Hey white racists, Please stop asking for reparations for the Civil War

Where do you live?

According to an end-of-year report by financial news site 24/7 Wall Street, Wisconsin’s black unemployment rate is a staggering 20.8 percent (highest in the nation), and its incarceration rate is third highest, mostly thanks to Milwaukee.

The median annual income for black households is $26,053. That’s less than half of white Sconnies’ median income of $56,083.

Minnesota, though comparably less bleak, ranks an unfortunate No. 2 on 24/7 Wall Street’s list. Here, 216 per 100,000 white people are imprisoned, while black Minnesotans are incarcerated at 2,321 out of 100,000.

As for median income, black households in Minnesota don’t earn much more than they do in Wisconsin at just $27,026 a year. That's also less than half of what white Minnesotans make.

No wonder then, that black homeownership rate here is the eighth lowest in the nation: 24 percent.

We're No. 2! Wisconsin now more racist than Minnesota | City Pages

Hate groups can be hard to measure, because typically, there’s no record of where they exist. But there is data on where there were distinct Klaverns of the Ku Klux Klan in each state. We wanted to get the facts straight and dug into the data in order to identify the most racist cities in Wisconsin.

The result is the following list of the most racist cities in the Badger State:

  1. Goodman
  2. Ellsworth
  3. Cornell
  4. Clinton
  5. New London (Photos)
  6. Marinette (Photos)
  7. Fort Atkinson (Photos)
  8. Chippewa Falls (Photos)
  9. Racine (Photos)
  10. Kenosha (Photos)
There were a total of 12 cities with at least 1 Klavern in Wisconsin during the time period of reference.

At the Klan’s height, there were 18 active Kalverns in Wisconsin.

These Are The 10 Cities In Wisconsin With The Most KKK Members

Milwaukee declares racism a public health crisis

White racists?

What world are you living in?

Planet Earth 2019.
Minnesota, though comparably less bleak, ranks an unfortunate No. 2 on 24/7 Wall Street’s list. Here, 216 per 100,000 white people are imprisoned, while black Minnesotans are incarcerated at 2,321 out of 100,000.

Don't do the crime if you can't do the time...…..

You should mean everyone who commits the crime does the time.

It's not my fault there are so many black criminals.

Since there aren't, it's your fault that you are pushing false propaganda.
Hey white racists, Please stop asking for reparations for the Civil War

You are never going to get racist Democrat to stop being free loaders and demanding free stuff regardless if they are white or not.

Democrats who had their slaves freed by Republicans are not owed anything!

Why do you racist ass republicans keep trying to tell this lie?

According to an end-of-year report by financial news site 24/7 Wall Street, Wisconsin’s black unemployment rate is a staggering 20.8 percent (highest in the nation), and its incarceration rate is third highest, mostly thanks to Milwaukee.

The median annual income for black households is $26,053. That’s less than half of white Sconnies’ median income of $56,083.

Minnesota, though comparably less bleak, ranks an unfortunate No. 2 on 24/7 Wall Street’s list. Here, 216 per 100,000 white people are imprisoned, while black Minnesotans are incarcerated at 2,321 out of 100,000.

As for median income, black households in Minnesota don’t earn much more than they do in Wisconsin at just $27,026 a year. That's also less than half of what white Minnesotans make.

No wonder then, that black homeownership rate here is the eighth lowest in the nation: 24 percent.

We're No. 2! Wisconsin now more racist than Minnesota | City Pages

Hate groups can be hard to measure, because typically, there’s no record of where they exist. But there is data on where there were distinct Klaverns of the Ku Klux Klan in each state. We wanted to get the facts straight and dug into the data in order to identify the most racist cities in Wisconsin.

The result is the following list of the most racist cities in the Badger State:

  1. Goodman
  2. Ellsworth
  3. Cornell
  4. Clinton
  5. New London (Photos)
  6. Marinette (Photos)
  7. Fort Atkinson (Photos)
  8. Chippewa Falls (Photos)
  9. Racine (Photos)
  10. Kenosha (Photos)
There were a total of 12 cities with at least 1 Klavern in Wisconsin during the time period of reference.

At the Klan’s height, there were 18 active Kalverns in Wisconsin.

These Are The 10 Cities In Wisconsin With The Most KKK Members

Milwaukee declares racism a public health crisis

White racists?

What world are you living in?

