here's my plan to fix Obamacare

F the bullet, I would go with Fentanyl or a 1/2 gram of Heroin injected directly into the vein. Either one will give a euphoric onset then you just peacefully go to sleep and never wake up. Your last feelings are good, and you have passed away without knowing it, no pain no mess just sleep and dont wake up less than a minute after you inject.
Bullets are messy and you can end up living through it in a vegetative or worse, totally coherent but helpless state.

That's the cowards way out.

A 230 grain .45 ACP +P JHP up under the chin is almost a 100% guarantee. Combined with my living will and DNR, doubly so.
some would say either one is the cowards way. Im just suggesting the way that is most comfortable, and leaves the least mess for others to clean up after the fact.
But then, being a conservative its only natural that I would think about just expecting others to clean up behind me. Im more of the clean everything up before I go so when they find me they can shove me in the garbage can out at the curb and be done with it.
Of course. So fuck everyone else, I got mine and this hasn't touched me yet. Even employer plans are getting shittier and shittier. But like you say, reality has no bearing on your views.

I put myself in the position to have that benefit by my hard work and dedication. My employer is mandated to provide that health care via union contract. They have no choice. It actually got BETTER in the 2013 contract and should at least stay the same this,year.

Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawn, that's so Alice in Wonderland original shoog. Again, you care about nothing but yourself, good for you, I kind of agree that at this point, might as well kick back and watch american scociety swirl further down the drain. We deserve nothing less as a society. All my best to your trashy family.

Maybe after 4 years of hell enough people might realize that we're not kidding about these heartless assholes.

That is exactly what it's going to take, let it all come to pass. We learned all this before, some folks need a refresher course. Might as well get out of the way and allow it to crash again.
F the bullet, I would go with Fentanyl or a 1/2 gram of Heroin injected directly into the vein. Either one will give a euphoric onset then you just peacefully go to sleep and never wake up. Your last feelings are good, and you have passed away without knowing it, no pain no mess just sleep and dont wake up less than a minute after you inject.
Bullets are messy and you can end up living through it in a vegetative or worse, totally coherent but helpless state.

That's the cowards way out.

A 230 grain .45 ACP +P JHP up under the chin is almost a 100% guarantee. Combined with my living will and DNR, doubly so.
some would say either one is the cowards way. Im just suggesting the way that is most comfortable, and leaves the least mess for others to clean up after the fact.
But then, being a conservative its only natural that I would think about just expecting others to clean up behind me. Im more of the clean everything up before I go so when they find me they can shove me in the garbage can out at the curb and be done with it.

Wouldn't the best way to get that done cleanly be to get r done today? Just a thought. That other nube? Never bust a cap.
Why are military covered ?

You want gov out totally ? Guess what, your insurance would drop your ass the second you got "too sick" . And then you'd be fucked .

Is that the system you want .?

Military are covered as almost the only legitimate Government employees.

I have no problem with that system.

Legit employees? They sit around basically doing nothing all day but burn money .

Nice how you just randomly draw a line on who gets covered . The powers that be have gotten to you .
some would say either one is the cowards way. Im just suggesting the way that is most comfortable, and leaves the least mess for others to clean up after the fact.

Life isn't about comfort. It's about Right and Wrong. Once you cannot support yourself or become a burden on others, it's time to go.
Why are military covered ?

You want gov out totally ? Guess what, your insurance would drop your ass the second you got "too sick" . And then you'd be fucked .

Is that the system you want .?

Military are covered as almost the only legitimate Government employees.

I have no problem with that system.

Legit employees? They sit around basically doing nothing all day but burn money .

Nice how you just randomly draw a line on who gets covered . The powers that be have gotten to you .

Socialism for me, not for thee.

Privatized gains versus socialized losses for the Wall Street bankster class
Internalized profit versus externalized risk and expense for the "job creator" class
Socialism for the aristocracy versus laissez-faire capitalism for the masses

That's what we call "captalism".
Legit employees? They sit around basically doing nothing all day but burn money .

Nice how you just randomly draw a line on who gets covered . The powers that be have gotten to you .

The military is one of few legitimate Government programs. That makes military members legitimate Government employees. Unlike the employees of so many unconstitutional departments (education, HUD, energy, etc...)

The line is drawn by the Constitution, not me.
You consider people dying in the street and /or losing everything they own is "freedom"?
before they got to the point of dying in the street (which has never been shown to be an accurate example) did they not have the freedom to work and be responsible enough to make plans and put things in place to take care of the situation should it arise?
They are the ones that made the choice to die in the street without care, they made that choice years ago and never swayed from it. Them dying in the street is the choice they made, why would you suddenly want to deny them the outcome of their choices.
Legit employees? They sit around basically doing nothing all day but burn money .

Nice how you just randomly draw a line on who gets covered . The powers that be have gotten to you .

The military is one of few legitimate Government programs. That makes military members legitimate Government employees. Unlike the employees of so many unconstitutional departments (education, HUD, energy, etc...)

The line is drawn by the Constitution, not me.

The constitution guaranteed them socialist healthcare. Fascinating.
You consider people dying in the street and /or losing everything they own is "freedom"?
Ewe consider a mandate freedom?

It's a tax aimed at the freeloaders .
Incorrect. The freeloaders get theirs FREE from those mandated to buy it for them!

If someone is so poor that they are getting free healthcare , then they were qualified before Obamacare anyway .
Great work! Now no one in the middle class can afford it either. Great work!
So anyway about the state of the american healthcare system:

Ranking 37th — Measuring the Performance of the U.S. Health Care System

The U.S. Health System in Perspective: A Comparison of Twelve Industrialized Nations Brief/2011/Jul/1532_Squires_US_hlt_sys_comparison_12_nations_intl_brief_v2.pdf

U.S. Healthcare Ranked Dead Last Compared To 10 Other Countries

Comparing Health System Performance In OECD Countries
You consider people dying in the street and /or losing everything they own is "freedom"?
Ewe consider a mandate freedom?

It's a tax aimed at the freeloaders .
Incorrect. The freeloaders get theirs FREE from those mandated to buy it for them!

If someone is so poor that they are getting free healthcare , then they were qualified before Obamacare anyway .
Great work! Now no one in the middle class can afford it either. Great work!

That was loooooooooooooooooooong before 2008 love.

Ranking 37th — Measuring the Performance of the U.S. Health Care System

The U.S. Health System in Perspective: A Comparison of Twelve Industrialized Nations Brief/2011/Jul/1532_Squires_US_hlt_sys_comparison_12_nations_intl_brief_v2.pdf

U.S. Healthcare Ranked Dead Last Compared To 10 Other Countries

Comparing Health System Performance In OECD Countries
You consider people dying in the street and /or losing everything they own is "freedom"?
before they got to the point of dying in the street (which has never been shown to be an accurate example) did they not have the freedom to work and be responsible enough to make plans and put things in place to take care of the situation should it arise?
They are the ones that made the choice to die in the street without care, they made that choice years ago and never swayed from it. Them dying in the street is the choice they made, why would you suddenly want to deny them the outcome of their choices.

You are a heartless monster . Should we kill disabled people too?

Most health issues can be fixed, and the person goes back to being an active member of society .

If you have insurance and use it , you are just being a leech to those who don't anyway .

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