hey libbs !!! this is what the founding fathers think of your policies !!!

Spoken like a true dittohead lol!

Your "research" is bunk and you have NOTHING to back up your opinion!

Wanna try again?
The founding fathers were a diverse group of patriots who shared their patriotism and set aside differences to forge a nation.

Anyone who thinks they can accurately depict the stances of these diverse men and where they would fall should be giggled at.

You'd likely have a group that is what they seemed to be: larger than life. A group that would fall flat; John Edwards types. And you would have the majority that would become hacks to some political faction or another.

Do you guys (both right and left) REALLY think that somehow in 1980 or 1970 or 1960 politics was discovered and corruption magically appeared? Idiots.

Hackdom should really be outlawed; short of that the hackdom has reduced people like Yindar to complete moron status (if he wasn't there already) and he really shouldn't embrace it that much.
Well said!

It is just too easy these days to simplify complex problems by blaming them on one political ideology over another.

I see it on both the "right" and the "left!"
Well said!

It is just too easy these days to simplify complex problems by blaming them on one political ideology over another.

I see it on both the "right" and the "left!"
people like you want gov controll and intervention in every aspect of American life ...it's that simple !!
Brainwashed to nonfunction...Affordable, guaranteed Health Care and taking care of the victims of the Pub depression is not communism, shytteheads...The FF were the big gov't liberals of their day- compared to kings fegging the people...
Spoken like a true dittohead lol!

Your "research" is bunk and you have NOTHING to back up your opinion!

Wanna try again?

Tell me how this is bunk. The OP gave a link to actual quotes of our founding fathers.

Thomas Jefferson:

The democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to work and give to those who would not.

To compel a man to furnish funds for the propagation of ideas he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

Read the link and the actual quotes. Then explain why you don't understand them.
Ummm, the founding fathers also had slaves and at the time women weren't allowed to even discuss politics in public. So do you think we should re-institute slavery and end women's suffrage? Oh, did you just say "well, some things are different because the founding fathers lived a long time ago in a different world"?


And the Republicans are as big of a disgrace as the Democrats.
Ummm, the founding fathers also had slaves and at the time women weren't allowed to even discuss politics in public. So do you think we should re-institute slavery and end women's suffrage? Oh, did you just say "well, some things are different because the founding fathers lived a long time ago in a different world"?


And the Republicans are as big of a disgrace as the Democrats.

The things they said about taxes are correct and the very reason this country was started.

Some things were different and it's good they changed. The fact that countries self destruct from redistribution of wealth remains a fact and always will.
Do you guys (both right and left) REALLY think that somehow in 1980 or 1970 or 1960 politics was discovered and corruption magically appeared? Idiots.

Hackdom should really be outlawed; short of that the hackdom has reduced people like Yindar to complete moron status (if he wasn't there already) and he really shouldn't embrace it that much.

Hackdom in Congress was established early on. One of my favorite early examples is the loose constructionist Federalists attacking the Jefferson administration for allegedly exceeding its constitutional powers in acquiring the Louisiana Territory; Jefferson's strict constructionist Democratic-Republicans then took to the floor of Congress to justify it, among other ways, by referencing the "very comprehensive" import of the general welfare clause.

Each side temporarily taking up the arguments of the other to clobber each other politically. Some things never change. And were never different to begin with.
If Congress can employ money indefinitely to the general welfare… The powers of Congress would subvert the very foundation, the very nature of the limited government established by the people of America. - Madison

Hmmm, makes ya think donit?
The States were sovereign entities at that time too. Had they seen the clusterfuck of a Federal government we have today NONE of them would have signed on...that's "Progress"
The States were sovereign entities at that time too. Had they seen the clusterfuck of a Federal government we have today NONE of them would have signed on...that's "Progress"

They really screwed up by putting Article V in there and letting the people of the United States and their representatives amend the document.

They'd be kicking themselves if they were around today!
Well said!

It is just too easy these days to simplify complex problems by blaming them on one political ideology over another.

I see it on both the "right" and the "left!"

