Zone1 Here Are The Old Testament Passages Describing The Foretold Jewish Messiah

Thank you. Anyway, yes plural. With the word image, do we not also use it in context with “likeness?” When we do that, my understanding would say it’s physical. Unless the spirit has form, which I believe it does.
What would you think about Elohim being plural because marriage is two personages one male and one female. In other words, we have a Father and Mother in Heaven.
That is the original part of the Trinity Father Mother son till it was changed to Father Son Word then Father Son Holy Spirit but that is not OT descriptions of a non anthropromorphic God. It's forbidden to anthropromorphize words with meaning into figures and forms and personas with names.
SO IN KNOWING THIS: Elohim is a word meaning "supreme ones" like a supreme court of 7top messengers-reflections of that essence they want us to reflect and "be like". And you do this by setting guided rules-values-laws to live by for a stable existence.
It's their religion. Outsiders are claiming things :auiqs.jpg:
True, Rome can't tell Gentiles about Judaism, it's why their errors are sometimes comical. Also many slang terms were purposely hidden in meaning from Rome who were being secretly referred to during the revolts, sort of like how people use slang today to hide real meaning of discussion from parents or authorities.
Like I always say:" you don't learn to fly a plane from a boating instructor, so why would you learn the Tanakh from Rome's confiscation and bastardization of the religion and texts."
True, Rome can't tell Gentiles about Judaism, it's why their errors are sometimes comical. Also many slang terms were purposely hidden in meaning from Rome who were being secretly referred to during the revolts, sort of like how people use slang today to hide real meaning of discussion from parents or authorities.
Like I always say:" you don't learn to fly a plane from a boating instructor, so why would you learn the Tanakh from Rome's confiscation and bastardization of the religion and texts."
Rome doesn't speak for me. Neither does modern day Judaism. Catholicism is not Christianity
Rome doesn't speak for me. Neither does modern day Judaism. Catholicism is not Christianity
Rome specifically Constantine and Eusebius the forger creating the compiling of figures and myths and making redefinitions is Christianity whether you follow RCC or other sects, it still was the political authority creatingvthe fake good news narrative for authoratative control behind religious authority. Aka 2horn system.
True, Rome can't tell Gentiles about Judaism, it's why their errors are sometimes comical. Also many slang terms were purposely hidden in meaning from Rome who were being secretly referred to during the revolts, sort of like how people use slang today to hide real meaning of discussion from parents or authorities.
Like I always say:" you don't learn to fly a plane from a boating instructor, so why would you learn the Tanakh from Rome's confiscation and bastardization of the religion and texts."
Yah lol “ hidden messages and meanings” are not or were not only used by the Israelites… For example other conquered peoples like the Chinese who were conquered by the mongols used similar methods to revolt against their oppressors … In the Chinese method they supposedly hid messages intasty little cookies called moon cakes which the mongols had an aversion to eating because they were made with lotus paste…In this way the Chinese could coordinate their rebellion against them… These moon cakes later supposedly morphed into what we now know as fortune cookies… The point is their oppresors did not know this ingenious Chinese method just like the Roman’s missed out on the Israelite method of counter acting their oppresors..
Zech 12:10 is not messianic & backs my commentary of Multiple christs confused into 1 if you tried to make it about the Roman created idol. It's one of the most harmful verses to falsely claim fulfilled, because it discusses 2 seperate people -one pierced, but the other mourned=2 seperate people confused for each other and thus mourning the wrong one..By posting this through parroting false fulfillment lists instead of reading it in the Tanakh means you agree with me over the false christ worship.
Or this proves preachers are dishonest, lazy, and can't comprehend what they read to be able to discuss these subjects and followers regurgitate the mistake and lies when trying to justify membership in the group affiliation..
One could point out that the original concept of a messenger for example in Hebrew Malik and in the plural Malikime was changed from just a man with a message to a mystical being renamed angels by those who did not understand the original Hebrew concept . From these misinterpretations we have many weird and wonderful ideas that over the ages have morphed into silly nonsensical things that are so off the original as to be confusing to everyone who even try’s to figure these things out…. However the true original message can be figured out because it is hidden in plain sight for those who have the eyes and the ears to see it and hear it for themselves because they stick to the original blueprint which is the Jewish scriptures… While those others are fooled by the EV(il) ANGEL(ist) messages that go against those original concepts as set aside in the Hebrew Scriptures …..
Just as “Our” is plural, so is “us.” It’s called context. God and Lord God are two separate individuals. In context and English, “us” means more than one.
the book which written phonetically in english is "BERESHIT" was written
in Hebrew----not english
the book which written phonetically in english is "BERESHIT" was written
in Hebrew----not english
Like I said, English, Hebrew, means the same, “us” and us is plural. He even follows it up with “Our” which is plural. This is a typical attempt to hide the facts by claiming improper translation. It’s not. Elohim is plural as well.
Like I said, English, Hebrew, means the same, “us” and us is plural. He even follows it up with “Our” which is plural. This is a typical attempt to hide the facts by claiming improper translation. It’s not. Elohim is plural as well.
wrong------there is no "US" in hebrew. Even in English the plural is used
as a superlative. You falsely claimed to be a jewish convert to whatever.
Do you know what SHALOM ALEICHEM means?
wrong------there is no "US" in hebrew. Even in English the plural is used
as a superlative. You falsely claimed to be a jewish convert to whatever.
Do you know what SHALOM ALEICHEM means?
Others in here who know Hebrew say you are wrong. And, my genealogy is clear, I’m of Jewish descent. My brother is still an active member of a Jewish synagogue. My point is, whatever the Hebrew is from whoever’s brand of Judaism you are ready from, Father God was speaking to others with a clear understanding that they were members of a Godhead group that knew good and evil. And we are made in their image and likeness (our). Why do you ignore this verse? I know. Because it supports the concept of “us.” Admit it.
Others in here who know Hebrew say you are wrong. And, my genealogy is clear, I’m of Jewish descent. My brother is still an active member of a Jewish synagogue. My point is, whatever the Hebrew is from whoever’s brand of Judaism you are ready from, Father God was speaking to others with a clear understanding that they were members of a Godhead group that knew good and evil. And we are made in their image and likeness (our). Why do you ignore this verse? I know. Because it supports the concept of “us.” Admit it.
who ..."in here who know Hebrew'" say that I am wrong? I not only
know the verse----long ago when I studied Hebrew, I memorized it.
You have no idea what it says or any concept of the Hebrew Language.
I asked what "Shalom Aleichem" means and you do not even know
the simple MUCH used phrase.
Just as “Our” is plural, so is “us.” It’s called context. God and Lord God are two separate individuals. In context and English, “us” means more than one.

Who teaches that God and Lord God are not the same?
who ..."in here who know Hebrew'" say that I am wrong? I not only
know the verse----long ago when I studied Hebrew, I memorized it.
You have no idea what it says or any concept of the Hebrew Language.
I asked what "Shalom Aleichem" means and you do not even know
the simple MUCH used phrase.

Salaam alaikum is the same in Arabic.
who ..."in here who know Hebrew'" say that I am wrong? I not only
know the verse----long ago when I studied Hebrew, I memorized it.
You have no idea what it says or any concept of the Hebrew Language.
I asked what "Shalom Aleichem" means and you do not even know
the simple MUCH used phrase.
It is a matter of belief. For those of the LDS faith who believe God was once human and humans will become Gods, "our" will be held to fiercely.

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