High school girl addresses school board

I did. It was condemning males for being where they do not belong.

Then why try to deflect from it, using god knows how many trump references to justify it, if you oppose it?

Somehow it looks as though you actually don’t.
True. The difference is that we used to rightfully relegate them to the dark corners on the fringes of society but now we are being expected to celebrate them as heroes and paragons of society.

We used to relegate blacks to the fringes. We used to relegate women to the fringes.
And once AGAIN this fucking ASSHOLE bursts into a valid thread and FUCKS IT all out of context to make it all about Trump, and of course, itself.

ANYWAY......this push back against this gender MADNESS must continue.
The brain damaged Marxists think they're the majority, but in fact they are NOT, they just have the media and edu systems to USE against everyone else, to FORCE their agenda down the throats of ordinary people that want NO PART OF IT!!!
This won't end well, one way or another....
When they can't defend the topic being discussed all they have left is but Trump.
You defend it by saying in every post but but but Trump, instead of attacking the left for their craziness.

Odd, I said I do not support it. While some have feelings that need to be addressed so do others so it's a far more complicated discussion than their politics will allow them to do.
I did. It was condemning males for being where they do not belong.

Then why try to deflect from it, using god knows how many trump references to justify it, if you oppose it?

Somehow it looks as though you actually don’t.
We used to relegate blacks to the fringes. We used to relegate women to the fringes.

Being black is an immutable trait. Being a woman is an immutable trait.

Being trans is not an immutable trait.

Knock that comparison crap the hell off.
And once AGAIN this fucking ASSHOLE bursts into a valid thread and FUCKS IT all out of context to make it all about Trump, and of course, itself.

ANYWAY......this push back against this gender MADNESS must continue.
The brain damaged Marxists think they're the majority, but in fact they are NOT, they just have the media and edu systems to USE against everyone else, to FORCE their agenda down the throats of ordinary people that want NO PART OF IT!!!
This won't end well, one way or another....
When they can't defend the topic being discussed all they have left is but Trump.
And you can't bring yourself to condemn anything Trump did. You just want to condemn others when they do the same.
While you refuse to condemn others.
Still you are incapable of condemning the left for something you condemn others for doing. You just can't do it.

I'm not sure what I am suppose to say outside of how I do not support how we are doing things. You want me to rant and rave and call people names?
Apparently you don't, otherwise you would attack Biden for doing it.

I do not support actions that make biological females who were born along norms to be uncomfortable in the rest room, changing rooms or wherever.

While all have feelings, they do also.

This would apply especially in the context now of the topic. Education.

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