Hey Mitt..........Americans are not moochers!


Award Winning USMB Paid Messageboard Poster
Aug 4, 2009
Americans are not moochers - CNN.com

Americans are not a nation of moochers and helpless dependents. Those who are not paying federal income tax would gladly do so, because it would mean they have a decent-paying job.GOP presidential candidate Mitt Romney is right that 47% of Americans don't pay federal income tax. But he is wrong to suggest almost half of Americans pay no tax at all and feel entitled to live off government handouts.

Romney said: "There are 47% of the people who will vote for the president no matter what. All right, there are 47% who are with him, who are dependent upon government, who believe that they are victims, who believe the government has a responsibility to care for them, who believe that they are entitled to health care, to food, to housing, to you-name-it. But that's an entitlement. And the government should give it to them. And they will vote for this president no matter what. ... These are people who pay no income tax."

It's true that some Americans don't pay federal income tax. But virtually all Americans pay some form of tax, whether it's sales, payroll, state income, or property tax.

Rick McGaheyOver 60% of those who don't pay income tax are working; they pay payroll tax, which goes to support Social Security and Medicare. Another 22% of those who don't pay income tax are the elderly; most of them don't work.

In fact, only about 8% of Americans pay neither federal income tax nor payroll tax, because they are unemployed, are students, or are disabled.
Mitt Romney disgusts me. He and the wave of radical right wing GOP'ers taking over local offices are the worst of the worst in terms of arrogance.
Mitt Romney disgusts me. He and the wave of radical right wing GOP'ers taking over local offices are the worst of the worst in terms of arrogance.

yeah. He's just saying what he knows the eXtreme rw'ers want to hear. Sad. :(
So what is a good paying job, and 47% of Americans dont have one? Uh Obama has done soooo much in 4 years....like play golf
Again... for the umpteen billionth time

The only time an adult US citizen should be paying zero in income tax is when that person earns zero in income... every citizen, every dollar, treated the same should be the goal

And if you are taking more back in refunds than you were putting in in the first place, you are dependent and being supported
Americans are not moochers - CNN.com

Americans are not a nation of moochers and helpless dependents. Those who are not paying federal income tax would gladly do so, because it would mean they have a decent-paying job.GOP presidential candidate Mitt Romney is right that 47% of Americans don't pay federal income tax. But he is wrong to suggest almost half of Americans pay no tax at all and feel entitled to live off government handouts.

Romney said: "There are 47% of the people who will vote for the president no matter what. All right, there are 47% who are with him, who are dependent upon government, who believe that they are victims, who believe the government has a responsibility to care for them, who believe that they are entitled to health care, to food, to housing, to you-name-it. But that's an entitlement. And the government should give it to them. And they will vote for this president no matter what. ... These are people who pay no income tax."

It's true that some Americans don't pay federal income tax. But virtually all Americans pay some form of tax, whether it's sales, payroll, state income, or property tax.

Rick McGaheyOver 60% of those who don't pay income tax are working; they pay payroll tax, which goes to support Social Security and Medicare. Another 22% of those who don't pay income tax are the elderly; most of them don't work.

In fact, of Americans pay neither federal income tax nor payroll tax, because they are unemployed, are students, or are disabled.

Oh, it's far worse than Than, "only about 8%" ol buddy, check this out and that's only in California. Now, if you include the costs of Obama induced regulations, the true inflation rates affecting gasoline, medical costs and several others... man, we have been pretty well screwed over in the last 4 years..


Prior to the onset of the financial crisis in 2008, California’s unemployment rate was 6.4 percent. By official measures, unemployment has stagnated for most of 2012 at around 11 percent, well over the national rate of 8.2 percent.

Many counties in the state have double-digit unemployment, like Colusa County with 22.6 percent and Imperial County near San Diego with 26.8 percent joblessness. The Central Valley, home to the state’s most impoverished farmworkers, contains many counties that are also struggling with near 20 percent unemployment, like Yuba (17.1 percent), Merced (18.8 percent), and Sutter (19.8 percent) counties.

Workers speak on California unemployment crisis
Just so it's clear to you lefty idiots, when someone refers to people who don't pay income tax they're referring to income tax. I know it's a tough concept to grasp but work on it a little and the old light bulb just might go on.

It's a great spin attempt to point out folks pay sales tax, payroll tax, etc., but people with brains know we all have to pay those taxes on top of our federal income taxes, which ultimately provide the revenue for the government freebies.
One of the definitions of whore is "A person considered as having compromised principles for personal gain." A perfect description of Willard. That stiff has a principle for every ocassion.
Just so it's clear to you lefty idiots, when someone refers to people who don't pay income tax they're referring to income tax. I know it's a tough concept to grasp but work on it a little and the old light bulb just might go on.

It's a great spin attempt to point out folks pay sales tax, payroll tax, etc., but people with brains know we all have to pay those taxes on top of our federal income taxes, which ultimately provide the revenue for the government freebies.

