Hi. I'm A Republican. I'm Here To Help.

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Reagan was part right and it pains me to say that, the true words Americans should fear are not “I’m from the government and I’m here to help” but “I’m a republican and I’m here to help”. In my lifetime the republicans have helped no one but the top 10% of the population and the companies that employ them and for the most part they have done a lot of damage to them also.

Republicans plan to “improve” medicare was to pass an unfunded prescription drug bill that increased costs and cut shorter the amount of time medicare was funded for. They put more stress on the system and as expected just a few years later now they are claiming it’s a failing system and needs to be destroyed.

That is how republicans work, they pass bill claiming it’s so they can help the American people but really it’s so they can destroy something and than replace it or privatize it just a few years later.

Republicans pushed through a bill years ago that caused the post office to fund their pension for the next 75 years and they had to do it in 10 years.

Up until this point the post office was running a surplus but these new regulations not only ate the surplus but put the post office into debt. Now in 2017 republicans are using the post office being in debt as an example of why they need to pass a law that eliminates civil servant protections including the right to unionize and receive pensions.

They manufactured a crisis and now they’re running in to solve it by destroying unions, pensions and privatization.

You hear Trump lie to the willfully ignorant that Obamacare will die on it’s own, that is a lie and should be the lie of the decade.

Yes many insurance companies are pulling out of Obamacare but not because of rising costs or losing money but because of things republicans have done the last 6 years to gut the bill and because of what Donald Trump himself has been doing. They’ve put an end to some subsidies, put and end to the risk funding and not expanded medicaid in some states as expected. While republicans have not fired the death shot they have stabbed Obamacare enough to gravely wound it and insurance companies are leaving before it dies.

Of course when republicans do something and claim it’s to help people you can usually just follow the money.

When they made online poker illegal by going after the banks etc. for funding the sites they claimed it was to help people and I’m sure it had nothing to do with the millions they received from Vegas and Sheldon Adelson.

They couldn’t kill it on their own so they had to sneak it into a military funding bill and any democrats who opposed it they screamed “he hates our troops”.

That is how they work, when they know something won’t pass or that it will be unpopular they sneak it into another bill and hope no one notices.

They promote Trumpcare as a great plan meant to help people when in reality it’s just a Yuge tax cut for the wealthiest Americans at the expense of the poor and working families. But that is who republicans represent the wealthiest Americans, they’re willing to destroy the environment and destroy families or worse allow people to suffer and die just as long as the Koch brothers or the Walton family don’t have to spend an extra .10 cents.

As long as they can keep blaming the poor for the middle class not living like they used to and having the middle class and poor fight a civil war they can keep us enslaved and keep the willfully ignorant on their side.

The greatest fear of any politician is that the poor and middle class unite and take our country back, they’ve fought since the 1980’s to make sure that didn’t happen.

I'm a republican, I'm here to help
Every fucking time a liberal politician (republican or democrat) gets in office, during those years, it truly ends up making the country much worse. Example, before President Reagan took over, the US had to deal with 4 years of worthless tard named Jimmy(the peanut) Carter who had gas lines miles longs because Jimmy said OIL would run out in 10 years, and you could only fill up on either odd or even days, due to your last name. Economic Malaise(the malaise factor) was created just for the crappy ex Georgia Failed Governor. Then President Reagan comes in, lowers interest rates from 39% to 15%, taxes from 95% to 39% and soon there was economic prosperity for everyone, except the poor that Jimmy created, as the poor don't get tax breaks because they don't pay taxes. Then after 8 years of greatness incomes Liberal Republican Bush 1, and he creates more government programs, goes to war with Iraq, and says, "Read my lips, no new taxes", then as a liberal, raises taxes. 4 years of liberal Republican, we get Bill Clinton(I did not have sexual relations with that woman) and in 2 years he put the largest tax burden on the US, and soon the Congress(40 years under Dems rule) changed over to Republican with Newt Gingrich bringing the contract with America, which Bill signed 7 out of 10 and the US once again, started to shape up. I am stopping here, but just as I just shown, liberals fuck it up, and conservative have to clean it up. This OP is so full of shit, I now have to clean it up.

