Here are 4 ways Biden can avoid an energy collapse

Ordinary Guy

Diamond Member
Jul 16, 2021
First, the administration should mitigate the headwinds it has already embedded in future production by holding lease sales as soon as possible. To do so, the administration must stop invoking excuses for evading its duty to conduct such sales.

Interior recently announced that the one onshore lease sale in the planning process is now indefinitely on hold due to a recent court decision barring the administration from using its interim estimates for the social cost of greenhouse gas emissions. This particular cost analysis, however, is not required for lease sales, so the administration can and should proceed with previously used cost estimates.

With respect to offshore leasing, Interior should promptly complete the next five-year leasing program, which is required by law, as expeditiously as possible. In addition to the already unprecedented gap of more than one year since the last successful lease sale under the current program, we are also on track for at least a second year without offshore leasing. There is no excuse for the administration’s protracted delay in issuing the next iteration of the offshore leasing program.

Second, the administration should work with all relevant agencies to ensure that infrastructure permitting processes are designed and implemented in a manner that ensures consistency, transparency and timeliness – supporting both federal production and much larger production on state and private lands. (Another benefit to the administration is that this would aid renewable energy infrastructure, too.)

Third, the administration should reinstate the leases it suspended in Alaska’s Arctic National Wildlife Refuge and the permit development it approved in the National Petroleum Reserve. These were permitted with stringent environmental standards and could prove to be a significant source of domestic production over time.

Fourth, if the administration wants to see domestic energy projects and production continue, it should end its efforts to deny capital to oil and gas producers. American energy leadership requires a fair and welcoming investment environment.

Without the above policy changes, the unfortunate result will be a steady decline in oil and gas production over the next several years – and a reliance on unsteady regimes. Europe knows how that movie ends.

This movie ends in 3 more years, question is, can we survive till the end?
First, the administration should mitigate the headwinds it has already embedded in future production by holding lease sales as soon as possible. To do so, the administration must stop invoking excuses for evading its duty to conduct such sales.

Interior recently announced that the one onshore lease sale in the planning process is now indefinitely on hold due to a recent court decision barring the administration from using its interim estimates for the social cost of greenhouse gas emissions. This particular cost analysis, however, is not required for lease sales, so the administration can and should proceed with previously used cost estimates.

With respect to offshore leasing, Interior should promptly complete the next five-year leasing program, which is required by law, as expeditiously as possible. In addition to the already unprecedented gap of more than one year since the last successful lease sale under the current program, we are also on track for at least a second year without offshore leasing. There is no excuse for the administration’s protracted delay in issuing the next iteration of the offshore leasing program.

Second, the administration should work with all relevant agencies to ensure that infrastructure permitting processes are designed and implemented in a manner that ensures consistency, transparency and timeliness – supporting both federal production and much larger production on state and private lands. (Another benefit to the administration is that this would aid renewable energy infrastructure, too.)

Third, the administration should reinstate the leases it suspended in Alaska’s Arctic National Wildlife Refuge and the permit development it approved in the National Petroleum Reserve. These were permitted with stringent environmental standards and could prove to be a significant source of domestic production over time.

Fourth, if the administration wants to see domestic energy projects and production continue, it should end its efforts to deny capital to oil and gas producers. American energy leadership requires a fair and welcoming investment environment.

Without the above policy changes, the unfortunate result will be a steady decline in oil and gas production over the next several years – and a reliance on unsteady regimes. Europe knows how that movie ends.

This movie ends in 3 more years, question is, can we survive till the end?
The environmentalists own the democratic party. They are pissed at Biden and the democrats because they haven't done more to disrupt, delay, and deny fossil fuel production from beginning to end, and they don't give a flyin' fuck how much it hurts the people most affected by such policies. Which is the people south of the 50% line of incomes in this country.
The environmentalists own the democratic party. They are pissed at Biden and the democrats because they haven't done more to disrupt, delay, and deny fossil fuel production from beginning to end, and they don't give a flyin' fuck how much it hurts the people most affected by such policies. Which is the people south of the 50% line of incomes in this country.
But Bidung knows he has their vote anyway

I mean, what will they do, vote for Trump?

But Bidung knows he has their vote anyway

I mean, what will they do, vote for Trump?


