Here’s how right-wing Christians share the blame for the massacre in Orlando

What part of this being an Islamist Terrorist Attack do some of the clowns here NOT understand?

That's the issue, NOT whether or not he was or was not gay. He cheered the second plane going into the tower on 9/11/2001. That had nothing to do with being gay or straight. He traveled to Saudi Arabia twice. Nothing to do with being gay or straight.

This all has to do with a Lame Duck President who refuses to identify our enemy, much less call them our enemy or attack them as if we are at war. Oh...that's right they have declared war on us, President Obama just refuses to hear that and insists on exposing us to more and more fatal Islamic Terrorist attacks.
May the American people wake up and judge them as the same mentality as radical Islam

Right wing Christians must recognize the part their anti-gay rhetoric, legislation, hate speech and repeated attacks on the LGBT community played in the slaughter at Pulse Nightclub in Orlando. Yes, the terrorist homophobe who reportedly pledged allegiance to ISIL before he repeatedly pulled the trigger deserves all our anger and outrage. We will hear plenty about his radicalized religious beliefs in the coming days, but that is likely all the religious analysis we will hear in the media. But, we cannot let religious ideologues in the far-right Christian camp off the hook. Steven Anderson is not an anomaly. America has been painstakingly codifying beliefs he expressed into law. Polished politicians blunt the edges of Anderson’s words though the language of legislation but the hate and fear remains.

They will claim the assertion they have any role in the massacre as an attack on their religion – much like the consistent and well-orchestrated “war on Christmas” we heathens rage every year. They will tell you that their prayers are enough to overcome this act of terror. They will tell you Jesus wants you to arm yourself. “Get your guns before Obama takes them.” They will tell you this is about radicalized Islamist terrorists. They will whistle away the notion that guns or gays had anything to do with this tragedy.

Here’s how right-wing Christians share the blame for the massacre in Orlando

So you failed when you jumped the gun and called the shooter in Orlando a white Christian, and now you are adding stupid to your racism? Thank you for showing us all what democrats truely are. We are right about you racist morons.
Is the radical left so insane with hatred for Christians that they think a maniac murdered 46 people because homosexuals men aren't allowed in the ladies room?
May the American people wake up and judge them as the same mentality as radical Islam

Right wing Christians must recognize the part their anti-gay rhetoric, legislation, hate speech and repeated attacks on the LGBT community played in the slaughter at Pulse Nightclub in Orlando. Yes, the terrorist homophobe who reportedly pledged allegiance to ISIL before he repeatedly pulled the trigger deserves all our anger and outrage. We will hear plenty about his radicalized religious beliefs in the coming days, but that is likely all the religious analysis we will hear in the media. But, we cannot let religious ideologues in the far-right Christian camp off the hook. Steven Anderson is not an anomaly. America has been painstakingly codifying beliefs he expressed into law. Polished politicians blunt the edges of Anderson’s words though the language of legislation but the hate and fear remains.

They will claim the assertion they have any role in the massacre as an attack on their religion – much like the consistent and well-orchestrated “war on Christmas” we heathens rage every year. They will tell you that their prayers are enough to overcome this act of terror. They will tell you Jesus wants you to arm yourself. “Get your guns before Obama takes them.” They will tell you this is about radicalized Islamist terrorists. They will whistle away the notion that guns or gays had anything to do with this tragedy.

Here’s how right-wing Christians share the blame for the massacre in Orlando

^ Guano
May the American people wake up and judge them as the same mentality as radical Islam

Right wing Christians must recognize the part their anti-gay rhetoric, legislation, hate speech and repeated attacks on the LGBT community played in the slaughter at Pulse Nightclub in Orlando. Yes, the terrorist homophobe who reportedly pledged allegiance to ISIL before he repeatedly pulled the trigger deserves all our anger and outrage. We will hear plenty about his radicalized religious beliefs in the coming days, but that is likely all the religious analysis we will hear in the media. But, we cannot let religious ideologues in the far-right Christian camp off the hook. Steven Anderson is not an anomaly. America has been painstakingly codifying beliefs he expressed into law. Polished politicians blunt the edges of Anderson’s words though the language of legislation but the hate and fear remains.

