Here’s how right-wing Christians share the blame for the massacre in Orlando

Yeah. It's all right wing conservative Christian rhetoric. I never thought Westboro would have such an influence in the Middle East. You are just so smart you and guno for figuring it out that everything ISIS does is because Christians make them do it.

This is why Obama will never say "radical Islam" because he knows like you and guno that this all goes back to the Crusades and ISIS is not responsible for their actions at all. It's all about radical Christianity.

Obviously ISIS has been getting secret messages from Reverend Phelps. OMG sealybobo you are right!!!!!!!!!!!! Look what the Christians are making ISIS do!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



they aren't the only killers. You act like Muslims and Arabs are the only ones who kill

I believe statistically when it comes to the LGBT community they are mostly at physical risk from zealots within the Muslim community. This is just a fact. And this is taking place in far too many countries.

For years I've been on boards warning that the harassment and physical assaults against gays in Europe would inevitably and sadly find its way to our shores. I have never understood why the LGBT community in the Americas has not been more vocal in condemning these atrocities.

I've been involved now for over two decades now working for women's rights in the ME particularly Afghanistan and naturally the scope of my activism has spread to human rights all thru the ME, Europe and now the Americas.

I've always been pro Muslim and Anti radical Islam. I lived in Toronto for many a year and it's like a mini United Nations and I probably have known and worked with more Muslims personally than probably most on this board.

And they cannot nor should they be lumped into "one" religious nation because just like Christians Muslims come from all over the world with their own sets of moral and ethical standards depending on which country they have immigrated from.

Now that being said, we must not allow what has happened in Europe to occur here.

When we excuse violent acts by radical extremists by trying to blame everything and anything else rather that putting the full blame right where it belongs, on the extremist we hurt the Muslim community itself.

How on earth does an Imam get the moderate message out when everyone else and their mother are hogging the limelight in the aftermath of a terror attack? Politicians and entertainers have been sucking up the air for days. Sucking up all the headlines. Trying to blame everyone but Omar.

Blaming every one and everything else rather than the radicalized terrorist. It's a pity that so many people feel the need from Obama, Clinton, Kerry <fill in the blank anti gun politician>,Lady Gaga to Colbert to Kim Kardashian to hog the spotlight calling for peace love and understanding and of course gun control and a moderate Imam can't fight his way to a microphone because these attention whores take up all the space on page one.

Sadly the media is to blame as well for allowing these people to take over page one. The moderate message of Islam if lucky at all will be found on page C52. Pity. I don't know how we correct this so that the general population could understand that moderate Muslims do condemn the acts of radical Islam. And yes Muslims do understand and fear radical Islam. Mostly they are the victims of extremism.

They just can't get to the microphone. Their voices aren't being heard.

Here's an FYI. Gay bashing in the Netherlands is hitting nightmarish levels.

Gay-bashers thrive in modern-day Netherlands


By Ezra Levant, QMI Agency

"If you think Amsterdam is the gay capital of Europe, you're half-right, but 10 years out of date. Today it's the gay-bashing capital of Europe.

Because Amsterdam isn't just gay. Now it's Muslim, too. A million Moroccans and Turks have immigrated to the Netherlands, and sharia law rules the streets.

If you doubt it, then you haven't been paying attention. Actually, that's not fair. Gay-bashing is front-page news only when it's committed by a straight, white male.

The media is terribly uncomfortable writing about gay-bashing by minorities. It's the same reason why Canadian feminists are so eerily quiet about honour killings of Muslim girls.

According to an "offender study" by the University of Amsterdam, there were 201 reports of anti-gay violence in that city in 2007 - and researchers believe for every reported case there are as many as 25 unreported ones. Two thirds of the predators are Muslim youths.

The violence couldn't be more brazen. It's not in the back alleys in the dark, it's in the heart of the city, often in broad daylight. It's a direct dare to the Dutch government to show who rules the streets.

