Here's what they don't grasp: We don't support Trump, we support his non PC backlash.


Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010
The libtards and GOP elite don't get it. The media doesn't either.

We who support Trump don't support Donald himself. We support the backlash against political correctness that he symbolizes.

I personally think he'd be a joke as president. But I'm voting for him. Why? Same reason a protestor burns his city. If this backlash requires voting for be it. We're tired the establishment and of political correctness, and the backlash is here.
i get that trump is saying things that many are thinking but really the fear and you really think we should ban american muslims on vacation from coming home?
that makes zero sense.....

Sure it does. Many Americans are craving a backlash against this liberal nonsense. GOP elite haven't provided it. Trump does. Whoever brings that message is who we'll vote for. If Romney would it would be him.

We'll make you hear us. Even if putting Donald Trump in office is what it takes.
i get that trump is saying things that many are thinking but really the fear and you really think we should ban american muslims on vacation from coming home?

Maybe. If they're travelling to ISIS areas yes. If to middle east areas maybe. Find out what they were doing over there.

WE ARE AT WAR. And it's gonna be a century long war. It's time to accept that.
and what do you think he would do as president....i can see the backlash....but hear me out isnt that what put obama in office...a backlash...
that makes zero sense.....

Actually it does in some sort of twisted way. See the link below for a bit of an explanation.

David French: Trump and the Overton Window

I can't express how unsuited Trump is for the presidency -- are we going to have a president so impulsive as to change his mind from "Let Putin handle ISIS, what has it got to do with us?" to "Let's bomb the shit out of ISIS" and "I'll handle terrorism so hard it'll make your head spin" based on a single thing he saw on TV (San Bernardino) which completely changed all of his thoughts?

But he is useful for plowing through the colossal, coralled-over shipwrecks and dead hulks of leftist thought that clog the trade-routes of political expression and debate.

The leftward pressure on the Overton Window has been relentless, with conservatives reduced to applying herculean effort to simply maintain the cultural and political status quo. Yes, the Tea Party has nudged Republicans just a bit to the right, but it�s a sign of the success of the Left that a relatively unchanged GOP can be labeled as ever more extreme and "reactionary." And few realities show this leftist success better than the fact that the Window now enables expressions of overt leftist hatred and bigotry -- against Christians, against conservatives, against whites, and often against Jews. Then along came Donald Trump.

On key issues, he didn�t just move the Overton Window, he smashed it, scattered the shards, and rolled over them with a steamroller....

While many of Trump�s actual proposals are misguided, nonsensical, or untenable, by smashing the window, he's begun the process of freeing the American people from the artificial and destructive constraints of Left-defined discourse....

To be clear, this change is occurring both for good and for ill. The shattering of the window reflects the shattering of the American consensus, and the result will likely be deeper polarization, and even less civility, with further strains on the ties that bind our nation together. At the same time, however, the Left's very success at defining the terms of discourse meant that the price of civility and unity was all too often an acceptance of liberal norms and manners. It meant swallowing liberal pieties and confining your discourse to Left-approved terms. In other words, it often meant surrender.
Not being one to bend over for PC is definitely a positive quality in my book, but it's not nearly enough.

There is absolutely no way of knowing what this man might do in any given situation.

"Vote for Trump, who knows WHAT the fuck will happen" isn't a very attractive slogan.
But trump scares liberals....he needs to be the GOP nominee. You don't want to vote for an establishment stooge like Rubio or Bush do you?
read it...i get the shock factor but in reality if the middle class has a chance it is with sanders...

go bernie....
The libtards and GOP elite don't get it. The media doesn't either.

We who support Trump don't support Donald himself. We support the backlash against political correctness that he symbolizes.

I personally think he'd be a joke as president. But I'm voting for him. Why? Same reason a protestor burns his city. If this backlash requires voting for be it. We're tired the establishment and of political correctness, and the backlash is here.
No, you are the one who is not getting it. The backlash against PC was already an issue long before Trump started using it for an excuse to cover up his lies and lack of knowledge about issues of importance. It is a scam artist trick and the suckers don't recognize it as such because that would mean admitting they have been scammed. Most victims of scams refuse to acknowledge they have been scammed even after it becomes obvious. Calling Mexicans coming to America without proper documents or permission rapist is not political incorrectness, it is crude hate speech and a lie.
Not being one to bend over for PC is definitely a positive quality in my book, but it's not nearly enough.

There is absolutely no way of knowing what this man might do in any given situation.

"Vote for Trump, who knows WHAT the fuck will happen" isn't a very attractive slogan.

if you are a believer that our current system needs a massive correction, maybe "who knows what will happen" is the quickest fix.
The libtards and GOP elite don't get it. The media doesn't either.

We who support Trump don't support Donald himself. We support the backlash against political correctness that he symbolizes.