Obamacare is in real danger
The Affordable Care Act is in deep trouble — in Washington and large swaths of the country.

Senate Republicans began to coalesce around the framework of a plan to repeal and replace the law last week. Their plan would, like the bill the House passed in May, almost certainly cause millions of low-income Americans to lose coverage by ending the Medicaid expansion. It would help the young and healthy at the expense of the older and the sick.
All I can say is , Republicans DONT FUCKING TOUCH OBAMACARE, let it fucking collapse on its own, then when no one has healthcare, march those Democrats out in front of the people and let the horde punish the democrats for their failure once again. Liberalism is full of good intentions, but always ends in disaster, as history always remembers.

I guess democrats moved the jobs out of Detroit. But that's not my point here.

Reagan helped us become a debtor nation and set record deficits.

We faced a depression by the time the last republican administration was in charge and republicans had control of bpth houses.

Both Clinton and Obama had to clean up major Republican messes. That is why Clinton enacted that tax increase or he economy was going to die because of Reagan and Bush 1. But let's not allow facts to stand in the way of good old fashioned republicans lying.


This was caused by republican leadership. This is where we were headed had it not been for Obama.


This is republican leadership.


No...the democrats controlled congress during Reagan's time spent more than his tax cuts brought into the government....and his tax cuts almost doubled how much money the government received ...and they still out spent it......

The problem isn't cutting taxes...the problem is democrats spending us into poverty.
You're a nut. Republicans controlled the Senate for 6 of Reagan's 8 years in office. And Reagan signed the bills that landed on his desk. Both parties were responsible for spending back then.

Twit......where do all money bills have to originate according to congress....moron.......and who controlled the House of Representatives the entire time? Moron.

Reagan had a deal with the asshole tip o'niell.......2 dollars in cuts for each in tax raises that the democrats wanted....they lied, took the tax increase and didn't cut the spending...

It is always the spending......it is never a problem of generating revenue.
Moron... not a single bill makes it to the president's without Senate approval. And Republicans controlled the Senate for 6 of Reagan's 8 years.

Even worse for your dementia, not a single bill became law during Reagan's 8 years without his signature.

Both parties are responsible for spending during that period. Own some personal responsibility for once in your life.
Reagan was part right and it pains me to say that, the true words Americans should fear are not “I’m from the government and I’m here to help” but “I’m a republican and I’m here to help”. In my lifetime the republicans have helped no one but the top 10% of the population and the companies that employ them and for the most part they have done a lot of damage to them also. That's where I stopped reading. You might check median household income during Reagan's tenure, and that should provide a big clue. Reagan's leadership is one reason why we entered our greatest state both economics and defense, and that lasted well into Clinton's tenure.
Reagan was part right and it pains me to say that, the true words Americans should fear are not “I’m from the government and I’m here to help” but “I’m a republican and I’m here to help”. In my lifetime the republicans have helped no one but the top 10% of the population and the companies that employ them and for the most part they have done a lot of damage to them also. That's where I stopped reading. You might check median household income during Reagan's tenure, and that should provide a big clue. Reagan's leadership is one reason why we entered our greatest state both economics and defense, and that lasted well into Clinton's tenure.
But somehow skipped right over Reagan's predecessor??
Reagan was part right and it pains me to say that, the true words Americans should fear are not “I’m from the government and I’m here to help” but “I’m a republican and I’m here to help”. In my lifetime the republicans have helped no one but the top 10% of the population and the companies that employ them and for the most part they have done a lot of damage to them also. That's where I stopped reading. You might check median household income during Reagan's tenure, and that should provide a big clue. Reagan's leadership is one reason why we entered our greatest state both economics and defense, and that lasted well into Clinton's tenure.
But somehow skipped right over Reagan's predecessor??

True believers. You gotta love 'em.
Paraphrased Reagan comments aside it's obvious that Americans have dismissed the democrat party since democrats have lost the presidency, both houses of congress most governors and more than 3,000 state and local elections in less than a decade. Lefties are so incoherent and leaderless that they don't even realize how obvious it is that they care only about trying to regain power and damn the Country.

