Hey Feminists: 1860 called, it has fainting couches to sell you

Tell me how you're a feminist of the highest order. Please know I probably voted Democrat before you were born, and was a liberal secular feminist Democrat before I wised up and ran as fast as I could.

I'm a feminist. I didn't realize I needed to be a Democrat. Incidentally, I'm not in the streets yelling at anyone because I have all my rights and I don't have time for a whole lot of nonsense.
Feminism has devolved into a moronic parody of the women's civil rights movement. .... :cuckoo:
Well, Sunni, one of my first internet experiences was on the NYTimes. When I stood behind staying at home to raise my children, I came close to getting kicked off the then-NYTimes Forum by the Feminazis there. It kind of soured me on feminism, but they have the entire USA Education budget behind them now, so if you send your kids to public school, you have a 50-50 chance your daughter will be marrying her girlfriend. To me, that's a red flag against ever becoming a grandmother, because at the same time, the Man-Boy league lockstepped into equal rights and "won" them. That's two red flags that we're gonna be ripe for takeover by anarchists in the next generation or two with the annihilation of heterosexual unions at risk for becoming this society's new alternative lifestyle. Those women treated me like dirt after I defended bringing my own children up. I got rid of tv because of the lockstep society that presently owns Hollywood, the Media, and nearly half of Washington DC. What they're not telling you is the high percentage of Americans who are very disenchanted with extreme Feminism. Most people do not get it about public school. They have to follow politically correct guidelines due to laws that reduce the importance of heterosexual families in public schools. The sad part of that is for some reason, venereal diseases are now invading younger and younger groups of children. Untreated people will be having blind and ill infants with such grave issues health insurance rates will go out of sight. And sick people have to use a lot of mind-altering drugs to escape the pain of modern choices.

Welcome, beautress. I hope you post here a lot. I agree with most of what you say, but as a conservative Christian public school teacher, not all of it. Most conservatives do not understand how hyper-inflated their own talking points about public schools are. Yes, the Dept of Ed has a load of BS they "suggest" we teach. We still have a lot of variables as to whether we want to do that. Or actually do it. Many do not, depending on where you are.

Secondly, I will never understand why conservatives just gave up and ran away. If you read my posts long enough, you will see I....don't. I am a friendly person, but I also do not give up and I stand up for what I believe in. I am IN the public schools for a reason. Why should we just cede them to the Left, for pity's sake. MORE of us need to GO IN. If you're Christian, that's exactly what Jesus did.

Thank you for your honesty, Sweet Sue. My words come from my own experience, as narrow as it is. The schools my children attended were not the same as the schools of my home state, which I cheerfully retired to in 2009. When I was growing up, the public schools I attended started each morning with a prayer and a verse from the Bible. Half the kids in my school lived and worked after school on their family's farm. Now, the school district's farm land is mostly occupied by the George Bush airport. Before my daughter totally shunned me, she screamed her condemnation of me and her upbringing in F-word terms and discredits me regularly on her Facebook page, from what I am told. I've never seen it, just heard descriptions from my family. The last time I visited my son, his husband physically abused his teenage daughter from his first marriage to a woman, which made my husband's thyroid reading go off the charts, so we left the next morning instead of sticking around for more ill health due to all the misogyny we witnessed at their Christmas Eve party and family gathering the night before. His husband's mother, who also attended, died of a broken heart 3 months later. My husband died 3 years later of dementia caused by a childhood injury to his head that didn't show up for 60 years. I know he, too, experienced heartaches over our children's' lifestyle choices. So yes, I have disappointments with Feminists and their comfort with some communities of anti-religion activists, and it's hard for an older lady like me to get a grip on lifestyles we can no longer describe with the adjective "alternative" due to political correctness. I know I have strong opinions that many others to not care to heed. You wouldn't care to be like me with all my personal heartaches and losses. But I will never subject myself to people who have no compunctions about disrespecting a parent with the f-word, which I never heard before the age of 17.

Forget all this political stuff. I'm so deeply sorry, from one mother to another. I too have a son and a daughter. The pain of that must be profound.

What your children are doing is shameful and sinful. It is corrosive to everyone around them, mostly to their own souls. What a shame. ((hugs))

ETA: I am going to church soon and will keep you in my prayers.
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This is modern feminism on best display. No logic, no reason, no arguments. Just caterwauling, screeching, and when that fails, throwing up signs in Charlie Kirk's face.

This is what Jeff Flake confronted in the elevator on Friday as well. Those chicks were not assaulted by Kavanaugh and were not even making that argument. But somehow that assault "happened to them", even though....it probably never happened, and certainly not to them.

These are hysterical, nonsensical, overwrought females. They need fainting couches, smelling salts, and some could CLEARLY use corsets.