I think it's more about the money. I don't know for sure about the facts, but I'd guess that if the democrats are not gung-ho enough on the GND then the big-money enviro donors won't be funneling as much money into their campaigns. No, they won't support the GOPP, but instead maybe they'd be supporting 3rd party greenies and making more propaganda ads and movies and such like to advance their holy war against fossil fuels.
First, the administration should mitigate the headwinds it has already embedded in future production by holding lease sales as soon as possible. To do so, the administration must stop invoking excuses for evading its duty to conduct such sales.

Interior recently announced that the one onshore lease sale in the planning process is now indefinitely on hold due to a recent court decision barring the administration from using its interim estimates for the social cost of greenhouse gas emissions. This particular cost analysis, however, is not required for lease sales, so the administration can and should proceed with previously used cost estimates.

With respect to offshore leasing, Interior should promptly complete the next five-year leasing program, which is required by law, as expeditiously as possible. In addition to the already unprecedented gap of more than one year since the last successful lease sale under the current program, we are also on track for at least a second year without offshore leasing. There is no excuse for the administration’s protracted delay in issuing the next iteration of the offshore leasing program.

Second, the administration should work with all relevant agencies to ensure that infrastructure permitting processes are designed and implemented in a manner that ensures consistency, transparency and timeliness – supporting both federal production and much larger production on state and private lands. (Another benefit to the administration is that this would aid renewable energy infrastructure, too.)

Third, the administration should reinstate the leases it suspended in Alaska’s Arctic National Wildlife Refuge and the permit development it approved in the National Petroleum Reserve. These were permitted with stringent environmental standards and could prove to be a significant source of domestic production over time.

Fourth, if the administration wants to see domestic energy projects and production continue, it should end its efforts to deny capital to oil and gas producers. American energy leadership requires a fair and welcoming investment environment.

Without the above policy changes, the unfortunate result will be a steady decline in oil and gas production over the next several years – and a reliance on unsteady regimes. Europe knows how that movie ends.

This movie ends in 3 more years, question is, can we survive till the end?
What the hell makes you think Biden and the Dems who run Washington want to avoid an energy collapse?
What the hell makes you think Biden and the Dems who run Washington want to avoid an energy collapse?

I thought the dems were actually quite open about it, they've always been for much higher gas and oil prices to make renewables more attractive by comparison. You know, it's funny that they profess to be for the little guy, the lower income people and yet their policies actually harm those same people.
In the February STEO, we forecast that U.S. crude oil production will increase to 12.0 million b/d in 2022, up 760,000 b/d from 2021. We forecast that crude oil production in the United States will rise by 630,000 b/d in 2023 to average 12.6 million b/d.Feb 16, 2022

US crude oil production forecast to rise in 2022 and 2023 ... - EIA

What are you doing? I mean spouting truth here is about as useless as pissing in the wind. These morons don't give two shits about "facts". They are pigeon-holed into their beliefs, desperate to condemn the Biden administration, even when the facts destroy their arguments. Take this, from a hostile article in Forbes,

The number of rigs drilling for oil and gas has risen by 60% over the past year.

Can you imagine that statistic if Trump were president, or even when Trump was president. I mean these morons would be proclaiming Trump was God's gift to the nation for increasing drilling so significantly. Today, they ignore that stat, and pretend the ban on drilling on federal lands is still in effect when a judge ruled against it months ago.

The Biden administration has approved drilling permits at rates not seen since Bush Jr, eclipsing Obama and even Trump, and Bush Jr. was an oil man. And the oil companies, they are sitting on them. I mean hell, those oil companies lost money during the Trump administration, now they are making it hand over fist. I see it at a first hand level. My in-laws own oil wells in Texas, fracking. They had it pretty good during the Obama administration. It is really kind of sad. They ain't worth two shits, neither of them have struck a lick since the 1980's. They lived hand to mouth for decades, surviving on Social Security disability and a small pension. Then, when Obama was president fracking came to the forefront, and Grandpa's investment in desolate Texas land paid off big time. They received tens of thousands of dollars when drilling started, and monthly checks as production increased.

