Herman Cains plan? 9-9-9 For those that hate it


Remember that? A measly 3%

That is what Obama wanted to raise the tax rate on those making over $1 million a year. The Republicans locked up government and threatened to default on our loans......all over 3 lousy percent

Now they have the gall to offer millionaires a 24% tax cut while raising taxes on the poorest Americans?

It's now 5% and it matters not as that 5% isn't enough to do jack shit. Nothing will come of a 5% increase except for congresses ability to waste even more of our money.

A large cut however could and in my opinion would spur growth in both the economy and job growth.

So..... Yea.....

This is going to get me in trouble with conservatives, but do you have any data to prove that lowering taxes on the rich will spark economic growth, more specifically job growth?

This mantra has been used by Republicans and conservatives since at least the days of Reagan, but it seems to me to be a broken record and worse yet, unproven.

Now, don't get me wrong, I don't think Obama's "Flood the Basement" economics works either, but I must say when taxes are as low as they are for the rich, I don't think lowering their taxes more will do a damned thing.

Quite frankly, I don't think it is so much the tax rate that is the problem as it is the anti-corporate environment of this country.


lowering taxes by a large amount will leave money in the pockets of many. What do people do with extra money? They invest it to make more. That investment grows the economy.

Anyone who believes the rich bury their money in tin cans in their back yard, thus removing it from the economic cycle, doesn't belong in a debate about taxes.

Money doesn't just sit in a bank vault doing nothing. Investments trickle all through the system. Just this weekend someone invested in an unnecessary upgrade in their kitchen. I then took that investment and bought some new work equipment. That's small potatoes of course but its the same principle.
What doesn't surprise?

That Cain said a stupid thing with the 3-3-3 bullshit?

So black people in the inner city get a 3% tax rate but us "rich" middle class white folk get the 9% tax based on our zip code?

HE IS TOAST NOW. I would've voted for him until he showed his "true color."

Cain's comments about creating "empowerment" zones with a 3-3-3 standard for them sounds like a closet liberal or typical black politician looking out for "his people."

After he talked up a 3-3-3 standard for the inner city, he needs to get lost. Just another typical black politician putting black people above every other American....

Doesn't surprise.:eusa_whistle:

Remember that? A measly 3%

That is what Obama wanted to raise the tax rate on those making over $1 million a year. The Republicans locked up government and threatened to default on our loans......all over 3 lousy percent

Now they have the gall to offer millionaires a 24% tax cut while raising taxes on the poorest Americans?

What is that phrase they like to use? Oh yea......Class warfare

Yes pathetic democrats wanted to continue to discriminate for 70 billion a year. Because of democrats we have had three years with trillion dollar deficits. A historic first.

Stand up and be counted.
What doesn't surprise?

That Cain said a stupid thing with the 3-3-3 bullshit?

So black people in the inner city get a 3% tax rate but us "rich" middle class white folk get the 9% tax based on our zip code?

HE IS TOAST NOW. I would've voted for him until he showed his "true color."

Cain's comments about creating "empowerment" zones with a 3-3-3 standard for them sounds like a closet liberal or typical black politician looking out for "his people."

After he talked up a 3-3-3 standard for the inner city, he needs to get lost. Just another typical black politician putting black people above every other American....

Doesn't surprise.:eusa_whistle:


He is NOT as conservative as he puts out. We will find out too.
It's now 5% and it matters not as that 5% isn't enough to do jack shit. Nothing will come of a 5% increase except for congresses ability to waste even more of our money.

A large cut however could and in my opinion would spur growth in both the economy and job growth.

So..... Yea.....

Spur growth in the economy and job growth....

Still trying to sell that trickle down snake oil?

Why yes, yes I am.

Question is what the hell are you trying to sell? Or do you even know?

5% will accomplish NOTHING, except of course to single out one group of people. That's not an economic plan, its a joke.

A 5% increase is a joke but a 24% cut is an economic plan?

If you want to use tax cuts to create jobs how about we do this......let's offer tax cuts AFTER you have created jobs instead of offering across the board cuts and praying that jobs will be created

Remember that? A measly 3%

That is what Obama wanted to raise the tax rate on those making over $1 million a year. The Republicans locked up government and threatened to default on our loans......all over 3 lousy percent

Now they have the gall to offer millionaires a 24% tax cut while raising taxes on the poorest Americans?

It's now 5% and it matters not as that 5% isn't enough to do jack shit. Nothing will come of a 5% increase except for congresses ability to waste even more of our money.

A large cut however could and in my opinion would spur growth in both the economy and job growth.

So..... Yea.....

They why is it, in your opinion, that most Republicans are not shouting for a tax break right now then?

other than the candidates I don't believe most republicans feel they need too. The left in congress is screwing up their own chances. No need to get in the way. In 2012 republicans will have a majority and can persue issues they deem necessary. Arguing about it now would be completely futile. There is a time and place for every discussion. Right now liberals are shooting themselves in the foot, as proven by polls of the independents, just ride the wave.
Current system

Family of 4 earning 50K using standard deductions would pay taxes on aproximately 24K, the tax on that is around 2.7K. They would also have a 7.65% payroll tax amounting to an additional aproximately 3.8K making thier entire tax bill around 6.5K after the child tax credit and additional child tax credit they would owe less than 4.5K This is with no other deductions and no other credits.