Congratulations, Regressives, you've regressed women right back to the Victorian Era. Well done, chickas. You've come a long way, baby.

You obviously have no idea of what feminism is.

Tell me how you're a feminist of the highest order. Please know I probably voted Democrat before you were born, and was a liberal secular feminist Democrat before I wised up and ran as fast as I could.

So are you barefoot and pg now? I of course voted Republican for many years, and I like RBG when she said to take your foot off our necks. We seen this on the GOP judicial committee this week , didn't we?? They had to hire a female prosecutor, but I see she didn't last long when questioning Kav, did she.

No, I'm taking it to empty-headed liberals every single day. For all the good it does...if they could think through their positions, they wouldn't be liberals.

/——/ I was a big time lib at age 20 until I moved to NY and saw liberal policies in action. My first job was for $100 a week (1970) and when I got my check it was for $75. I asked the book keeper where my money went and she said, city, state and fed income tax. Then a guy working on the loading dock offered to sell me his food stamps. I don’t remember the amount or how much he wanted but he said he gets 5 books a month under different names. It’s when I started to wake up.
This is modern feminism on best display. No logic, no reason, no arguments. Just caterwauling, screeching, and when that fails, throwing up signs in Charlie Kirk's face.

This is what Jeff Flake confronted in the elevator on Friday as well. Those chicks were not assaulted by Kavanaugh and were not even making that argument. But somehow that assault "happened to them", even though....it probably never happened, and certainly not to them.

These are hysterical, nonsensical, overwrought females. They need fainting couches, smelling salts, and some could CLEARLY use corsets.

Congratulations, Regressives, you've regressed women right back to the Victorian Era. Well done, chickas. You've come a long way, baby.

You obviously have no idea of what feminism is.

Tell me how you're a feminist of the highest order. Please know I probably voted Democrat before you were born, and was a liberal secular feminist Democrat before I wised up and ran as fast as I could.

So are you barefoot and pg now? I of course voted Republican for many years, and I like RBG when she said to take your foot off our necks. We seen this on the GOP judicial committee this week , didn't we?? They had to hire a female prosecutor, but I see she didn't last long when questioning Kav, did she.

No, I'm taking it to empty-headed liberals every single day. For all the good it does...if they could think through their positions, they wouldn't be liberals.

For the life of me, what do you mean by liberal??

/——/ Look in the mirror
Tell me how you're a feminist of the highest order. Please know I probably voted Democrat before you were born, and was a liberal secular feminist Democrat before I wised up and ran as fast as I could.

I'm a feminist. I didn't realize I needed to be a Democrat. Incidentally, I'm not in the streets yelling at anyone because I have all my rights and I don't have time for a whole lot of nonsense.

Then you might be a Real Feminist, good for you. Probably be good to take the whole thing back from the silly overwrought little girls in the streets...the one like the sweet woman in this thread's daughter, who yells F bombs in her mother's face. Because Leftism.

Disgusting silly little twits, they know only how to tear down, not build up. But again: if they could think better, they wouldn't be liberals.
Feminism has devolved into a moronic parody of the women's civil rights movement. .... :cuckoo:

Thank goodness for the women before us, who fought for civil rights, if men had their way we would not be celebrating a century of voting in 2020 , would we?
/——/ Actually if you ever studied the suffrage movement you’d know there were states that allowed women to vote in state and local elections. It was the national vote for president that was forbidden
And you think those states allowed women to vote in those elections out of the goodness of their hearts, without any pressure from the ladies in white marching down their streets? I don't think so.
I am IN the public schools for a reason. Why should we just cede them to the Left, for pity's sake. MORE of us need to GO IN. If you're Christian, that's exactly what Jesus did
If you have the choice (not everyone does), would you put your own children thru the he'll of government education, or homeschool them? The "choice" seems obvious to me.
Thank goodness for the women before us, who fought for civil rights, if men had their way we would not be celebrating a century of voting in 2020 , would we?
This woman, and the woman confronting Flake should not be voting. The mentally unhinged should not vote.
Feminism has devolved into a moronic parody of the women's civil rights movement. .... :cuckoo:

Thank goodness for the women before us, who fought for civil rights, if men had their way we would not be celebrating a century of voting in 2020 , would we?
/——/ Actually if you ever studied the suffrage movement you’d know there were states that allowed women to vote in state and local elections. It was the national vote for president that was forbidden
And you think those states allowed women to vote in those elections out of the goodness of their hearts, without any pressure from the ladies in white marching down their streets? I don't think so.
/——/ You don’t know the reason. You’re just being contrary because I shot a hole in your rant
Tell me how you're a feminist of the highest order. Please know I probably voted Democrat before you were born, and was a liberal secular feminist Democrat before I wised up and ran as fast as I could.

I'm a feminist. I didn't realize I needed to be a Democrat. Incidentally, I'm not in the streets yelling at anyone because I have all my rights and I don't have time for a whole lot of nonsense.