They will claim the assertion they have any role in the massacre as an attack on their religion – much like the consistent and well-orchestrated “war on Christmas” we heathens rage every year. They will tell you that their prayers are enough to overcome this act of terror. They will tell you Jesus wants you to arm yourself. “Get your guns before Obama takes them.” They will tell you this is about radicalized Islamist terrorists. They will whistle away the notion that guns or gays had anything to do with this tragedy.

Here’s how right-wing Christians share the blame for the massacre in Orlando
so one day the frothing globulous sea of generic hateful synapses instantly crystallized and concentrated into one random brain... okay... so exactly what is the price of eggs in moscow, because you know there are a lot of people there who might be annoyed there if the price has gone up, even at least one angry enough to swat at a butterfly...
They will whistle away the notion that guns or gays had anything to do with this tragedy.

And they will be correct. This was a case where the love of diversity bit you in the ass.
The left owns this one lock, stock and barrel
You should be ashamed you pretend you don't understand your anti gay rhetoric creates the anamosity. You're responsible personally. Lol

Yeah. It's all right wing conservative Christian rhetoric. I never thought Westboro would have such an influence in the Middle East. You are just so smart you and guno for figuring it out that everything ISIS does is because Christians make them do it.

This is why Obama will never say "radical Islam" because he knows like you and guno that this all goes back to the Crusades and ISIS is not responsible for their actions at all. It's all about radical Christianity.

Obviously ISIS has been getting secret messages from Reverend Phelps. OMG sealybobo you are right!!!!!!!!!!!! Look what the Christians are making ISIS do!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Guano and Coyote et al must be dizzy from all the desperate spinning they've been doing over the last few days.. It's incredible to watch the lengths they will go to in order not to acknowledge this is another radical Islamic terrorists butchering the infidel. Lol.

This coming from a woman who thanks posts advocating killing Muslim children - stay classy Tilly :lol:
Keep lying, terrorist supporter. You keep demonstrating its all you're good for :laugh:
Last edited:
The left owns this one lock, stock and barrel
You should be ashamed you pretend you don't understand your anti gay rhetoric creates the anamosity. You're responsible personally. Lol

Yeah. It's all right wing conservative Christian rhetoric. I never thought Westboro would have such an influence in the Middle East. You are just so smart you and guno for figuring it out that everything ISIS does is because Christians make them do it.

This is why Obama will never say "radical Islam" because he knows like you and guno that this all goes back to the Crusades and ISIS is not responsible for their actions at all. It's all about radical Christianity.

Obviously ISIS has been getting secret messages from Reverend Phelps. OMG sealybobo you are right!!!!!!!!!!!! Look what the Christians are making ISIS do!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



they aren't the only killers. You act like Muslims and Arabs are the only ones who kill
Poor Guano, she hasn't had any luck spinning up hatred for those dreaded Christians in the last few days since a queer Muslim went on a murderous rampage against her own.

Guano is in total crisis mode, won't anyone help poor old transgender-Guano in cursing Christians? If Muslims and queers keep up their violent ways and stealing the spotlight, what's going to happen to the anti-Christian hate movement?


Guno is truly sick and deranged
This is for the Op. It is intended to help him with his sickness.

How to Overcome Christophobia
Community Q&A

Christ is the central figure in the Christian religion; but, religion being Man's attempt to approach God, a number of things may combine to make Christ seem unapproachable. Christ's own words, pertaining to the spiritual and couched in parables, simile, and metaphor, caused even would-be followers in his day to reconsider. This article will give an interpretation of a few of the stickier biblical passages, and offer some insights that may help you to a better understanding of this most spiritual rebel.

See that, virtually every time you have heard a Christian message in the West, it was wrapped in
"Christ died
Christ died for your
Christ died
Christ died
Christ died for your" well guess what that only took three days. You should run screaming from this distortion. Know that Christ was a creation~centered Being, and has been misrepresented to you.

