High school girl addresses school board

No matter, they would get beaten to an inch of their life by a couple of Conservatives that are Christians.
More projection...

Here's what Dembot heroes do to women....https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/michael-avenatti-accuser-says-he-dragged-her-left-her-marks-n938656

Michael Avenatti accuser Mareli Miniutti says he dragged her, left her with marks on skin​

I would say this is "whataboutism" - but it's not even that...it's a pathetic attempt to defend assaulting a child's privacy and defend the practice of forcing them to use the restroom with men. It's sick really

It proves that the left are clearly a cult.
That young lady should NOT be exposed to the DERANGEMENT of some retarded DUDE that FEEEEEEELS he is a woman!
There is no need to complicate this issue with twisted interpretations of biblical verses.
Keep MEN out of WOMEN'S privet spaces. This is NOT rocket science, it is COMMON SENSE!

Common sense is incapable of penetrating the leftist skull. We see it over and over again.
Most of the left are forcing girls and women to share bathrooms and dressing rooms with males. By the way, why are you an election denier? Trump lost. Get over it. Biden has been president. Seems like you should know that after three years.

Very few cases of that anywhere. Hyperbole gets ignored.
Next time try actually saying something.
I did. Unfortunately I forgot that a worthless leftist pos like yourself wouldn’t understand it. We need to replace leftist ideology with morality, values, and a Traditionalist Conservative Ideology that includes wiping every leftist off the face of this country.

I did. Unfortunately I forgot thst a worthless leftist pos like yourself wouldn’t understand it. We need to replace leftist ideology with morality, values, and a Traditionalist Conservative Ideology that includes wiping every leftist off the face of this country.


Nope. Just mindless ranting. But you know that already.
Or maybe mentally unstable individuals should not be in the same school as the mainstream students. Just as mentally unstable individuals shouldn’t be out roaming amongst the general population unregulated.

Nah, just keep them out of the girls/women's bath and locker rooms and off their sports arenas. Funny how you never hear of girls/women who trans kicking ass in boys/men's sports.

You and the entire DNC must be a real fan of Trump.

They are. They never shut up about him and talk about him WAY more than we do.

Already been through this with you and you crawled away in shame.

These men with complete packages including penises and testicles are NOT who Jesus was talking about. He was talking about birth defects. Like hermaphrodites.

Don't mind him. He still has PTSD from somebody chopping off his balls when he was a boy. I've come to that conclusion myself.

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