"Heroic" Arab Muslim Anti-Semites break teeth of 88-year-old woman in Paris…

You should have written , Everywhere , and Nazisrael itself in particular .
The Tel Aviv economy is now in tatters and Haifa has been lost .
About time for the several plagues to appear, or, was it a typo and they meant Planes rather than plagues?

Either way, Nazisrael looks a complete loser and the three H -Armies plus friends look the overwhelming victors and saviours .
Allahu Akbar , as they say so charmingly .

Saw boss of Mossad on tv the other day.
He was asked for comment about what Hezbollah said ...that it can now reach every inch of Israel with its missiles.
He said "I don't talk to Hezbollah, but if they start doing that, we can turn Beirut into a football court".
Should be interesting when they come for the Christians..especially in Australia.
The Sons and Daughters of the Southern Cross enslaved, heavily taxed, or killed?
They're in for a very big shock if they try that.
American Christians are armed...imagine trying to enslave them. LOL

They are completely enslaved already and all of the Space Alien Worshippers will shortly be stopped in their tracks when the truth begins to percolate .

When the Essene Monk fails to be part of the visiting delegation from the mother ship there will be a wailing and gnashing of false teeth .
The sane ones will be convulsed with laughter as the "Chosen Ones" wriggle desperately for answers .

Giggling like a Kamela in anticipation .
Saw boss of Mossad on tv the other day.
He was asked for comment about what Hezbollah said ...that it can now reach every inch of Israel with its missiles.
He said "I don't talk to Hezbollah, but if they start doing that, we can turn Beirut into a football court".

So how come Haifa is now out of commission?
How and Why has the economy shredded ?
Why is Nazisrael bankrupt ?
And how will they even see the Hyper Sonic missiles before they blitz Tel Aviv.

Mossad failed appallingly in Ukraine . I feel sure they will suffer another defeat on home ground.

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