In 2008, 10 Muslim youths broke into a fashion show, dragged gay model Michael du Pree off the stage and beat him bloody. Last month, several lesbians were hit by beer bottles thrown at their heads as they marched in a parade of thousands to protest violence against gays. There's a gay community centre in Amsterdam - you'd think that would be safe. Wrong. It's a target, with home-invasion style beatings.

No one is immune. Last year Hugo Braakhuis, the founder of Amdsterdam's gay pride parade, was attacked."

More at link.

Gay-bashers thrive in modern-day Netherlands
I don't care if gays are bashed. Especially if it's by Muslims. Two societal diseases at each other's throats? Works for me.

You strengthen the idiot's argument with stupid comments like this. Just shut up.
Fuck you. Culture war now...gas the fags.

Good luck trying to gas the homosexuals. Not only will they fight back, there are a lot if straight people who will step up to stop that sort of insanity too.
they aren't the only killers. You act like Muslims and Arabs are the only ones who kill

I believe statistically when it comes to the LGBT community they are mostly at physical risk from zealots within the Muslim community. This is just a fact. And this is taking place in far too many countries.

For years I've been on boards warning that the harassment and physical assaults against gays in Europe would inevitably and sadly find its way to our shores. I have never understood why the LGBT community in the Americas has not been more vocal in condemning these atrocities.

I've been involved now for over two decades now working for women's rights in the ME particularly Afghanistan and naturally the scope of my activism has spread to human rights all thru the ME, Europe and now the Americas.

I've always been pro Muslim and Anti radical Islam. I lived in Toronto for many a year and it's like a mini United Nations and I probably have known and worked with more Muslims personally than probably most on this board.

And they cannot nor should they be lumped into "one" religious nation because just like Christians Muslims come from all over the world with their own sets of moral and ethical standards depending on which country they have immigrated from.

Now that being said, we must not allow what has happened in Europe to occur here.

When we excuse violent acts by radical extremists by trying to blame everything and anything else rather that putting the full blame right where it belongs, on the extremist we hurt the Muslim community itself.

How on earth does an Imam get the moderate message out when everyone else and their mother are hogging the limelight in the aftermath of a terror attack? Politicians and entertainers have been sucking up the air for days. Sucking up all the headlines. Trying to blame everyone but Omar.

Blaming every one and everything else rather than the radicalized terrorist. It's a pity that so many people feel the need from Obama, Clinton, Kerry <fill in the blank anti gun politician>,Lady Gaga to Colbert to Kim Kardashian to hog the spotlight calling for peace love and understanding and of course gun control and a moderate Imam can't fight his way to a microphone because these attention whores take up all the space on page one.

Sadly the media is to blame as well for allowing these people to take over page one. The moderate message of Islam if lucky at all will be found on page C52. Pity. I don't know how we correct this so that the general population could understand that moderate Muslims do condemn the acts of radical Islam. And yes Muslims do understand and fear radical Islam. Mostly they are the victims of extremism.

They just can't get to the microphone. Their voices aren't being heard.

Here's an FYI. Gay bashing in the Netherlands is hitting nightmarish levels.

Gay-bashers thrive in modern-day Netherlands


By Ezra Levant, QMI Agency

"If you think Amsterdam is the gay capital of Europe, you're half-right, but 10 years out of date. Today it's the gay-bashing capital of Europe.

Because Amsterdam isn't just gay. Now it's Muslim, too. A million Moroccans and Turks have immigrated to the Netherlands, and sharia law rules the streets.

If you doubt it, then you haven't been paying attention. Actually, that's not fair. Gay-bashing is front-page news only when it's committed by a straight, white male.

The media is terribly uncomfortable writing about gay-bashing by minorities. It's the same reason why Canadian feminists are so eerily quiet about honour killings of Muslim girls.

According to an "offender study" by the University of Amsterdam, there were 201 reports of anti-gay violence in that city in 2007 - and researchers believe for every reported case there are as many as 25 unreported ones. Two thirds of the predators are Muslim youths.

The violence couldn't be more brazen. It's not in the back alleys in the dark, it's in the heart of the city, often in broad daylight. It's a direct dare to the Dutch government to show who rules the streets.