Americas have not dismissed the democratic party. But Republicans gerrymandered things so severely that districts which were formerly democratic turned republican.
Maryland is gerrymandered because of

Please elaborate.
Reagan helped us become a debtor nation and set record deficits.

We faced a depression by the time the last republican administration was in char
Right out of the History Revisionism 101 textbook. GDP nearly doubled with "Reaganomics". Debt went up but we enjoyed record growth too, you left that out. Bush term had a Dem congress to deal with and they couldn't spend money fast enough. Not sure how he gets the blame.

No, this is not historical revision. These are facts. Reaganistas are very selective when talking statistics under St. Ronnie.

GDP grew under Reagan because he ramped up military spending. All those huge deficits he rang up were spent at home, on military equipment and technology. But while GDP went up, middle class wages stagnated, and job growth was half what is was under Clinton or Obama. Even Carter created more jobs than Reagan.

Poverty increased dramatically under Reagan and food stamp usage doubled in the first two years of his administration in spite of tightening the eligibility requirements. Unemployment hit 6% during Ronnie's second term and Reagan lost the House which promptly cancelled funding on his failed Stars Wars initiative.

If you were wealthy, you got a LOT richer under Reagan. The rest of the country started living off their credit cards cause Ronnie said "Deficits don't matter".

Reagan gutted anti trust legislation which lead to mega corporations like Walmart which suppress workers wages and encourage workers to exploit government programs like earned income credits and Medicaid so they don't have to pay a living wage.

Ronnie started the transfer of wealth to the top 5% which will continue until the rich start paying higher levels of tax.
And you are a fucking liar. It was Nancy Pelosi(speaker of the house) and Harry Reid(senate majority leader) both democrats who were in charge when the last republican was in charge who had a depression caused by Maxine Waters, Chris Dodd, and Barney Frank. Yep you can always tell a liberal is lying for their mouths are open.

talking well beyond that, then you fuck yutsrlf vy veing a conservative.

Well no that was not the case. Bush came into office in 2000 with republicans in control of both houses I do believe he had such control until 2006.

Your dates are a little off... Bush came into office in 2001 and he and Republicans were in control until 2007.

And Obama took over office in 2009, nice try to divert once again, that it WAS, Nancy Blinkie Pelosi and Dirty Harry(Liar) Reid that were in office before Bush left office. When liberals have their mouths open either flies or Lies come out of it.

No, that would be conservatives. Conservative polices fucked up this country. That's the way it is. People like you can lie and obfuscate until hell freezes over, but that's what happened. .

Democrats Run America's Ten Poorest Cities - Eagle Rising
Buffalo, NY (2nd) hasn’t elected one since 1954;

Cincinnati, OH (3rd)… since 1984;

Cleveland, OH (4th)… since 1989;

Miami, FL (5th) has never had a Republican Mayor;

St. Louis, MO (6th)…. since 1949;

El Paso, TX (7th) has never had a Republican Mayor;

Milwaukee, WI (8th)… since 1908;

Philadelphia, PA (9th)… since 1952;

Newark, NJ (10th)… since 1907.
Einstein once said, “The definition of insanity is doing
the same thing over and over again and always
expecting different results.”
You libs are definitely products of public indoctrination. Your brainwashing is totally complete. Adolf would be proud of you.

View attachment 132483

The 10 richest cities in the US are also run by Democrats because there are almost no large cities run by Republicans. They're incompetent at government.

Reagan was part right and it pains me to say that, the true words Americans should fear are not “I’m from the government and I’m here to help” but “I’m a republican and I’m here to help”. In my lifetime the republicans have helped no one but the top 10% of the population and the companies that employ them and for the most part they have done a lot of damage to them also.

Republicans plan to “improve” medicare was to pass an unfunded prescription drug bill that increased costs and cut shorter the amount of time medicare was funded for. They put more stress on the system and as expected just a few years later now they are claiming it’s a failing system and needs to be destroyed.

