Hey people. There is only one topic that matters for 2024. The BORDER


Platinum Member
Mar 28, 2024
Eastern U.S.
The border is either going to be closed, or it isn't. That's the entire ballgame -- we are either going to stop this invasion (elect Trump) or not stop it (elect Cackles). The rest of this crap - abortion, orange man bad, JD Vance, Kamala's VP candidate doesn't matter. The open borders have already done great damage to the country. Crime - UP. Personal safety - DOWN. Rents - UP as illegals compete for the limited supply of housing. We will either get this under control, or the country will be ruined in 4 more years.
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The border is either going to be closed, or it isn't. That's the entire ballgame -- we are either going to stop this invasion (elect Trump) or not stop it (elect Cackles). The rest of this crap - abortion, orange man bad, JD Vance, Kamala's VP candidate. The open borders have already done great damage to the country. Crime - UP. Personal safety - DOWN. Rents - UP as illegals compete for the limited supply of housing. We will either get this under control, or the country will be ruined in 4 more years.

This is the key question he should ask voters "who will allow more illegal immigrants into the country, Trump or Harris?
The border is either going to be closed, or it isn't. That's the entire ballgame -- we are either going to stop this invasion (elect Trump) or not stop it (elect Cackles). The rest of this crap - abortion, orange man bad, JD Vance, Kamala's VP candidate. The open borders have already done great damage to the country. Crime - UP. Personal safety - DOWN. Rents - UP as illegals compete for the limited supply of housing. We will either get this under control, or the country will be ruined in 4 more years.
I got a spoiler alert for you, it isn't. Not even with Trump in office. Capitalist need to replace their aging workforce and white Americans aren't fucking enough to keep up with the population demands. The vast majority of our population growth was from immigrants. You're getting replaced whether you want to or not.
I got a spoiler alert for you, it isn't. Not even with Trump in office. Capitalist need to replace their aging workforce and white Americans aren't fucking enough to keep up with the population demands. The vast majority of our population growth was from immigrants. You're getting replaced whether you want to or not.
So how does AI factor into that logic?
Trump will close the border with "remain in Mexico" like he did before.
If the US needs more workers, they can come in legally, after being vetted.
The "Problem" is the Media's refusal to accurately and candidly report what is actually going on at the border (and elsewhere, of course).

The Democrats are in the middle of a massive plan to take over the national electorate by importing tens of millions of Third World wretches, largely dependent on government money and services, and then to convert them all into voting Democrat citizens. In a country that is now evenly divided, those tens of millions of Democrats will determine our political future for decades to come, probably for the remaining life of this country.

The most important sound bite to escape from the lips of our vapid VP is only being shown on Fox News: When asked what the solution was to the immigration crisis, she responded, "A path to citizenship." Have you seen it? Probably not.

For those with recent historical perspective, the Democrat Party did a classic "one-eighty" on the issue of illegal immigration in the early 2000's. Prior to that time, it was common to see leading Democrats decrying the problems created by illegal immigrants and vowing to stop the flow and correct the problem. Then they went silent on the issue for a few years, followed by "don't call them 'illegals,'" and now, "...a path to citizenship." That, my friends is a classic One-Eighty.

They have tried to denigrate exposure of this nefarious plan by calling it the "Republican replacement theory," and hoping people would then presume it is a crazy Conspiracy Theory, but nobody is buying it.

When Trump was running the first time, the most important issue was the Supreme Court. This time it is definitely immigration, and to be candid, massive deportations. Everything else is window dressing. None of it matters if the country is taken over by the Left. Look at California, New York City, Illinois...
The illegals are in the process of wrecking our healthcare system.....And it was bad enough before FJB.

I took the wife down to UVA Medical Center on Thursday and I saw more hispanics there than white people milling about and packing the waiting room.

The place she usually goes (a satellite location) was being renovated so she had to go to the main hospital.

