excellent. A lie. Want to try again, Goebbels? There's no proof of shit there. A bus emits more smoke at a bust stop than a 3 packa day smoker does all day. If you weren't such a useless fuck and actually ran instead of riding the aforementioned means of mass transit so your fat ass didn't have to work, you'd know that.


*yawn* shut up, punk.:eusa_eh:

Cute, but why did you edit out the portions that clearly show the Surgeon General did not recommend a banning of anything? This is about science. Science says you're wrong. You want to debate the policies of how to deal with secondhand smoke, be my guest. However, science has clearly shown that secondhand smoke does in fact kill.

Have you lost it or something Gunny? Why are you talking about mass transit and my supposedly being fat? When I neither take mass transit or not fat.

Angry? You mean because you leftwing fagfuckers keep stealing our rights? Oh, I would NEVER be ....:rolleyes:

:lol: Wut?

I think I know what you're doing. :eusa_think:

You feel so disconnected from the government that you're lashing out at those that you see as Pro-Government.

That would be wishful thinking on your part, jr. If you weren't such a punk I could probably get you a date with an actual female instead of Rosy Palm and her 5 Sisters or that goat you got out back.
You want to force YOUR ideas onto others because you know what's best for them? All the proof I need.

Go away truthmatters jr.

Link so I can see evidence of this?

And if you want to talk about forcing ideas onto others, I guess that means whenever you want to have something enacted that is not the status quo, you're forcing your ideas onto others because you feel you know what's best for them.

Ironically, I'm trying to be civil and you're trying to force your ideas onto to me because you feel you know what's best for me.

The irony is killing.

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