That is how republicans work, they pass bill claiming it’s so they can help the American people but really it’s so they can destroy something and than replace it or privatize it just a few years later.

Republicans pushed through a bill years ago that caused the post office to fund their pension for the next 75 years and they had to do it in 10 years.

Up until this point the post office was running a surplus but these new regulations not only ate the surplus but put the post office into debt. Now in 2017 republicans are using the post office being in debt as an example of why they need to pass a law that eliminates civil servant protections including the right to unionize and receive pensions.

They manufactured a crisis and now they’re running in to solve it by destroying unions, pensions and privatization.

You hear Trump lie to the willfully ignorant that Obamacare will die on it’s own, that is a lie and should be the lie of the decade.

Yes many insurance companies are pulling out of Obamacare but not because of rising costs or losing money but because of things republicans have done the last 6 years to gut the bill and because of what Donald Trump himself has been doing. They’ve put an end to some subsidies, put and end to the risk funding and not expanded medicaid in some states as expected. While republicans have not fired the death shot they have stabbed Obamacare enough to gravely wound it and insurance companies are leaving before it dies.

Of course when republicans do something and claim it’s to help people you can usually just follow the money.

When they made online poker illegal by going after the banks etc. for funding the sites they claimed it was to help people and I’m sure it had nothing to do with the millions they received from Vegas and Sheldon Adelson.

They couldn’t kill it on their own so they had to sneak it into a military funding bill and any democrats who opposed it they screamed “he hates our troops”.

That is how they work, when they know something won’t pass or that it will be unpopular they sneak it into another bill and hope no one notices.

They promote Trumpcare as a great plan meant to help people when in reality it’s just a Yuge tax cut for the wealthiest Americans at the expense of the poor and working families. But that is who republicans represent the wealthiest Americans, they’re willing to destroy the environment and destroy families or worse allow people to suffer and die just as long as the Koch brothers or the Walton family don’t have to spend an extra .10 cents.

As long as they can keep blaming the poor for the middle class not living like they used to and having the middle class and poor fight a civil war they can keep us enslaved and keep the willfully ignorant on their side.

The greatest fear of any politician is that the poor and middle class unite and take our country back, they’ve fought since the 1980’s to make sure that didn’t happen.

I'm a republican, I'm here to help
How much did China charge for the rights to use that Great Wall of text?

Reagan helped us become a debtor nation and set record deficits.

We faced a depression by the time the last republican administration was in char
Right out of the History Revisionism 101 textbook. GDP nearly doubled with "Reaganomics". Debt went up but we enjoyed record growth too, you left that out. Bush term had a Dem congress to deal with and they couldn't spend money fast enough. Not sure how he gets the blame.

Ronald Reagan: Domestic Affairs | Miller Center

The Obama Economy vs. The Reagan Economy: It's Literally No Contest

Opinion | Debunking the Reagan Myth

The Sad Legacy of Ronald Reagan
Let us know when you can find some facts. A two second search is lazy and sloppy. If you can't figure out content then so be it.

The facts are in front of you. Reagan screwed us. I was here alive, a voting and working citizen of this nation during his reign of I forgot and I can't recall,

So was I and he gave us new hope from.the cluster fuck of Carter...the 1980s was party Central..

talking well beyond that, then you fuck yutsrlf vy veing a conservative.

Well no that was not the case. Bush came into office in 2000 with republicans in control of both houses I do believe he had such control until 2006.
Your dates are a little off... Bush came into office in 2001 and he and Republicans were in control until 2007.
And Obama took over office in 2009, nice try to divert once again, that it WAS, Nancy Blinkie Pelosi and Dirty Harry(Liar) Reid that were in office before Bush left office. When liberals have their mouths open either flies or Lies come out of it.