In 2008, 10 Muslim youths broke into a fashion show, dragged gay model Michael du Pree off the stage and beat him bloody. Last month, several lesbians were hit by beer bottles thrown at their heads as they marched in a parade of thousands to protest violence against gays. There's a gay community centre in Amsterdam - you'd think that would be safe. Wrong. It's a target, with home-invasion style beatings.

No one is immune. Last year Hugo Braakhuis, the founder of Amdsterdam's gay pride parade, was attacked."

More at link.

Gay-bashers thrive in modern-day Netherlands
I don't care if gays are bashed. Especially if it's by Muslims. Two societal diseases at each other's throats? Works for me.

You strengthen the idiot's argument with stupid comments like this. Just shut up.
Fuck you. Culture war now...gas the fags.

Good luck trying to gas the homosexuals. Not only will they fight back, there are a lot if straight people who will step up to stop that sort of insanity too.
Well then we will just remove them from the mainland, put them on an island and that's that.
The left owns this one lock, stock and barrel
You should be ashamed you pretend you don't understand your anti gay rhetoric creates the anamosity. You're responsible personally. Lol

You should be ashamed, own this, it's one of yours. Wake the hell up
We didn't make him a self loathing gay you did
Nope. He made himself a self loathing gay.
Just look at how Trump is working up Americans to hate Muslims. Same way Republicans work up white Christians to hate Gays.

Even your own party disagrees with you.

Paul Ryan: Trump's Muslim Ban Not Reflective Of GOP And U.S. Principles

Trump isn't working Americans up to hate Muslims. Muslims are working up Americans to hate Muslims, through their own acts and self proclaimed beliefs.

Progressives like you keep defending the most prevalent anti-gay, anti-Semitic, anti-women, and anti-democratic ideology on the planet.
You should be ashamed you pretend you don't understand your anti gay rhetoric creates the anamosity. You're responsible personally. Lol

You should be ashamed, own this, it's one of yours. Wake the hell up
We didn't make him a self loathing gay you did
Nope. He made himself a self loathing gay.
Just look at how Trump is working up Americans to hate Muslims. Same way Republicans work up white Christians to hate Gays.

Even your own party disagrees with you.

Paul Ryan: Trump's Muslim Ban Not Reflective Of GOP And U.S. Principles

Trump isn't working Americans up to hate Muslims. Muslims are working up Americans to hate Muslims, through their own acts and self proclaimed beliefs.

Progressives like you keep defending the most prevalent anti-gay, anti-Semitic, anti-women, and anti-democratic ideology on the planet.
I'm torn because while I don't like theists I don't want the GOP to successfully use religion to divide us.

I'm glad it's not working.

It turns out antagonizing Americans of every stripe has actual consequences. A Washington Post/ABC survey released Wednesday shows seven in 10 Americans view the presumptive GOP nominee unfavorably, up 10 points since he announced his candidacy for president. (Hillary Clinton reached a new high in the unfavorable stakes as well — 55 percent.)

Clinton Has 12-Point Edge Over Trump in Bloomberg National Poll

But I agree I hate religion especially extreme religious people like radical islam or christianity

Today on “The 700 Club,” televangelist Pat Robertson reacted to the massacre at an Orlando gay club by making the absurd claim that liberal LGBT rights advocates have aligned themselves with radical Islamists and are now reaping what they have sowed.

Robertson said that liberals are facing a “dilemma” because they love both LGBT equality and Islamic extremism, and that it is better for conservatives like himself not to get involved but to instead just watch the two groups kill each other.
You should be ashamed, own this, it's one of yours. Wake the hell up
We didn't make him a self loathing gay you did
Nope. He made himself a self loathing gay.
Just look at how Trump is working up Americans to hate Muslims. Same way Republicans work up white Christians to hate Gays.

Even your own party disagrees with you.

Paul Ryan: Trump's Muslim Ban Not Reflective Of GOP And U.S. Principles

Trump isn't working Americans up to hate Muslims. Muslims are working up Americans to hate Muslims, through their own acts and self proclaimed beliefs.