In that instance its just a case of what pocket the money comes out of. It is still a tax burden you must pay

The effective total tax rate on many of that 47% is still higher than the paltry 13% Romney pays
Americans are not moochers - CNN.com

Americans are not a nation of moochers and helpless dependents. Those who are not paying federal income tax would gladly do so, because it would mean they have a decent-paying job.GOP presidential candidate Mitt Romney is right that 47% of Americans don't pay federal income tax. But he is wrong to suggest almost half of Americans pay no tax at all and feel entitled to live off government handouts.

Romney said: "There are 47% of the people who will vote for the president no matter what. All right, there are 47% who are with him, who are dependent upon government, who believe that they are victims, who believe the government has a responsibility to care for them, who believe that they are entitled to health care, to food, to housing, to you-name-it. But that's an entitlement. And the government should give it to them. And they will vote for this president no matter what. ... These are people who pay no income tax."

It's true that some Americans don't pay federal income tax. But virtually all Americans pay some form of tax, whether it's sales, payroll, state income, or property tax.

Rick McGaheyOver 60% of those who don't pay income tax are working; they pay payroll tax, which goes to support Social Security and Medicare. Another 22% of those who don't pay income tax are the elderly; most of them don't work.

In fact, only about 8% of Americans pay neither federal income tax nor payroll tax, because they are unemployed, are students, or are disabled.

RW, when you mention low wages, you hit the nail on the head. For over three decades wage earners have seen very little in wage growth that keeps up with inflation. Also, many of the newly created jobs are low paying jobs. Now who determines wages and wage growth? Would it be the same folks that ship jobs offshore?
With the demise of wages growth, of course fewer and fewer people become eligible to pay taxes per the convenient definition of taxpayers that the right loves to use (but it isn't accutate at all).
Where are the alleged job creators on this issue?
Mitt Romney disgusts me. He and the wave of radical right wing GOP'ers taking over local offices are the worst of the worst in terms of arrogance.

I love this kind of near sighted comedy...:lol:
Romney nailed it, mostly.

Pew Research's American Values Survey tells us 78% of Democrats believe it is the governments job to provide food and shelter.

You have a dependency mindset.
Just so it's clear to you lefty idiots, when someone refers to people who don't pay income tax they're referring to income tax. I know it's a tough concept to grasp but work on it a little and the old light bulb just might go on.

It's a great spin attempt to point out folks pay sales tax, payroll tax, etc., but people with brains know we all have to pay those taxes on top of our federal income taxes, which ultimately provide the revenue for the government freebies.

But....but....but....without saying "federal income tax", the left will have something to spin.

Afterall....spin is all they gots.
Americans are not moochers - CNN.com

Americans are not a nation of moochers and helpless dependents. Those who are not paying federal income tax would gladly do so, because it would mean they have a decent-paying job.GOP presidential candidate Mitt Romney is right that 47% of Americans don't pay federal income tax. But he is wrong to suggest almost half of Americans pay no tax at all and feel entitled to live off government handouts.

Romney said: "There are 47% of the people who will vote for the president no matter what. All right, there are 47% who are with him, who are dependent upon government, who believe that they are victims, who believe the government has a responsibility to care for them, who believe that they are entitled to health care, to food, to housing, to you-name-it. But that's an entitlement. And the government should give it to them. And they will vote for this president no matter what. ... These are people who pay no income tax."

It's true that some Americans don't pay federal income tax. But virtually all Americans pay some form of tax, whether it's sales, payroll, state income, or property tax.

Rick McGaheyOver 60% of those who don't pay income tax are working; they pay payroll tax, which goes to support Social Security and Medicare. Another 22% of those who don't pay income tax are the elderly; most of them don't work.

In fact, only about 8% of Americans pay neither federal income tax nor payroll tax, because they are unemployed, are students, or are disabled.

RW, when you mention low wages, you hit the nail on the head. For over three decades wage earners have seen very little in wage growth that keeps up with inflation. Also, many of the newly created jobs are low paying jobs. Now who determines wages and wage growth? Would it be the same folks that ship jobs offshore?
With the demise of wages growth, of course fewer and fewer people become eligible to pay taxes per the convenient definition of taxpayers that the right loves to use (but it isn't accutate at all).
Where are the alleged job creators on this issue?

They took their Bush tax cut extensions and ran, just like Cantor and Boehner knew they would all along....
Americans are not moochers - CNN.com

Americans are not a nation of moochers and helpless dependents. Those who are not paying federal income tax would gladly do so, because it would mean they have a decent-paying job.GOP presidential candidate Mitt Romney is right that 47% of Americans don't pay federal income tax. But he is wrong to suggest almost half of Americans pay no tax at all and feel entitled to live off government handouts.

Romney said: "There are 47% of the people who will vote for the president no matter what. All right, there are 47% who are with him, who are dependent upon government, who believe that they are victims, who believe the government has a responsibility to care for them, who believe that they are entitled to health care, to food, to housing, to you-name-it. But that's an entitlement. And the government should give it to them. And they will vote for this president no matter what. ... These are people who pay no income tax."

