High school girl addresses school board

What else does he have to justify democrats? And as he does so it shows is moral vacuum as well.

I feel sorry for him.
I just don't get why liberals feel it's a good response to use the "Timmy did it too" response as justification...We don't accept that from children, why should we from supposedly grown adults....
Democrats do not believe in anything this girl had to say so no doubt they will go on a campaign to trash her.
What she said reminded me of the movie "Hidden Figures" where blacks were supposed to use a far away bathroom because they weren't allowed to us the white's bathroom. The left were in an uproar about that and yet here this poor girl is told if she wanted to protect her modesty she would have to use the far away bathroom. How much the democratic party has fallen in just a few short years.
A country is led from the top. If a kid see's the president get away with it, what should the kid think?
LOL. Yes, exactly! If you remember, Biden won the 2020 election and has led from the top in forcing girls to accept men in their bathrooms and dressing rooms.
Trump's moral fiber........LOL. And you wonder why people don't take your complaints seriously.

You seem to believe that walking in the womens changing area, cheating on your wives, constantly getting sued for fraud, all the name calling is a sign of a high moral fiber. LOL
I feel sorry for all of those who have contracted TDS. They are completely obsessed with Trump. They can't make a post without mentioning him.
everybody is transgender. They just don't know it, my exp with the guys acting like women and the women acting like men , when did girls start wearing jeans to school? We were always told to wear a dress.

In 1972, the Education Amendments of 1972 passed in the United States, which, as part of the Title IX non-discrimination provisions, declared that dresses could not be required of girls. Dress codes thus changed in public schools across the United States. In the 1970s, trousers became quite fashionable for women.

Trousers as women's clothing - Wikipedia


:laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301:

You mean Biden showering with his 9 year old daughter?
Great point....The liberal left posted all over the place a pic where his daughter was sitting on his lap at around age 14 or so, and tried to imply that Trump had lust for his daughter, while ignoring the accusation from the daughter of Biden that he made her take showers with him....This is where a place like this has become nearly worthless for any intellectually honest discussion.
Trump's moral fiber........LOL. And you wonder why people don't take your complaints seriously.

You seem to believe that walking in the womens changing area, cheating on your wives, constantly getting sued for fraud, all the name calling is a sign of a high moral fiber. LOL
Why don't you spend this much cyberspace attacking Democrats for their moral fiber in wanting males to be allowed to go in female bathrooms and dressing rooms? Can you make a post about anything other than Trump?
And once AGAIN this fucking ASSHOLE bursts into a valid thread and FUCKS IT all out of context to make it all about Trump, and of course, itself.

ANYWAY......this push back against this gender MADNESS must continue.
The brain damaged Marxists think they're the majority, but in fact they are NOT, they just have the media and edu systems to USE against everyone else, to FORCE their agenda down the throats of ordinary people that want NO PART OF IT!!!
This won't end well, one way or another....

Look how well it worked against Butt Light so-called beer.

It's working against Disney.

Look at what canceling MyPillow did to Bed Bath & Beyond.

Folks are tired of the shit. They are totally over the tranny bullshit in Europe.

I don’t know why the idea of a trans person being in the next stall is so distressing to her. It’s been happening since I was a teen.

I wonder how this young lady feels about disrobing in front of lesbians. I had a friend tell me she wouldn’t want to share a dressing room with Lesbians looking at her like that.

Every women’s locker room I have ever been in has screened stalls for those who don’t wish to publicly disrobe. Even the showers in the locker room have curtained stalls.

Trans women get beat up in men’s locker rooms. Or worse.
What about males showering with females in women's sports?
I have never endorsed or defended it. That would be you with Trump. I can't quite understand how it is that you will defend Trump no matter what he does. He understands it and have spoke on it, but I do not.
You defend it by saying in every post but but but Trump, instead of attacking the left for their craziness.

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