Here we go!

Nothing awkward about it. He is a Supreme Court Justice, and he will decide according to the letters of law.

That's what Wry Catcher and his fellow Nazis nightmares. The enemy of the democrat is NOT Republicans. The enemy of the democrat is the U.S. Constitution.

BINGO! The left's only hope of transforming the country in their image is to pack the court with liberal justices who ignore the Constitution. The left can't muster the votes to change the Constitution so judicial corruption is their only hope.
I'm sort of leaning towards the hope that the Trump administration loses this one. It is one of those that sounds good at present, but could bite us in the butt with future administrations. I would need to hear both sides of argument and remove thought of my favoring this specific instance of the citizenship question within the census.
I see it as not a big deal, unless you are nonlegal in the States.
I'm sort of leaning towards the hope that the Trump administration loses this one. It is one of those that sounds good at present, but could bite us in the butt with future administrations. I would need to hear both sides of argument and remove thought of my favoring this specific instance of the citizenship question within the census.

The argument against is the 10th Amendment.

That's stupid, the federal government is charged with conducting the census by the Constitution to establish the total number of people in a State and the total number in each State eligible to be counted for representation. There's no 10th Amendment conflict.

I'm sort of leaning towards the hope that the Trump administration loses this one. It is one of those that sounds good at present, but could bite us in the butt with future administrations. I would need to hear both sides of argument and remove thought of my favoring this specific instance of the citizenship question within the census.

The argument against is the 10th Amendment.

How so? From the article posted in OP, I see it as a power struggle between the executive and judicial branch. Article opens with:

Justice Brett Kavanaugh’s first vote as a member of the Supreme Court could come as soon as Tuesday or Wednesday on a Trump administration request testing how much power courts should wield over top executive branch officials.
Nothing burger. States should not get Federal money to support illegal aliens and representation in Congress.

Wait until Kav throws the DACA pen and phone out the window.

Can't wait.

Your claim is on a single issue, the point is precedent. An earlier event or action that is regarded as an example or guide to be considered in subsequent similar circumstances.

Such as POTUS imperious to being subpoenaed to testify with documents (such as tapes, memo's, E-Mails, tweets, etc.).

And we have a five-justice rightist majority likely hostile to precedent, willing to ignore precedent and follow wrongheaded conservative judicial dogma instead.

As opposed to wrong headed Progressive dogma?
Justice Kavanaugh will be tested sooner than later. The issue, is the Executive Branch above the law?

See: Kavanaugh’s first vote could be in Trump executive power fight
Kavanaugh has already been tested as he served for 12 years on the Appeals Court, and the fact that none of his detractors were able to find anything wrong in his judgement or "judicial temperament" on the Appeals Court shows he passed the test with flying colors even in the judgement of who oppose him now. It is the Democrats who failed their test by showing utter disregard for the truth or the law or common decency.

A court of appeals is itself an inferior court and it's rulings can be overruled by the Supreme Court.

Alito, Thomas, Gorsuch and now Kavanaugh are ideologues, who will dominate the Court with their Corporatism leanings and fear of democracy.

You small 'c' conservatives will suffer, as you will when the reality of the recent tax fraud hits you in your pocket book. That was only the first step, by the right wing power elitists to enrich themselves at the expense of the middle classes and the working poor.

Kavanaugh will be tested this coming week:

"Justice Department lawyers argue the depositions of Ross and Gore ordered by a federal judge in New York City constitute an unwarranted intrusion into executive authority and could prove distracting to senior officials with important duties.

"It’s the kind of argument that could appeal to Kavanaugh, who has advocated broad interpretations of executive power. However, deferring to the Trump administration within days of joining the court could appear to confirm many of Kavanaugh’s critics’ claims that he’s likely to be a rubber stamp for Trump and his agenda.

"“It certainly seems likely that, if the Court is divided 4-4 as to whether to grant a stay, Justice Kavanaugh is going to have to participate in resolving the Ross dispute,” University of Texas law professor Stephen Vladeck said."


Kavanaugh’s first vote could be in Trump executive power fight
“…is the Executive Branch above the law?”

For conservatives it is when a Republican is president.

For liberals it is when a democrat is president.

When a Dem is president the law really doesn't matter. The law is for the peons the elite liberal class is above the law, they openly break the law and dare anyone to do anything about it.
Justice Kavanaugh will be tested sooner than later. The issue, is the Executive Branch above the law?

See: Kavanaugh’s first vote could be in Trump executive power fight
Kavanaugh has already been tested as he served for 12 years on the Appeals Court, and the fact that none of his detractors were able to find anything wrong in his judgement or "judicial temperament" on the Appeals Court shows he passed the test with flying colors even in the judgement of who oppose him now. It is the Democrats who failed their test by showing utter disregard for the truth or the law or common decency.

A court of appeals is itself an inferior court and it's rulings can be overruled by the Supreme Court.

Alito, Thomas, Gorsuch and now Kavanaugh are ideologues, who will dominate the Court with their Corporatism leanings and fear of democracy.

You small 'c' conservatives will suffer, as you will when the reality of the recent tax fraud hits you in your pocket book. That was only the first step, by the right wing power elitists to enrich themselves at the expense of the middle classes and the working poor.

Kavanaugh will be tested this coming week:

"Justice Department lawyers argue the depositions of Ross and Gore ordered by a federal judge in New York City constitute an unwarranted intrusion into executive authority and could prove distracting to senior officials with important duties.

"It’s the kind of argument that could appeal to Kavanaugh, who has advocated broad interpretations of executive power. However, deferring to the Trump administration within days of joining the court could appear to confirm many of Kavanaugh’s critics’ claims that he’s likely to be a rubber stamp for Trump and his agenda.

"“It certainly seems likely that, if the Court is divided 4-4 as to whether to grant a stay, Justice Kavanaugh is going to have to participate in resolving the Ross dispute,” University of Texas law professor Stephen Vladeck said."


Kavanaugh’s first vote could be in Trump executive power fight
I guess the irony of you calling some one else an ideologue went right over your head.

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