
One persons hell is anothers heaven.
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Hilarious! Wasn't Larson wonderful?
Farside Hell, probably more accurate than any biblical version. Living your worst nightmare for eternity.

Hell is having The View on the only TV in a doctor's waiting room and you're not allowed to change the channel or lower the volume. This happened to me a few years ago while I waited for my sister at an orthopedic clinic. It was busy and I had to wait over an hour for her. I could not believe the stupidity of the women on that show.
Joy Behar, how in the heck is that mooing cow on TV?
I believe the notion of hell being merely a literal fire is more of a holdover from the Catholic Church, while in Protestant theologies, whether or not fire was incorporated, the true torment is eternal separation from God, does anyone have any other thoughts or theologies on this?
Eternal separation from ‘god’ is current Catholic dogma.

Given the fact that there is no ‘god’ as perceived by theists, and indeed no ‘afterlife,’ the question is rendered moot.
Hell is having The View on the only TV in a doctor's waiting room and you're not allowed to change the channel or lower the volume. This happened to me a few years ago while I waited for my sister at an orthopedic clinic. It was busy and I had to wait over an hour for her. I could not believe the stupidity of the women on that show.
Joy Behar, how in the heck is that mooing cow on TV?
Exactly. The woman has NO discernible talent. I guess in her case it's a matter of who you know AND blow. That's the only thing that makes sense.
I believe the notion of hell being merely a literal fire is more of a holdover from the Catholic Church, while in Protestant theologies, whether or not fire was incorporated, the true torment is eternal separation from God, does anyone have any other thoughts or theologies on this?
Eternal separation from ‘god’ is current Catholic dogma.

Given the fact that there is no ‘god’ as perceived by theists, and indeed no ‘afterlife,’ the question is rendered moot.
That’s a fact?


There is no god as perceived by atheists. God isn’t a fairytale. God is literally existence itself. I can’t help it if you lack the mental capacity to work through the origin questions.

But your “worldview” is an intellectual dead end. As it requires dismissing all observations of the natural order and curiosity about the natural order.

In short, it can never be satisfying to the intellectual mind.
I believe the notion of hell being merely a literal fire is more of a holdover from the Catholic Church, while in Protestant theologies, whether or not fire was incorporated, the true torment is eternal separation from God, does anyone have any other thoughts or theologies on this?
Eternal separation from ‘god’ is current Catholic dogma.

Given the fact that there is no ‘god’ as perceived by theists, and indeed no ‘afterlife,’ the question is rendered moot.
That's begging the question.
I think the only Hell that exists is the one we create for ourselves in life. Maybe even after that, for all I know. And I think it's quite likely that the concept of eternal damnation is a ploy that was designed to scare people into supporting the church.
from whence the spirit came is certainly where it might return, from the religion of antiquity by the successful conquest against evil. or / and maybe a second chance or two. wishful thinking.

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