Hey Mitt..........Americans are not moochers!


They took their Bush tax cuts and sat....waiting for the cap and trade rhetoric to die down.

It is known as being wise with your investing.

So, they took their money and ran....as in they did not, nor did they ever have any intention on using Bush's tax cuts to create new jobs. Put another way, Cantor and Boehner lied.

Well compare what Obama promised to what he's delivered....:lol:

Nice deflection...

They took their Bush tax cuts and sat....waiting for the cap and trade rhetoric to die down.

It is known as being wise with your investing.

So, they took their money and ran....as in they did not, nor did they ever have any intention on using Bush's tax cuts to create new jobs. Put another way, Cantor and Boehner lied.

I am not sure how you can be so sure that they never intended to use it to expand their companies.

Truth is....Obama anbd the left are right. Greed is what drives the money makers....and it is greed that drives business owners to grow their companies. Greed and ego.

So I disagree. Give a bhusiness owner more capital....and the greed and the ego of that business owner will give him/her reason to expand.

Unless, of course, there is reason to be leery...and I know as a business plannner...the cap and trade rhetoric scared the crap out of business owners.

Then, as ethical business owners, they should give back the money they have gained by the extension of the Bush tax cuts, because they ALL know why they got them.
Americans are not moochers - CNN.com

Americans are not a nation of moochers and helpless dependents. Those who are not paying federal income tax would gladly do so, because it would mean they have a decent-paying job.GOP presidential candidate Mitt Romney is right that 47% of Americans don't pay federal income tax. But he is wrong to suggest almost half of Americans pay no tax at all and feel entitled to live off government handouts.

Romney said: "There are 47% of the people who will vote for the president no matter what. All right, there are 47% who are with him, who are dependent upon government, who believe that they are victims, who believe the government has a responsibility to care for them, who believe that they are entitled to health care, to food, to housing, to you-name-it. But that's an entitlement. And the government should give it to them. And they will vote for this president no matter what. ... These are people who pay no income tax."

It's true that some Americans don't pay federal income tax. But virtually all Americans pay some form of tax, whether it's sales, payroll, state income, or property tax.

Rick McGaheyOver 60% of those who don't pay income tax are working; they pay payroll tax, which goes to support Social Security and Medicare. Another 22% of those who don't pay income tax are the elderly; most of them don't work.

In fact, only about 8% of Americans pay neither federal income tax nor payroll tax, because they are unemployed, are students, or are disabled.

RW, when you mention low wages, you hit the nail on the head. For over three decades wage earners have seen very little in wage growth that keeps up with inflation. Also, many of the newly created jobs are low paying jobs. Now who determines wages and wage growth? Would it be the same folks that ship jobs offshore?
With the demise of wages growth, of course fewer and fewer people become eligible to pay taxes per the convenient definition of taxpayers that the right loves to use (but it isn't accutate at all).
Where are the alleged job creators on this issue?

Many people in that 47% paid federal taxes for most of their lives. They used to have jobs that paid a competitive salary with benefits. They used to have disposable incomes and a piece of the American dream

They have since been dumped into the group of working Americans who struggle to support their families, who worry about their future and who no longer have an easy path ahead

And yes....It is the "Job Creators" who have dumped them into the 47% that Mitt Romney derides
So, they took their money and ran....as in they did not, nor did they ever have any intention on using Bush's tax cuts to create new jobs. Put another way, Cantor and Boehner lied.

I am not sure how you can be so sure that they never intended to use it to expand their companies.

Truth is....Obama anbd the left are right. Greed is what drives the money makers....and it is greed that drives business owners to grow their companies. Greed and ego.

So I disagree. Give a bhusiness owner more capital....and the greed and the ego of that business owner will give him/her reason to expand.

Unless, of course, there is reason to be leery...and I know as a business plannner...the cap and trade rhetoric scared the crap out of business owners.

Then, as ethical business owners, they should give back the money they have gained by the extension of the Bush tax cuts, because they ALL know why they got them.

And those folks that got the tax cuts when Obama was elected....you know....the 95% that got those cuts to stimulate the economy by spending them on goods and services...and instead did the smart thing and paid off debt and socked the rest in the bank.......they, too should be ethical and give it back?
I am not sure how you can be so sure that they never intended to use it to expand their companies.

