Heir to the throne

My vote was for Seth, but alas it is George. But think about it. Doesn't it just pop. Prince Seth.

I have a coworker who is obsessed with the royal family. I mean obsessed. What is the deal with Americans who are obsessed with the royal family? I get that people have their attachments to whatever floats their boat, but egad, I had no idea there was actually a royal baby app. Are you shitting me?
It would be great to have another Richard the Lionhearted. It would make the muslims crazy though.
Uh...Saladin thoroughly defeated Richard the Greedy and Heartless.

However, I also would have preferred Richard to George.

George the First by all men was reckoned
Vile, but viler still was George the Second.
And who ever heard
Any good of George the Third?
And when George the Fourth to Hell descended,
"Thank God!" the people said, "the Georges ended!"

They spoke too soon!!

Having a Richard the Fourth would help a little to make up for the murder and endless maligning of poor Richard III.

Shame on you, Shakespeare !!!!
Prince George Alexander Louis of Cambridge. We're crazy about all this Cambridge stuff- My mother went to school there, Granny lived there, Grandfather went to Downing College. Moohaha...I used to spend a week at 100 Huntingdon Rd every other year, a month or 2 at Gunces Farm in Gt. Yeldham age 2-13. Huge Anglophile until the pubs closed at 10:30...Now I like the Louis, and Alexander is my middle name blah blah lol...
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But George V and VI were fine, and Liz's dad the stutterer etc.
George V was mentally sub-par. He ruined his son Edward by his harshness. His greatest claim to fame was his remarkable physical likeness to doomed Czar Nicholas II of Russia -- whom he refused sanctuary in Britain, guaranteeing that the Czar and his family would be murdered by the Bolsheviks.

Betty Windsor's dad was OK, except for his stutter. But he only looks good in comparison with his pathetic forebears.

noman is very worked up over the important topic of the British monarchy.

noman is such a modern, now, together, "today" and "with it" kind of girl.


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