Healthcare Projected To Cost Near $50 Trillion Over Next Ten Years

What I think we should NOTHING.
And there you have it.

This is exactly why the Democrats will win on healthcare in the long run.

The only solution is a government solution?


If that's the case, we need to go to war and Texas can be independent from all you commies!!!

I welcome war. I think that will solve A LOT of health care problems.


Your stupidity never disappoints....
The government is the last entity one should want to provide and regulate anything. Hell those clowns can’t even balance their check book for God’s sake.
Trump is offering NOTHING.
What about the rest of the Republitards for the last 8 motherfucking years?

They need to be honest with the American people.

"We cannot have a single payer system because all of Europe, Canada, Mexico, and Japan have been sucking at the tit of our mammoth defense spending, and we cannot afford it unless those countries pay us for our protection.

"You can have single payer when these countries pay for our defense systems that you have been funding for the last 70 years."

Then, we go to war.

I understand the simple concept but the system is much more complicated than that. A standard of care/coverage needs to be set, right? You can’t have people going to the doctor every day for every sniffle free of charge, right? The dynamic totally changes when people no longer have to pay for things. How many more doctors appointments will be made? How will doctors offices handle the increased traffic? What will wait times look like? How will costs be effected? How is abuse identified and prevented?

I would be more concerned about abuses by doctors and health care providers than I would be about patients abusing the system. Yes, you can have people going to the doctor for every sniffle, free of charge. In a system where everyone has equal right to access, patients don't abuse the system. But doctors and clinics can and do.

People don't go to the doctor for every sniffle because it's too much trouble to do so. Making the appointment, taking time off work, sitting around the office with a bunch of sick people. Yes we have shortages of caregivers here, but please remember that the the Medicial Industrial Complex controls the number of people entering medical school, and keeps the number of new doctors artificially low to keep prices high.

Costs will go down. Substantially. I read an article a few years ago written by a doctor who had worked in both Canada and the US and he said that the made more money in the US, but he got to keep more of the money he made in Canada. That was because the government controls reimbursement rates for all procedures in Canada. Reimbursement rates are control by the Provinces, so they're adjusted based on local costs. This doctor said he spent more time with patients and was able to see more patients in Canada, and focus on their care, not on getting pre-approvals with insurance companies. He also didn't need a third party billing company to collect co-pays and bill insurance companies. His receptionist billed the province.

We have no co-pays on doctor visits or hospital care. You can buy a private or semi-private room in hospital, as well as cable TV and computer access, but our program only covers prescriptions for children seniors, and doesn't cover dental, so we have supplemental insurance with co-pays there, through employers.
A agree that abuse from doctors and clinics and pharma are also big concerns. Regarding your other point, do you think Canada has better medical care than the US?
People who I know with experience with both prefer Canada.

Until they are on a waiting list for 3 years.... Free is always preferable, until you find out the difference in quality.

By the way, do they also prefer the taxes?
Funny I know of several Canadians and Europeans that have come to the US for medical care.
Trump is offering NOTHING.
What about the rest of the Republitards for the last 8 motherfucking years?

They need to be honest with the American people.

"We cannot have a single payer system because all of Europe, Canada, Mexico, and Japan have been sucking at the tit of our mammoth defense spending, and we cannot afford it unless those countries pay us for our protection.

"You can have single payer when these countries pay for our defense systems that you have been funding for the last 70 years."

Then, we go to war.


Well that's a fact. If they had put that money into defense, which is what would be required if the US wasn't there.... then they obviously would not be able to afford the health care system they have.

What aspect of that correct statement, do you not understand?
Trump is offering NOTHING.
What about the rest of the Republitards for the last 8 motherfucking years?

Actually, nine years. And I have posted countless times in all the years I have been here that fact. This is what caused pseudocons tards to assume I'm a liberal, in the same way you idiotically assumed I want single payer despite all evidence to the contrary.

You would not bleev how many times I pissed off the tards by asking, "Repeal Obamacare...AND THEN WHAT?!?!"

They need to be honest with the American people.

"We cannot have a single payer system because all of Europe, Canada, Mexico, and Japan have been sucking at the tit of our mammoth defense spending, and we cannot afford it unless those countries pay us for our protection.

"You can have single payer when these countries pay for our defense systems that you have been funding for the last 70 years."

Then, we go to war.


