Here’s What Four Years of Trump Has Wrought on the GOP

In 2016, the Republicans won the Presidency, the Senate and the House.

In 2020, the Republicans lost the Presidency, the Senate and the House.

This isn’t because the country suddenly became enamored with the Democrats. It’s a reaction against the current sitting President.

When is the last time this happened, 1932?

As a bonus, he’s poisoned the minds of tens of millions who believe a free and fair election was stolen.

Whatever you may think of him policy-wise, Trump’s a political loser, at least nationally.
You look at Trump politically. We look at Trump as one who at least would not remove anymore liberty from us. We look at Trump as to red7uce the peer pressure that people in groups feel because of the onus of the Progressive Socialist monster as a weight on them and us. There are many people who suffer because of Prog agendas because of it.
It's funny listening to some of you blame Trump. Almost insulting. I knew this was going to happen. It's par for the course, as Europe quickly ran to it's China trade deal that remained in limbo as long as Trump was president. Biden spoke out to them asking them to wait until he was in office, they ignored him, they don't want to be squeezed out with the impending Chinese domination. The Georgia results were probably anticipated.

Without Trump you would have had Hillary for four years and, let's put it this way, no border walls on your southern border.

The "experts" of the last 30 years are why this happened. Those who have allowed China to slowly crush the West, in full view of the rest of the world. The absurd loss in 2020 by Trump is by far the biggest reason all of this is happening.

Dems are thinking to themselves, "holy sheep shyte, we have a candidate who we didn't even have campaigning get the most votes in history of U.S presidency, with his V.P who didn't even get 1% of our Parties vote! This is a sign from God. Full steam ahead, now we take over the world after Georgia!" Deep Pockets and their pals made sure it would happen.

If there is blame in the GOP, most of it goes to those in his Party who were more interested in defying the voters instead of standing up to why they voted for. From Paul Ryan on out, these leeches didn't want changes to the failing Status Quo. The same people who watched America lose sole Super Power Status.

Trump is only responsible for not being diplomatic and some mean tweets. His actions served the U.S well, especially the Middle Class. He was also the victim of "Russia, Russia" for three years, an Impeachment and an onslaught by the China First media. Some of them even laughing at his chances of confronting Communist China. Yeah, nothing treasonous about that.

Enjoy. These are the "unintended consequences" I was talking about with Trumps shocking mail-in ballot loss. Maybe it's for the better. Maybe Biden will be a big civil liberties guy. From what I can tell, the rest of the U.S allies (save for Canada and England), have rapidly moved to align themselves in appeasement of China.

I wonder why.

China has been investing in soft power all over the world for 30 years.. Its easy to be an alarmist when you are uninformed.

"Uninformed" I may be, but my mother didn't raise no dummy.

How many coincidences make a fact? There is far more than just lobbying going on, there is an ideological shift, some of coming from within.

I was in my MBA in creepy Canada, I know what we were told as students about how great the Chinese economy would be for all of us. Of course, they skipped over the "wait until they are sole Super Power and western leaders care more about their success than ours". I'm sure U.S business schools were promoting the same.

I'd love to be a fly on the wall of some intel agencies the last 25-30 years and listen to what they were listing as their number one threats. China must have loved the lack of interest in them. Even found the lack of interest in publicly calling them out an even greater coup.

Trump didn't hurt China, but he sure killed US soybean farmers.

Do you do business with serial killers and then wag your finger at your competition for not doing what was right for their bottom line?
Trump was the greatest President of mondern times.

What fucked us was the Chinese.

The Worthless Negro/China Joe administration made China a wealthy country. Not onoy gave them American jobs and technology but also environmental money through that Paris Climate accord scam.

Then along came Trump that put an end to the gravy train for China and they didn't like it.

They released a virus that caused a world wide pandemic that destroyed Trump's great economy.

It also set up the opportunity for the Democrat Dirty Trick's Department to steal the 2020 Presidential election but also Senate races through fraudulent mail in ballot and boy did they do it.

Now the Democrats have learned how to fraudulently win any election. All they have to do is create the number of unverified ballots and do the counting. Very easy.

Meanwhile China gets it man the White House and America is well on its way to be a Socialist shithole, just like the rest of the country.

Congratulation Moon Bats. The American experiment in Liberty is over with now. that is what you always wanted.

