High Cost of Climate Change


Gold Member
Apr 5, 2009
"28 March 2014 (AP) – The National Weather Service says Seattle has already logged the wettest March since record-keeping started back in the 1890s — and more rain is forecast through Monday."

Climate change and the Oso WA mudslide, extreme weather makes deadly results - National Environment | Examiner.com

David Herron
March 24, 2014


In May 2011 the Union of Concerned Scientists issued a press release discussing how climate change contributes to heavy rainfall. The mudslide in Oso, WA, was clearly caused by heavy rainfall. According to UCSUSA, carbon emissions in the atmosphere traps heat, and the rising heat causes more water evaporation from oceans, land and plants. As the atmosphere warms it can hold more moisture, meaning that when rainfall does occur "there is more water vapor available in the atmosphere to fall as rain, snow or hail."

As a result, U.S. Global Change Research Program’s (USGCRP) scientists have observed "less rain falling in light precipitation events and more rain falling in the heaviest precipitation events across the United States." Or, put another way, when it rains it pours. Heavily.
The UCSUSA press release closed discussing the economic cost of flooding, and the Oso, WA, landslide demonstrates the high cost of climate change. To mitigate landslide risk governments work to shore up hillsides, like the WSDOT project just completed. Governments would also be tempted to build more storm drains, levees, dams and the like. Then there is the direct economic cost, destroyed homes or cities, highways wiped out, and lives lost or disrupted.

Well, we need to pray to the g-d of the climate and ask him to wave his magic wand and stop changing the darn thing

good grief...like storms haven't been COSTLY in the past

I swear these cult members are frikken BRAINWASHED with this stuff
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"28 March 2014 (AP) – The National Weather Service says Seattle has already logged the wettest March since record-keeping started back in the 1890s — and more rain is forecast through Monday."

Climate change and the Oso WA mudslide, extreme weather makes deadly results - National Environment | Examiner.com

David Herron
March 24, 2014


In May 2011 the Union of Concerned Scientists issued a press release discussing how climate change contributes to heavy rainfall. The mudslide in Oso, WA, was clearly caused by heavy rainfall. According to UCSUSA, carbon emissions in the atmosphere traps heat, and the rising heat causes more water evaporation from oceans, land and plants. As the atmosphere warms it can hold more moisture, meaning that when rainfall does occur "there is more water vapor available in the atmosphere to fall as rain, snow or hail."

As a result, U.S. Global Change Research Program’s (USGCRP) scientists have observed "less rain falling in light precipitation events and more rain falling in the heaviest precipitation events across the United States." Or, put another way, when it rains it pours. Heavily.
The UCSUSA press release closed discussing the economic cost of flooding, and the Oso, WA, landslide demonstrates the high cost of climate change. To mitigate landslide risk governments work to shore up hillsides, like the WSDOT project just completed. Governments would also be tempted to build more storm drains, levees, dams and the like. Then there is the direct economic cost, destroyed homes or cities, highways wiped out, and lives lost or disrupted.


I guess we can toss mudslides onto the 10,000 item list of things that global warming causes. Of course, droughts are already on the list.
"28 March 2014 (AP) – The National Weather Service says Seattle has already logged the wettest March since record-keeping started back in the 1890s — and more rain is forecast through Monday."

Climate change and the Oso WA mudslide, extreme weather makes deadly results - National Environment | Examiner.com

David Herron
March 24, 2014


In May 2011 the Union of Concerned Scientists issued a press release discussing how climate change contributes to heavy rainfall. The mudslide in Oso, WA, was clearly caused by heavy rainfall. According to UCSUSA, carbon emissions in the atmosphere traps heat, and the rising heat causes more water evaporation from oceans, land and plants. As the atmosphere warms it can hold more moisture, meaning that when rainfall does occur "there is more water vapor available in the atmosphere to fall as rain, snow or hail."

As a result, U.S. Global Change Research Program’s (USGCRP) scientists have observed "less rain falling in light precipitation events and more rain falling in the heaviest precipitation events across the United States." Or, put another way, when it rains it pours. Heavily.
The UCSUSA press release closed discussing the economic cost of flooding, and the Oso, WA, landslide demonstrates the high cost of climate change. To mitigate landslide risk governments work to shore up hillsides, like the WSDOT project just completed. Governments would also be tempted to build more storm drains, levees, dams and the like. Then there is the direct economic cost, destroyed homes or cities, highways wiped out, and lives lost or disrupted.