No, that would be conservatives. Conservative polices fucked up this country. That's the way it is. People like you can lie and obfuscate until hell freezes over, but that's what happened. .
Democrats Run America's Ten Poorest Cities - Eagle Rising
Buffalo, NY (2nd) hasn’t elected one since 1954;

Cincinnati, OH (3rd)… since 1984;

Cleveland, OH (4th)… since 1989;

Miami, FL (5th) has never had a Republican Mayor;

St. Louis, MO (6th)…. since 1949;

El Paso, TX (7th) has never had a Republican Mayor;

Milwaukee, WI (8th)… since 1908;

Philadelphia, PA (9th)… since 1952;

Newark, NJ (10th)… since 1907.
Einstein once said, “The definition of insanity is doing
the same thing over and over again and always
expecting different results.”
You libs are definitely products of public indoctrination. Your brainwashing is totally complete. Adolf would be proud of you.

View attachment 132483

The 10 richest cities in the US are also run by Democrats because there are almost no large cities run by Republicans. They're incompetent at government.

Look at our major cities that are run by democrats, have been fucked up for decades. You guys are in no position to be talking about competent gov't.
talking well beyond that, then you fuck yutsrlf vy veing a conservative.

Well no that was not the case. Bush came into office in 2000 with republicans in control of both houses I do believe he had such control until 2006.
Your dates are a little off... Bush came into office in 2001 and he and Republicans were in control until 2007.
And Obama took over office in 2009, nice try to divert once again, that it WAS, Nancy Blinkie Pelosi and Dirty Harry(Liar) Reid that were in office before Bush left office. When liberals have their mouths open either flies or Lies come out of it.

No, that would be conservatives. Conservative polices fucked up this country. That's the way it is. People like you can lie and obfuscate until hell freezes over, but that's what happened. .
Democrats Run America's Ten Poorest Cities - Eagle Rising
Buffalo, NY (2nd) hasn’t elected one since 1954;

Cincinnati, OH (3rd)… since 1984;

Cleveland, OH (4th)… since 1989;

Miami, FL (5th) has never had a Republican Mayor;

St. Louis, MO (6th)…. since 1949;

El Paso, TX (7th) has never had a Republican Mayor;

Milwaukee, WI (8th)… since 1908;

Philadelphia, PA (9th)… since 1952;

Newark, NJ (10th)… since 1907.
Einstein once said, “The definition of insanity is doing
the same thing over and over again and always
expecting different results.”
You libs are definitely products of public indoctrination. Your brainwashing is totally complete. Adolf would be proud of you.

View attachment 132483

The 10 richest cities in the US are also run by Democrats because there are almost no large cities run by Republicans. They're incompetent at government.

They have been run by democrats for 40~ 100 years ....GTFO with your bullshit.

Reagan was part right and it pains me to say that, the true words Americans should fear are not “I’m from the government and I’m here to help” but “I’m a republican and I’m here to help”. In my lifetime the republicans have helped no one but the top 10% of the population and the companies that employ them and for the most part they have done a lot of damage to them also.

Republicans plan to “improve” medicare was to pass an unfunded prescription drug bill that increased costs and cut shorter the amount of time medicare was funded for. They put more stress on the system and as expected just a few years later now they are claiming it’s a failing system and needs to be destroyed.

That is how republicans work, they pass bill claiming it’s so they can help the American people but really it’s so they can destroy something and than replace it or privatize it just a few years later.

Republicans pushed through a bill years ago that caused the post office to fund their pension for the next 75 years and they had to do it in 10 years.

Up until this point the post office was running a surplus but these new regulations not only ate the surplus but put the post office into debt. Now in 2017 republicans are using the post office being in debt as an example of why they need to pass a law that eliminates civil servant protections including the right to unionize and receive pensions.

They manufactured a crisis and now they’re running in to solve it by destroying unions, pensions and privatization.

You hear Trump lie to the willfully ignorant that Obamacare will die on it’s own, that is a lie and should be the lie of the decade.

Yes many insurance companies are pulling out of Obamacare but not because of rising costs or losing money but because of things republicans have done the last 6 years to gut the bill and because of what Donald Trump himself has been doing. They’ve put an end to some subsidies, put and end to the risk funding and not expanded medicaid in some states as expected. While republicans have not fired the death shot they have stabbed Obamacare enough to gravely wound it and insurance companies are leaving before it dies.

