Hey republicans: What are your political goals

I'm not really a Republican, I am a Constitutional Conservative-Libertarian but a registered Independent. However, most consider me to be "right-wing" or even "far-right" ...although I reject that term.

I want Constitutionalist government as outlined in Article I Sec. 8. I would like to see a return to smaller limited government and the Senate returned to a body representative of the States. I would like to see a balanced budget and term limits. I'm pro life but I don't want to see Roe v. Wade completely overturned, I would prefer it to be modified so as to protect the life of the unborn at any time beyond the first trimester. I don't like the government deciding what marriage is, gay, straight or otherwise, that should be an individual choice left to the people or at least, their respective states. I favor decriminalization (not legalization) of marijuana at the federal level.

To deal with the myriad of social problems, health care and care for the needy, poor and elderly, I prefer less government "handouts" and more private sector or charity-based solutions. I'm pro free market capitalist, pro free enterprise. I don't object to reasonable regulations to protect our air, water and environment but we've gone way over the line in terms of government regulations. I don't believe in federal land grabs, I support eminent domain only when it's essentially vital to a community or state interest.

I believe in a strong military and very limited intervention, only when vital American interests are at stake. If we have to use military force, I want it to be quick and efficient. I don't believe in nation building but I think we have an obligation to support liberty and democracy where it is sought.

I believe in religious freedom. I don't believe we are a secular nation, nor are we a theocracy. The government should never interfere with ANY religious expression unless it hinders civil liberties of the individual.
Any new Constitution needs to have the 1st through 9th Amendments in it.
-Strengthen press freedoms(include the internet).
-Strengthen freedom of speech including the internet.
-Directly ban religion from government.
-Make the 10th Amendment into the human rights amendment protecting people that are different from governmental abuses.
-Strengthen the commerce cause with direct wording that the federal government can invest in science, infrastructure and education of its people.
-Add an office of elections that is independent of partisan politics to safe guard elections.

Some ideas.

We don't need a new constitution. we need to follow the one we have.
Any new Constitution needs to have the 1st through 9th Amendments in it.
-Strengthen press freedoms(include the internet).
-Strengthen freedom of speech including the internet.
-Directly ban religion from government.
-Make the 10th Amendment into the human rights amendment protecting people that are different from governmental abuses.
-Strengthen the commerce cause with direct wording that the federal government can invest in science, infrastructure and education of its people.
-Add an office of elections that is independent of partisan politics to safe guard elections.

Some ideas.

Wow you come up with all these ideas after 8 years of Obama was president?

Why didn't you say them when he was the one?


Because he wasn't directly attacking freedom of speech, freedom of the press, attacking human rights and forcing religion into government. Seriously, man, I think Obama sucked in many ways but get serious.

Obama did every one of those things
I don't like the government deciding what marriage is, gay, straight or otherwise, that should be an individual choice left to the people or at least, their respective states.

I don't think government ever decided what marriage is, they decided (before the SC ruling) whether they would accept a marriage or not. Any two people of any gender could always get married if they found a religion to marry them.

What government should do is get out of marriage benefits altogether. There should be no special privileges for married couples that single people don't have. Everybody should be treated equal married or not. It was fine years ago when the typical family household was mom staying at home with the kids and being a housewife, but those days are long gone and we don't need any help from the government when it comes to families.
Hey republicans: What are your political goals?

I could list what I believe you want(and I believe strongly that I am 100% right), but I want you to prove me right with such coming from your keyboard in this thread.

/---- Elimination of the scourge known as liberalism and to restore our country to greatness.

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Aw, a typical regressive gotcha thread. How cute.

But just to play along, I want a government that comports itself according to the Constitution as written, not as bastardized by the courts or the politicians that ignore it. If that were the case politics would take care of themselves.


That, along with a non biased media that holds those in government accountable on ALL sides and not only as they think needed to push their own agenda, like we have now.

Look who's talking...You have all of talk radio, fox and more that sprouts your anti-government religious shit day in and day out. How is that any different? You just don't like it that there's media on the other side to challenge your stupid views.

Freedom of the press is about protecting a free press. Doesn't mean that it should be unbias...It never was.