Recognize that God is not looking for people to zap. It's common for an organized religion to keep its members in thrall with dire procedural warnings or proclamations about being the only "right" way. Christians commonly misinterpret "the only way is through Christ" to mean "our version of Christ."


  1. 1
    Maybe you're just afraid of becoming religious? Are you Christophobic because you have no desire to emulate those that "spout" Christian rhetoric, but are actually just critical, judgmental, etc.? Christ terms these spouters "hypocrites", who ignorantly bar the door to your entry, and "stumble, being disobedient to the word, to which they also were appointed". Recognize that God isn't a religious Being, and Christ railed at leaders of Established Religion during His time on earth; meaning that you may be allowing someone who "claims" Christ but whom Christ would not claim, to keep you from Him. Understand that most people don't aim to be hypocrites; it is just human nature to try to have one's cake, and eat it, too; in a sense. You should follow your instincts, and run from anyone coming at you with this, "Verily, I say unto thee," jazz, if they aren't also showing you by their walk.
    • The Bible says not to be too bad, or too good! Of course, this should be taken in context; we are working toward "perfect", spiritually, which is not "perfectionism", which always relates to material things; you may have become Christophobic encountering Christians of this nature, who after all, are only people imperfectly trying their best. Quite possibly, you might be the one meant to show them how to be more perfect in a spiritual sense.
    • Church, to God, is not a building or place; it is a body of spiritual people. You can't help but wonder whether Christ would even enter a building with a cross on the roof, the emblem put on Christians by the Romans. God has already torn down a couple of temples, and undoubtedly countless of these hardened "churches" -- as He requires that His Church be made of "living stones."
    • Understand that most of the concepts in this matter that people undoubtedly have, have been passed down to them through imperfect human understanding, and are just incorrect, if not completely wrong- which could easily be keeping you from Christ.

      There are un-cultish preachers and pastors who know and preach what they see as the truth, the "Kingdom of God", in a non-"Witness" way. Just to scratch the surface here, a couple of things:
      1. Heaven is not your final destination, and nowhere in the Bible does it say this. A couple of verses would seem to indicate that you may go there temporarily; but these verses should be interpreted in the context of the whole.

        Heaven is God's Realm, and He made the earth for us; and gave us free will to run it (but we are still under His authority). After the End Times a new heaven and earth will be created. "Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away, and there was no longer any sea. I saw the Holy City, the new Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride beautifully dressed for her husband. And I heard a loud voice from the throne saying, 'Now the dwelling of God is with men, and he will live with them. They will be his people, and God himself will be with them and be their God. He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away." (Revelation 21:1-4)
      2. The Bible describes hell in terms that had to pass down through the ages and remain compelling, and fire is a very compelling image. Hell is a spiritual place, and your current idiomatic use of the term, although probably incomplete, is a great working definition for you, i.e. "The toilet just overflowed; I'm in hell". Of course, as you mature, toilets overflowing become much less upsetting, and, "My 16 year old daughter just told me she's pregnant, I'm in hell", becomes closer to a truer understanding of this concept.

        This is not meant to imply that you may not end up in hell, but that it is not a place that has a material location. In Revelation, you will find that hell, proper, does not even exist yet; that comes later.

        There are abundant examples, and Prov 9 is a good one; the simple woman's guests were supposedly enjoying themselves. Is 13:8 ...their faces will be like flames..., is a description of the actual faces of those people.