Ah. I have also posted many times how our defense spending has enabled Yurp to have a nice big social safety net. Many times.
I understand the simple concept but the system is much more complicated than that. A standard of care/coverage needs to be set, right? You can’t have people going to the doctor every day for every sniffle free of charge, right? The dynamic totally changes when people no longer have to pay for things. How many more doctors appointments will be made? How will doctors offices handle the increased traffic? What will wait times look like? How will costs be effected? How is abuse identified and prevented?

I would be more concerned about abuses by doctors and health care providers than I would be about patients abusing the system. Yes, you can have people going to the doctor for every sniffle, free of charge. In a system where everyone has equal right to access, patients don't abuse the system. But doctors and clinics can and do.

People don't go to the doctor for every sniffle because it's too much trouble to do so. Making the appointment, taking time off work, sitting around the office with a bunch of sick people. Yes we have shortages of caregivers here, but please remember that the the Medicial Industrial Complex controls the number of people entering medical school, and keeps the number of new doctors artificially low to keep prices high.

Costs will go down. Substantially. I read an article a few years ago written by a doctor who had worked in both Canada and the US and he said that the made more money in the US, but he got to keep more of the money he made in Canada. That was because the government controls reimbursement rates for all procedures in Canada. Reimbursement rates are control by the Provinces, so they're adjusted based on local costs. This doctor said he spent more time with patients and was able to see more patients in Canada, and focus on their care, not on getting pre-approvals with insurance companies. He also didn't need a third party billing company to collect co-pays and bill insurance companies. His receptionist billed the province.

We have no co-pays on doctor visits or hospital care. You can buy a private or semi-private room in hospital, as well as cable TV and computer access, but our program only covers prescriptions for children seniors, and doesn't cover dental, so we have supplemental insurance with co-pays there, through employers.
A agree that abuse from doctors and clinics and pharma are also big concerns. Regarding your other point, do you think Canada has better medical care than the US?
People who I know with experience with both prefer Canada.

Until they are on a waiting list for 3 years.... Free is always preferable, until you find out the difference in quality.

By the way, do they also prefer the taxes?
Nobody goes on 3 year waiting lists, that’s a myth. Yes some things may take a few months. But here people don’t even go to doctor for a few months cause of $$.
Actually, nine years. And I have posted countless times in all the years I have been here that fact. This is what caused pseudocons tards to assume I'm a liberal, in the same way you idiotically assumed I want single payer despite all evidence to the contrary.
In fairness, you seemed to be throwing in the towel on it as if it were inevitable and imminent.

Ah. I have also posted many times how our defense spending has enabled Yurp to have a nice big social safety net. Many times.
Then, we're somewhat on the same page.

How about we demand Europe pay for it?

Regretfully it all comes around to money, government spending, when in fact it’s much deeper than throwing money at the problem. All money will do is continue to feed the beast, not solve the problem.
Actually, nine years. And I have posted countless times in all the years I have been here that fact. This is what caused pseudocons tards to assume I'm a liberal, in the same way you idiotically assumed I want single payer despite all evidence to the contrary.
In fairness, you seemed to be throwing in the towel on it as if it were inevitable and imminent.

Ah. I have also posted many times how our defense spending has enabled Yurp to have a nice big social safety net. Many times.
Then, we're somewhat on the same page.

How about we demand Europe pay for it?

Of course I have thrown in the towel. After watching the rubes fall for the GOP's hoax for the past nine years, I have given up.

The submissive piss drinking cucks will NEVER wake up. Ever.
Regretfully it all comes around to money, government spending, when in fact it’s much deeper than throwing money at the problem. All money will do is continue to feed the beast, not solve the problem.
So, then we haven't properly identified the problem.

What do you think the problem is?

Pseudocons scoff at the projected cost of "Medicare For All" being $35 trillion over the next ten years.

However, under our current system, healthcare in America will rack up an astounding $47 trillion over the next ten years!

Health spending is projected to grow 0.8 percentage point faster than Gross Domestic Product (GDP) per year over the 2018-27 period; as a result, the health share of GDP is expected to rise from 17.9 percent in 2017 to 19.4 percent by 2027.


National health spending is projected to have grown 4.4 percent in 2018, up from 3.9 percent growth in 2017, and to have reached $3.6 trillion.


National health expenditures are projected to grow 4.8 percent in 2019, up from 4.4 percent growth in 2018, and to reach $3.8 trillion.