Planet Earth 2019.
Minnesota, though comparably less bleak, ranks an unfortunate No. 2 on 24/7 Wall Street’s list. Here, 216 per 100,000 white people are imprisoned, while black Minnesotans are incarcerated at 2,321 out of 100,000.

Don't do the crime if you can't do the time...…..

You should mean everyone who commits the crime does the time.

It's not my fault there are so many black criminals.

Since there aren't, it's your fault that you are pushing false propaganda.

Of course, there are no guilty people in jail.
Hey white racists, Please stop asking for reparations for the Civil War

You are never going to get racist Democrat to stop being free loaders and demanding free stuff regardless if they are white or not.

Democrats who had their slaves freed by Republicans are not owed anything!

Why do you racist ass republicans keep trying to tell this lie?
There are no racist Republicans.

Lol! I just responded to one with this post.

Confederate veterans and families were also paid US tax dollars for veterans benefits long after the civil war was over and people who were not there or responsible for that war got paid. Descendants of civil wars vets, to include confederates, were paid money long after the war was over, a war they did not fight, paid for what generations before them did.


This is a misrepresentation.. Veterans benefits are ALWAYS paid thru to the last surviving spouse or child... This is IMMEDIATE family only.. As of 2016 there was exactly ONE surviving daughter of a Confederate soldier that DEFECTED to the Northern Army.. Her check was $73 a month... She died last year..

It is NOT as you claim a debt due to DESCENDANTS.....

Where do you GET this shit? And why are you so damn gullible????

95 years after the civil war ended, descendants of confederate soldiers got reparations. They got them from 1958 until 2017 for a war none of them were alive for, that none of them fought. They got monthly checks for a war their ancestors fought against the United States. For 33 years I paid my tax money to pay whites who descended from slaveowners and overseers.

U.S. Still Paying a Civil War Pension

The Civil War ended more than 150 years ago, but the U.S. government is still paying a veteran's pension from that conflict.

"One beneficiary from the Civil War [is] still alive and receiving benefits," Randy Noller of the Department of Veterans Affairs confirms.

152 Years Later, The VA Is Still Paying Out A Pension From The Civil War

Not until 1958, ninety-three years after the last shots of the Civil War, did Congress pardon Confederate soldiers and offer them every benefit Union soldiers had enjoyed since March 1865.

Caring for Veterans: The Civil War and the Present - The Journal of the Civil War Era

Northern soldiers had long received benefits.

So let's review:

Confederate veterans and families were also paid US tax dollars for veterans benefits long after the civil war was over and people who were not there or responsible for that war got paid. Descendants of civil wars vets, to include confederates, were paid money long after the war was over, a war they did not fight, paid for what generations before them did.

Stop asking for reparations for the civil war white racists. You already got them.

Already explained to you why these benefits are NOT being paid to multi-generational "descendents"....

Confederate veterans and families were also paid US tax dollars for veterans benefits long after the civil war was over and people who were not there or responsible for that war got paid. Descendants of civil wars vets, to include confederates, were paid money long after the war was over, a war they did not fight, paid for what generations before them did.


This is a misrepresentation.. Veterans benefits are ALWAYS paid thru to the last surviving spouse or child... This is IMMEDIATE family only.. As of 2016 there was exactly ONE surviving daughter of a Confederate soldier that DEFECTED to the Northern Army.. Her check was $73 a month... She died last year..

It is NOT as you claim a debt due to DESCENDANTS.....

Where do you GET this shit? And why are you so damn gullible????


No it's not. I know you want to excuse everything that has been done for whites but the fact is that I can cite reparations paid to Native Americans in Cobell v. Salazar for things that started with the Dawes Act. You don't have an argument and that's just the way it is.
95 years after the civil war ended, descendants of confederate soldiers got reparations. They got them from 1958 until 2017 for a war none of them were alive for, that none of them fought. They got monthly checks for a war their ancestors fought against the United States. For 33 years I paid my tax money to pay whites who descended from slaveowners and overseers.

U.S. Still Paying a Civil War Pension

The Civil War ended more than 150 years ago, but the U.S. government is still paying a veteran's pension from that conflict.

"One beneficiary from the Civil War [is] still alive and receiving benefits," Randy Noller of the Department of Veterans Affairs confirms.