Truth is....Obama anbd the left are right. Greed is what drives the money makers....and it is greed that drives business owners to grow their companies. Greed and ego.

So I disagree. Give a bhusiness owner more capital....and the greed and the ego of that business owner will give him/her reason to expand.

Unless, of course, there is reason to be leery...and I know as a business plannner...the cap and trade rhetoric scared the crap out of business owners.

Then, as ethical business owners, they should give back the money they have gained by the extension of the Bush tax cuts, because they ALL know why they got them.

And those folks that got the tax cuts when Obama was elected....you know....the 95% that got those cuts to stimulate the economy by spending them on goods and services...and instead did the smart thing and paid off debt and socked the rest in the bank.......they, too should be ethical and give it back?

I agree. Since I got nothing from Bush nor Obama, as it pertained to "stimulus" checks, I have nothing to worry about.
Americans are not moochers - CNN.com

Americans are not a nation of moochers and helpless dependents. Those who are not paying federal income tax would gladly do so, because it would mean they have a decent-paying job.GOP presidential candidate Mitt Romney is right that 47% of Americans don't pay federal income tax. But he is wrong to suggest almost half of Americans pay no tax at all and feel entitled to live off government handouts.

Romney said: "There are 47% of the people who will vote for the president no matter what. All right, there are 47% who are with him, who are dependent upon government, who believe that they are victims, who believe the government has a responsibility to care for them, who believe that they are entitled to health care, to food, to housing, to you-name-it. But that's an entitlement. And the government should give it to them. And they will vote for this president no matter what. ... These are people who pay no income tax."

It's true that some Americans don't pay federal income tax. But virtually all Americans pay some form of tax, whether it's sales, payroll, state income, or property tax.

Rick McGaheyOver 60% of those who don't pay income tax are working; they pay payroll tax, which goes to support Social Security and Medicare. Another 22% of those who don't pay income tax are the elderly; most of them don't work.

In fact, only about 8% of Americans pay neither federal income tax nor payroll tax, because they are unemployed, are students, or are disabled.

RW, when you mention low wages, you hit the nail on the head. For over three decades wage earners have seen very little in wage growth that keeps up with inflation. Also, many of the newly created jobs are low paying jobs. Now who determines wages and wage growth? Would it be the same folks that ship jobs offshore?
With the demise of wages growth, of course fewer and fewer people become eligible to pay taxes per the convenient definition of taxpayers that the right loves to use (but it isn't accutate at all).
Where are the alleged job creators on this issue?

They took their Bush tax cut extensions and ran, just like Cantor and Boehner knew they would all along....

Interestingly, between 2003-2008, 1.2 million jobs were created,,,,offshore per the non-partisan Congressional Research Service. What a great idea for the job creators, doing so lowers cost and increases profits and with that Capital Gains reduction, some folks made some major bucks and it wasn't the working class.
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Americans are not moochers - CNN.com

Americans are not a nation of moochers and helpless dependents. Those who are not paying federal income tax would gladly do so, because it would mean they have a decent-paying job.GOP presidential candidate Mitt Romney is right that 47% of Americans don't pay federal income tax. But he is wrong to suggest almost half of Americans pay no tax at all and feel entitled to live off government handouts.

Romney said: "There are 47% of the people who will vote for the president no matter what. All right, there are 47% who are with him, who are dependent upon government, who believe that they are victims, who believe the government has a responsibility to care for them, who believe that they are entitled to health care, to food, to housing, to you-name-it. But that's an entitlement. And the government should give it to them. And they will vote for this president no matter what. ... These are people who pay no income tax."

It's true that some Americans don't pay federal income tax. But virtually all Americans pay some form of tax, whether it's sales, payroll, state income, or property tax.

Rick McGaheyOver 60% of those who don't pay income tax are working; they pay payroll tax, which goes to support Social Security and Medicare. Another 22% of those who don't pay income tax are the elderly; most of them don't work.

In fact, only about 8% of Americans pay neither federal income tax nor payroll tax, because they are unemployed, are students, or are disabled.