It was like going from a luxury hotel to a $10.00 a hour skidrow hotel.
So how does AI factor into that logic?
How the fuck am I supposed to know, you brought it up. :dunno: :laugh:
Trump will close the border with "remain in Mexico" like he did before.
That's for legal asylum seekers. You still have legal immigrants, migrant workers and illegals to deal with. You're still getting replaced. There is no math that's going to show the white population reversing their decent into minority status.
If the US needs more workers, they can come in legally, after being vetted.
And the end result is you still get replaced. Fast, slow, it all ends the same to me. :lol:
The border is either going to be closed, or it isn't. That's the entire ballgame -- we are either going to stop this invasion (elect Trump) or not stop it (elect Cackles). The rest of this crap - abortion, orange man bad, JD Vance, Kamala's VP candidate doesn't matter. The open borders have already done great damage to the country. Crime - UP. Personal safety - DOWN. Rents - UP as illegals compete for the limited supply of housing. We will either get this under control, or the country will be ruined in 4 more years.


Sorry, Immigration needs to be reformed, and we actually NEED the immigrants because Americans aren't reproducing at replacement rates.

Crime has gone down since 2020. Immigrants commit less crime on average compared to the native-born, because even a minor arrest can pooch their immigration cases.

Rents are up because no one is building affordable housing where it is needed.

You need to stop watching Fox News.
How the fuck am I supposed to know, you brought it up. :dunno: :laugh:

That's for legal asylum seekers. You still have legal immigrants, migrant workers and illegals to deal with. You're still getting replaced. There is no math that's going to show the white population reversing their decent into minority status.

And the end result is you still get replaced. Fast, slow, it all ends the same to me. :lol:
1. AI is supposed to replace many jobs, so those workers will fill needs elsewhere. Point being we don't need more people going forward, which was your contention.

2. Trump's remain in Mexico policy is for everyone who enters the US illegally or overstays their visas. Point being there will be fewer illegals allowed here in the US making groceries and housing more expensive.

3. I don't care if I get replaced by law abiding, hard working Hispanics. Not to point out the obvious, but you folks will be replaced too, from ~13% to a teeny tiny minority. Eventually to be what Eddie Murphy calls them WLMFs.
Too bad Republicans shit on the best deal they were going to get so you could make this post. If you really felt this way you'd have put pressure on the GOP to act in America's best interest and not Donald's. But it is a game to you losers. Enjoy losing.
The "Problem" is the Media's refusal to accurately and candidly report what is actually going on at the border (and elsewhere, of course).

The Democrats are in the middle of a massive plan to take over the national electorate by importing tens of millions of Third World wretches, largely dependent on government money and services, and then to convert them all into voting Democrat citizens. In a country that is now evenly divided, those tens of millions of Democrats will determine our political future for decades to come, probably for the remaining life of this country.

The most important sound bite to escape from the lips of our vapid VP is only being shown on Fox News: When asked what the solution was to the immigration crisis, she responded, "A path to citizenship." Have you seen it? Probably not.

No, guy, here's why we have an immigration problem. We have jobs, they have people. That's why we have an immigration problem. We could solve this problem with a sensible guest worker program. We won't though.

For those with recent historical perspective, the Democrat Party did a classic "one-eighty" on the issue of illegal immigration in the early 2000's. Prior to that time, it was common to see leading Democrats decrying the problems created by illegal immigrants and vowing to stop the flow and correct the problem. Then they went silent on the issue for a few years, followed by "don't call them 'illegals,'" and now, "...a path to citizenship." That, my friends is a classic One-Eighty.

Actually, the guy who first used the term "Path to Citizenship" was George W. Bush. He had a perfectly sensible plan for immigration reform in 2007, which Republican bigots shot down.

They have tried to denigrate exposure of this nefarious plan by calling it the "Republican replacement theory," and hoping people would then presume it is a crazy Conspiracy Theory, but nobody is buying it.

When Trump was running the first time, the most important issue was the Supreme Court. This time it is definitely immigration, and to be candid, massive deportations. Everything else is window dressing. None of it matters if the country is taken over by the Left. Look at California, New York City, Illinois...