Of course when republicans do something and claim it’s to help people you can usually just follow the money.

When they made online poker illegal by going after the banks etc. for funding the sites they claimed it was to help people and I’m sure it had nothing to do with the millions they received from Vegas and Sheldon Adelson.

They couldn’t kill it on their own so they had to sneak it into a military funding bill and any democrats who opposed it they screamed “he hates our troops”.

That is how they work, when they know something won’t pass or that it will be unpopular they sneak it into another bill and hope no one notices.

They promote Trumpcare as a great plan meant to help people when in reality it’s just a Yuge tax cut for the wealthiest Americans at the expense of the poor and working families. But that is who republicans represent the wealthiest Americans, they’re willing to destroy the environment and destroy families or worse allow people to suffer and die just as long as the Koch brothers or the Walton family don’t have to spend an extra .10 cents.

As long as they can keep blaming the poor for the middle class not living like they used to and having the middle class and poor fight a civil war they can keep us enslaved and keep the willfully ignorant on their side.

The greatest fear of any politician is that the poor and middle class unite and take our country back, they’ve fought since the 1980’s to make sure that didn’t happen.

I'm a republican, I'm here to help

And it is the ignorant minority that they do this to who continually vote against their own best interest. It is sad to watch, Republicans tell their voters one thing and then always do something else but their base never figures it out. They almost did when the Tea Baggers rose up but the Republican machine ate those people over a few years as well. It is a sad state of humanity that some of the people, conservatives, can be fooled all the time.
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Reagan helped us become a debtor nation and set record deficits.

We faced a depression by the time the last republican administration was in char
Right out of the History Revisionism 101 textbook. GDP nearly doubled with "Reaganomics". Debt went up but we enjoyed record growth too, you left that out. Bush term had a Dem congress to deal with and they couldn't spend money fast enough. Not sure how he gets the blame.

Ronald Reagan: Domestic Affairs | Miller Center

The Obama Economy vs. The Reagan Economy: It's Literally No Contest

Opinion | Debunking the Reagan Myth

The Sad Legacy of Ronald Reagan
Let us know when you can find some facts. A two second search is lazy and sloppy. If you can't figure out content then so be it.

The facts are in front of you. Reagan screwed us. I was here alive, a voting and working citizen of this nation during his reign of I forgot and I can't recall,

So was I and he gave us new hope from.the cluster fuck of Carter...the 1980s was party Central..

Yeah, the lines never ended.
Your dates are a little off... Bush came into office in 2001 and he and Republicans were in control until 2007.
And Obama took over office in 2009, nice try to divert once again, that it WAS, Nancy Blinkie Pelosi and Dirty Harry(Liar) Reid that were in office before Bush left office. When liberals have their mouths open either flies or Lies come out of it.

No, that would be conservatives. Conservative polices fucked up this country. That's the way it is. People like you can lie and obfuscate until hell freezes over, but that's what happened. .
Democrats Run America's Ten Poorest Cities - Eagle Rising
Buffalo, NY (2nd) hasn’t elected one since 1954;

Cincinnati, OH (3rd)… since 1984;

Cleveland, OH (4th)… since 1989;

Miami, FL (5th) has never had a Republican Mayor;

St. Louis, MO (6th)…. since 1949;

El Paso, TX (7th) has never had a Republican Mayor;

Milwaukee, WI (8th)… since 1908;

Philadelphia, PA (9th)… since 1952;

Newark, NJ (10th)… since 1907.
Einstein once said, “The definition of insanity is doing
the same thing over and over again and always
expecting different results.”
You libs are definitely products of public indoctrination. Your brainwashing is totally complete. Adolf would be proud of you.

View attachment 132483

The 10 richest cities in the US are also run by Democrats because there are almost no large cities run by Republicans. They're incompetent at government.

They have been run by democrats for 40~ 100 years ....GTFO with your bullshit.

I guess cities are immune to state and national republican policy.
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