Under Cains 9-9-9 plan

pay 4.5K up front, and then they pay another 9% on what they spend, suppose they spend 20K on taxable items thats an additional 1.8K making thier total tax bill 6.3K a $1800 tax increase under 9-9-9 for a family of four earning 50K.

This plan sucks.
It's now 5% and it matters not as that 5% isn't enough to do jack shit. Nothing will come of a 5% increase except for congresses ability to waste even more of our money.

A large cut however could and in my opinion would spur growth in both the economy and job growth.

So..... Yea.....

This is going to get me in trouble with conservatives, but do you have any data to prove that lowering taxes on the rich will spark economic growth, more specifically job growth?

This mantra has been used by Republicans and conservatives since at least the days of Reagan, but it seems to me to be a broken record and worse yet, unproven.

Now, don't get me wrong, I don't think Obama's "Flood the Basement" economics works either, but I must say when taxes are as low as they are for the rich, I don't think lowering their taxes more will do a damned thing.

Quite frankly, I don't think it is so much the tax rate that is the problem as it is the anti-corporate environment of this country.


lowering taxes by a large amount will leave money in the pockets of many. What do people do with extra money? They invest it to make more. That investment grows the economy.

Anyone who believes the rich bury their money in tin cans in their back yard, thus removing it from the economic cycle, doesn't belong in a debate about taxes.

Money doesn't just sit in a bank vault doing nothing. Investments trickle all through the system. Just this weekend someone invested in an unnecessary upgrade in their kitchen. I then took that investment and bought some new work equipment. That's small potatoes of course but its the same principle.

However, where your analysis fails is in what do they do with their money. For the most part they are not going out and hiring people. They are buying stocks and bonds and purchasing other investments with their money because our government is not making it profitable for them to hire Americans. If they buy stocks with their money, then then only employment that provides is for the broker and the market-maker.

As long as this continues, and it is likely to last at least as long as our current POTUS holds the Oval Office, we the lower classes of America are just plain SCREWED.

Current system

Family of 4 earning 50K using standard deductions would pay taxes on aproximately 24K, the tax on that is around 2.7K. They would also have a 7.65% payroll tax amounting to an additional aproximately 3.8K making thier entire tax bill around 6.5K after the child tax credit and additional child tax credit they would owe less than 4.5K This is with no other deductions and no other credits.

Under Cains 9-9-9 plan

pay 4.5K up front, and then they pay another 9% on what they spend, suppose they spend 20K on taxable items thats an additional 1.8K making thier total tax bill 6.3K a $1800 tax increase under 9-9-9 for a family of four earning 50K.

This plan sucks.
Although this makes your argument sound convincing I have no idea how you came to your numbers so its kind of difficult to give you credit.
This is going to get me in trouble with conservatives, but do you have any data to prove that lowering taxes on the rich will spark economic growth, more specifically job growth?

This mantra has been used by Republicans and conservatives since at least the days of Reagan, but it seems to me to be a broken record and worse yet, unproven.

Now, don't get me wrong, I don't think Obama's "Flood the Basement" economics works either, but I must say when taxes are as low as they are for the rich, I don't think lowering their taxes more will do a damned thing.

Quite frankly, I don't think it is so much the tax rate that is the problem as it is the anti-corporate environment of this country.


lowering taxes by a large amount will leave money in the pockets of many. What do people do with extra money? They invest it to make more. That investment grows the economy.

Anyone who believes the rich bury their money in tin cans in their back yard, thus removing it from the economic cycle, doesn't belong in a debate about taxes.

Money doesn't just sit in a bank vault doing nothing. Investments trickle all through the system. Just this weekend someone invested in an unnecessary upgrade in their kitchen. I then took that investment and bought some new work equipment. That's small potatoes of course but its the same principle.

However, where your analysis fails is in what do they do with their money. For the most part they are not going out and hiring people. They are buying stocks and bonds and purchasing other investments with their money because our government is not making it profitable for them to hire Americans. If they buy stocks with their money, then then only employment that provides is for the broker and the market-maker.

As long as this continues, and it is likely to last at least as long as our current POTUS holds the Oval Office, we the lower classes of America are just plain SCREWED.

You forgetting one other factor.

When people invest in paper and not tangibles that investment doesn't just stop there. Just like the housing collapse shows, the money from those initial investments is then invested in other investments. Eventually it will make its way into tangibles which requires products to be made, sold or improved.

The money doesn't just sit in one account forever. It trickles through the entire system until someone pulls it out or cashes in.
lowering taxes by a large amount will leave money in the pockets of many. What do people do with extra money? They invest it to make more. That investment grows the economy.

