Here are the 68 traitors who voted to give illegals citizenship

Gonna be an interesting last 2 years of Odumbasses presidency since the republicans will control the house and senate next year.
It will be an interesting year..

BTW, Boehner the Dead Head has said it is DOA in the House.

I surely hope so.

I would be very surprised to see the bill passed in the House.
Might not help the GOP hold their majority in the House though. Be interesting to see if it costs them seats.
Both sides want cheap labor. Rs want to liked. Ds will benefit from extra votes. Also, there is a provision in the bill that says that businesses will be exempted from paying a penalty, healthcare, if they hire the illegals who have just been granted amnesty. Meanwhile, businesses will not get the exemption if they hire immigrants who actually came here the legal way. This bill is a farce beyond any sense of logic known to mankind. This is the ineptitude that the govt has devolved to.
Who of the 15 republicans that vote Aye are up for re-election in 2014?

That will tell the tale.
It will be an interesting year..

BTW, Boehner the Dead Head has said it is DOA in the House.

I surely hope so.

i also heard that the idea is to make conservatives happy by creating a NEW House-originated bill and then change it later when it hits the Senate where they can work out the 'details'....

even if the House puts in a strong border control the Democrats and their Feds will never follow know how much the Obama Administration respects the law...
Graham (SC), Alexander (TN), Collins (ME) and the guy Christie appointed who isn't running in (NJ)
It is the will of the people

Now watch Republicans squash the bill

Republucans gunna have some splainin to do
Graham (SC), Alexander (TN), Collins (ME) and the guy Christie appointed who isn't running in (NJ)
Graham I know is going to have a republican in the primary to contend with,Alexander might, The wrestler Kane is considering running. Not sure about Collins. I know my senator Kay Hagan will probably lose next a good bit of republicans running to go against her including a Liberty Republican named Greg Brannon
It is the will of the people

Now watch Republicans squash the bill

Republucans gunna have some splainin to do

Gonna be an interesting last 2 years of Odumbasses presidency since the republicans will control the house and senate next year.

I mean no offense to you sir, but allow me to let you in on a little secret: THERE IS VERY LITTLE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN A DUMMYCRAT OR A REPUBICAN.

Look at Lindsey Graham. He's a war mongering, fascist shill. Chuck Schumer etc....

The list is long.

The nation's leaders are bought and owned. You can't vote your way out of this. It's gone.

The only thing you can do is resist and become civilly disobedient. Protests are a joke. Unless you become civilly disobedient, like withholding tax returns etc, then have you no business whatsoever participating in the civil war that is coming to this stupid nation. I haven't filed a tax return in 5 years. I won't give this fascist state the satisfaction of seeing me grovel.

Jews most recently, have been through this. They, for the most part, didn't resist and they were slaughtered. No God came to help them. They were massacred in the millions by government stooges. Government has a monopoly on mass murder. If you believe that Obama or anyone else won't do the same then you're a fool who will find yourself lying in a ditch with your brains blown out. This country is in it's death throes. Either fight or run.

The hardest is part is separating yourself from the left/right paradigm. You don't have to give up what you believe in but you need to realize that the powers that exist in this world are in full control of both parties.

End of rant.
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Oh absolutely I agree with you. My last hope are the Liberty Republicans...if they fail to do the job or turn into neo cons...I say the hell with it. I will fight to my dying breath to see the united states fall to its knees...its well on its way but its like a wounded animal striking out and seeing what it can hit.
It is the will of the people

Now watch Republicans squash the bill

Republucans gunna have some splainin to do

And they should since there in nothing meaningful in the thousand pager. But I'm confident that the Rs will offer up their own version of stupidity. The senate bill should be thrown out for sure.

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