Foreign interest were able to undermine the US by using Useful Idiots to do their bidding. The Useful Idiots helped the foreigners to do internally they could never have done militarily.
It's funny listening to some of you blame Trump. Almost insulting. I knew this was going to happen. It's par for the course, as Europe quickly ran to it's China trade deal that remained in limbo as long as Trump was president. Biden spoke out to them asking them to wait until he was in office, they ignored him, they don't want to be squeezed out with the impending Chinese domination. The Georgia results were probably anticipated.

This is QAnon nonsense.

Without Trump you would have had Hillary for four years and, let's put it this way, no border walls on your southern border.

Thinking that Trump was the only candidate who could have beaten Hillary is pretty silly.

In exit polls after 2016, more Trump voters said they were voting against Hillary than voting for Trump. That implies that the country didn't want Hillary as opposed to wanting Trump.
In 2016, the Republicans won the Presidency, the Senate and the House.

In 2020, the Republicans lost the Presidency, the Senate and the House.

This isn’t because the country suddenly became enamored with the Democrats. It’s a reaction against the current sitting President.

When is the last time this happened, 1932?

As a bonus, he’s poisoned the minds of tens of millions who believe a free and fair election was stolen.

Whatever you may think of him policy-wise, Trump’s a political loser, at least nationally.
Trump was the greatest President of mondern times.

What fucked us was the Chinese.

The Worthless Negro/China Joe administration made China a wealthy country. Not onoy gave them American jobs and technology but also environmental money through that Paris Climate accord scam.

Then along came Trump that put an end to the gravy train for China and they didn't like it.

They released a virus that caused a world wide pandemic that destroyed Trump's great economy.

It also set up the opportunity for the Democrat Dirty Trick's Department to steal the 2020 Presidential election but also Senate races through fraudulent mail in ballot and boy did they do it.

Now the Democrats have learned how to fraudulently win any election. All they have to do is create the number of unverified ballots and do the counting. Very easy.

Meanwhile China gets it man the White House and America is well on its way to be a Socialist shithole, just like the rest of the country.

Congratulation Moon Bats. The American experiment in Liberty is over with now. that is what you always wanted.

Foreign interest were able to undermine the US by using Useful Idiots to do their bidding. The Useful Idiots helped the foreigners to do internally they could never have done militarily.

More QAnon nonsense.

Trump will go down in history as one of the worst Presidents based on what he did after the election.
Trump took over Obama's success with unemployment already on a steep downward trend when he took Office, and the stock market already climbing.

He cut taxes mainly for the wealthy... and the middle class cuts were subject to an in-tandem loss of deductions, like the State deduction - - - which was higher in States with higher populations, i.e. most people in America.

He tweeted dumb shit that had some weeks where the Market dropped and all gains were lost...this happened several times, but thankfully recovered each time.

He took our eyes off the ball in Iran. They're back to full-scale Nuke building. G'job, dumbass.

He thumbed our noses into Religion-based dog and pony shows, like formally recognizing Jerusalem as the Capital of Israel.

He actually did obstruct Justice, and broke a lot of Laws. The Meuller report concluded that he was NOT exonerated, it specifically states NOT exonerated, and Trump corrupted the DOJ by having his AG, before the report was released, state in a presser that he was exonerated. The exact opposite of the conclusion of the report - and then Trump gas-lit his Cult for two years by calling it the "Russia hoax," which, because of paperwork on a warrant that wasn't even the basis for the investigation, they believe to this day. Cult = Sheep.

Last sentence:


The Senators that Voted against removing him from Office for the Ukraine bribe constantly professed they just needed a direct witness. Bolton was a direct witness, except he "wanted to stay out of it," and therefore, Trump again gas-lit the Cult and called it a hoax. It wasn't, decades-long REPUBLICAN diplomats testified that Trump did the dirt. The hearings were disgusting out of Republican Senators.

Trump, during 8-years of Obama, was a birther...was for abortion, then against abortion, then against abortion...and joined Senators and Fox News in gas-lighting the Cult to believe the sky was fallen under Obama. All Obama really did was reversed us out of the recession he had nothing to do with, handed over a strong and getting stronger economy with record job-growth...and got 30 million more American Citizens healthcare. The Cult was gas-lit, because they are anti-information sheep, to thinking Mexican illegals and Commie Obama were ruining their lives. Their lives were measurably better. Obama also shrunk the deficit.

