Heavily armed Antifa attack Veterans.

poor old senile biden....the laughing stock of the world...enjoy the creepy old racist before he drops dead
If Trump's brownshirts are crying this hard, you know their bitch asses got beaten down hard.

Look at it from their POV. Trump cult brownshirts are used to rolling into town and having a free pass to attack everyone they see. But this time, the people fought back and ran them out of town. No wonder the Trump cult here is freaking out. If they can't get away with violence any more, then how are they going to cling to power as a corrupt fascist minority and tyrannize the moral majority?

It is interesting, how all over the globe, the liberal "pansies" are curbstomping fascists. It's happening in Ukraine, it's happening here. That would mean that the conservatives are much wimpier than the pansi
ANTIFA doing what they do.attacking innocent Americans. I wonder how many USMB members are ANTIFA? Wheee this is fun!

Yanno, what these ANTIFA idiots did was stupid. And, a lot of them got arrested, which is what they deserve.

That being said, the OP's title is kinda misleading. To me, "heavily armed" means pistols and rifles with a lot of ammo. Not tree branches (only a couple of incidents), rocks, balloons filled with paint, baseball bats and other mainly non lethal weapons. Also, they didn't attack veterans (if they did, they would have gotten their asses kicked before the police got there), they attacked a bunch of civilians holding a parade in celebration of veterans. Only around 1 percent of the American population has actually ever served in the military. Matter of fact, the only gun that was pointed at anyone was a dude whose truck was being pounded on. He pulled out a pistol and pointed it at an ANTIFA demonstrator, and he was later detained.

I thought there was going to be more to this story other than a bunch of ANTIFA idiots getting stupid, but sadly, there wasn't.
Well, if you're an 1/6 Trump insurrectionist, you're not armed unless you have a firearm....

If you're some nut job in Oregon, you're "heavily" armed if you don't have a firearm.
He got beat twice. Hillary Clinton kicked his ass by 3 million votes, and Biden stomped a mudhole in his ass by 7 million votes.

One of these days, you'll advance to Third grade, and the teacher will explain to you that the ELECTORAL COLLEGE decides who wins the presidency.
You Nazis are some dumb motherfuckers.

I mean, it's WHY you're Nazis in the first place, because you're too stupid not to shit in your breakfast.

But have you noticed that you vermin went around pulling down statues in your desire to erase history and destroy art. Yes, your "nuhn uhn yoo" cartoon is stupid as all fuck, Republicans have never pulled down statues - only you Nazi swine do that. But it underscores the hatred you vermin have for history and knowledge. Yes, some fascist fuck tried to flip your actions and blame them on your victims, but it really underscores the hatred you have for knowledge.
If Trump's brownshirts are crying this hard, you know their bitch asses got beaten down hard.

Look at it from their POV. Trump cult brownshirts are used to rolling into town and having a free pass to attack everyone they see. But this time, the people fought back and ran them out of town. No wonder the Trump cult here is freaking out. If they can't get away with violence any more, then how are they going to cling to power as a corrupt fascist minority and tyrannize the moral majority?

It is interesting, how all over the globe, the liberal "pansies" are curbstomping fascists. It's happening in Ukraine, it's happening here. That would mean that the conservatives are much wimpier than the pansies.
i do have to hand it to you -

you've created a hell of a world for yourself.
One of these days, you'll advance to Third grade, and the teacher will explain to you that the ELECTORAL COLLEGE decides who wins the presidency.
hell dude, it took him 5 years to get out of the 2nd.

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