Then you might be a Real Feminist, good for you. Probably be good to take the whole thing back from the silly overwrought little girls in the streets...the one like the sweet woman in this thread's daughter, who yells F bombs in her mother's face. Because Leftism.

Disgusting silly little twits, they know only how to tear down, not build up. But again: if they could think better, they wouldn't be liberals.

I'm a liberal. Feminists and liberals have fathers, husbands, brothers, and sons. Historically there has only been one group in the States that are separatists. I think there may be 2 or 3 of them left---for the obvious reasons.

That is a whole lot of propaganda nonsense going on. You have people in the streets fighting for rights they already have and 15 minutes of fame. Nothing has to be changed in law or policy. That is convenient.
Feminism has devolved into a moronic parody of the women's civil rights movement. .... :cuckoo:

Thank goodness for the women before us, who fought for civil rights, if men had their way we would not be celebrating a century of voting in 2020 , would we?
/——/ Actually if you ever studied the suffrage movement you’d know there were states that allowed women to vote in state and local elections. It was the national vote for president that was forbidden
And you think those states allowed women to vote in those elections out of the goodness of their hearts, without any pressure from the ladies in white marching down their streets? I don't think so.
/——/ You don’t know the reason. You’re just being contrary because I shot a hole in your rant

Unions, Prohibition, all the other political issues of the day. But nevertheless, good for Colorado!!! And thank you for bringing this up! I didn't know.

Colorado women's suffrage referendum, 1893
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

A referendum on women's suffrage was held in Colorado on November 7, 1893 to ratify a proposed constitutional amendment, HB 118,[1] to prohibit discrimination against women voting. The amendment was drafted by lawyer J. Warner Mills of Denver and sponsored by Rep. J.T. Heath of Montrose County.[2] The amendment passed with support from the Colorado Non-Partisan Equal Suffrage Association, a grassroots coalition of women's organizations, churches, political parties, charity groups, unions and farmer's alliances. This was the first time in U.S. history that a state referendum had passed women's suffrage into law.

55% of the electorate turned out to vote, with 35,798 voting in favor and 29,551 voting against[3]

The following year, three Colorado women - Clara Cressingham, Carrie Clyde Holly and Frances Klock - became the first women to be elected to any legislature in U.S. history when they were elected to the Colorado House of Representatives.[4]
You guys need to stop laughing at me, or I'll take my ball and go home, and then you won't have anyone to argue with. I'm not mocking you. Don't be so retarded.
The human race has degenerated when people judge an entire movement of arguably millions, based on the actions of one obviously overwrought nut.
Some of the most powerful people in the Dem party have been exposed as serial rapists and sexual abusers of women over the past year. This was known to Dem politicians and they looked the other way for the money. Re-examine your loyalties Dems.
Feminism has devolved into a moronic parody of the women's civil rights movement. .... :cuckoo:
Well, Sunni, one of my first internet experiences was on the NYTimes. When I stood behind staying at home to raise my children, I came close to getting kicked off the then-NYTimes Forum by the Feminazis there. It kind of soured me on feminism, but they have the entire USA Education budget behind them now, so if you send your kids to public school, you have a 50-50 chance your daughter will be marrying her girlfriend. To me, that's a red flag against ever becoming a grandmother, because at the same time, the Man-Boy league lockstepped into equal rights and "won" them. That's two red flags that we're gonna be ripe for takeover by anarchists in the next generation or two with the annihilation of heterosexual unions at risk for becoming this society's new alternative lifestyle. Those women treated me like dirt after I defended bringing my own children up. I got rid of tv because of the lockstep society that presently owns Hollywood, the Media, and nearly half of Washington DC. What they're not telling you is the high percentage of Americans who are very disenchanted with extreme Feminism. Most people do not get it about public school. They have to follow politically correct guidelines due to laws that reduce the importance of heterosexual families in public schools. The sad part of that is for some reason, venereal diseases are now invading younger and younger groups of children. Untreated people will be having blind and ill infants with such grave issues health insurance rates will go out of sight. And sick people have to use a lot of mind-altering drugs to escape the pain of modern choices.

Well then you did not do a good job of raising your kids if they can succumb to peer pressure.
Thank you for your superior opinion, O ye righteous judge. :frown:

You are welcome. You have some nerve to blame public schools and colleges for their upbringing.

Look at who these people are and what they do.