Progressives like you keep defending the most prevalent anti-gay, anti-Semitic, anti-women, and anti-democratic ideology on the planet.
I'm torn because while I don't like theists I don't want the GOP to successfully use religion to divide us.

I'm glad it's not working.

It turns out antagonizing Americans of every stripe has actual consequences. A Washington Post/ABC survey released Wednesday shows seven in 10 Americans view the presumptive GOP nominee unfavorably, up 10 points since he announced his candidacy for president. (Hillary Clinton reached a new high in the unfavorable stakes as well — 55 percent.)

Clinton Has 12-Point Edge Over Trump in Bloomberg National Poll

But I agree I hate religion especially extreme religious people like radical islam or christianity

Today on “The 700 Club,” televangelist Pat Robertson reacted to the massacre at an Orlando gay club by making the absurd claim that liberal LGBT rights advocates have aligned themselves with radical Islamists and are now reaping what they have sowed.

Robertson said that liberals are facing a “dilemma” because they love both LGBT equality and Islamic extremism, and that it is better for conservatives like himself not to get involved but to instead just watch the two groups kill each other.

Uh, they did align themselves with Islam, and yes that means when intolerant Muslims kill gays that qualifies a reaping what you sow. Progressives welcome these barbaric thugs into our country. The shooter was literally a son of Afgahn immigrants, and a queer. You won't see a more clear cut case of becoming a victim of your own stupid policies.
We didn't make him a self loathing gay you did
Nope. He made himself a self loathing gay.
Just look at how Trump is working up Americans to hate Muslims. Same way Republicans work up white Christians to hate Gays.

Even your own party disagrees with you.

Paul Ryan: Trump's Muslim Ban Not Reflective Of GOP And U.S. Principles

Trump isn't working Americans up to hate Muslims. Muslims are working up Americans to hate Muslims, through their own acts and self proclaimed beliefs.

Progressives like you keep defending the most prevalent anti-gay, anti-Semitic, anti-women, and anti-democratic ideology on the planet.
I'm torn because while I don't like theists I don't want the GOP to successfully use religion to divide us.

I'm glad it's not working.

It turns out antagonizing Americans of every stripe has actual consequences. A Washington Post/ABC survey released Wednesday shows seven in 10 Americans view the presumptive GOP nominee unfavorably, up 10 points since he announced his candidacy for president. (Hillary Clinton reached a new high in the unfavorable stakes as well — 55 percent.)

Clinton Has 12-Point Edge Over Trump in Bloomberg National Poll

But I agree I hate religion especially extreme religious people like radical islam or christianity

Today on “The 700 Club,” televangelist Pat Robertson reacted to the massacre at an Orlando gay club by making the absurd claim that liberal LGBT rights advocates have aligned themselves with radical Islamists and are now reaping what they have sowed.

Robertson said that liberals are facing a “dilemma” because they love both LGBT equality and Islamic extremism, and that it is better for conservatives like himself not to get involved but to instead just watch the two groups kill each other.

Uh, they did align themselves with Islam, and yes that means when intolerant Muslims kill gays that qualifies a reaping what you sow. Progressives welcome these barbaric thugs into our country. The shooter was literally a son of Afgahn immigrants, and a queer. You won't see a more clear cut case of becoming a victim of your own stupid policies.
Do you want to see how wrong you are? Wait till november. You are the vocal minority. Only 30% agree with your stupid ass. YOu and Pat Robertson need to suck each others cocks.
You should be ashamed you pretend you don't understand your anti gay rhetoric creates the anamosity. You're responsible personally. Lol

Yeah. It's all right wing conservative Christian rhetoric. I never thought Westboro would have such an influence in the Middle East. You are just so smart you and guno for figuring it out that everything ISIS does is because Christians make them do it.

This is why Obama will never say "radical Islam" because he knows like you and guno that this all goes back to the Crusades and ISIS is not responsible for their actions at all. It's all about radical Christianity.

