Health Nazis and Outdoor Smoking Ban

Excellent. A lie. Want to try again, Goebbels? There's no proof of shit there. A bus emits more smoke at a bust stop than a 3 packa day smoker does all day. If you weren't such a useless fuck and actually ran instead of riding the aforementioned means of mass transit so your fat ass didn't have to work, you'd know that.


*yawn* shut up, punk.:eusa_eh:

Cute, but why did you edit out the portions that clearly show the Surgeon General did not recommend a banning of anything? This is about science. Science says you're wrong. You want to debate the policies of how to deal with secondhand smoke, be my guest. However, science has clearly shown that secondhand smoke does in fact kill.

Have you lost it or something Gunny? Why are you talking about mass transit and my supposedly being fat? When I neither take mass transit or not fat.


Idiot. Before you were born, the Surgeon General was a moron with a beard and no mustache. Obvious sign of a fuckwit. Bet you got one too, huh?

There's no REAL evidence. I don't have to prove what doesn't exist. learn to debate 101. Want to try again, shitforbrains?
That would be wishful thinking on your part, jr. If you weren't such a punk I could probably get you a date with an actual female instead of Rosy Palm and her 5 Sisters or that goat you got out back.

:lol: Why would I want you to get a date for me?
You want to force YOUR ideas onto others because you know what's best for them? All the proof I need.

Go away truthmatters jr.

Link so I can see evidence of this?

And if you want to talk about forcing ideas onto others, I guess that means whenever you want to have something enacted that is not the status quo, you're forcing your ideas onto others because you feel you know what's best for them.

Ironically, I'm trying to be civil and you're trying to force your ideas onto to me because you feel you know what's best for me.

The irony is killing.

You want me to link this thread? Dude, you're wallowing in your own quagmire. :cuckoo:
Idiot. Before you were born, the Surgeon General was a moron with a beard and no mustache. Obvious sign of a fuckwit. Bet you got one too, huh?

There's no REAL evidence. I don't have to prove what doesn't exist. learn to debate 101. Want to try again, shitforbrains?

Uh. You do know that there are different surgeon generals right?

And there is real evidence.

You seem to think that if you keep claiming it doesn't exist, all those deaths and cases of lung cancer will go away. It won't.

What's next? You going to tell me that smoking itself doesn't cause lung cancer? :cuckoo:
That would be wishful thinking on your part, jr. If you weren't such a punk I could probably get you a date with an actual female instead of Rosy Palm and her 5 Sisters or that goat you got out back.

:lol: Why would I want you to get a date for me?

Cuz if your little boyfriend has his penis rammed down your throat you'd shut the fuck up?:eusa_eh:
You want me to link this thread? Dude, you're wallowing in your own quagmire. :cuckoo:

You seem to think stating my opinion = forcing my ideas onto others. Never did I say that would make any of these things into law if given the opportunity.

Have you seriously lost it Gunny? :eusa_eh:
Idiot. Before you were born, the Surgeon General was a moron with a beard and no mustache. Obvious sign of a fuckwit. Bet you got one too, huh?

There's no REAL evidence. I don't have to prove what doesn't exist. learn to debate 101. Want to try again, shitforbrains?

Uh. You do know that there are different surgeon generals right?

And there is real evidence.

You seem to think that if you keep claiming it doesn't exist, all those deaths and cases of lung cancer will go away. It won't.

What's next? You going to tell me that smoking itself doesn't cause lung cancer? :cuckoo:

Definitely truthdoesntmatter jr. Duh, fuckwit. Guess which one went on the anti-smoking tirade and rant first? Geez ... you're one dumb ass fuckwit.:lol:

I'm not trying to make lung cancer go away, Sherlock Holmes' younger brother. You can get it easier standing at a bus stop than from second-hand smoke. Too bad you don't like that, lefty, but there you have it.
Cuz if your little boyfriend has his penis rammed down your throat you'd shut the fuck up?:eusa_eh:

What is your obsession with homosexuals? Just curious as you seem to think I am one or I want to be one. And since you keep bringing it up almost every other post, I'm starting to wonder what exactly is up with that.

Though you also seem to think that being homosexual is an insult of some sort. What a backwards way of thinking. :eusa_think:
You want me to link this thread? Dude, you're wallowing in your own quagmire. :cuckoo:

You seem to think stating my opinion = forcing my ideas onto others. Never did I say that would make any of these things into law if given the opportunity.

Have you seriously lost it Gunny? :eusa_eh:

Only thing I seem to be losing are Rights. Thanks to YOUR vote. Well, whenever you get old enough to. Get it NOW, junior?
Definitely truthdoesntmatter jr. Duh, fuckwit. Guess which one went on the anti-smoking tirade and rant first? Geez ... you're one dumb ass fuckwit.:lol:

I'm not trying to make lung cancer go away, Sherlock Holmes' younger brother. You can get it easier standing at a bus stop than from second-hand smoke. Too bad you don't like that, lefty, but there you have it.

So you're admitting that second hand smoke does in fact give lung cancer then. Just because something gives lung cancer quicker doesn't mean that nothing else gives lung cancer.
Only thing I seem to be losing are Rights. Thanks to YOUR vote. Well, whenever you get old enough to. Get it NOW, junior?

It's okay Gunny. Next election, I'll be voting as an independent. :D

And you will be voting too, even long after you're gone..As a Democrat. ;)

Definitely truthdoesntmatter jr. Duh, fuckwit. Guess which one went on the anti-smoking tirade and rant first? Geez ... you're one dumb ass fuckwit.:lol:

I'm not trying to make lung cancer go away, Sherlock Holmes' younger brother. You can get it easier standing at a bus stop than from second-hand smoke. Too bad you don't like that, lefty, but there you have it.

So you're admitting that second hand smoke does in fact give lung cancer then. Just because something gives lung cancer quicker doesn't mean that nothing else gives lung cancer.

Get a clue, huh? LIVING causes cancer. Get over it. You and all the left-turds that think you can extend dying out a day or two more. Such fucking whiners ....
Get a clue, huh? LIVING causes cancer. Get over it. You and all the left-turds that think you can extend dying out a day or two more. Such fucking whiners ....

I don't know about you, but I enjoy living. I've gotten accustomed to it and everything. :lol:
Enjoying and clinging are two VERY different things.

Quite enjoying things. :)

Oh, look at that! Music interlude time!

[ame=]YouTube - Pink floyd eclipse[/ame]
Nah, drugs are more expensive than cigarettes.

Actually, Hendrix died with only sleeping pills and red wine in his system. Turns out taking 17 times the dosage you should be taking accidentally will have that effect. :eek:

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