Mass deportations ain't going to happen, mostly because these countries won't take these people back.
Too bad Republicans shit on the best deal they were going to get so you could make this post. If you really felt this way you'd have put pressure on the GOP to act in America's best interest and not Donald's. But it is a game to you losers. Enjoy losing.
1. HR-2 the House version actually closed the border.
2. The Senate version was a joke, allowing 4,999 illegals a day in before the border was closed.
3. The Border is an election issue, and Harris and the democrats are on the wrong side.
4. The cost of groceries is also an election issue, inflation under Biden/Harris will cost them dearly in November.
1. AI is supposed to replace many jobs, so those workers will fill needs elsewhere. Point being we don't need more people going forward, which was your contention.

When they develop an AI to pick lettuce, clean toilets, or do other jobs Americans don't want to do, let me know.

The reality is, AI will probably create jobs, just like automation did. Some jobs are destroyed, new jobs are created. Everyone got pissed off at Hillary when she told Coal Miners to learn to code, but she was right.

2. Trump's remain in Mexico policy is for everyone who enters the US illegally or overstays their visas. Point being there will be fewer illegals allowed here in the US making groceries and housing more expensive.

Big problem. Mexico realized Trump screwed them on that deal, and they won't go along with it again.

Illegals aren't making groceries more expensive. What made them jump in price was covid destroyed production for a year, and it took a while to catch back up.

3. I don't care if I get replaced by law abiding, hard working Hispanics. Not to point out the obvious, but you folks will be replaced too, from ~13% to a teeny tiny minority. Eventually to be what Eddie Murphy calls them WLMFs.

Oh, I suspect you care very much about being replaced by a Hispanic. I don't because I know I won't be.
1. HR-2 the House version actually closed the border.
2. The Senate version was a joke, allowing 4,999 illegals a day in before the border was closed.
3. The Border is an election issue, and Harris and the democrats are on the wrong side.
4. The cost of groceries is also an election issue, inflation under Biden/Harris will cost them dearly in November.
HR2 was a troll bill that dedicated most of the language to stuff like banning electric cars and funding religious counseling. It was not a serious attempt at a bill which is why the GOP moved forward with negotiating the one they did. Everyone was on board until Trump pulled the plug. The bill never allowed any illegals in per day but did allow the Republicans to add language that granted more authorization to the Presidents if a wave came in. Democrats would have been fine without that portion.. .the 5,000 was a Republican add.

No one votes on the border. It will be about a good economy and abortion.
The border is either going to be closed, or it isn't. That's the entire ballgame -- we are either going to stop this invasion (elect Trump) or not stop it (elect Cackles). The rest of this crap - abortion, orange man bad, JD Vance, Kamala's VP candidate doesn't matter. The open borders have already done great damage to the country. Crime - UP. Personal safety - DOWN. Rents - UP as illegals compete for the limited supply of housing. We will either get this under control, or the country will be ruined in 4 more years.
The problem with the border is the fact that both sides equally want something done with the border and realize it is a huge problem. Republicans and the right want to stop illegal crossings. Democrats and the left feel the border situation is also bad and that we need to put more resources on it in order to have the personnel needed to help these people out of the water, hand out goody bags, free medical care, housing, food, and have the ability to process them into the country faster.
So how does AI factor into that logic?
Trump will close the border with "remain in Mexico" like he did before.
If the US needs more workers, they can come in legally, after being vetted.
Just like how we run our homes. No one gets in before we know who they are.

If democrats believe their own nonsense about the border, none would have locks on their doors.
The border wont be solved if Election Integrity is not installed. Bad voter rolls mixed with tens of millions non-citizens gives the bad guys a 10% advantage before one vote is cast. Many states are permanently lost and need major modifications (WA has been lost for decades as an example).
Just like how we run our homes. No one gets in before we know who they are.

If democrats believe their own nonsense about the border, none would have locks on their doors.
If someone knocks on your door and says "they are trying to kill me" you would call the police, they would take the visitors to the police station, interview them, decide what is going on, and either decide to protect them or decide they are not in danger and lying and send them back home. That is how our immigration system works.

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