Heavily armed Antifa attack Veterans.

SO what you're saying is "Nuhn UHN - yoo"
No, I'm pointing out how you spend your days lovingly tonguing the white supremacists and antisemites here. In contrast, we rip them a new one. We punch Nazis, you suck them off.

Plus, there's that part where every position you hold, without any exception I can see, is identical to the position held by the Nazis.

  • democrats have a scapegoat based on race. Whites are the new "Juden."
See? You push open white supremacism, same as the Nazis

  • democrats are collectivist, seeking control of the means of production by their Reich.
Republicans support crony capitalism, same as the Nazis. Democrats support actual free markets.

The rest of your list is all projection. The Nazis did it too, claiming that since the violent jews/liberals were oppressing them, that justified their brownshirt campaign against liberals/jews. You've learned well from Goebbels, your idol.

Most notably, you've now adopted the Nazi position on abortion. Abortion bans for some, forced abortions for those that you consider to be subhuman. The commonality is that nobody gets a choice.
OK….I have to ask: what is that photo of the Homo Sapiens with green hair supposed to be?
It's one of the thugs in Portland. As usual, the FBI know exactly who he is - but refuse to arrest him, as he was serving the Reich. It's illegal to carry in Portland, he is violating both local and federal law by having the gun.

BUT ANTIFA is just a division of the FBI, part of the terrorist assault on America.
It's one of the thugs in Portland. As usual, the FBI know exactly who he is - but refuse to arrest him, as he was serving the Reich. It's illegal to carry in Portland, he is violating both local and federal law by having the gun.

BUT ANTIFA is just a division of the FBI, part of the terrorist assault on America.

I'm pretty sure that if you tried really hard, you could pile that hyperbolic pile of bullshit just a bit higher.
It's one of the thugs in Portland. As usual, the FBI know exactly who he is - but refuse to arrest him, as he was serving the Reich. It's illegal to carry in Portland, he is violating both local and federal law by having the gun.

BUT ANTIFA is just a division of the FBI, part of the terrorist assault on America.
Typical. Thugs who represent the Reich get a pass (or bailed out by Kamala’s thug-release funds) and cancer-ridden Grandma who walks in and out of the Capital gets her butt thrown in jail.
No, I'm pointing out how you spend your days lovingly tonguing the white supremacists and antisemites here. In contrast, we rip them a new one. We punch Nazis, you suck them off.

So you're making shit up and lying.

Well, you ARE a Nazi - it's what you do.

Plus, there's that part where every position you hold, without any exception I can see, is identical to the position held by the Nazis.



Oh, but you can't - because all you're doing is


See? You push open white supremacism, same as the Nazis

Really? So acknowledging the fact that you Nazis openly scapegoat whites "push(es) open white supremacism" -whatever the fuck that's supposed to mean?

Republicans support crony capitalism, same as the Nazis. Democrats support actual free markets.

The moronic lies your tell.

Nazi democrats support free markets....


The rest of your list is all projection. The Nazis did it too, claiming that since the violent jews/liberals were oppressing them, that justified their brownshirt campaign against liberals/jews. You've learned well from Goebbels, your idol.

Brown Shirts:


Most notably, you've now adopted the Nazi position on abortion. Abortion bans for some, forced abortions for those that you consider to be subhuman. The commonality is that nobody gets a choice.

You're not very good at this, Nazi girl.
I'm pretty sure that if you tried really hard, you could pile that hyperbolic pile of bullshit just a bit higher.
Says the fool calling peaceful protesters "insurrectionists."

Let's see some pictures of protesters at the Reichstag fire who had guns?

Oh wait, there were none. I guess the protesters were going to overthrow the government using cell phones...
Says the fool calling peaceful protesters "insurrectionists."

Let's see some pictures of protesters at the Reichstag fire who had guns?

Oh wait, there were none. I guess the protesters were going to overthrow the government using cell phones...

If you're talking about Jan. 6th, that protest was anything BUT peaceful.
If you're talking about Jan. 6th, that protest was anything BUT peaceful.
If you're talking about hyperbole and demagoguery - NOTHING come close to what you vermin have spread about the Reichstag Fire.

AND you still persecute 700 political prisoner.

Peaceful? Out of 300,000 protesters, there are at most a dozen acts of violence - with the most egregious the summary execution of a protester by BLM - one of Eva Braun Pelosi's Palace guard.

Most of the violence was sparked by the Palace Guard, who fired teargas into crowds of peaceful protesters


Corralling protesters into tunnels and then viciously assaulting them with metal batons,


All you Nazis have done for two years is lie about this protest.
If you're talking about hyperbole and demagoguery - NOTHING come close to what you vermin have spread about the Reichstag Fire.

AND you still persecute 700 political prisoner.

Peaceful? Out of 300,000 protesters, there are at most a dozen acts of violence - with the most egregious the summary execution of a protester by BLM - one of Eva Braun Pelosi's Palace guard.

Most of the violence was sparked by the Palace Guard, who fired teargas into crowds of peaceful protesters

View attachment 697044

Corralling protesters into tunnels and then viciously assaulting them with metal batons,

View attachment 697046

All you Nazis have done for two years is lie about this protest.

Keep stacking that hyperbolic bullshit.

Yeah, while you demagogue about the Reichstag Fire...

NO hyperbole even comes close.

You're apparently too stupid to know what hyperbole is. You use it again in this very post.

The fire in Portland was for a state building, not a national one.

The Reichstag was at the national level, not the state.

But, like I said, if that makes you feel smart and helps you sleep at night, carry on. The rest of us who actually know history and understand the actual meanings of words will continue to laugh at you.
They should be thrown in jail and prosecuted for attacking innocent people...especially veterans.....

"Police eventually declared the antifa riot an unlawful assembly and arrested at least three people, according to the report."

Well it is a good thing the police arrested a few of them....but we all know that Biden will order that they be released and charges dropped...like he has always done....since Antifa is basically a government-sponsored terrorist group now....

At least when Trump was president, we never heard about Antifa...because he crushed them with his mighty hand....he is so strong...
You're apparently too stupid to know what hyperbole is. You use it again in this very post.


while you continue to spew hyperbole about the Reichstag Fire...

The fire in Portland was for a state building, not a national one.

What the fuck are you talking about?

The Reichstag was at the national level, not the state.

Yes, and you Nazi scum have taken a 3 hour protest and hyped it as "an attempt to overthrow the government."

I mean, those protesters had cell phones, they could Tik-Tok the government into surrender...

You have your somber Show Trials to hype up the Reichstag Fire and those who questioned the election - how dare they - seig heil. All must bow and swear loyalty to Joe Biden's glorious Reich.

You demagogues are such fucking clowns.

But, like I said, if that makes you feel smart and helps you sleep at night, carry on. The rest of us who actually know history and understand the actual meanings of words will continue to laugh at you.

Yeah, that's what's happening, skippy...
They should be thrown in jail and prosecuted for attacking innocent people...especially veterans.....

"Police eventually declared the antifa riot an unlawful assembly and arrested at least three people, according to the report."

Well it is a good thing the police arrested a few of them....but we all know that Biden will order that they be released and charges dropped...like he has always done....since Antifa is basically a government-sponsored terrorist group now....

At least when Trump was president, we never heard about Antifa...because he crushed them with his mighty hand....he is so strong...

Salem has a Soros owned and operated District Attorney.

The ANTIFA terrorists will indeed be released without prosecution.

ANTIFA are soldiers of the democrat Reich, they are not subject to any sort of law.

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