CDZ Hey left, how do you feel about limiting presidential power?


Gold Member
Sep 13, 2012
There was a concept being thrown around during Obamas term, mostly on the right, and it was the idea of a state constitutional convention. Which was designed to reign in the power of anything federal (say the executive branch, and a party controlled legislative branch).

Do you really want trump and a republican congress to have as much power as they do now over your life?

I'll leave it at that for now
Trump is not, and will not be a legitimate president, so I oppose him having any power.
Trump is not, and will not be a legitimate president, so I oppose him having any power.

He's legitimate in the sense of if Hillary won the same way, she'd be a legitimate president. That being said trump won states like Pennsylvania which have not gone red in a very long time...

He had a better electoral college turnout than bush did.

So what should be the lefts response...hint I'm trying to help you guys
Trump is not, and will not be a legitimate president, so I oppose him having any power.

He's legitimate in the sense of if Hillary won the same way, she'd be a legitimate president. That being said trump won states like Pennsylvania which have not gone red in a very long time...

He had a better electoral college turnout than bush did.

So what should be the lefts response...hint I'm trying to help you guys

You cannot help the terminally stupid ... you can only pity them.
Trump is not, and will not be a legitimate president, so I oppose him having any power.

He's legitimate in the sense of if Hillary won the same way, she'd be a legitimate president. That being said trump won states like Pennsylvania which have not gone red in a very long time...

He had a better electoral college turnout than bush did.

So what should be the lefts response...hint I'm trying to help you guys

You cannot help the terminally stupid ... you can only pity them.

Did not vote for trump, am I terminally stupid or terminally smart?
There was a concept being thrown around during Obamas term, mostly on the right, and it was the idea of a state constitutional convention. Which was designed to reign in the power of anything federal (say the executive branch, and a party controlled legislative branch).
Do you really want trump and a republican congress to have as much power as they do now over your life?
I'll leave it at that for now
They had as much power back in 04-06 seemed to have gotten by okay. They set off the great recession and got us involved in Iraq. I doubt Donald will do as sucky a job as Bush.
There was a concept being thrown around during Obamas term, mostly on the right, and it was the idea of a state constitutional convention. Which was designed to reign in the power of anything federal (say the executive branch, and a party controlled legislative branch).
Do you really want trump and a republican congress to have as much power as they do now over your life?
I'll leave it at that for now
They had as much power back in 04-06 seemed to have gotten by okay. They set off the great recession and got us involved in Iraq. I doubt Donald will do as sucky a job as Bush.

Yea but we have Syria, Libya, and still Iraq and Afghanistan to deal with. And the derivative debt that drove us into the recession is only being doubled (if you don't believe me watch the big short [the left loves so much], very end of the movie). {this is not my end source, just a illustration source}. A lot more to do with the fed reserve, and realistic markets, than presidency.

Again do you want trump and republican congress to have as much power as they do
Over you?
There was a concept being thrown around during Obamas term, mostly on the right, and it was the idea of a state constitutional convention. Which was designed to reign in the power of anything federal (say the executive branch, and a party controlled legislative branch).
Do you really want trump and a republican congress to have as much power as they do now over your life?
I'll leave it at that for now
They had as much power back in 04-06 seemed to have gotten by okay. They set off the great recession and got us involved in Iraq. I doubt Donald will do as sucky a job as Bush.

Yea but we have Syria, Libya, and still Iraq and Afghanistan to deal with. And the derivative debt that drove us into the recession is only being doubled (if you don't believe me watch the big short [the left loves so much], very end of the movie). {this is not my end source, just a illustration source}. A lot more to do with the fed reserve, and realistic markets, than presidency.

Again do you want trump and republican congress to have as much power as they do
Over you?

Doesn't bother me that much. The federal government has very little impact in our daily lives. The only reason it is discussed here is because of the scale of the message board and the well known figures. If this were the Arizona Republic chat room, we'd be discussing Arpaio and McCain.
Trump is not, and will not be a legitimate president, so I oppose him having any power.

He's legitimate in the sense of if Hillary won the same way, she'd be a legitimate president. That being said trump won states like Pennsylvania which have not gone red in a very long time...

He had a better electoral college turnout than bush did.

So what should be the lefts response...hint I'm trying to help you guys

3 million less votes. The country isn't in his corner.
Sorry chump, the Dems have been decimated. Their power center is mayors of inner city shitholes and that's about it. Garbage collection and parking is where Dems call the shots. That's it.
There was a concept being thrown around during Obamas term, mostly on the right, and it was the idea of a state constitutional convention. Which was designed to reign in the power of anything federal (say the executive branch, and a party controlled legislative branch).

Do you really want trump and a republican congress to have as much power as they do now over your life?

I'll leave it at that for now
Do you have a link to a citation anywhere ?
There was a concept being thrown around during Obamas term, mostly on the right, and it was the idea of a state constitutional convention. Which was designed to reign in the power of anything federal (say the executive branch, and a party controlled legislative branch).

Do you really want trump and a republican congress to have as much power as they do now over your life?

I'll leave it at that for now
we already have a Constitution.
Doesn't bother me that much. The federal government has very little impact in our daily lives. The only reason it is discussed here is because of the scale of the message board and the well known figures. If this were the Arizona Republic chat room, we'd be discussing Arpaio and McCain.
Federal immigration in letting in more H1B's and more illegals too affects everyone.

Higher payroll taxes on the poor, working poor, and middle class such as were imposed by GWH Bush affects almost everyone.

Allowing China and German to take over American manufacturing affects everyone.

candycorn have you been living under a rock ?!
There was a concept being thrown around during Obamas term, mostly on the right, and it was the idea of a state constitutional convention. Which was designed to reign in the power of anything federal (say the executive branch, and a party controlled legislative branch).
Do you really want trump and a republican congress to have as much power as they do now over your life?
I'll leave it at that for now
They had as much power back in 04-06 seemed to have gotten by okay. They set off the great recession and got us involved in Iraq. I doubt Donald will do as sucky a job as Bush.