I personally think he'd be a joke as president. But I'm voting for him. Why? Same reason a protestor burns his city. If this backlash requires voting for be it. We're tired the establishment and of political correctness, and the backlash is here.
No, you are the one who is not getting it. The backlash against PC was already an issue long before Trump started using it for an excuse to cover up his lies and lack of knowledge about issues of importance. It is a scam artist trick and the suckers don't recognize it as such because that would mean admitting they have been scammed. Most victims of scams refuse to acknowledge they have been scammed even after it becomes obvious. Calling Mexicans coming to America without proper documents or permission rapist is not political incorrectness, it is crude hate speech and a lie.

The whole concept of a backlash implies it contains over-reaction. And while there are people who buy Trump's snake oil at face value, most of us realize he is a caricature and a joke, but still love to see the waves he is making in the water.
read it...i get the shock factor but in reality if the middle class has a chance it is with sanders...

go bernie....

Yes, because tired socialist concepts that have failed in other locations are SURE to work here...

He's also backsliding on the gun rights thing, which is not surprising, but sad.
Not being one to bend over for PC is definitely a positive quality in my book, but it's not nearly enough.

There is absolutely no way of knowing what this man might do in any given situation.

"Vote for Trump, who knows WHAT the fuck will happen" isn't a very attractive slogan.

if you are a believer that our current system needs a massive correction, maybe "who knows what will happen" is the quickest fix.

I'll bet when you hit a bit of ice in your car, your first thought is to let go of the wheel.
Not being one to bend over for PC is definitely a positive quality in my book, but it's not nearly enough.

There is absolutely no way of knowing what this man might do in any given situation.

"Vote for Trump, who knows WHAT the fuck will happen" isn't a very attractive slogan.

if you are a believer that our current system needs a massive correction, maybe "who knows what will happen" is the quickest fix.

I'll bet when you hit a bit of ice in your car, your first thought is to let go of the wheel.

We have been on ice from Pittsburgh to Topeka, and have tried everything else to get out of the skid. maybe letting go might be the only way to fix it.
The libtards and GOP elite don't get it. The media doesn't either.

We who support Trump don't support Donald himself. We support the backlash against political correctness that he symbolizes.

I personally think he'd be a joke as president. But I'm voting for him. Why? Same reason a protestor burns his city. If this backlash requires voting for be it. We're tired the establishment and of political correctness, and the backlash is here.
No, you are the one who is not getting it. The backlash against PC was already an issue long before Trump started using it for an excuse to cover up his lies and lack of knowledge about issues of importance. It is a scam artist trick and the suckers don't recognize it as such because that would mean admitting they have been scammed. Most victims of scams refuse to acknowledge they have been scammed even after it becomes obvious. Calling Mexicans coming to America without proper documents or permission rapist is not political incorrectness, it is crude hate speech and a lie.

Nope. It has been building. Now it's starting to boil. Trump is just the messenger.

Illegal aliens from Mexico have excessively high rates of rape, kidnapping, drugs and violent gangs amongst them. That's fact. Call it crude hate speech of you want. I AGREE....I hate rape and gangs. So I call a spade a spade. Hate speech? So be it.
The libtards and GOP elite don't get it. The media doesn't either.

We who support Trump don't support Donald himself. We support the backlash against political correctness that he symbolizes.

I personally think he'd be a joke as president. But I'm voting for him. Why? Same reason a protestor burns his city. If this backlash requires voting for be it. We're tired the establishment and of political correctness, and the backlash is here.
No, you are the one who is not getting it. The backlash against PC was already an issue long before Trump started using it for an excuse to cover up his lies and lack of knowledge about issues of importance. It is a scam artist trick and the suckers don't recognize it as such because that would mean admitting they have been scammed. Most victims of scams refuse to acknowledge they have been scammed even after it becomes obvious. Calling Mexicans coming to America without proper documents or permission rapist is not political incorrectness, it is crude hate speech and a lie.

The whole concept of a backlash implies it contains over-reaction. And while there are people who buy Trump's snake oil at face value, most of us realize he is a caricature and a joke, but still love to see the waves he is making in the water.

Exactly right. It's why I'm voting for him. He hasn't made enough ripples for me. Preach on Donald!!
The libtards and GOP elite don't get it. The media doesn't either.

We who support Trump don't support Donald himself. We support the backlash against political correctness that he symbolizes.

I personally think he'd be a joke as president. But I'm voting for him. Why? Same reason a protestor burns his city. If this backlash requires voting for be it. We're tired the establishment and of political correctness, and the backlash is here.
No, you are the one who is not getting it. The backlash against PC was already an issue long before Trump started using it for an excuse to cover up his lies and lack of knowledge about issues of importance. It is a scam artist trick and the suckers don't recognize it as such because that would mean admitting they have been scammed. Most victims of scams refuse to acknowledge they have been scammed even after it becomes obvious. Calling Mexicans coming to America without proper documents or permission rapist is not political incorrectness, it is crude hate speech and a lie.

The whole concept of a backlash implies it contains over-reaction. And while there are people who buy Trump's snake oil at face value, most of us realize he is a caricature and a joke, but still love to see the waves he is making in the water.

Exactly right. It's why I'm voting for him. He hasn't made enough ripples for me. Preach on Donald!!

Honestly I couldn't do it, and I can't vote for Hillary either, so my only option will be:


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