I guess we can toss mudslides onto the 10,000 item list of things that global warming causes. Of course, droughts are already on the list.

unbelievable people are falling for this crap...dear gawd we need to be saved from THEM...not the globull warming AKA climate change
unbelievable people are falling for this crap...dear gawd we need to be saved from THEM...not the globull warming AKA climate change

Just out of curiosity Ms Stephanie, what's your explanation for the very high majority of scientists who "are falling for this crap"? Are they all stupid or are they all lying to us?
Geologists have been warning about the unstable region in Washington for years. It's not like it came as a surprise.
I guess we can toss mudslides onto the 10,000 item list of things that global warming causes. Of course, droughts are already on the list.

Droughts and mudslides...is that sort of like more less snow and warmer cooler winters...and earlier later spring?
unbelievable people are falling for this crap...dear gawd we need to be saved from THEM...not the globull warming AKA climate change

Just out of curiosity Ms Stephanie, what's your explanation for the very high majority of scientists who "are falling for this crap"? Are they all stupid or are they all lying to us?

$$$$$ and fame. So what is your excuse for falling for the hoax mr fake ocean engineer? Laughing my ass off over your having your ass handed to you by polar bear due to your inability to read a graph of ocean temps or know what they mean? Really....laughing my ass off.
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A very high majority with most being FOREIGNERS...with an AGENDA

go see Jims thread where they want RICH NATIONS TO PAY for their poor countries...It's pure EXTORTION and you cult members are willing to let them do it to you and OUR COUNTRY

so yes, they are lying and relying on people like you cult followers BEING STUPID and fall for it
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Geologists have been warning about the unstable region in Washington for years. It's not like it came as a surprise.

You dumb fuck, you have accused geologists of being commies for reporting on the recession of the glaciers, and the melting of the arctic ocean ice. So which is it? Are these geologists concerned scientists, or dirty commies?

The geologists who stated that there would be a catastrophic slide in that area in 1999 were more than likely damned by the 'Conservatives' as stupid 'alarmists'.
What troubles me more is the high cost of controlling humanity's right to exist in a world of hydrocarbons. And for what? An insignificant decrease in emissions?

Such efforts are misguided and misplaced. Raising the cost of all goods across the board while putting millions out of work.

But we SHOULD do it "just in case" climate change is real.
I am convinced that. Globull Warming is a religious CULT. . Al Gore is their Pope. When the fairy tales they tell are proven to be lies, then simply re-brand, re-launch, re-create. Remember folks, only more government regulations and control can prevent a catastrophe!! The Goremans can control the weather, just give them all of your worldly possessions.....and your liberty. The Goremans.

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I can understand the desire to mitigate carbon emissions, but I believe this country (U.S.) has already gone above and beyond the call. It's time we step back and ask at what point do we begin to do very serious harm to our economy for the sake of a diminishing return on those reductions in emissions.

And why such pointed focus on fossil fuels? Outside the debate on GMO's there seems to be a total lack of concern for agriculture's impact on this nation's environment. Farmers have uprooted untold acres of trees just to get an incremental bushel of grain to market. Their chemicals choke our waterways, have killed the Gulf of Mexico, and ruin water tables.

This graphic illustrates our progress over the decades. Is this the picture of an industry that makes no effort? I don't think so.

The true threat, if there is one, lies outside our borders (save for agriculture's contributions to a poisoned environment). East and central-Asia as well as eastern Europe are sending a constant cloud of crap our way.

It's time to back off the bullshit, call off the EPA, and put the hammer to the real world polluters.

Our economy thrives when hydrocarbons are best utilized. And that is a fact that will not change for generations to come.


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"28 March 2014 (AP) – The National Weather Service says Seattle has already logged the wettest March since record-keeping started back in the 1890s — and more rain is forecast through Monday."