Yea but we have Syria, Libya, and still Iraq and Afghanistan to deal with. And the derivative debt that drove us into the recession is only being doubled (if you don't believe me watch the big short [the left loves so much], very end of the movie). {this is not my end source, just a illustration source}. A lot more to do with the fed reserve, and realistic markets, than presidency.

Again do you want trump and republican congress to have as much power as they do
Over you?
Like Perot said, the US should get out of the Middle East. They are not allies of the USA. They are mooseleem azzholes who hate everybody. Just let them kill each other off and make sure dumbazz Americans do not travel there on business or otherwise. Netanyahu agrees.
There was a concept being thrown around during Obamas term, mostly on the right, and it was the idea of a state constitutional convention. Which was designed to reign in the power of anything federal (say the executive branch, and a party controlled legislative branch).

Do you really want trump and a republican congress to have as much power as they do now over your life?

I'll leave it at that for now

The power of the executive branch has been expanding since George Washington left office, especially in the last few decades.

I was for reigning in presidential power before Trump and I am certainly in favor of it now. And he is exactly why I am: because when "your guy" is in office those executive powers seem very tempting but when "their guy" gets in...

More importantly, the health of our system of government depends on the checks and balances built into it.

I support a constitutional convention to address executive power creep and 4th Amendment issues recently brought to light by Snowden and others, among other issues.
There was a concept being thrown around during Obamas term, mostly on the right, and it was the idea of a state constitutional convention. Which was designed to reign in the power of anything federal (say the executive branch, and a party controlled legislative branch).

Do you really want trump and a republican congress to have as much power as they do now over your life?

I'll leave it at that for now

I'd rather have a government that has many different parties all vying for power, and thereby limiting the power of others. That's proportional representation.
There was a concept being thrown around during Obamas term, mostly on the right, and it was the idea of a state constitutional convention. Which was designed to reign in the power of anything federal (say the executive branch, and a party controlled legislative branch).

Do you really want trump and a republican congress to have as much power as they do now over your life?

I'll leave it at that for now

What an awesome thread. I always love it when a person of superior intellect weighs in with a concept such as this. I mean...this outstanding person didn't vote for either Clinton nor Trump. He's clearly smarter than everyone else.

Trump and a republican congress only have as much power as we choose to give them. While we can experience some short term discomfort if members in congress don't hold up their end of the bargain, we've got a built-in remedy. There is nothing like an incompetent demagogue to liven things up for a spell.

Of course, were I a member of the military, I might be somewhat more concerned. It's clear that our PEOTUS is the type of person who has personal insecurities. He's going to make use of the might of our military at some point in an offensive manner.

Now....don't fall off of that perch of yours, oh great one. We wouldn't want you to have to make any decisions.
There was a concept being thrown around during Obamas term, mostly on the right, and it was the idea of a state constitutional convention. Which was designed to reign in the power of anything federal (say the executive branch, and a party controlled legislative branch).

Do you really want trump and a republican congress to have as much power as they do now over your life?

I'll leave it at that for now
Like a lot of Americans, I feel uneasy about tinkering with the rule book just because we don't like the opposition quarterback. Trump lied his way into the White House because the TV news bunnies were asleep at the switch. Reform of the Electoral College is long overdue. Letting the GOP gerrymander Congress and federal agencies will only make the dangers of the Trump administration much worse. Rigorous investigation and full reporting will get the guy impeached before the 2020 congressional elections.
There was a concept being thrown around during Obamas term, mostly on the right, and it was the idea of a state constitutional convention. Which was designed to reign in the power of anything federal (say the executive branch, and a party controlled legislative branch).

Do you really want trump and a republican congress to have as much power as they do now over your life?

I'll leave it at that for now

You got it all wrong, we are real close to having enough states sign for a constitution convention but it started before obama

Wait a second this is a troll thread and doesn't belong here

34 States Call for Constitutional Convention — and Possible Rewrite

For example, Alabama, Florida, Georgia, and New Hampshire called for a convention in the 1970s, and all later rescinded the requests. While they were not the only states to rescind the measure, since 2010 the four states have again called for a convention to specifically deal with a balanced-budget amendment.

The resulting confusion, and lack of clear guidance in the Constitution, will have to be sorted out by the congressional leadership since Article 5 says that Congress "shall call a convention for proposing amendments" when requested by enough states.

Under Article 5 of the Constitution, such a convention can be convened when requested by two-thirds of the states, and it is one of two ways to propose amendments to the nation's founding document.

The other method — by which all previous constitutional amendments have been initiated — requires a two-thirds vote in both houses of Congress. Ratifying amendments then require three-fourths of the states to approve.

Many but not all of the states have called for a convention that would specifically seek to balance the budget.

"A balanced budget amendment is long overdue and remains an effective tool to address runaway spending and deficits," Hunter said.

Unless called to deal with a specific issue, some legal experts warn a "runaway" convention could create chaos.
There was a concept being thrown around during Obamas term, mostly on the right, and it was the idea of a state constitutional convention. Which was designed to reign in the power of anything federal (say the executive branch, and a party controlled legislative branch).

Do you really want trump and a republican congress to have as much power as they do now over your life?

I'll leave it at that for now
Do you have a link to a citation anywhere ?

Not sure what specifically you're asking for citation too. But here's probably the most relevant link I can give you haha

Convention of States

I assume they have an FAQ section for whatever you might be looking for. But it's a legitimate avenue left in the constitution for exactly what we're dealing with, for this exact contingency that the founders saw coming.

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