Trump leaves us with an unresolved, bungled pandemic that he turned political and tweeted against the science HIS OWN ADVISORS were telling him, further gas-lighting his sheepish cult into believing it was a hoax. There's now hundreds of ex-cult members dying in hospital beds making youtube videos about how they learned their lesson.

Obama EXTENDED the Bush tax cuts, which actually DID help the middle class, unlike Trump, and especially if you have children.

Corporate profits were at all time highs under Obama, so much for the "he's a bad for business commie that will tax corporate america into bankruptcy" rhetoric that Trump and the Rethugs gas-lit you all with.

All in all, Trump is a horrific leader, a liar, a con-man with a long history of BEING a con-man back in new york, and you Cultish sheepy dorks wanted a daddy to say "but i wubbb amewwikka!" so your fee fees could be appeased.

Thinking that Trump was the only candidate who could have beaten Hillary is pretty silly.

Why is that "silly"? What do you think that Low Energy JEB! or the Son of a Mailman Kasich would have done with the kind of attacks that Mrs. Clinton launched in 2016?

How would Bush or Kasich motivated the millions of voters needed?
Trump was a businessman IN CHINA, and Mexico, who gas-lit the dumb cult into believing he cared about them over China and Mexico.

As a result of his bungled trade deals, the trade deficit with China SKY ROCKETED.

Cant gas-light math, Cult :thup:
Mac is waiting for the handouts.

mac1958 is rich

just like practically every other lib who posts on this forum will say

None of them want marxism for themselves but for the downtrodden
Trump was a businessman IN CHINA, and Mexico, who gas-lit the dumb cult into believing he cared about them over China and Mexico.

As a result of his bungled trade deals, the trade deficit with China SKY ROCKETED.

Cant gas-light math, Cult :thup:

I posted on here the economic numbers of China and America in 2019. I will post them again in a few years if I am still around on this earth.

Let us see where both nations are economically then. Who wants to bet against China being in a far better position than then they were in 2019?
It's funny listening to some of you blame Trump. Almost insulting. I knew this was going to happen. It's par for the course, as Europe quickly ran to it's China trade deal that remained in limbo as long as Trump was president. Biden spoke out to them asking them to wait until he was in office, they ignored him, they don't want to be squeezed out with the impending Chinese domination. The Georgia results were probably anticipated.

Without Trump you would have had Hillary for four years and, let's put it this way, no border walls on your southern border.

The "experts" of the last 30 years are why this happened. Those who have allowed China to slowly crush the West, in full view of the rest of the world. The absurd loss in 2020 by Trump is by far the biggest reason all of this is happening.

Dems are thinking to themselves, "holy sheep shyte, we have a candidate who we didn't even have campaigning get the most votes in history of U.S presidency, with his V.P who didn't even get 1% of our Parties vote! This is a sign from God. Full steam ahead, now we take over the world after Georgia!" Deep Pockets and their pals made sure it would happen.

If there is blame in the GOP, most of it goes to those in his Party who were more interested in defying the voters instead of standing up to why they voted. From Paul Ryan on out, these leeches didn't want changes to the failing Status Quo. The same people who watched America lose sole Super Power Status.

Trump is only responsible for not being diplomatic and some mean tweets. His actions served the U.S well, especially the Middle Class. He was also the victim of "Russia, Russia" for three years, an Impeachment and an onslaught by the China First media. Some of them even laughing at his chances of confronting Communist China. Yeah, nothing treasonous about that.

Enjoy. These are the "unintended consequences" I was talking about with Trumps shocking mail-in ballot loss. Maybe it's for the better. Maybe Biden will be a big civil liberties guy. From what I can tell, the rest of the U.S allies (save for Canada and England), have rapidly moved to align themselves in appeasement of China.

I wonder why.
There was a border wall on the southern border and it was started after 9/11.
It's funny listening to some of you blame Trump. Almost insulting. I knew this was going to happen. It's par for the course, as Europe quickly ran to it's China trade deal that remained in limbo as long as Trump was president. Biden spoke out to them asking them to wait until he was in office, they ignored him, they don't want to be squeezed out with the impending Chinese domination. The Georgia results were probably anticipated.

Without Trump you would have had Hillary for four years and, let's put it this way, no border walls on your southern border.