Climate change and the Oso WA mudslide, extreme weather makes deadly results - National Environment | Examiner.com

David Herron
March 24, 2014


In May 2011 the Union of Concerned Scientists issued a press release discussing how climate change contributes to heavy rainfall. The mudslide in Oso, WA, was clearly caused by heavy rainfall. According to UCSUSA, carbon emissions in the atmosphere traps heat, and the rising heat causes more water evaporation from oceans, land and plants. As the atmosphere warms it can hold more moisture, meaning that when rainfall does occur "there is more water vapor available in the atmosphere to fall as rain, snow or hail."

As a result, U.S. Global Change Research Program’s (USGCRP) scientists have observed "less rain falling in light precipitation events and more rain falling in the heaviest precipitation events across the United States." Or, put another way, when it rains it pours. Heavily.
The UCSUSA press release closed discussing the economic cost of flooding, and the Oso, WA, landslide demonstrates the high cost of climate change. To mitigate landslide risk governments work to shore up hillsides, like the WSDOT project just completed. Governments would also be tempted to build more storm drains, levees, dams and the like. Then there is the direct economic cost, destroyed homes or cities, highways wiped out, and lives lost or disrupted.


Ho hum, yet another disaster blamed on globalwarmingclimatechangeglobalclimatedisruption... The scientific ignorance of you people is simply amazing. Look up "mass wasting", a geologic process. Ah, heck...here I'll do it for you....

Just another normal geologic process that has been occurring since long before man ever walked the planet. Funny how you silly people are so ignorant of REAL science that you don't even know the basics...:cuckoo:



The term mass wasting (sometimes called mass movement) encompasses a broad array of processes whereby earth material is transported down a slope by the force of gravity. It is related closely to weathering, which is the breakdown of minerals or rocks at or near Earth's surface through physical, chemical, or biological processes, and to erosion, the transport of material through a variety of agents, most of them flowing media, such as air or water. Varieties of mass wasting are classified according to the speed and force of the process, from extremely slow creep to very rapid, dramatic slide or fall. Examples of rapid mass wasting include landslides and avalanches, which can be the cause of widespread death and destruction when they occur in populated areas.

Mass Wasting
good grief...like storms haven't been COSTLY in the past

Of course storms have been costly in the past. Do you think that means they can't get worse?

Storms in the past have been far worse than ANYTHING we have experienced. You should crack open a history book sometime, you'll be stunned at what you learn.
Geologists have been warning about the unstable region in Washington for years. It's not like it came as a surprise.

You dumb fuck, you have accused geologists of being commies for reporting on the recession of the glaciers, and the melting of the arctic ocean ice. So which is it? Are these geologists concerned scientists, or dirty commies?

The geologists who stated that there would be a catastrophic slide in that area in 1999 were more than likely damned by the 'Conservatives' as stupid 'alarmists'.

Spot on Mr. Rocks

I live about an hour drive South of Oso but I have a number of friends that live within a few minutes of Darrington, Arlington, Camano Island, etc, as well as Glenn Beck's hometown of Mt Vernon. Many of the people that live in and around Oso are...

There are Known Knowns, and Known Unknowns, and Then There’s the Stuff We Know But Ignore

Mar 30, 2014


Timothy Egan writes that the hillsides became dangerous because they were overlogged. He had visited the area 25 years ago and watched a massive mudslide then. He adds,
Yes, but who wants to listen to warnings by pesky scientists, to pay heed to predictions by environmental nags, or allow an intrusive government to limit private property rights? That’s how these issues get cast. And that’s why reports like the ones done on the Stillaguamish get shelved. The people living near Oso say nobody ever informed them of the past predictions.

Just upriver from the buried community along the Stillaguamish is Darrington, a town with a proud logging tradition. The folks who live there are self-described Tarheels, transplanted from Southern Appalachia several generations ago after their own timber mills went bust. They hold a terrific bluegrass festival every year, and they show up in force at public hearings where government and environmentalists are denounced with venom. It’s not their fault that the earth moved, certainly. But they should insist that their public officials tell them the plain truth when the science is bad news.
I guess you better deal with it star. The climate has changed since the beginning of time.
Star and the Old rockinhead, the chicken little's of GloBULL warming

what a life to sit around and put down your own country

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