Hey, you welfare mooches, get jobs

See how it works for the ass kissers of the wealthy. They don't see their sins.

Better question. Is walmart proud of them penalizing their workers?

Honey, your war on wages and Walmart resulted in their dropping the affordable healthcare they gave 30,000 part time workers. Proud of yourself?
Well, aside from bait for the classist classless idiots, the point of the thread was to again point out the gop is sunk if it keeps to the "takers and makers" bulltripe of mitt. Even Rubio, unless he's flip flopped again, proposed tax credits in lieu of Obama care, and no one is seriously for cutting Wal-Mart workers off Medicaid.
For what Helen Walton spent as a board member to build Crystal Bridges Art Museum in bentonville, Ar...,, they could have covered the work force with health insurance..it's all about priorities...
See how it works for the ass kissers of the wealthy. They don't see their sins.

Better question. Is walmart proud of them penalizing their workers?

Honey, your war on wages and Walmart resulted in their dropping the affordable healthcare they gave 30,000 part time workers. Proud of yourself?
Well, aside from bait for the classist classless idiots, the point of the thread was to again point out the gop is sunk if it keeps to the "takers and makers" bulltripe of mitt. Even Rubio, unless he's flip flopped again, proposed tax credits in lieu of Obama care, and no one is seriously for cutting Wal-Mart workers off Medicaid.
For what Helen Walton spent as a board member to build Crystal Bridges Art Museum in bentonville, Ar...,, they could have covered the work force with health insurance..it's all about priorities...
That is because they are hard hearted and hate Gods' creation...
First, it was Alice, not Helen, secondly, it was her money-not Walmart's operating money she spent. Third, it is the first art museum to open since 1974. Do you not recognize the value of the arts in society? They also offer an in residence art program.
Better question. Is walmart proud of them penalizing their workers?

Honey, your war on wages and Walmart resulted in their dropping the affordable healthcare they gave 30,000 part time workers. Proud of yourself?
Well, aside from bait for the classist classless idiots, the point of the thread was to again point out the gop is sunk if it keeps to the "takers and makers" bulltripe of mitt. Even Rubio, unless he's flip flopped again, proposed tax credits in lieu of Obama care, and no one is seriously for cutting Wal-Mart workers off Medicaid.
For what Helen Walton spent as a board member to build Crystal Bridges Art Museum in bentonville, Ar...,, they could have covered the work force with health insurance..it's all about priorities...
Look idiot. Low skilled workers get low paying jobs.

Yet they still require food, clothing and shelter to survive like the rest of us. Odd, isn't it?
And money to get the training...
The State already paid for a high school education. With that, you should be able to earn enough to pay for additional training.
I worked in a garage while in college and earned enough for tuition.
I didn't finish my degree the first time. I got married and had a kid. I learned a trade and got a good paying job and went to school nights for 6 years to finish my BSME. I never asked for or received a dime of public money.
They provide nothing substantial to the country. They grab money, they don't earn it and take money from others.
It is my business.
How about that.

why are hedge fund investors entitled to their huge salaries?

Because they are private companies that decided that is what they are worth. The better question is how is it any of your business?

How much money did you make in 2014 and what did you pay in federal income tax. I'm fairly certain you provided nothing substantial to the country and I expect you to answer the question becuase I've decided that it's my business. How about that?
Look cum face, low skilled workers were paid jobs that didn't land them on welfare, and that's why YOU enjoy the lifestyle you do.
If you are a low skilled worker and not happy with the wage employers feel you deserve, then perhaps you should find a way to make yourself a higher skilled worker?

Being a CNC operator does not require great intelligence. Just the willingness to put time into learning it. Courses are cheap and in many cases, the machine shops offer opportunities at minimum wage for men and women to come in and perform menial tasks during the day while paying for the employee to go to CNC school in the evenings...and o0nce they beco9me CNC certified, they increase their wages and put them in the shop.
Quite common in the NYC area (Brooklyn), Rochester NY, some areas of Ohio and, of course, in Detroit.

I know...I know.....

Who wants to have to go to school at night while pushing a broom all day.

I started out sweeping floors,deburring,chipping out the machines,cleaning the john and any other task they asked me to do.
Worked my way into inspection and then on to machining.
I dont understand today's youth and there inability to be self starters. I was always on the look out for new Technics and info on how I could get better at what I did.
Look idiot. Low skilled workers get low paying jobs.

Yet they still require food, clothing and shelter to survive like the rest of us. Odd, isn't it?
And money to get the training...
The State already paid for a high school education. With that, you should be able to earn enough to pay for additional training.
I worked in a garage while in college and earned enough for tuition.
I didn't finish my degree the first time. I got married and had a kid. I learned a trade and got a good paying job and went to school nights for 6 years to finish my BSME. I never asked for or received a dime of public money.

Yeahhhh....but that requires effort. And since they've been telling little Johnny how wonderful and unique he is since kindergarten he doesnt know how to deal with rejection and or failure.
It's sad really.
Look idiot. Low skilled workers get low paying jobs.

Yet they still require food, clothing and shelter to survive like the rest of us. Odd, isn't it?
And money to get the training...
The State already paid for a high school education. With that, you should be able to earn enough to pay for additional training.
I worked in a garage while in college and earned enough for tuition.
I didn't finish my degree the first time. I got married and had a kid. I learned a trade and got a good paying job and went to school nights for 6 years to finish my BSME. I never asked for or received a dime of public money.