152 Years Later, The VA Is Still Paying Out A Pension From The Civil War

Not until 1958, ninety-three years after the last shots of the Civil War, did Congress pardon Confederate soldiers and offer them every benefit Union soldiers had enjoyed since March 1865.

Caring for Veterans: The Civil War and the Present - The Journal of the Civil War Era

Northern soldiers had long received benefits.

So let's review:

Confederate veterans and families were also paid US tax dollars for veterans benefits long after the civil war was over and people who were not there or responsible for that war got paid. Descendants of civil wars vets, to include confederates, were paid money long after the war was over, a war they did not fight, paid for what generations before them did.

Stop asking for reparations for the civil war white racists. You already got them.

Already explained to you why these benefits are NOT being paid to multi-generational "descendents"....

You have explained nothing. You made an excuse. The reality of this situation shows that whites have been paid reparations for the civil war. That's what those payments are. Therefore I am correct to say, "Hey white racists, Please stop asking for reparations for the Civil War."
White racists don't want reparations for the civil war. they want somebody else to pay them as payment to get them off the hook.


rep·a·ra·tion | \ ˌre-pə-ˈrā-shən \
Definition of reparation

1a : a repairing or keeping in repair
b reparations plural : repairs
2a : the act of making amends, offering expiation, or giving satisfaction for a wrong or injury
b : something done or given as amends or satisfaction
3 : the payment of damages : indemnification specifically : compensation in money or materials payable by a defeated nation for damages to or expenditures sustained by another nation as a result of hostilities with the defeated nation —usually used in plural

Understand the definition before you post.
I think descendants of slave OWNERS
should be given reparations for all the AGGRAVATION
it’s caused bringing your ancestors here in the first place
and having to deal with you fucks now
I think descendants of slave OWNERS
should be given reparations for all the AGGRAVATION
it’s caused bringing your ancestors here in the first place
and having to deal with you fucks now
Slave owners got reparations.

Confederate veterans and families were also paid US tax dollars for veterans benefits long after the civil war was over and people who were not there or responsible for that war got paid. Descendants of civil wars vets, to include confederates, were paid money long after the war was over, a war they did not fight, paid for what generations before them did.


This is a misrepresentation.. Veterans benefits are ALWAYS paid thru to the last surviving spouse or child... This is IMMEDIATE family only.. As of 2016 there was exactly ONE surviving daughter of a Confederate soldier that DEFECTED to the Northern Army.. Her check was $73 a month... She died last year..

It is NOT as you claim a debt due to DESCENDANTS.....

Where do you GET this shit? And why are you so damn gullible????


Gullible, or deliberately dishonest?
95 years after the civil war ended, descendants of confederate soldiers got reparations. They got them from 1958 until 2017 for a war none of them were alive for, that none of them fought. They got monthly checks for a war their ancestors fought against the United States. For 33 years I paid my tax money to pay whites who descended from slaveowners and overseers.

U.S. Still Paying a Civil War Pension

The Civil War ended more than 150 years ago, but the U.S. government is still paying a veteran's pension from that conflict.

"One beneficiary from the Civil War [is] still alive and receiving benefits," Randy Noller of the Department of Veterans Affairs confirms.

152 Years Later, The VA Is Still Paying Out A Pension From The Civil War

Not until 1958, ninety-three years after the last shots of the Civil War, did Congress pardon Confederate soldiers and offer them every benefit Union soldiers had enjoyed since March 1865.

Caring for Veterans: The Civil War and the Present - The Journal of the Civil War Era

Northern soldiers had long received benefits.

So let's review:

Confederate veterans and families were also paid US tax dollars for veterans benefits long after the civil war was over and people who were not there or responsible for that war got paid. Descendants of civil wars vets, to include confederates, were paid money long after the war was over, a war they did not fight, paid for what generations before them did.

Stop asking for reparations for the civil war white racists. You already got them.

Already explained to you why these benefits are NOT being paid to multi-generational "descendents"....

You have explained nothing. You made an excuse. The reality of this situation shows that whites have been paid reparations for the civil war. That's what those payments are. Therefore I am correct to say, "Hey white racists, Please stop asking for reparations for the Civil War."

You have explained nothing. You made an excuse.

There is no excuse for your stupidity.

The reality of this situation shows that whites have been paid reparations for the civil war. That's what those payments are.

A pension is not reparations, moron.

Therefore I am correct to say.....

You're a whiney idiot to say.....
No it's not.