It's true that some Americans don't pay federal income tax. But virtually all Americans pay some form of tax, whether it's sales, payroll, state income, or property tax.

Rick McGaheyOver 60% of those who don't pay income tax are working; they pay payroll tax, which goes to support Social Security and Medicare. Another 22% of those who don't pay income tax are the elderly; most of them don't work.

In fact, only about 8% of Americans pay neither federal income tax nor payroll tax, because they are unemployed, are students, or are disabled.

RW, when you mention low wages, you hit the nail on the head. For over three decades wage earners have seen very little in wage growth that keeps up with inflation. Also, many of the newly created jobs are low paying jobs. Now who determines wages and wage growth? Would it be the same folks that ship jobs offshore?
With the demise of wages growth, of course fewer and fewer people become eligible to pay taxes per the convenient definition of taxpayers that the right loves to use (but it isn't accutate at all).
Where are the alleged job creators on this issue?

The alleged job creators are waiting for a bit of certainty before creating jobs.

Not a very difficult concept to understand....unless you have never created a job.
Americans are not moochers - CNN.com

Americans are not a nation of moochers and helpless dependents. Those who are not paying federal income tax would gladly do so, because it would mean they have a decent-paying job.GOP presidential candidate Mitt Romney is right that 47% of Americans don't pay federal income tax. But he is wrong to suggest almost half of Americans pay no tax at all and feel entitled to live off government handouts.

Romney said: "There are 47% of the people who will vote for the president no matter what. All right, there are 47% who are with him, who are dependent upon government, who believe that they are victims, who believe the government has a responsibility to care for them, who believe that they are entitled to health care, to food, to housing, to you-name-it. But that's an entitlement. And the government should give it to them. And they will vote for this president no matter what. ... These are people who pay no income tax."

It's true that some Americans don't pay federal income tax. But virtually all Americans pay some form of tax, whether it's sales, payroll, state income, or property tax.

Rick McGaheyOver 60% of those who don't pay income tax are working; they pay payroll tax, which goes to support Social Security and Medicare. Another 22% of those who don't pay income tax are the elderly; most of them don't work.

In fact, only about 8% of Americans pay neither federal income tax nor payroll tax, because they are unemployed, are students, or are disabled.

RW, when you mention low wages, you hit the nail on the head. For over three decades wage earners have seen very little in wage growth that keeps up with inflation. Also, many of the newly created jobs are low paying jobs. Now who determines wages and wage growth? Would it be the same folks that ship jobs offshore?
With the demise of wages growth, of course fewer and fewer people become eligible to pay taxes per the convenient definition of taxpayers that the right loves to use (but it isn't accutate at all).
Where are the alleged job creators on this issue?

They took their Bush tax cut extensions and ran, just like Cantor and Boehner knew they would all along....


They took their Bush tax cuts and sat....waiting for the cap and trade rhetoric to die down.

It is known as being wise with your investing.
RW, when you mention low wages, you hit the nail on the head. For over three decades wage earners have seen very little in wage growth that keeps up with inflation. Also, many of the newly created jobs are low paying jobs. Now who determines wages and wage growth? Would it be the same folks that ship jobs offshore?
With the demise of wages growth, of course fewer and fewer people become eligible to pay taxes per the convenient definition of taxpayers that the right loves to use (but it isn't accutate at all).
Where are the alleged job creators on this issue?

They took their Bush tax cut extensions and ran, just like Cantor and Boehner knew they would all along....


They took their Bush tax cuts and sat....waiting for the cap and trade rhetoric to die down.

It is known as being wise with your investing.

So, they took their money and ran....as in they did not, nor did they ever have any intention on using Bush's tax cuts to create new jobs. Put another way, Cantor and Boehner lied.
They took their Bush tax cut extensions and ran, just like Cantor and Boehner knew they would all along....


They took their Bush tax cuts and sat....waiting for the cap and trade rhetoric to die down.

It is known as being wise with your investing.

So, they took their money and ran....as in they did not, nor did they ever have any intention on using Bush's tax cuts to create new jobs. Put another way, Cantor and Boehner lied.

Well compare what Obama promised to what he's delivered....:lol:
They took their Bush tax cut extensions and ran, just like Cantor and Boehner knew they would all along....


They took their Bush tax cuts and sat....waiting for the cap and trade rhetoric to die down.

It is known as being wise with your investing.

So, they took their money and ran....as in they did not, nor did they ever have any intention on using Bush's tax cuts to create new jobs. Put another way, Cantor and Boehner lied.

I am not sure how you can be so sure that they never intended to use it to expand their companies.

Truth is....Obama anbd the left are right. Greed is what drives the money makers....and it is greed that drives business owners to grow their companies. Greed and ego.

So I disagree. Give a bhusiness owner more capital....and the greed and the ego of that business owner will give him/her reason to expand.

Unless, of course, there is reason to be leery...and I know as a business plannner...the cap and trade rhetoric scared the crap out of business owners.

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