Actually it's quite the opposite. Before talk radio and Fox, the MSM had a virtual monopoly on news. THEN came AM radio and Fox news to challenge what MSM had to say. It is they that don't like the challenge.
Once again, name us a country that can rival the USA?


France, Japan, South Korea, Norway, Canada.... I aint talking military, I am talking quality of life.

We won't be rivaling anyone if we stick to the 18th century standard that oktexas wishes for.

They have no quality of life with out the US military dumb fuck.


War this and war that! Yet your side with the very people that forces us to use our military to protect them...RUSSIA.

That don't even make no sense..

You have a freedom of choice , the free world does because of only one thing..

The US military.


Why does Trump side with Putin even through we're protecting Europe form Putin? Doesn't make sense if Trump suppose to be for freedom.

What did he side with Putin on?
Any new Constitution needs to have the 1st through 9th Amendments in it.
-Strengthen press freedoms(include the internet).
-Strengthen freedom of speech including the internet.
-Directly ban religion from government.
-Make the 10th Amendment into the human rights amendment protecting people that are different from governmental abuses.
-Strengthen the commerce cause with direct wording that the federal government can invest in science, infrastructure and education of its people.
-Add an office of elections that is independent of partisan politics to safe guard elections.

Some ideas.

See Article 5. Good luck.


If the 1/10,000 chance that your were somehow right then my constitutional ideas are above for the new constitution that we need.

We aint going back to the fucking 18th century.

Yet your not going going to drag us back to the 1960s kid ...

No matter how much you try ...

The past decade is better socially. Economically I sure wish we'd go back to a time were unions built our middle class and didn't let the upper class screw over every one else.

Why is that, do you wish to chase even more jobs overseas?
Hey republicans: What are your political goals?

I could list what I believe you want(and I believe strongly that I am 100% right), but I want you to prove me right with such coming from your keyboard in this thread.
I want the end of government and the organized plunder it conducts.

Always had you pegged for an anarchist.

Some of them are but most are fascist that wish to just dump the poor into slave camps and transform our society into a religious dictatorship.

/---- WOWZA talk about a straw man argument on steroids. What a load of horse shyt

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Hey republicans: What are your political goals?

I could list what I believe you want(and I believe strongly that I am 100% right), but I want you to prove me right with such coming from your keyboard in this thread.

It has been scientifically demonstrated that liberals are the worst at guessing what others think,

and ironically, they are, as you demonstrate, completely confident that they are open minded and reasonable,

so they are very resistant to learning.
Me, i'd whether live in a first world nation that values our workers, has a high standard of living and cares about human rights. If you were somehow right then we both should get together to rewrite the constitution as it isn't working anymore...Just that I doubt you're right.

We could do that. The problem is the new Constitution would have to be about 150 pages long to include big color pictures so that future generations of liberals would be able to understand it.
I don't like the government deciding what marriage is, gay, straight or otherwise, that should be an individual choice left to the people or at least, their respective states.

I don't think government ever decided what marriage is, they decided (before the SC ruling) whether they would accept a marriage or not. Any two people of any gender could always get married if they found a religion to marry them.

What government should do is get out of marriage benefits altogether. There should be no special privileges for married couples that single people don't have. Everybody should be treated equal married or not. It was fine years ago when the typical family household was mom staying at home with the kids and being a housewife, but those days are long gone and we don't need any help from the government when it comes to families.

I agree, but there are legal circumstances where domestic partnerships have to be defined. Cases of estate, etc. Insofar as the government has to recognize these, it should adopt some sort of uniform "civil union" type arrangement to replace what has traditionally been "marriage" in America. States should have the right to define parameters of official domestic partnerships recognized by the state. I agree that any "marriage benefits" should be eliminated. "Marriage" should be entirely up to the individual and their church.
I don't like the government deciding what marriage is, gay, straight or otherwise, that should be an individual choice left to the people or at least, their respective states.

I don't think government ever decided what marriage is, they decided (before the SC ruling) whether they would accept a marriage or not. Any two people of any gender could always get married if they found a religion to marry them.

What government should do is get out of marriage benefits altogether. There should be no special privileges for married couples that single people don't have. Everybody should be treated equal married or not. It was fine years ago when the typical family household was mom staying at home with the kids and being a housewife, but those days are long gone and we don't need any help from the government when it comes to families.