      3. You may be Christophobic, having heard of all this singing and praising God constantly, and relating it to what you have deemed "hypocritical spouters" doing; understand that these singers and praisers aren't singing and praising as their primary function- they are doing this while they go about their day because of their new reality--because things are so awesome to them, that they can't help singing and praising.
        • God has an angelic choir already, and He isn't recruiting you to spend your day prostrate before Him, praising His Name. There is, and will be, plenty of work and other stuff to do.
      4. Examples abound for understanding, to those with open eyes. This might be a bit off topic, unless you are Christophobic.
        • God gives people children (who trust their parents implicitly, at least until they disillusion the children; until they discover that we have lied to them- there is no Santa Claus; I am not a princess, etc.), so that we may dimly comprehend His position as a Father, and how He should be trusted, etc.--must be trusted, in order to correctly handle the complete power and control we are grasping for (and in fact already have, and abuse) unknowingly.
        • He gives us a desire for greatness, which currently manifests, for many people, in a desire to be a multi-zillionaire Rock Star.
        • He gives Man a Best Friend, that he can look to for unwavering support (and incidentally, a clue as to what emotion you should be experiencing most of the time).
          1. The next time life has taken its toll on you, and you're really down (it's just a little test), have a peek at your dog, who is the same position you are in (actually, even more subordinate), to get a clue about what is really important, and what emotion you should be experiencing.
        • He also gives us a Realm, the earth (or 'material plane', which may be translated 'universe'), which is currently just being used as a "sandbox", and free will to run it, with all of the privileges, responsibilities, and consequences that that entails- while it is easy to blame God for horrible things, like someone claiming to represent Him, and then barring the door against your entry, see that this is childish, like being mad at dad for your brother's offense, as children can.
        • Don't worry, the same thing that a good father seeks to do to that brother here on earth will happen to that offending brother; maybe through you. The parallels are endless. come in here sometimes and see some pretty mental case stuff but damn if this thread doesn't get the k00k of the Year award:coffee:. When you have about 274 people in the country whom might concur with the premise, you are looking at another person the FBI needs to be monitoring!!:bye1:
May the American people wake up and judge them as the same mentality as radical Islam

Right wing Christians must recognize the part their anti-gay rhetoric, legislation, hate speech and repeated attacks on the LGBT community played in the slaughter at Pulse Nightclub in Orlando. Yes, the terrorist homophobe who reportedly pledged allegiance to ISIL before he repeatedly pulled the trigger deserves all our anger and outrage. We will hear plenty about his radicalized religious beliefs in the coming days, but that is likely all the religious analysis we will hear in the media. But, we cannot let religious ideologues in the far-right Christian camp off the hook. Steven Anderson is not an anomaly. America has been painstakingly codifying beliefs he expressed into law. Polished politicians blunt the edges of Anderson’s words though the language of legislation but the hate and fear remains.

They will claim the assertion they have any role in the massacre as an attack on their religion – much like the consistent and well-orchestrated “war on Christmas” we heathens rage every year. They will tell you that their prayers are enough to overcome this act of terror. They will tell you Jesus wants you to arm yourself. “Get your guns before Obama takes them.” They will tell you this is about radicalized Islamist terrorists. They will whistle away the notion that guns or gays had anything to do with this tragedy.

Here’s how right-wing Christians share the blame for the massacre in Orlando

That is an easy one....

They don't.

This thread is officially done.
May the American people wake up and judge them as the same mentality as radical Islam

Right wing Christians must recognize the part their anti-gay rhetoric, legislation, hate speech and repeated attacks on the LGBT community played in the slaughter at Pulse Nightclub in Orlando. Yes, the terrorist homophobe who reportedly pledged allegiance to ISIL before he repeatedly pulled the trigger deserves all our anger and outrage. We will hear plenty about his radicalized religious beliefs in the coming days, but that is likely all the religious analysis we will hear in the media. But, we cannot let religious ideologues in the far-right Christian camp off the hook. Steven Anderson is not an anomaly. America has been painstakingly codifying beliefs he expressed into law. Polished politicians blunt the edges of Anderson’s words though the language of legislation but the hate and fear remains.

They will claim the assertion they have any role in the massacre as an attack on their religion – much like the consistent and well-orchestrated “war on Christmas” we heathens rage every year. They will tell you that their prayers are enough to overcome this act of terror. They will tell you Jesus wants you to arm yourself. “Get your guns before Obama takes them.” They will tell you this is about radicalized Islamist terrorists. They will whistle away the notion that guns or gays had anything to do with this tragedy.