The "experts" of the last 30 years are why this happened. Those who have allowed China to slowly crush the West, in full view of the rest of the world. The absurd loss in 2020 by Trump is by far the biggest reason all of this is happening.

Dems are thinking to themselves, "holy sheep shyte, we have a candidate who we didn't even have campaigning get the most votes in history of U.S presidency, with his V.P who didn't even get 1% of our Parties vote! This is a sign from God. Full steam ahead, now we take over the world after Georgia!" Deep Pockets and their pals made sure it would happen.

If there is blame in the GOP, most of it goes to those in his Party who were more interested in defying the voters instead of standing up to why they voted. From Paul Ryan on out, these leeches didn't want changes to the failing Status Quo. The same people who watched America lose sole Super Power Status.

Trump is only responsible for not being diplomatic and some mean tweets. His actions served the U.S well, especially the Middle Class. He was also the victim of "Russia, Russia" for three years, an Impeachment and an onslaught by the China First media. Some of them even laughing at his chances of confronting Communist China. Yeah, nothing treasonous about that.

Enjoy. These are the "unintended consequences" I was talking about with Trumps shocking mail-in ballot loss. Maybe it's for the better. Maybe Biden will be a big civil liberties guy. From what I can tell, the rest of the U.S allies (save for Canada and England), have rapidly moved to align themselves in appeasement of China.

I wonder why.
There was a border wall on the southern border and it was started after 9/11.

Yeah I saw that border wall. You use the term "wall" quite loosely. I've seen better broken down fences on some repossessed homes.
Trump was a businessman IN CHINA, and Mexico, who gas-lit the dumb cult into believing he cared about them over China and Mexico.

As a result of his bungled trade deals, the trade deficit with China SKY ROCKETED.

Cant gas-light math, Cult :thup:

I posted on here the economic numbers of China and America in 2019. I will post them again in a few years if I am still around on this earth.

Let us see where both nations are economically then. Who wants to bet against China being in a far better position than then they were in 2019?
As long as Wall Street is in charge they will pander to China and we will either like it or do without.
In 2016, the Republicans won the Presidency, the Senate and the House.

In 2020, the Republicans lost the Presidency, the Senate and the House.

This isn’t because the country suddenly became enamored with the Democrats. It’s a reaction against the current sitting President.

When is the last time this happened, 1932?

As a bonus, he’s poisoned the minds of tens of millions who believe a free and fair election was stolen.

Whatever you may think of him policy-wise, Trump’s a political loser, at least nationally.
They've had their temper tantrum. Predictably, they made a mess.

Now we have to be concerned that the Dems will go too far. And the Trumpsters will NEVER look in the mirror.

You dems will ALWAYS go to far.

Trump is your fault. You are the reason we have a Trump.

Clean up the mess YOU made, motherfucker.

Pray to the god of arrogant communist idiots that we don't have another honest election.
Trump was a businessman IN CHINA, and Mexico, who gas-lit the dumb cult into believing he cared about them over China and Mexico.

As a result of his bungled trade deals, the trade deficit with China SKY ROCKETED.

Cant gas-light math, Cult :thup:

I posted on here the economic numbers of China and America in 2019. I will post them again in a few years if I am still around on this earth.

Let us see where both nations are economically then. Who wants to bet against China being in a far better position than then they were in 2019?
The trade deficit increased under Trump's daft trade war, dipshit. :thup:




And due to Corona, 2020 numbers are exponentially worse.
In 2016, the Republicans won the Presidency, the Senate and the House.

In 2020, the Republicans lost the Presidency, the Senate and the House.

This isn’t because the country suddenly became enamored with the Democrats. It’s a reaction against the current sitting President.

When is the last time this happened, 1932?

As a bonus, he’s poisoned the minds of tens of millions who believe a free and fair election was stolen.

Whatever you may think of him policy-wise, Trump’s a political loser, at least nationally.
They've had their temper tantrum. Predictably, they made a mess.

Now we have to be concerned that the Dems will go too far. And the Trumpsters will NEVER look in the mirror.

Yes I hope old school Biden is more Clinton than Obama...
The Communists have taken over by fraud, just like they always do.
Dems took over cause trump delivered huge deficits, giant bailouts, recession, most pandemic deaths, couldn’t hit 3% gdp growth, failed on healthcare... repubs are the party of anger and stupidity. Turns out that is bad policy.

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