ABSOLUTELY it's true.. I used the SAME LINK you did.. The only surviving immediate member of a Civil War vet family died in 2018... NO multi-generational inheritance or payment.. Your sources stink and at this point, you're just repeating their uninformed lies....
Since you won't or can't read the facts (which YOU LINKED TO earlier) -- or you TRIED to read and didn't UNDERSTAND how ANY VA survivor benefit works -- I'll use BIG PRINT to dismiss the lie that these benefits go to DESCENDENTS of families....


UPDATE, May 26, 2017: Randy Noller, a spokesman for the Department of Veterans Affairs confirmed Irene Triplett is still alive.

The Civil War ended more than 150 years ago, but the U.S. government is still paying a veteran's pension from that conflict.

"One beneficiary from the Civil War [is] still alive and receiving benefits," Randy Noller of the Department of Veterans Affairs confirms.

Irene Triplett – the 86-year-old daughter of a Civil War veteran – collects $73.13 each month from her father's military pension. The identity of Triplett was first reported by The Wall Street Journal in 2014.

The U.S. government pays out veterans' benefits to spouses and dependents of former soldiers. A subsection of Title 38 of the United States Code spells out the rules and regulations for their allocation, including for the Civil War, even though that now only applies to one person in the country, Triplett.

And now she dead and no DESCENDANT will receive that $73 a month... Be careful who lights you up with fake stories on the internet... There's a lot of folks manufacturing fake outrage as well as fake news....


Confederate veterans and families were also paid US tax dollars for veterans benefits long after the civil war was over and people who were not there or responsible for that war got paid. Descendants of civil wars vets, to include confederates, were paid money long after the war was over, a war they did not fight, paid for what generations before them did.


This is a misrepresentation.. Veterans benefits are ALWAYS paid thru to the last surviving spouse or child... This is IMMEDIATE family only.. As of 2016 there was exactly ONE surviving daughter of a Confederate soldier that DEFECTED to the Northern Army.. Her check was $73 a month... She died last year..

It is NOT as you claim a debt due to DESCENDANTS.....

Where do you GET this shit? And why are you so damn gullible????


Gullible, or deliberately dishonest?

I'll go with susceptible to propaganda that fits the pre-conceived notions... What would be deliberately dishonest is to DENY a fact staring you right in the face and perpetuate the lie....
Because your ancestors in the north got them. And 95 years after the civil war ended, descendants of confederate soldiers got them. They got them from 1958 until 2017 for a war none of them were alive for, that none of them fought. They got monthly checks for a war their ancestors fought against the United States. For 33 years I paid my tax money to pay whites who descended from slaveowners and overseers.

U.S. Still Paying a Civil War Pension

The Civil War ended more than 150 years ago, but the U.S. government is still paying a veteran's pension from that conflict.

"One beneficiary from the Civil War [is] still alive and receiving benefits," Randy Noller of the Department of Veterans Affairs confirms.

152 Years Later, The VA Is Still Paying Out A Pension From The Civil War

Not until 1958, ninety-three years after the last shots of the Civil War, did Congress pardon Confederate soldiers and offer them every benefit Union soldiers had enjoyed since March 1865.

Caring for Veterans: The Civil War and the Present - The Journal of the Civil War Era

Northern soldiers had long received benefits.

So let's review:

Confederate veterans and families were also paid US tax dollars for veterans benefits long after the civil war was over and people who were not there or responsible for that war got paid. Descendants of civil wars vets, to include confederates, were paid money long after the war was over, a war they did not fight, paid for what generations before them did.

Stop asking for reparations for the civil war white racists. You already got them.

NONE of my Family ancestors that dates back to the 1600's ever owned a single slave, you can leave my family out of your reparations scam.

That excuse doesn't flush. If your family dates back to the 1600's they more than likely got headrights. But that's besides the point because the US GOVERNMENT and colonial state governments mage slavery legal.

You are one very fucked up human being. I will REFUSE to pay for the crime of others who partake of the crime of slavery in all forms. My Family never promoted, supported or used slavery.

You have no credible case here.

But you have already paid reparations to descendants of the confederate soldiers who weren't alive during the civil war. So you are the fucked up one. Asides from benefitting from what slavery created, you and your family have benefitted from a history of white preference that denied us opportunities you have received. Reparations are for more than slavery.
Denied "US"? not you so quit whining.

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