Hey, you welfare mooches, get jobs

Look idiot. Low skilled workers get low paying jobs.

Would you pay a Mercedes price for a Yugo?

I beater car is worth what someone will pay for it, not what the seller wants to get for it.

You are qualified to flip burgers and sprinkle salt on fries. You do not deserve an engineer's wage. You deserve what Micky D's decides you're worth. The fact that you can't live on your pay check is not McDonald's fault. It's YOUR'S

Fifteen dollars an hour is a low paying job.
Look cum face, low skilled workers were paid jobs that didn't land them on welfare, and that's why YOU enjoy the lifestyle you do.
If you are a low skilled worker and not happy with the wage employers feel you deserve, then perhaps you should find a way to make yourself a higher skilled worker?

Being a CNC operator does not require great intelligence. Just the willingness to put time into learning it. Courses are cheap and in many cases, the machine shops offer opportunities at minimum wage for men and women to come in and perform menial tasks during the day while paying for the employee to go to CNC school in the evenings...and o0nce they beco9me CNC certified, they increase their wages and put them in the shop.
Quite common in the NYC area (Brooklyn), Rochester NY, some areas of Ohio and, of course, in Detroit.

I know...I know.....

Who wants to have to go to school at night while pushing a broom all day.

If Obamacare and other liberal policies hadn't killed off so many small businesses, there would still be opportunities out there for people to start at minimum and work their way up. Even people who started flipping burgers made their way to managing the restaurant and earning a good salary. Thing is they had education and work experience that made them desirable.

If a person quit school and only has experience at starter jobs, they just won't be able to demand higher pay.

Shame that most jobs available now are minimum wage or part time. Instead of further destroying small businesses, maybe the left could re-evaluate the policies that are strangling the middle class jobs.

Even a McDonald's is a small business because it's only a franchise owned by an individual. The left looks at the income by all combined restaurants without realizing that each is a separate income. Some restaurants have closed because they went bankrupt and the fact that another franchise in another city does well doesn't matter.

There are many franchise restaurants that offer good benefits and opportunity for advancement, but you have to meet the requirements. Lack of a degree will hurt you. It couldn't be any easier to get grants or loans to at least go to a trade school, but it means graduating high school and applying yourself.

Government doesn't create jobs or opportunities, but they can make legislation that is conducive to job growth. More accurately, they tend to make legislation that makes it hard, if not impossible, for small businesses to start and grow.

Banks are currently limited on the number of small business loans they can offer. I guess government doesn't like the idea of people creating their own opportunities.

My own nephew dropped out of high school, had a total of 6 kids with different women, who all received welfare. At one point, he thought he was pretty smart living with the mother of his children and living off tax payers. Now he spends his days bitching about how unfair life is. He has little job experience and can only find a farm job. Of course, he's been in and out of jail due to drug and theft charges. He has to work now as a condition of parole and is forced to pay some child support for his minor children. Sucks, but if he had finished school, at least went to a trade school and avoided breaking the law so much, he would be sitting much better than he is now. He is one of the liberal darlings that us selfish tax payers are accused of treating unfairly.
Look idiot. Low skilled workers get low paying jobs.

Would you pay a Mercedes price for a Yugo?

I beater car is worth what someone will pay for it, not what the seller wants to get for it.

You are qualified to flip burgers and sprinkle salt on fries. You do not deserve an engineer's wage. You deserve what Micky D's decides you're worth. The fact that you can't live on your pay check is not McDonald's fault. It's YOUR'S

Fifteen dollars an hour is a low paying job.
I agree. I made a lot more than that, but I made myself worth my salary.
Had I left High School and gotten a job at McDonalds and stayed there my whole career, I'd be worth $15.00/hour maximum.

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