I've always held that both parties (and ideologies) are out to lunch fiscally. We spend money on the most disgraceful things. We spend money on tobacco prevention on one side of the ledger and we use monies gained through tobacco settlements to subsidize tobacco farmers (at least--not sure what other federal monies are coming their way).

We're 13 Trillion in debt and we're still funding PBS and NPR. I love NPR and could match anyone word for word on Wait Wait trivia if challenged but when you're this far underwater; what would you call an unnecessary expense if funding Car Talk isn't it? How many trillions do you have to be in debt before you cut off funding?

Both sides are wrong in taking care of the public coffers. I remember 20/20 doing a study on a lab doing a study on the flow rate of ketchup. I've chronicled the 1/4 of a million spend by a local health dept. on refrigerators that were not needed and were, by and large, not being used to this day. Meanwhile, that same LHD is running a pet adoption program while it is reducing the hours and services it offers for the health care of humans. The LHD is managed by brick-red republicans.

You can't trust either party. Morons on this board will hurry to point out and make the lame assed argument that, "Those were not "real" republicans or "real" liberals or "real" conservatives or "real" democrats. Yeah, like in the last 35 years, there hasn't been a "real" anything with the power of the purse in the Federal Government? Nonsense.
Spoken like a true dittohead lol!

Your "research" is bunk and you have NOTHING to back up your opinion!

Wanna try again?

Tell me how this is bunk. The OP gave a link to actual quotes of our founding fathers.

Thomas Jefferson:

The democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to work and give to those who would not.

To compel a man to furnish funds for the propagation of ideas he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

I understand them but I would suggest thet you are the one missing the historical contexts of the very quotes you cite.

Read the link and the actual quotes. Then explain why you don't understand them.

I understand them.

I would submit that it is you who is lacking in understanding the historical context of these quotes!
Pubs lie cheat and steal, ruin the nonrich, pander to the greedy rich, gave us 2 Depressions, the stupidest wars ever, and brainwash dupes with BS. Dems are just fine, gave us every good social program and our stable growth....

No compromise, "Un-American" (TIME) Tea Party GOP. GOP- a neverending disaster...
The States were sovereign entities at that time too. Had they seen the clusterfuck of a Federal government we have today NONE of them would have signed on...that's "Progress"

They really screwed up by putting Article V in there and letting the people of the United States and their representatives amend the document.

They'd be kicking themselves if they were around today!

Reagan had it right, we're always only a generation away from losing it and I fear an Obama reelection will end the American Experiment
Spoken like a true dittohead lol!

Your "research" is bunk and you have NOTHING to back up your opinion!

Wanna try again?

Tell me how this is bunk. The OP gave a link to actual quotes of our founding fathers.

Thomas Jefferson:

The democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to work and give to those who would not.

To compel a man to furnish funds for the propagation of ideas he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

I understand them but I would suggest thet you are the one missing the historical contexts of the very quotes you cite.

Read the link and the actual quotes. Then explain why you don't understand them.

I understand them.

I would submit that it is you who is lacking in understanding the historical context of these quotes!

More diversion. You're good at that, but then have probably learned from the masters.

Taking from those who work and giving to those that don't is dangerous. That is exactly what our government has been doing. If the takers outnumber the makers, what then? As Margaret Thatcher said, the problem with socialism is that eventually you run out of other people's money.

There are able bodied people on the doles. There are millions of illegal aliens on the doles. Of course, all of them will vote for those who take from others on their behalf. That is the goal and always has been. There was never a war on poverty, just a quest for power. No one is elevated because of welfare, they have simply been made comfortable in poverty and that is why they've stayed there. We have a whole new definition of poverty these days, which simply means that people have to do less toward their own survival and government subsidizes the rest. Why would people attempt to become more educated or find a better job when the government makes up the difference? Many of our "poor" really aren't poor. They are more comfortable with less effort than the rest of us.

The average welfare family, with at least one member working full time, has more disposable income that middle class families who don't accept any welfare. Something to think about because those who pay have it harder than those who receive.
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