Here’s how right-wing Christians share the blame for the massacre in Orlando

Hey guno. You having a faggot breakfast with candles this morning?

Still plenty closets the fags can go back into

The left owns this one lock, stock and barrel
You should be ashamed you pretend you don't understand your anti gay rhetoric creates the anamosity. You're responsible personally. Lol

You should be ashamed, own this, it's one of yours. Wake the hell up
We didn't make him a self loathing gay you did

Yeah you keep trying that BS narrative...and keep repeating Islamic terrorism...Islamic terrorism....Islamic terrorism. Come on you can say it
May the American people wake up and judge them as the same mentality as radical Islam

Right wing Christians must recognize the part their anti-gay rhetoric, legislation, hate speech and repeated attacks on the LGBT community played in the slaughter at Pulse Nightclub in Orlando. Yes, the terrorist homophobe who reportedly pledged allegiance to ISIL before he repeatedly pulled the trigger deserves all our anger and outrage. We will hear plenty about his radicalized religious beliefs in the coming days, but that is likely all the religious analysis we will hear in the media. But, we cannot let religious ideologues in the far-right Christian camp off the hook. Steven Anderson is not an anomaly. America has been painstakingly codifying beliefs he expressed into law. Polished politicians blunt the edges of Anderson’s words though the language of legislation but the hate and fear remains.

They will claim the assertion they have any role in the massacre as an attack on their religion – much like the consistent and well-orchestrated “war on Christmas” we heathens rage every year. They will tell you that their prayers are enough to overcome this act of terror. They will tell you Jesus wants you to arm yourself. “Get your guns before Obama takes them.” They will tell you this is about radicalized Islamist terrorists. They will whistle away the notion that guns or gays had anything to do with this tragedy.

Here’s how right-wing Christians share the blame for the massacre in Orlando
Now your article is a bunch of bullshit. Christians don't go around yelling "Jesus Christ" and start shooting up anything that moves. Muslims on the other had yelling "Allah Ooh Akbar" make sure they do as much damage to the infidels as they can, so when they go to heaven they can get 72 "raisins"(see video below of the liberal retard) and end up in nirvana. What happened in Orlando was a tragedy, but since it was under Obama's "WATCH" doesn't he need to be held accountable, since HIS, FBI, was the agency that dropped the ball, once again? Christians don't give a rats ass, if someone wants to fudge pack or muff dive, that is between the individuals and God, but when liberals turn a blind eye on the real enemy of homosexuals, invite them in by the 10's of thousands, and We the People need to be empathetic to their feelings, then shit will hit the fan.
Clinton says America should ‘empathize’ with its enemies | Fox News
Hillary Clinton is taking heat for saying America should “empathize” and show “respect” for its enemies.
FBI missed the warning signs — again - The Boston Globe
From Boston, it sounds very familiar.

Omar Mateen slipped through the hands of federal law enforcement authorities — just like Tamerlan Tsarnaev.
When liberals fuck up, they point to someone else as the reason for their FAILINGS. The worse part about that? About 30% of America actually believe the liberal lie.. Stupid people vote Democrat..

Obama not at fault.jpeg
It is what it is.....but keep trying the "it's partly the Christian's fault" won't work but keep grasping and flailing...and looking stupid doing it

Investigators say Orlando shooter sought out Islamic State propaganda

Omar Mateen increasingly sought out Islamic State videos and other radical Islamist propaganda in the months leading up to his shooting rampage at an Orlando, Fla., gay nightclub Sunday, investigators have found.

A counter-terrorism official said investigators had uncovered the material while reviewing Mateen's Internet search history. Mateen, who was killed by a SWAT team, pledged allegiance to Islamic State during the attack.

As the inquiry into the Orlando nightclub shooting broadened Tuesday, with investigators ranging as far afield as Afghanistan and Saudi Arabia, survivors recounted the New York-born gunman – whose parents are Afghan immigrants – telling them he had gone on a killing rampage because he “wanted America to stop bombing his country.”

Investigators say Orlando shooter sought out Islamic State propaganda, may have staked out Disney sites


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