I agree, but there are legal circumstances where domestic partnerships have to be defined. Cases of estate, etc. Insofar as the government has to recognize these, it should adopt some sort of uniform "civil union" type arrangement to replace what has traditionally been "marriage" in America. States should have the right to define parameters of official domestic partnerships recognized by the state. I agree that any "marriage benefits" should be eliminated. "Marriage" should be entirely up to the individual and their church.

That's more or less what I'm talking about. Get government totally out of marriage.

I've never been married, but on several occasions have had live-in girlfriends. In those cases, we both agreed to keep government out of our lives by not getting married. However that didn't mean we didn't want the same benefits that married people had.

So we just eliminate marriage benefits so that straight, gays and people like myself who don't want government in his relationship all have the same benefits if any at all. All personal and financial matters should be easily worked out by a lawyer and a simple contract.
Why is that, do you wish to chase even more jobs overseas?

My guess would be that Matthew thinks that he'll be able to feel better, and be perceived better, for not being willing to hold a job, and not being able to get anyone to hire him anyway even if he was willing to work, if more people are also out of work. It's part of the general LIbEral principle of trying to achieve “equality” by dragging others down to their own level rather than by attempting to do anything to improve themselves.
I don't like the government deciding what marriage is, gay, straight or otherwise, that should be an individual choice left to the people or at least, their respective states.

I don't think government ever decided what marriage is, they decided (before the SC ruling) whether they would accept a marriage or not. Any two people of any gender could always get married if they found a religion to marry them.

What government should do is get out of marriage benefits altogether. There should be no special privileges for married couples that single people don't have. Everybody should be treated equal married or not. It was fine years ago when the typical family household was mom staying at home with the kids and being a housewife, but those days are long gone and we don't need any help from the government when it comes to families.

Marriage between a man and a woman, and families built upon it, have always been, and will always be, the foundation of every successful human society that ever has existed or ever will exist on any significant scale. No human society of any size has ever strayed very far from this model, or ever will, without bringing chaos and destruction on itself as a result.

Society has a legitimate, vital interest in recognizing, encouraging, and upholding marriage, and in opposing any efforts to undermine it.
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Why is that, do you wish to chase even more jobs overseas?

My guess would be that Matthew thinks that he'll be able to feel better, and be perceived better, for not being willing to hold a job, and not being able to get anyone to hire him anyway even if he was willing to work, if more people are also out of work. It's part of the general LIbEral principle of trying to achieve “equality” by dragging others down to their own level rather than by attempting to do anything to improve themselves.

You are hitting remarkably close to a truism here. I've studied left wingers for many years and I've pretty much determined the reason they cling so fervently to Marxist-Socialism is because they lack confidence in their own ability to succeed. They simply fear they cannot compete with others. They have convinced themselves it is impossible to achieve any degree of wealth status so they don't want anyone else to enjoy that opportunity.

This is exactly the same mindset that millions of Chinese peasants followed Mao off a cliff into an abyss of stupidity with. But at least with them, they had the excuse of lacking a constitution, free market capitalism and free enterprise and were legitimately bound to a life of serfdom.
I am not a Republican because like the Democrats they are a party of big government.

As a real Conservative my goals are:

Disband the welfare state.

Eliminate all but the very minimal necessary government functions.

Stop foreign interventionism.

Restore the Bill of Rights.

Kick the fucking Muslims and Illegals out of my country.

Seal the borders.

Stop killing children on demand for the sake of convenience.
Me, i'd whether live in a first world nation that values our workers, has a high standard of living and cares about human rights. If you were somehow right then we both should get together to rewrite the constitution as it isn't working anymore...Just that I doubt you're right.

Me, i'd whether live in a first world nation

You write carp like that and you question my education?

I think we're done.


lol, so you don't want to live in a first world nation? Is that what you're saying. LOL

Once again, name us a country that can rival the USA?


France, Japan, South Korea, Norway, Canada.... I aint talking military, I am talking quality of life.

We won't be rivaling anyone if we stick to the 18th century standard that oktexas wishes for.

Than get packing ya fruitloop.

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