Obviously ISIS has been getting secret messages from Reverend Phelps. OMG sealybobo you are right!!!!!!!!!!!! Look what the Christians are making ISIS do!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



they aren't the only killers. You act like Muslims and Arabs are the only ones who kill

They seem to think Christians don't commit violence on gays. World wide attitudes on homosexuality bely that belief.

Don't put me in that category thank you very much.

Statistically the LGBT community is attacked physically by extremists in the Muslim community far far more than by Christians in Europe and the ME and now in Asia.

It's just a fact. That's the way the cookie crumbles. I'm not excusing any act against gays but we have to start looking at some stark figures here. And try to remedy the situation. But boy oh boy Coyote what is happening in Europe is really giving me pause on how to deal with the rampant gay bashing which is going thru the roof at the moment.

I don't put you in that category TD. In THIS country - they are far more attacked by the Christian majority. It's just that no one cared until a Muslim did it.

When did a Christian kill 49 and wound 53?
Seems like a lot of nervous laughter by our board rightwing Christians

They know their religious leaders hateful screeds have set the tone in America

Christian Pastor Calls Orlando Massacre ‘Good News’
Yea but wait! Even their leaders are starting to change their tune. They are starting to look at possible legislation that might lower the number of mass shootings.

Presumed Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump and some vulnerable GOP lawmakers signaled Wednesday that they are open to changing the nation’s gun laws, raising the possibility that the political tide may be shifting on an issue that has sharply divided Americans for years.

In wake of Orlando shootings, gun control getting a fresh look from GOP

Interesting that until now they haven't been willing to discuss anything. Until now all Republicans had to say was NO when it came to any legislation. Which is how a nut bag got his hands on an assault weapon this weekend.
Yeah. It's all right wing conservative Christian rhetoric. I never thought Westboro would have such an influence in the Middle East. You are just so smart you and guno for figuring it out that everything ISIS does is because Christians make them do it.

This is why Obama will never say "radical Islam" because he knows like you and guno that this all goes back to the Crusades and ISIS is not responsible for their actions at all. It's all about radical Christianity.

Obviously ISIS has been getting secret messages from Reverend Phelps. OMG sealybobo you are right!!!!!!!!!!!! Look what the Christians are making ISIS do!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



they aren't the only killers. You act like Muslims and Arabs are the only ones who kill

They seem to think Christians don't commit violence on gays. World wide attitudes on homosexuality bely that belief.

Don't put me in that category thank you very much.

Statistically the LGBT community is attacked physically by extremists in the Muslim community far far more than by Christians in Europe and the ME and now in Asia.

It's just a fact. That's the way the cookie crumbles. I'm not excusing any act against gays but we have to start looking at some stark figures here. And try to remedy the situation. But boy oh boy Coyote what is happening in Europe is really giving me pause on how to deal with the rampant gay bashing which is going thru the roof at the moment.

I don't put you in that category TD. In THIS country - they are far more attacked by the Christian majority. It's just that no one cared until a Muslim did it.

When did a Christian kill 49 and wound 53?

Sometimes spaces that are meant to be safe aren’t safe for everyone, regardless of whether there’s a gunman in the room. Shootings are obviously unsafe, but so are sermons that promote “loving the sinner and hating the sin,” a theological euphemism for church-sanctioned homophobia. For a lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, intersex or asexual person, having to sit through antagonistic tirades or be sent away for “reparative therapy” are violent acts on a spectrum with mass shootings. Denominations that prohibit the full participation of LGBTQIA people in their local congregations are complicit in attacks like the one that occurred early Sunday morning. This episode in the ongoing journey toward the liberation of sexual minorities should serve as a time of self reflection for religious leaders and institutions that use holy texts to exclude and mischaracterize some of their churches’ most vulnerable members.

Gay nightclubs and black churches are sanctuaries. Here’s how to make them safer.
I believe statistically when it comes to the LGBT community they are mostly at physical risk from zealots within the Muslim community. This is just a fact. And this is taking place in far too many countries.

For years I've been on boards warning that the harassment and physical assaults against gays in Europe would inevitably and sadly find its way to our shores. I have never understood why the LGBT community in the Americas has not been more vocal in condemning these atrocities.

