High school girl addresses school board

The problem isn't specifically homosexuality or adultery for that matter. The problem is the left wanting to promote the concept, attempting to force our kids into the lefts perversions.
Exactly! I have no problem doing whatever the hell they want in their own privacy but don't promote that lifestyle to everyone else and don't force girls and women to share their dressing rooms and bathrooms with males. Their's something to be said for being in the closet and that includes everyone, including heteros. Keep your shit to yourself.
Exactly! I have no problem doing whatever the hell they want in their own privacy but don't promote that lifestyle to everyone else and don't force girls and women to share their dressing rooms and bathrooms with males.
At least have the decency to be ashamed and hide it from the pubic

But hedonists cant even do that

They want others to know about it and join them
If it's an emphatic NO, you don't elect one who brags on doing it for the highest office in the country.
Most of the left are forcing girls and women to share bathrooms and dressing rooms with males. By the way, why are you an election denier? Trump lost. Get over it. Biden has been president. Seems like you should know that after three years.
You most certainly do if the other choices are Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden.
Amen. Now that gets down to the bone. As horrible as Trump is in many ways, it's sad that he is a far better choice than what Democrats support.
No, it's far more than that. Trump brags about it, people don't reject that. They still elect him to the highest office in the country and you expect others to listen you when you tell them it's wrong?

As has been noted many times. It came about because Trump bragged about doing it and the women there verified it happened.

But you continue to make excuses for your hypocrisy.
So, you're saying that it is ok to force girls and women to share bathrooms and dressing rooms with males as long as it is not bragged about?
I did. It was condemning males for being where they do not belong.
And yet you only condemn Trump and apparently the only reason you condemn Trump is because he bragged about it. If he hadn't bragged about it then you were totally fine with it.
and there it is folks…in the dembot utopia women need to get used to not having a right to privacy…they need to get used to men using the bathroom with them…the party of Weinstein and Epstein strikes again
No matter, they would get beaten to an inch of their life by a couple of Conservatives that are Christians.
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Why not look at the genitals of people, mixed people have been using to same stalls forever.
Most ladies worry about the rapist that sneaks into the women's bathroom , so a lot of tramp who denies it.

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