Here is how to oppose Trump's registry

Ilar lies as usual. Reagan was conservative but not very far right. He would not have attracted the great center otherwise, which was rightfully terrified of the far right then as it is even today. Today Reagan would be to the left of Kasich and Rubio. Outing the Ilars is just too easy.
Ilar lies as usual. Reagan was conservative but not very far right. He would not have attracted the great center otherwise, which was rightfully terrified of the far right then as it is even today. Today Reagan would be to the left of Kasich and Rubio. Outing the Ilars is just too easy.

Thanks for proving you're a moron.
Ilar lies as usual. Reagan was conservative but not very far right. He would not have attracted the great center otherwise, which was rightfully terrified of the far right then as it is even today. Today Reagan would be to the left of Kasich and Rubio. Outing the Ilars is just too easy.

Fakey lies unceasingly. The poor hapless helpless hopeless halfwit NOW says that conservative isn't far right.


He couldn't admit shit if he was drowning in it. He peddles shit, but he doesn't like to ADMIT it.

Anyway, Fakey, everybody knows that you are a liberal Democratic and you desire to go down on Shrillary.

Own it.
Ilar uses his own words to lie. I said he was not that far right as Ilar pretends RR was. If RR had been far right, he never would have won the great center.

The great fascist, Trump, will not either. We cannot win with candidates like that.
In the make believe dishonest world of the liar, Fakey, 'Reagan would be to the left of Kasich and Rubio?!'

Damn. It has to be literally painful to be such a transparent-bitch lying sack of stupid shit as Fakey is. What an assclown fuckwit.

Fakey has not the slightest scintilla of integrity. Seriously. None whatso-fucking-ever.
In the make believe dishonest world of the liar, Fakey, 'Reagan would be to the left of Kasich and Rubio?!'

Damn. It has to be literally painful to be such a transparent-bitch lying sack of stupid shit as Fakey is. What an assclown fuckwit.

Fakey has not the slightest scintilla of integrity. Seriously. None whatso-fucking-ever.
Ilar continues his silly lies. And he supports a brown shirt like Trump. That's all we need to know.
Ilar uses his own words to lie. I said he was not that far right as Ilar pretends RR was. If RR had been far right, he never would have won the great center.

The great fascist, Trump, will not either. We cannot win with candidates like that.

Fakey is incapable of keeping his lies even marginally coherent.

Babble bitch boi.

With every one of your imbecile posts you prove yet again that you lack integrity and intelligence.

Reagan won not by pandering to the "middle." He won by stating his conservative case relentlessly and acting accordingly.
And I am not a Trump advocate, despite Fakey's endlessly looped lies.

That said, I would absolutely support him over Shrillary or the socialist asshole Sanders.

And although Fakey (being a totally dishonest piece of shit) will forever repeat the lie that 'Trump is a fascist,' Fakey will never even try to back up that hollow dishonest rhetoric.

Fakey is a disgraceful pathetic excuse for a human being.
Ilar uses his own words to lie. I said he was not that far right as Ilar pretends RR was. If RR had been far right, he never would have won the great center.

The great fascist, Trump, will not either. We cannot win with candidates like that.

Fakey is incapable of keeping his lies even marginally coherent.

Babble bitch boi.

With every one of your imbecile posts you prove yet again that you lack integrity and intelligence.

Reagan won not by pandering to the "middle." He won by stating his conservative case relentlessly and acting accordingly.
Your brown shirt lies fail. Reagan won because he pulled the center. He did not win because of the right. You are such a little brown shirt.

Here is America dealing with Trump and his followers.


and yet ISIS/terrorists get through, so perhaps not rigorous enough?

Out hearts might go out but that sympathy could well lead to hundreds or more being killed. Security was paramount more than 5000 yrs ago and it still is today. Fences, travel permits and screening, or quarantine of some sort for a probationary period where they can get help, safety and education, either to help them return or to assimilate apply for immigration.

Every nation has said that a safety zone within syria where they can be returned to is the preferred place for them. Cost, chaos and security for other nations is too high to let them roam free and vanish.

Ounce of prevention is worth more than a pound of cure. How many lives, how many acts of terrorism, and attempted acts before we realize that?

If most of the conflict is in the northern and central syria, find an area in the south near jordan where a safety zone can be set up and where supplies can more easily be brought in. Create a no fly zone to keep syrian and russian planes out. Create a perimeter to keep ISIS and other fighters out. Teach them skills needed to rebuild their country when the mess is resolved. Help them to stay syrians and be prepared to remain syrian, stronger that before the war. Help them establish areas to farm and raise sheep to feed the refugee community. Teach them to care for the medical and educational needs. Help them to establish small businesses and trades to help fund the safety zones and later to have a source of income to help help them support themselves.

Letting them live in europe or america makes it harder for them to return and puts undue burden on the western countries.

A billionaire has offered to buy an island and to build housing for refugees. Greece needs money. Win win for them both. When the refugees return to syria, the island can be returned to greece.

Establish a safe zone among the kurds where there is already a force to protect the land from both ISIS and Assad forces. Minorities especially would be protected by the kurds.

There are many things that can be done rather than have refugees live and travel anywhere in the west. I'm sure many on this forum and within western governments have other ideas that can more easily be implemented instead of refugees being in the west. There might be real needs for sanctuary of those more in danger and persecuted for religious, racial and other reasons. Those are the once that can begin the process of vetting and immigration. It might take years and they can be "quarantined" while the processing is being done. The vast majority should be kept as close to home as possible not scattered to the four corners.

From mega billion dollar corporations to local churches can help. Preachers don't need new million dollar homes and corporations can wait to buy a new plane while billionaires can live without gold plated car and a fifth house for the moment, and CEO's can wait for those billion dollar bonuses and retirement packages. Maybe we have to make choices between saving a dog or cat and saving a human life in our charity. In the end we might also be saving our own lives from terrorism at home.
How many ISIS attacks have killed how many people in America this year?
So Trump's registry is going to become law? When does this occur? I doubt anyone would pass this and the Supreme Court would block it.
So now SCOTUS is on your people's side? :eusa_eh: How conveeeinient.


US population is 7 times more than when that Lazarus invitation was made

...........and we were not 18 trillion in debt or being threatened with mass deaths from terrorism

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