I've been involved now for over two decades now working for women's rights in the ME particularly Afghanistan and naturally the scope of my activism has spread to human rights all thru the ME, Europe and now the Americas.

I've always been pro Muslim and Anti radical Islam. I lived in Toronto for many a year and it's like a mini United Nations and I probably have known and worked with more Muslims personally than probably most on this board.

And they cannot nor should they be lumped into "one" religious nation because just like Christians Muslims come from all over the world with their own sets of moral and ethical standards depending on which country they have immigrated from.

Now that being said, we must not allow what has happened in Europe to occur here.

When we excuse violent acts by radical extremists by trying to blame everything and anything else rather that putting the full blame right where it belongs, on the extremist we hurt the Muslim community itself.

How on earth does an Imam get the moderate message out when everyone else and their mother are hogging the limelight in the aftermath of a terror attack? Politicians and entertainers have been sucking up the air for days. Sucking up all the headlines. Trying to blame everyone but Omar.

Blaming every one and everything else rather than the radicalized terrorist. It's a pity that so many people feel the need from Obama, Clinton, Kerry <fill in the blank anti gun politician>,Lady Gaga to Colbert to Kim Kardashian to hog the spotlight calling for peace love and understanding and of course gun control and a moderate Imam can't fight his way to a microphone because these attention whores take up all the space on page one.

Sadly the media is to blame as well for allowing these people to take over page one. The moderate message of Islam if lucky at all will be found on page C52. Pity. I don't know how we correct this so that the general population could understand that moderate Muslims do condemn the acts of radical Islam. And yes Muslims do understand and fear radical Islam. Mostly they are the victims of extremism.

They just can't get to the microphone. Their voices aren't being heard.

Here's an FYI. Gay bashing in the Netherlands is hitting nightmarish levels.

Gay-bashers thrive in modern-day Netherlands


By Ezra Levant, QMI Agency

"If you think Amsterdam is the gay capital of Europe, you're half-right, but 10 years out of date. Today it's the gay-bashing capital of Europe.

Because Amsterdam isn't just gay. Now it's Muslim, too. A million Moroccans and Turks have immigrated to the Netherlands, and sharia law rules the streets.

If you doubt it, then you haven't been paying attention. Actually, that's not fair. Gay-bashing is front-page news only when it's committed by a straight, white male.

The media is terribly uncomfortable writing about gay-bashing by minorities. It's the same reason why Canadian feminists are so eerily quiet about honour killings of Muslim girls.

According to an "offender study" by the University of Amsterdam, there were 201 reports of anti-gay violence in that city in 2007 - and researchers believe for every reported case there are as many as 25 unreported ones. Two thirds of the predators are Muslim youths.

The violence couldn't be more brazen. It's not in the back alleys in the dark, it's in the heart of the city, often in broad daylight. It's a direct dare to the Dutch government to show who rules the streets.

In 2008, 10 Muslim youths broke into a fashion show, dragged gay model Michael du Pree off the stage and beat him bloody. Last month, several lesbians were hit by beer bottles thrown at their heads as they marched in a parade of thousands to protest violence against gays. There's a gay community centre in Amsterdam - you'd think that would be safe. Wrong. It's a target, with home-invasion style beatings.

No one is immune. Last year Hugo Braakhuis, the founder of Amdsterdam's gay pride parade, was attacked."

More at link.

Gay-bashers thrive in modern-day Netherlands
I don't care if gays are bashed. Especially if it's by Muslims. Two societal diseases at each other's throats? Works for me.

You strengthen the idiot's argument with stupid comments like this. Just shut up.
Fuck you. Culture war now...gas the fags.

Good luck trying to gas the homosexuals. Not only will they fight back, there are a lot if straight people who will step up to stop that sort of insanity too.
Well then we will just remove them from the mainland, put them on an island and that's that.

You would have a better chance of moving the people who want to gas homosexuals. You could use a smaller island.
Here....I will answer your thread for you....

Christians had nothing to do with the muslim terrorist who murdered those gay people....

Your thread is now done....

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