RW, when you mention low wages, you hit the nail on the head. For over three decades wage earners have seen very little in wage growth that keeps up with inflation. Also, many of the newly created jobs are low paying jobs. Now who determines wages and wage growth? Would it be the same folks that ship jobs offshore?
With the demise of wages growth, of course fewer and fewer people become eligible to pay taxes per the convenient definition of taxpayers that the right loves to use (but it isn't accutate at all).
Where are the alleged job creators on this issue?

The alleged job creators are waiting for a bit of certainty before creating jobs.

Not a very difficult concept to understand....unless you have never created a job.

Job creators wisely trimmed their workforce in the economic collapse of 2007-2008. They laid off workers, forced the remaining workers to do more for less pay and benefits

As the market recovered and the economic panic eased, they looked around and said "Why increase wages?...I make more money without paying former wages and benefits"

The stock market has doubled in four years....workers have not benefitted at all
FAILED THREAD.. This Welfare President has created an ENTITLEMENT nation.. What's going to happen when we hit that cliff?? You liberal snot-noses are going to be losing your section-8 housing and eating roaches being your food stamp cards will be void. It's coming.. even your Dumbo in the WH admitted it on Letterman. You Zombie liberals are the biggest fools this nation has ever been saddled with.
Then, as ethical business owners, they should give back the money they have gained by the extension of the Bush tax cuts, because they ALL know why they got them.

And those folks that got the tax cuts when Obama was elected....you know....the 95% that got those cuts to stimulate the economy by spending them on goods and services...and instead did the smart thing and paid off debt and socked the rest in the bank.......they, too should be ethical and give it back?

I agree. Since I got nothing from Bush nor Obama, as it pertained to "stimulus" checks, I have nothing to worry about.

Yep...I got nada as well.

In the meantime, my wife started a company in January...and has since hired 5 people.....and a vendor who was on the verge of going out of business when he lost his number 1 client approiached her when she opened and she gave him a shot.....and as a result she saved all 15 jobs of his employees.

So she has saved and created more jobs in 9 months than Obama has in 4 years.

And she didnt get a penny from Obama or Bush as well.
RW, when you mention low wages, you hit the nail on the head. For over three decades wage earners have seen very little in wage growth that keeps up with inflation. Also, many of the newly created jobs are low paying jobs. Now who determines wages and wage growth? Would it be the same folks that ship jobs offshore?
With the demise of wages growth, of course fewer and fewer people become eligible to pay taxes per the convenient definition of taxpayers that the right loves to use (but it isn't accutate at all).
Where are the alleged job creators on this issue?

The alleged job creators are waiting for a bit of certainty before creating jobs.

Not a very difficult concept to understand....unless you have never created a job.

Job creators wisely trimmed their workforce in the economic collapse of 2007-2008. They laid off workers, forced the remaining workers to do more for less pay and benefits

As the market recovered and the economic panic eased, they looked around and said "Why increase wages?...I make more money without paying former wages and benefits"

The stock market has doubled in four years....workers have not benefitted at all

Maybe they should have invested in the market

Maybe they should have opened their own business

Or maybe, just maybe they should have got together and worked with government to amend the Constitution to make the pay that they want or think they deserve a right
FAILED THREAD.. This Welfare President has created an ENTITLEMENT nation.. What's going to happen when we hit that cliff?? You liberal snot-noses are going to be losing your section-8 housing and eating roaches being your food stamp cards will be void. It's coming.. even your Dumbo in the WH admitted it on Letterman. You Zombie liberals are the biggest fools this nation has ever been saddled with.

What entitlements has Obama provided?
RW, when you mention low wages, you hit the nail on the head. For over three decades wage earners have seen very little in wage growth that keeps up with inflation. Also, many of the newly created jobs are low paying jobs. Now who determines wages and wage growth? Would it be the same folks that ship jobs offshore?
With the demise of wages growth, of course fewer and fewer people become eligible to pay taxes per the convenient definition of taxpayers that the right loves to use (but it isn't accutate at all).
Where are the alleged job creators on this issue?

They took their Bush tax cut extensions and ran, just like Cantor and Boehner knew they would all along....