Anyone who believes the rich bury their money in tin cans in their back yard, thus removing it from the economic cycle, doesn't belong in a debate about taxes.

Money doesn't just sit in a bank vault doing nothing. Investments trickle all through the system. Just this weekend someone invested in an unnecessary upgrade in their kitchen. I then took that investment and bought some new work equipment. That's small potatoes of course but its the same principle.

However, where your analysis fails is in what do they do with their money. For the most part they are not going out and hiring people. They are buying stocks and bonds and purchasing other investments with their money because our government is not making it profitable for them to hire Americans. If they buy stocks with their money, then then only employment that provides is for the broker and the market-maker.

As long as this continues, and it is likely to last at least as long as our current POTUS holds the Oval Office, we the lower classes of America are just plain SCREWED.

You forgetting one other factor.

When people invest in paper and not tangibles that investment doesn't just stop there. Just like the housing collapse shows, the money from those initial investments is then invested in other investments. Eventually it will make its way into tangibles which requires products to be made, sold or improved.

The money doesn't just sit in one account forever. It trickles through the entire system until someone pulls it out or cashes in.

Well you are correct in that the person who sells the stock will then buy something with the money he receives... most likely gold or other stocks. The stockbroker will also buy something with their profits... most likely stocks and bonds. And those who receive those funds from them will most likely purchase something with their profits... most likely stocks and bonds.

Under today's conditions what they are not purchasing is employees, at least not American employees. What must be done in order to fix your analysis is that today's conditions have to be corrected and that is going to take putting a new person in the Oval Office (preferably not someone from the Washington establishment) and until we do that things are not going to change.

Quite frankly, it would be foolish for the rich to "invest" their capital in employing Americans today.

Current system

Family of 4 earning 50K using standard deductions would pay taxes on aproximately 24K, the tax on that is around 2.7K. They would also have a 7.65% payroll tax amounting to an additional aproximately 3.8K making thier entire tax bill around 6.5K after the child tax credit and additional child tax credit they would owe less than 4.5K This is with no other deductions and no other credits.

Under Cains 9-9-9 plan

pay 4.5K up front, and then they pay another 9% on what they spend, suppose they spend 20K on taxable items thats an additional 1.8K making thier total tax bill 6.3K a $1800 tax increase under 9-9-9 for a family of four earning 50K.

This plan sucks.
Although this makes your argument sound convincing I have no idea how you came to your numbers so its kind of difficult to give you credit.
the current system is from the IRS calculator and uses only the standard deduction, child tax credit and additional child tax credit. No other deductions or credits are employed, if they were the current tax bill would be even lower.

Cains tax bill is from his formulae

9% of the gross minus charitable contributions (considering none, as I did in the currrent evaluation) and 9% of what a typical family of foiur earning 50K might spend in a year on taxable purchases, which under Cain's plan is everything thats not used.

The numbers don't lie.
I guess Texas will be building restaurants along the Mexican border to serve all of Cain's "fried" Mexican food...

I wonder if Cain's killer electric fence will make a zapping sound like a bug light?
An electric fence is a good idea, keep them out.

Oh, you left-wing idiots don't seem to unlock the door to your so-called home....why? If you don't mind illegals running across our border then you shouldn't mind if they and other criminals invade your hole in the wall living quarters.

I guess Texas will be building restaurants along the Mexican border to serve all of Cain's "fried" Mexican food...

I wonder if Cain's killer electric fence will make a zapping sound like a bug light?
I guess Texas will be building restaurants along the Mexican border to serve all of Cain's "fried" Mexican food...

I wonder if Cain's killer electric fence will make a zapping sound like a bug light?

I've never seen you contribute anything other than juvenile insults on this board. Are you capable of an adult conversation?
It's now 5% and it matters not as that 5% isn't enough to do jack shit. Nothing will come of a 5% increase except for congresses ability to waste even more of our money.

A large cut however could and in my opinion would spur growth in both the economy and job growth.

So..... Yea.....

They why is it, in your opinion, that most Republicans are not shouting for a tax break right now then?

other than the candidates I don't believe most republicans feel they need too. The left in congress is screwing up their own chances. No need to get in the way. In 2012 republicans will have a majority and can persue issues they deem necessary. Arguing about it now would be completely futile. There is a time and place for every discussion. Right now liberals are shooting themselves in the foot, as proven by polls of the independents, just ride the wave.

Well, we still have the Bush tax cuts in place; wheres the jobs and prosperity?
They why is it, in your opinion, that most Republicans are not shouting for a tax break right now then?

other than the candidates I don't believe most republicans feel they need too. The left in congress is screwing up their own chances. No need to get in the way. In 2012 republicans will have a majority and can persue issues they deem necessary. Arguing about it now would be completely futile. There is a time and place for every discussion. Right now liberals are shooting themselves in the foot, as proven by polls of the independents, just ride the wave.

Well, we still have the Bush tax cuts in place; wheres the jobs and prosperity?
You need to ask harry Reid and Obama not me.

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