Trump rolled in. Production decreased and no new wells were tapped. It was a kick in the pants. At least two of the four years Trump was president oil companies actually lost money. Covid sure didn't help. But now, well the good times are rolling. They just bought their second luxury car, paid cash, because new wells are being tapped and those monthly checks are hitting the bank big time.
If you read the Forbes article you can see the problem. Oil companies have little incentive to increase production. Really, they will only increase it for export, not domestic consumption. Americans are more than willing to pay over four bucks a gallon for gas so they produce less and make more. That is the warped reality of "free market" economics within a highly inelastic market. But they are going to end up shooting themselves in the foot.

Write it down, bookmark this post. In a decade they won't be able to give gas away. The high cost of gas, and especially diesel. will encourage people to move away from gas powered vehicles and turn to electric. I mean come on, an investment in Tesla a decade ago provided better returns than Bitcoin. And nothing pleases me more. Karma is a bitch, and the oil companies are about to get a big old taste of it's vengeance.
The environmentalists own the democratic party. They are pissed at Biden and the democrats because they haven't done more to disrupt, delay, and deny fossil fuel production from beginning to end, and they don't give a flyin' fuck how much it hurts the people most affected by such policies. Which is the people south of the 50% line of incomes in this country.
Yet oil and gas production in the US is no lower than when Trump was president.
What are you doing? I mean spouting truth here is about as useless as pissing in the wind. These morons don't give two shits about "facts". They are pigeon-holed into their beliefs, desperate to condemn the Biden administration, even when the facts destroy their arguments. Take this, from a hostile article in Forbes,

The number of rigs drilling for oil and gas has risen by 60% over the past year.

Can you imagine that statistic if Trump were president, or even when Trump was president. I mean these morons would be proclaiming Trump was God's gift to the nation for increasing drilling so significantly. Today, they ignore that stat, and pretend the ban on drilling on federal lands is still in effect when a judge ruled against it months ago.

The Biden administration has approved drilling permits at rates not seen since Bush Jr, eclipsing Obama and even Trump, and Bush Jr. was an oil man. And the oil companies, they are sitting on them. I mean hell, those oil companies lost money during the Trump administration, now they are making it hand over fist. I see it at a first hand level. My in-laws own oil wells in Texas, fracking. They had it pretty good during the Obama administration. It is really kind of sad. They ain't worth two shits, neither of them have struck a lick since the 1980's. They lived hand to mouth for decades, surviving on Social Security disability and a small pension. Then, when Obama was president fracking came to the forefront, and Grandpa's investment in desolate Texas land paid off big time. They received tens of thousands of dollars when drilling started, and monthly checks as production increased.

Trump rolled in. Production decreased and no new wells were tapped. It was a kick in the pants. At least two of the four years Trump was president oil companies actually lost money. Covid sure didn't help. But now, well the good times are rolling. They just bought their second luxury car, paid cash, because new wells are being tapped and those monthly checks are hitting the bank big time.
If you read the Forbes article you can see the problem. Oil companies have little incentive to increase production. Really, they will only increase it for export, not domestic consumption. Americans are more than willing to pay over four bucks a gallon for gas so they produce less and make more. That is the warped reality of "free market" economics within a highly inelastic market. But they are going to end up shooting themselves in the foot.

Write it down, bookmark this post. In a decade they won't be able to give gas away. The high cost of gas, and especially diesel. will encourage people to move away from gas powered vehicles and turn to electric. I mean come on, an investment in Tesla a decade ago provided better returns than Bitcoin. And nothing pleases me more. Karma is a bitch, and the oil companies are about to get a big old taste of it's vengeance.
I am used to feeding rabid dogs so it doesn't bother me.
Can you prove that?
Probably could but not gonna waste time on programmed minds that think domestic feedstocks are being pulled from just as heavily now as they were before. Production is a little up for Biden vs Trump during pandemic but domestic crude is way down as imports are ramping up under Biden, that is what is killing us on the price of fuel and goods/services.
Probably could but not gonna waste time on programmed minds that think domestic feedstocks are being pulled from just as heavily now as they were before. Production is a little up for Biden vs Trump during pandemic but domestic crude is way down as imports are ramping up under Biden, that is what is killing us on the price of fuel and goods/services.
I knew you couldn't prove it and you've forgotten there's a war, in the country that exports 30% of the oil in the world but its still democrats fault. Grow up
I knew you couldn't prove it and you've forgotten there's a war, in the country that exports 30% of the oil in the world but its still democrats fault. Grow up
when you understand feedstocks and their costs, get back to me, until STFU

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