Interestingly, between 2003-2008, 1.2 million jobs were created,,,,offshore per the non-partisan Congressional Research Service. What a great idea for the job creators, doing so lowers cost and increases profits and with that Capital Gains reduction, some folks made some major bucks and it wasn't the working class.

So you must question why it is so much more profitable to send jobs overseas.

Maybe the US is just too expensive a country to live in.

Maybe that is our problem?
They took their Bush tax cut extensions and ran, just like Cantor and Boehner knew they would all along....

Interestingly, between 2003-2008, 1.2 million jobs were created,,,,offshore per the non-partisan Congressional Research Service. What a great idea for the job creators, doing so lowers cost and increases profits and with that Capital Gains reduction, some folks made some major bucks and it wasn't the working class.

So you must question why it is so much more profitable to send jobs overseas.

Maybe the US is just too expensive a country to live in.

Maybe that is our problem?

One word: Unions.
FAILED THREAD.. This Welfare President has created an ENTITLEMENT nation.. What's going to happen when we hit that cliff?? You liberal snot-noses are going to be losing your section-8 housing and eating roaches being your food stamp cards will be void. It's coming.. even your Dumbo in the WH admitted it on Letterman. You Zombie liberals are the biggest fools this nation has ever been saddled with.

What entitlements has Obama provided?


Interestingly, between 2003-2008, 1.2 million jobs were created,,,,offshore per the non-partisan Congressional Research Service. What a great idea for the job creators, doing so lowers cost and increases profits and with that Capital Gains reduction, some folks made some major bucks and it wasn't the working class.

So you must question why it is so much more profitable to send jobs overseas.

Maybe the US is just too expensive a country to live in.

Maybe that is our problem?

One word: Unions.

Gee....ya think?
Americans are not moochers - CNN.com

Americans are not a nation of moochers and helpless dependents. Those who are not paying federal income tax would gladly do so, because it would mean they have a decent-paying job.GOP presidential candidate Mitt Romney is right that 47% of Americans don't pay federal income tax. But he is wrong to suggest almost half of Americans pay no tax at all and feel entitled to live off government handouts.

Romney said: "There are 47% of the people who will vote for the president no matter what. All right, there are 47% who are with him, who are dependent upon government, who believe that they are victims, who believe the government has a responsibility to care for them, who believe that they are entitled to health care, to food, to housing, to you-name-it. But that's an entitlement. And the government should give it to them. And they will vote for this president no matter what. ... These are people who pay no income tax."

It's true that some Americans don't pay federal income tax. But virtually all Americans pay some form of tax, whether it's sales, payroll, state income, or property tax.

Rick McGaheyOver 60% of those who don't pay income tax are working; they pay payroll tax, which goes to support Social Security and Medicare. Another 22% of those who don't pay income tax are the elderly; most of them don't work.

In fact, only about 8% of Americans pay neither federal income tax nor payroll tax, because they are unemployed, are students, or are disabled.

RW, when you mention low wages, you hit the nail on the head. For over three decades wage earners have seen very little in wage growth that keeps up with inflation. Also, many of the newly created jobs are low paying jobs. Now who determines wages and wage growth? Would it be the same folks that ship jobs offshore?
With the demise of wages growth, of course fewer and fewer people become eligible to pay taxes per the convenient definition of taxpayers that the right loves to use (but it isn't accutate at all).
Where are the alleged job creators on this issue?

The alleged job creators are waiting for a bit of certainty before creating jobs.

Not a very difficult concept to understand....unless you have never created a job.

So, during the time period between 2003-2008 when all those jobs were shipped offshore, there was uncertainty then too?
FAILED THREAD.. This Welfare President has created an ENTITLEMENT nation.. What's going to happen when we hit that cliff?? You liberal snot-noses are going to be losing your section-8 housing and eating roaches being your food stamp cards will be void. It's coming.. even your Dumbo in the WH admitted it on Letterman. You Zombie liberals are the biggest fools this nation has ever been saddled with.

What entitlements has Obama provided?

Bwhahahahaha ROFLMAO!!!!!!!!! Hahahahaha.. LOL

This article shows the FACTS, numbers.. but you liberal Bums don't care.. it's all about, "GETTING MINE."

Entitlement Nation--Will Obama soon bankrupt us all?

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