It's no accident that they laugh and mock at the pain of the Kavanaugh family. It's the dark heart of Leftism.
Feminism has devolved into a moronic parody of the women's civil rights movement. .... :cuckoo:
Well, Sunni, one of my first internet experiences was on the NYTimes. When I stood behind staying at home to raise my children, I came close to getting kicked off the then-NYTimes Forum by the Feminazis there. It kind of soured me on feminism, but they have the entire USA Education budget behind them now, so if you send your kids to public school, you have a 50-50 chance your daughter will be marrying her girlfriend. To me, that's a red flag against ever becoming a grandmother, because at the same time, the Man-Boy league lockstepped into equal rights and "won" them. That's two red flags that we're gonna be ripe for takeover by anarchists in the next generation or two with the annihilation of heterosexual unions at risk for becoming this society's new alternative lifestyle. Those women treated me like dirt after I defended bringing my own children up. I got rid of tv because of the lockstep society that presently owns Hollywood, the Media, and nearly half of Washington DC. What they're not telling you is the high percentage of Americans who are very disenchanted with extreme Feminism. Most people do not get it about public school. They have to follow politically correct guidelines due to laws that reduce the importance of heterosexual families in public schools. The sad part of that is for some reason, venereal diseases are now invading younger and younger groups of children. Untreated people will be having blind and ill infants with such grave issues health insurance rates will go out of sight. And sick people have to use a lot of mind-altering drugs to escape the pain of modern choices.
C'mon, B, must you make women your enemy, too?
If it hadn't been for the "feminists" who marched and spoke and protested in the early 1900's, you and I would still not have a right to vote. If you aren't as radical as the current batch (I'm not always) just step back and let them do their job. It will help your daughters and granddaughters someday. You certainly don't need to get in the way of them with all your nasty snarking over nothing.

The current batch are destructive.
I'm not laughing at you, Old Lady.

I think it's really sad this is where we are at as a country.
I am IN the public schools for a reason. Why should we just cede them to the Left, for pity's sake. MORE of us need to GO IN. If you're Christian, that's exactly what Jesus did
If you have the choice (not everyone does), would you put your own children thru the he'll of government education, or homeschool them? The "choice" seems obvious to me.

Public schools, at least where I live. No question about it. I'm not even remotely qualified to educate them through high school and many homeschool parents are not either.

Both my children are now in college and doing remarkably well. Son is nearly a 4.0 student at a Big 10 school in the top school in the nation for his degree program. Public schools graduates.
This is modern feminism on best display. No logic, no reason, no arguments. Just caterwauling, screeching, and when that fails, throwing up signs in Charlie Kirk's face.

This is what Jeff Flake confronted in the elevator on Friday as well. Those chicks were not assaulted by Kavanaugh and were not even making that argument. But somehow that assault "happened to them", even though....it probably never happened, and certainly not to them.

These are hysterical, nonsensical, overwrought females. They need fainting couches, smelling salts, and some could CLEARLY use corsets.

Congratulations, Regressives, you've regressed women right back to the Victorian Era. Well done, chickas. You've come a long way, baby.

The right’s failed attempts to demonize ‘feminists’ are as tedious as they are ridiculous.

These unwarranted attacks are further confirmation of the right’s politics of division, of conservatives’ fear of dissent, and their desire to compel conformity.
Feminism has devolved into a moronic parody of the women's civil rights movement. .... :cuckoo:
Well, Sunni, one of my first internet experiences was on the NYTimes. When I stood behind staying at home to raise my children, I came close to getting kicked off the then-NYTimes Forum by the Feminazis there. It kind of soured me on feminism, but they have the entire USA Education budget behind them now, so if you send your kids to public school, you have a 50-50 chance your daughter will be marrying her girlfriend. To me, that's a red flag against ever becoming a grandmother, because at the same time, the Man-Boy league lockstepped into equal rights and "won" them. That's two red flags that we're gonna be ripe for takeover by anarchists in the next generation or two with the annihilation of heterosexual unions at risk for becoming this society's new alternative lifestyle. Those women treated me like dirt after I defended bringing my own children up. I got rid of tv because of the lockstep society that presently owns Hollywood, the Media, and nearly half of Washington DC. What they're not telling you is the high percentage of Americans who are very disenchanted with extreme Feminism. Most people do not get it about public school. They have to follow politically correct guidelines due to laws that reduce the importance of heterosexual families in public schools. The sad part of that is for some reason, venereal diseases are now invading younger and younger groups of children. Untreated people will be having blind and ill infants with such grave issues health insurance rates will go out of sight. And sick people have to use a lot of mind-altering drugs to escape the pain of modern choices.
C'mon, B, must you make women your enemy, too?
If it hadn't been for the "feminists" who marched and spoke and protested in the early 1900's, you and I would still not have a right to vote. If you aren't as radical as the current batch (I'm not always) just step back and let them do their job. It will help your daughters and granddaughters someday. You certainly don't need to get in the way of them with all your nasty snarking over nothing.

The current batch are destructive.
Yes, you can't build a new Order without tearing down the old. What happened in your family is sad and I'm sorry for your pain. It isn't feminism to blame, though.

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