Yeahhhh....but that requires effort. And since they've been telling little Johnny how wonderful and unique he is since kindergarten he doesnt know how to deal with rejection and or failure.
It's sad really.
You mean a parent or teacher(coaches)should never tell a child they are special they are and with positive encouragement to give a child a healthy spirit?
Look cum face, low skilled workers were paid jobs that didn't land them on welfare, and that's why YOU enjoy the lifestyle you do.
If you are a low skilled worker and not happy with the wage employers feel you deserve, then perhaps you should find a way to make yourself a higher skilled worker?

Being a CNC operator does not require great intelligence. Just the willingness to put time into learning it. Courses are cheap and in many cases, the machine shops offer opportunities at minimum wage for men and women to come in and perform menial tasks during the day while paying for the employee to go to CNC school in the evenings...and o0nce they beco9me CNC certified, they increase their wages and put them in the shop.
Quite common in the NYC area (Brooklyn), Rochester NY, some areas of Ohio and, of course, in Detroit.

I know...I know.....

Who wants to have to go to school at night while pushing a broom all day.

I started out sweeping floors,deburring,chipping out the machines,cleaning the john and any other task they asked me to do.
Worked my way into inspection and then on to machining.
I dont understand today's youth and there inability to be self starters. I was always on the look out for new Technics and info on how I could get better at what I did.

You should have been on the lookout for an English writing class.
Look idiot. Low skilled workers get low paying jobs.

Yet they still require food, clothing and shelter to survive like the rest of us. Odd, isn't it?
And money to get the training...
The State already paid for a high school education. With that, you should be able to earn enough to pay for additional training.
I worked in a garage while in college and earned enough for tuition.
I didn't finish my degree the first time. I got married and had a kid. I learned a trade and got a good paying job and went to school nights for 6 years to finish my BSME. I never asked for or received a dime of public money.

Yeahhhh....but that requires effort. And since they've been telling little Johnny how wonderful and unique he is since kindergarten he doesnt know how to deal with rejection and or failure.
It's sad really.

I'd love to watch you debate my daughter or any one of her friends. They'd stomp you and then step on your neck while laughing at the loser. When they lose at something.....they get even later on. You don't know today's youth. You know a stereotype. Try harder.
First, it was Alice, not Helen, secondly, it was her money-not Walmart's operating money she spent. Third, it is the first art museum to open since 1974. Do you not recognize the value of the arts in society? They also offer an in residence art program.
Better question. Is walmart proud of them penalizing their workers?

Honey, your war on wages and Walmart resulted in their dropping the affordable healthcare they gave 30,000 part time workers. Proud of yourself?
Well, aside from bait for the classist classless idiots, the point of the thread was to again point out the gop is sunk if it keeps to the "takers and makers" bulltripe of mitt. Even Rubio, unless he's flip flopped again, proposed tax credits in lieu of Obama care, and no one is seriously for cutting Wal-Mart workers off Medicaid.
For what Helen Walton spent as a board member to build Crystal Bridges Art Museum in bentonville, Ar...,, they could have covered the work force with health insurance..it's all about priorities...
The museum is losing money because it does not have enough high brows interested in seeing it..Now the Pig Trail Harley rally draws around 250 thousand people..I still get Helen and Alice mixed up...When i worked for Wal Mart at the warehouse, Sam and Alice were alive..Helen is the DWI queen.
Look idiot. Low skilled workers get low paying jobs.

Yet they still require food, clothing and shelter to survive like the rest of us. Odd, isn't it?
And money to get the training...
The State already paid for a high school education. With that, you should be able to earn enough to pay for additional training.
I worked in a garage while in college and earned enough for tuition.
I didn't finish my degree the first time. I got married and had a kid. I learned a trade and got a good paying job and went to school nights for 6 years to finish my BSME. I never asked for or received a dime of public money.
I worked through college also, yet at 20 dollars a credit hour at Okie University, it is cheap compared to 200 dollars a credit hour now...
Look idiot. Low skilled workers get low paying jobs.

Yet they still require food, clothing and shelter to survive like the rest of us. Odd, isn't it?
And money to get the training...
The State already paid for a high school education. With that, you should be able to earn enough to pay for additional training.
I worked in a garage while in college and earned enough for tuition.
I didn't finish my degree the first time. I got married and had a kid. I learned a trade and got a good paying job and went to school nights for 6 years to finish my BSME. I never asked for or received a dime of public money.

Yeahhhh....but that requires effort. And since they've been telling little Johnny how wonderful and unique he is since kindergarten he doesnt know how to deal with rejection and or failure.
It's sad really.
You mean a parent or teacher(coaches)should never tell a child they are special they are and with positive encouragement to give a child a healthy spirit?
If little Johnny is a failure, he should be encouraged to work harder or try to succeed at something else. You cannot give someone self esteem... Err, well you can, but then you get people like barack obama thinking they're qualified to be POTUS.
Yet they still require food, clothing and shelter to survive like the rest of us. Odd, isn't it?
And money to get the training...
The State already paid for a high school education. With that, you should be able to earn enough to pay for additional training.
I worked in a garage while in college and earned enough for tuition.
I didn't finish my degree the first time. I got married and had a kid. I learned a trade and got a good paying job and went to school nights for 6 years to finish my BSME. I never asked for or received a dime of public money.

Yeahhhh....but that requires effort. And since they've been telling little Johnny how wonderful and unique he is since kindergarten he doesnt know how to deal with rejection and or failure.
It's sad really.
You mean a parent or teacher(coaches)should never tell a child they are special they are and with positive encouragement to give a child a healthy spirit?
If little Johnny is a failure, he should be encouraged to work harder or try to succeed at something else. You cannot give someone self esteem... Err, well you can, but then you get people like barack obama thinking they're qualified to be POTUS.
It is better to try and fail then to never try at all...

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