For 2020-27, national health spending growth is projected to average 5.7 percent, from 4.8 percent in 2019, and reach nearly $6.0 trillion by 2027. With nominal GDP growth expected to average 4.6 percent during this period, the health share of GDP is expected to increase to 19.4 percent by 2027, from 17.8 percent in 2019.

Notice the incredibly optimistic projection that GDP will grow an average of 4.6 percent. :lol:
Pseudocons scoff at the projected cost of "Medicare For All" being $35 trillion over the next ten years.

However, under our current system, healthcare in America will rack up an astounding $47 trillion over the next ten years! I WISH,
a cloak of invisibility actually existed,
and it was in my possession!
There is a cloak of invisibility around the Trump/GOP health care reform plan.

"You're going to have such great health care at a tiny fraction of the cost, and it's going to be so easy."

Trump's Chumps swallowed that bullshit hook, line, and sinker.


Trump's Chumps swallowed that bullshit hook, line, and sinker.
Who swallowed Obamacare bullshit, hook, line and sinker?
I am dead certain the reason Donald Trump switched from being a far left liberal Democrat to a fake Republican is because he saw what I saw. He saw the pseudocon rubes were the most idiotic, gullible dumb fucks in the history of our country.

As a huckster who has made his entire fortune by preying on human weakness, Trump could not resist this golden opportunity.

Promising he would provide "such great healthcare at a tiny fraction of the cost" probably had Trump laughing his ass off every night as he dropped off to sleep.

It probably still does.

I can't imagine a guy who spits in the faces of his Rube Herd every single day does not have anything but utter foul contempt for his believers.

Last edited:
Pseudocons scoff at the projected cost of "Medicare For All" being $35 trillion over the next ten years.

However, under our current system, healthcare in America will rack up an astounding $47 trillion over the next ten years!

Health spending is projected to grow 0.8 percentage point faster than Gross Domestic Product (GDP) per year over the 2018-27 period; as a result, the health share of GDP is expected to rise from 17.9 percent in 2017 to 19.4 percent by 2027.


National health spending is projected to have grown 4.4 percent in 2018, up from 3.9 percent growth in 2017, and to have reached $3.6 trillion.


National health expenditures are projected to grow 4.8 percent in 2019, up from 4.4 percent growth in 2018, and to reach $3.8 trillion.


For 2020-27, national health spending growth is projected to average 5.7 percent, from 4.8 percent in 2019, and reach nearly $6.0 trillion by 2027. With nominal GDP growth expected to average 4.6 percent during this period, the health share of GDP is expected to increase to 19.4 percent by 2027, from 17.8 percent in 2019.

Notice the incredibly optimistic projection that GDP will grow an average of 4.6 percent. :lol:
Pseudocons scoff at the projected cost of "Medicare For All" being $35 trillion over the next ten years.

However, under our current system, healthcare in America will rack up an astounding $47 trillion over the next ten years! I WISH,
a cloak of invisibility actually existed,
and it was in my possession!
There is a cloak of invisibility around the Trump/GOP health care reform plan.

"You're going to have such great health care at a tiny fraction of the cost, and it's going to be so easy."

Trump's Chumps swallowed that bullshit hook, line, and sinker.


Trump's Chumps swallowed that bullshit hook, line, and sinker.
Who swallowed Obamacare bullshit, hook, line and sinker?

The same people who are swallowing the single payer bullshit hook, line, and sinker.

And that number is growing every day. Thanks to Trump.
Of course I have thrown in the towel. After watching the rubes fall for the GOP's hoax for the past nine years, I have given up.

The submissive piss drinking cucks will NEVER wake up. Ever.
Again, America had a choice between single payer (Democrats), something that is not single payer (Republicans), and do nothing (Libertarians).

How should the cucks have acted?

Of course I have thrown in the towel. After watching the rubes fall for the GOP's hoax for the past nine years, I have given up.

The submissive piss drinking cucks will NEVER wake up. Ever.
Again, America had a choice between single payer (Democrats), something that is not single payer (Republicans), and do nothing (Libertarians).

How should the cucks have acted?

"something that is not single payer (Republicans)"

You still don't get it. The Republicans NEVER offered up "something that is not single payer".


That is why the Democrats will win the healthcare issue. This is what I have been trying to drive home in your head.

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